7 steps to achieving any goal

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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People struggle with goal setting. Why do we fail at New Year's Resolutions? Do you have a project you need help getting complete? Or something you have been putting off? In these 7 steps, I hope to not only help you SET goals, but to GET goals as well. Enjoy!


7 Steps to Achieving Any Goal

Be a Goal-Getter, not a Goal-Setter

Most people have goals. But why are some people able to accomplish theirs, while others can’t?

It’s because they know that action drives results.

You Can Accomplish Anything

When you have an idea, no matter how small or large, having a plan will dramatically increase your chance of success.

Think of ANY goal you have right now and apply the following 7 steps to it. Set a 90 day plan to make it happen.

Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals

S Specific – Does it target a specific area for improvement?

M Measurable – What will the measure of success be?

A Attainable – Are you being realistic?

R Relevant – Does it actually apply to your overall vision?

T Time Bound – Is there a deadline?


Pick 3 Processes to Focus on

Once you have set your goal, pick three processes to improve that will move you towards that goal.


S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Process 1 Process 2 Process 3

Select 3 Activities per Process

Most people stop at selecting the process. A crucial step now is to identify activities and tasks to complete.


S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Process 1




Process 2




Process 3




Schedule the Activities

The MOST important step in actually attaining your goals is to schedule each activity in your calendar and track whether you completed the tasks or not. To be 100% effective, you should only have to say YES or NO on the completion of tasks.


Forget the Goal (That’s Right)

When we set goals, the natural habit is to track our progress towards the goal each day. And when we do, we get frustrated, right? We need to give ourselves time for the new habits and activities to happen. Focus on the tasks and make sure you just get things done.


Review, Evaluate, Improve

Once you get to the end of your goal, take some time to reflect on how it went. Also reflect on your own personal journey. How was your mindset? What did you do to maintain momentum? What mistakes can you learn from?


Enjoy the Process

One of the major challenges we face when we set goals is the focus ONLY on results. To be successful long-term, you have to try and find joy in the