7 Simple Steps To Beat Eczema And Be Healthy

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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An essential guideline which contains valuable methods to remove eczema naturally and effectively. Please visit http://psoriasisvseczema.com for more information.


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Chapter 1:You Have Eczema: Now What?

Chapter 2:Eczema: Common Trigger Factors To Avoid

Chapter 3:Dealing With Eczema And Lifestyle Changes

Chapter 4:Easy Ways To Manage Eczema

Chapter 5:How To Care For Your Skin And Avoid Eczema Outbreaks

Chapter 6:Beat Eczema With These Home Remedies

Chapter 7:Parents: What You Need To know About Baby Eczema

Chapter 8:Eczema and Baths: What to Do?

Chapter 9:Having Eczema: Tips for Dealing with the Embarrassment


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Chapter 1:

You Have Eczema: Now What?

Were you recently diagnosed by a physician or do you have all the classic signs

and symptoms of eczema? It is nice to have a name for the skin condition, but

what comes next?

Work on determining your eczema cause. Unfortunately, this can be a long and

difficult process. It is one that is best done through trial and error. Eczema has

many causes. Some individuals experience an outbreak after contact with certain

chemicals, like those found in laundry detergent and makeup. Other experience an

outbreak after skin contact is made with allergens, such as pet dander, dust, and


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One of the best ways to determine your eczema cause is to keep a journal. Log

your daily activities and each outbreak. What were you doing right before? Were

you dusting or vacuuming your home? During this time, dust, mold, and pet

dander can get stirred up, making contact with your skin. If you suspect you found

your trigger factor, you must take steps to avoid it.

Seek immediate relief. As previously stated, stopping eczema at the source can

take time and lots of trial and error. You don’t want to wait days, weeks, or even

months to seek relief; you want it now.

One of the best ways to seek immediate relief from eczema is to moisturize. Dry

skin is the leady cause of itching. You can treat dry skin with moisturizer. The

format, cream or lotion, should depend on your own personal preference. It is best

to apply moisturizer throughout the entire day; however, it is most important

immediately following a shower or bath.

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Antihistamines and anti-itch creams can also prove effective. Anti-itch creams are

topical and should be applied carefully and only to the area you want to treat.

Antihistamines are designed to treat allergies, which can actually be a cause of

eczema. They help stop the itch, as well as clear up rashes and hives.

Seek support if you need it. Getting an eczema diagnosis has its pros and cons.

You now have a name for your condition, but there isn’t an immediate cure.

Dealing with eczema can be a long struggle. If you have difficulties and do not

have a strong support system at home, it is best to seek the support of other eczema

sufferers. You can find many support groups and forums online.

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Chapter 2:

Eczema: Common Trigger Factors to Avoid

Eczema flare-ups are caused by several factors. Until sufferers are able to

determine and avoid their trigger factors, itching and painful rashes will always be

an issue. Luckily, medical professionals have developed a list of common trigger

factors. These factors, a few of which are outlined below, may be the cause of

your uncontrollable scratching.

Eczema Trigger Factor #1 – Skin Irritants

The phrase “skin irritants,” cover a wide range of items. Basically, anything

unnatural that comes in close contact to the skin has the potential to be a skin

irritant. Common examples include laundry detergent, scented lotions, makeup,

perfume, and wool clothes. If you feel the urge to itch not long after putting on

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your clothes or undergoing your daily routine, skin irritants may be your eczema

cause. To determine if so, make the switch. If you itch while wearing wool, opt

for cotton clothes instead. If your hands and face itch after applying makeup, go

without for a few days to look for an improvement. If you suspect your laundry

detergent is to blame, opt for a low or free chemical detergent instead.

If you make the necessary changes and no longer feel the need to itch, you have

not only determined your eczema trigger factor, but learned how to successful

avoid another outbreak.

Eczema Trigger Factor #2 – Food

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to determine if food is the cause of your eczema

outbreaks. Most experts turn to food when no other cause is found. Although any

food in your diet can lead to the uncontrollable urge to itch, there are some

common food trigger factors. Milk, wheat, seafood, eggs, and peanuts are usually

to blame. If you notice an itching outbreak following the consumption of these

foods, begin eliminating them from your diet.

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If you believe a certain food causes your eczema outbreaks, eliminate it from your

diet. This can be difficult if it is a favorite of yours, but think of the long term

benefits. No more uncontrollable itching that leads to open wounds, decreasing the

risk of skin infections.

Eczema Trigger Factor #3 – Allergens

Whether staying indoors or outdoors, air-borne allergens are always present. They

are a common cause of eczema outbreaks. A patient who finds themselves

scratching away at their skin may have just dusted or vacuumed their home. The

itching is due to the skin contact made by the dust. Mold and dander from pets are

other common causes too. If you suspect these cause your eczema flare-ups,

eliminate them as an issue. If dust is the problem, don’t avoid dusting or

vacuuming your home. Instead, wear long clothing and protective gear when

doing so. Overcoming eczema means addressing the causes and working around


The above mentioned eczema trigger factors are some of the most common reasons

for the uncontrollable urge to itch.

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Chapter 3:

Dealing With Eczema And the Lifestyle Changes

If you suffer from eczema, you may have turned to the internet or asked your

doctor about treatment options. There are many ways to treat eczema, but they

aren’t one-time things. To successfully manage and deal with eczema, you must

make important lifestyle changes. As hard as this sound, it is the key to living your

life without constant eczema flare-ups.

What lifestyle changes may need to be made? Honestly, it all depends on what

causes your skin irritation.

A common cause of eczema is certain foods. Many patients experience an

outbreak after eating milk, eggs, wheat, seafood, and peanut butter. Other foods

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can be the cause too. Although the risk of atopic dermatitis is always present, you

can significantly reduce the number of outbreaks and flare-ups you have by

eliminating certain foods. Keep a journal to compare what you eat to when you

have an outbreak. If you believe you found a culprit, work on eliminating these

foods from your diet.

Here is where the lifestyle change comes in.

Eliminating food from your diet? That may be

okay if your trigger factor is seafood. Seafood

tastes great, but isn’t a necessity. On the other

hand, we all consume milks and eggs and on a

regular basis. There are alternatives, but they

taste different and will take some getting used

to. You want to stop eczema outbreaks, but you are also making a lifestyle change.

For that reason, take it slow. If you think milk is the culprit, don’t automatically

eliminate it from your diet if you don’t want. Instead, slowly start replacing it with

the alternatives.

In addition to foods, another cause of eczema flare-ups is exposure to certain

airborne allergens. Some have experienced skin irritation when coming into

contact with dust and pet dander. These too can lead to hard lifestyle changes.

What if your parents have a dog? Of course, you don’t want to avoid seeing them,

but discuss your eczema with them. You can meet outside of their home, avoid

direct contact with their dog, and wear covering clothes when visiting.

Another way to successfully treat eczema is to make the switch to all-natural.

Some individuals experience flare-ups after coming into contact with certain

chemicals, like those found in scented laundry detergents and beauty products.

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Chapter 4:

Easy Ways To Manage Eczema

If you suffer from eczema, you want to seek relief, but

you need to do more. You may search high and low

for the perfect treatment or cure, but come up empty

handed. Although you want to stop eczema at the

source, work on getting relief in the meantime.

Outlined below are a few steps that you can take.

Find the perfect temperature for your home. Some

sufferers have eczema flare-ups caused by the weather

and temperatures. If it is too hot, you may sweat too much, which could lead to an

outbreak. Cold weather can have a similar impact. Since you spend most of your

time inside your home, you should work on achieving the perfect temperature. If

warm temperatures cause an outbreak, keep your home moist and cool. If cold

temperatures are the cause, keep your home’s temperature at a comfortable level.

This may take some trial and error, but you should see relief.

Apply moisturizer throughout the day. In most cases, moisturizer does not cure

eczema, but it does provide the skin with much needed relief. Dry skin can lead to

itching, which can later lead to a painful flare-up. Reduce the risk by always

keeping your skin moisturized. You should apply lotion and cream throughout the

day, but get started in the morning. After a shower or bath, apply lotion or cream

to help lock in the moisture.

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Try using all-natural health and beauty products. Many products come into contact

with our skin, but health and beauty products come in very close contact. After all,

you spray perfume on your body and apply makeup to the skin. This is one of the

leading causes of eczema. If you suspect it may be the cause of yours or to just

promote healthy skincare, opt for all-natural healthy and beauty products instead.

Not only may all-natural health and beauty products stop the itching and the

scratching, you improve the overall health of your skin by opting for all-natural.

Add supplement and skin-healthy foods to your diet. When suffering from

eczema, it is best to not only opt for natural skincare products, but natural

altogether. In some patients, eczema episodes are caused by processed foods.

Adding natural and organic foods to your diet, as well as taking natural

supplements has proven effective for many sufferers. There are many vitamin and

supplements that work. Just a few of them include Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Fish


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Chapter 5:

How to Care for Your Skin and Avoid Eczema Outbreaks

Many eczema patients spend months using trial and error to address their trigger

factors. This is a great way to cure eczema, but there are steps you can take to care

for your skin in the meantime. For some sufferers, a little skin care goes a long

way. How can you get on the path to healthy and eczema-free skin?

Protect Your Body

There are two different ways you can care for

your skin and protect your body. First, wear

clothes that cover your body. If eczema is

confined to your upper-thighs, don’t wear

shorts. Opt for cotton pants or capris instead. Although you may still feel the urge

to itch, direct contact with the skin is impossible, as the skin is covered. This

reduces the risk of open wounds, skin infections, and scars, which are common

with severe eczema.

Secondly, you can protect your body by avoiding unnatural products. For many,

makeup, perfume, and scented laundry detergent are the cause of eczema

outbreaks. Yes, you may have another trigger factor, but start your own trial and

error. Eliminate unnatural beauty products from your daily routine and see if you

notice a decrease in itching. Not only are you practicing healthy skincare, but you

may have also found your trigger factor.

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Moisturize, Moisturize, and Moisturize More

Dry skin is one of the leading causes of eczema. Although a leading cause, it is

often overlooked. To avoid dry skin and the uncontrollable itching associated with

eczema, moisturize your skin throughout the day. Most importantly, apply

moisturizer immediately following a bath or shower. This alone will do wonders

for your skin. Continue to apply moisturizer throughout the day. If you feel the

need to itch or touch your skin, opt for a bottle of lotion or cream instead.

Change Your Diet to Include Skin Healthy Foods

You may be surprised to hear that what you eat impacts your skin’s health. It is

true. Unfortunately, changing your diet can be a double edge sword. Some

eczema sufferers have outbreaks caused by food. When changing your diet, be on

the lookout for additional trigger factors. As for skin healthy foods, fruits protect

the skin cells from long-term damage and aid in the fight against premature aging.

Fatty acids, such as fish and walnuts, are known to lock moisture in cell

membranes, but these same foods are common eczema causes. Although you can

take steps to incorporate skin healthy foods into your diet yourself, consider using

the services of a registered dietitian.

As you can see, it is relatively easy to improve the health of and care for your skin.

You have nothing to lose by implementing these steps. With success, you will find

freedom from the uncontrollable itching that has plagued you.

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Chapter 6:

Beat Eczema With These Home Remedies

Home remedies are treatment options that you can easily perform at home. Often

times, home remedies double as all-natural remedies. Although results are not

guaranteed, many eczema patients have used these popular remedies to seek relief

from the constant outbreak of itchy, irritated skin. If you are interested in seeking

the same relief, please continue reading on for a list of well-known and successful

ways to treat your eczema from home.

Home Remedy #1 - Keep the Body Moisturized

Keeping the body moisturized is a home remedy for eczema that can be broken

down to mini-remedies. When the body and skin is well moisturized, dry skin is a

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thing of the past. This can reduce the need to itch and regular eczema flare-ups.

How can you keep your body well moisturized?

Drink plenty of water. You should start by drinking the daily recommended dose

of water. Overtime, work to slowly increase your water intake. You should notice

an improvement in your skin, as well as overall improvement in health and

wellbeing when doing so.

Take short baths and showers in lukewarm

water. Water is a double edge sword. It

can help to keep the body well-moisturized,

but too much water can lead to dry skin.

To prevent it, immediately use lotions or

creams to lock in the moisture of a bath or

shower. You can continue to apply lotions

and creams throughout the day.

Home Remedy #2 – Oatmeal Paste

Oatmeal is said to have a calming effect on the skin. Regular oatmeal baths can

provide the skin with moisture and itch relief. Also, oatmeal pastes can be mixed

and applied directly to an eczema flare-up patch. You may notice instant relief

from the constant need to itch, pain, and discomfort. Mix small amounts of water

and oatmeal flakes together until a paste-like substance forms.

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Home Remedy #3 – Wet Wraps

Wet wrap therapy is another successful home remedy for eczema. Many sufferers

use this home treatment option immediately following a bath or shower and at

night. After bathing or showering, moisturize the body as normal. Then, take

bandages and soak them in mild warm water. Apply and wrap them around the

impacted area, such as your elbows or knees.

These are just a few of the many, natural ways that you can treat eczema at home.

Since different treatment methods work differently for certain individuals, you may

need to try a number of home and all-natural remedies, before you find eczema

relief. Luckily, you have many choices.

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Chapter 7:

Parents: What You Need To Know About Baby Eczema

Eczema, also commonly referred to as atopic

dermatitis is a skin condition that millions of

Americans deal with. Included in those

numbers could be your new baby. If you are

the parent of a baby who was recently

diagnosed as having eczema, you are likely to

have many questions. Now is the time to get answers.

The Cause

There are many different causes for baby eczema. Eczema can be hereditary,

meaning if someone in your family has it, your child may too. Although eczema is

often compared to allergies, it is slightly different. Certain allergens, including

food and airborne allergens can bring on an eczema outbreak. Another common

cause is the chemicals found in laundry detergents and scented bath soaps.

The Treatment

In adults, there are many ways to treat eczema. There are ways to manage and

treat baby eczema too, but they can be more difficult to implement. If you or a

medical professional believes eczema flare-ups are caused by food, it can be

difficult to change your baby’s diet if he or she is breastfed. Actually, you are the

one who needs to temporarily watch what you eat.

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As stated above, there are many causes for atopic

dermatitis in babies. Two common causes are

reactions to laundry detergents and soaps. These

products can irritate a baby’s skin, since the skin is so

sensitive at a young age. If you suspect these are

causes, make changes. Laundry detergents for babies,

those with low chemicals, or all-natural products are

best. Scented bath products are great because they

leave your baby smelling cute, but not if they irritate

his or her skin. Instead, opt for organic on non-scented products.

You now know some of the most common causes and ways to treat baby eczema,

but now what? There is good news. Atopic dermatitis affects individuals of all

ages, but it is common in the early years of life. Luckily, most children outgrow it

by their teens.

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Chapter 8:

Eczema and Baths: What to Do?

If your doctor recently diagnosed you with having eczema, he or she will discuss

the importance of proper skincare. Two important topics covered will include

moisturizers and bathing. With bathing in particular, all eczema sufferers must

proceed with caution.

Generally, medical professionals advise against prolonged bath and showers. Too

many baths or shower without the proper moisturizer afterwards can lead to dry

skin. Dry skin is an eczema patient’s worst nightmare, as it usually leads to

another outbreak.

Although doctors typically advise against prolonged bath and showers, they do

recommend short ones. In fact, proper bathing is an effective way to treat the

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symptoms of eczema. When you take a bath or shower, your body gets much

needed moisture. The key, however, is to lock that moisture in. That is why the

application of skincare creams and lotions are recommended immediately

following a bath.

When attempting to lock in moisture following a bath, there are a number of steps

you must take. We are so used to drying off after a shower or bath, but you don’t

want to do this. Instead, use a towel to dab your body. Remove any water

droplets, but don’t wipe your entire body dry. Remember, you want to have some

moisture to lock in. After lightly using a towel to dry the skin, apply lotion or


Speaking of lotions and creams, make your choice wisely. Scented lotions are

nice, but they may make your eczema worse. Some of the chemicals found in

scented health and beauty products lead to skin irritation, which is what you want

to avoid. It is best to opt for all-natural health and beauty products instead, or at

least non-scented ones.

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Returning back to your bath or shower, make it short. One shower or bath a day

should be enough to keep your body clean. More are not needed. Since the key is

to keep the skin calm and non-irritated, opt for lukewarm water. Water that is too

hot or cold could lead to an eczema outbreak. Soap helps to keep our body clean,

but it also removes natural oils from the skin. Once again, opt for all-natural

products or use them sparingly, keeping the skin contact short.

Being cautious when taking a bath or a shower will not cure your eczema, but it

can help you manage and treat this common, yet frustrating skin condition.

Chapter 9:

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Having Eczema: Tips for Dealing with the Embarrassment

If you suffer from eczema, you may have a constant, unsightly rash. Those who

suffer from eczema also tend to suffer from embarrassment. While you have

nothing to be embarrassed about, as you have a common skin condition, some

can’t help the feeling. If you are new to dealing with eczema and worried about

the reaction of others, please continue reading on for a few helpful tips.

Dealing with Eczema Embarrassment Tip #1 – Know You Are Not Alone

Although it may seem like you are the only person in the world with eczema, you

are not. In fact, someone you know may suffer from the same condition. It can

occur on all areas of the body, but some are easily covered with clothing. Never

assume you are alone when dealing with atopic dermatitis, as you aren’t. In fact,

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you may be able to find local and online support groups where

you can meet others.

Dealing with Eczema Embarrassment Tip #2 – Don’t Hide

As previously stated, some individuals have eczema outbreaks on

hidden body parts, including the upper thighs. You, on the other

hand, may have bright red patches on your elbows. Does this

mean you should stay inside during the summer or wear long

sleeved shirts? No. Hiding will only make dealing with eczema

harder. Those who enter into seclusion are more susceptible to

depression. Live your life.

Dealing with Eczema Embarrassment Tip #3 – Talk About

Your Condition

If you suffer from severe eczema, your rashes are easily noticed.

In fact, you may even have scars from previous itching episodes.

If these are able to be seen, people will notice. In fact, they may

even whisper or stare. Don’t hide from embarrassment, but use it

as an opportunity to inform others. Although you don’t owe anyone an

explication, you can simply say “I have eczema. It is a common and non-

contagious skin condition.”

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Dealing with Eczema Embarrassment Tip #4 – Focus on Seeking Relief

Eczema causes the uncontrollable urge to itch. By the time you are done, you can

have an open wound that is susceptible to infection. Right now, worrying about

what others think should be the least of your worries. Instead, focus on ways to

seek relief. If you haven’t already, look at home remedies. These include keeping

the skin moisturized and incorporating skin-healthy foods into your diet.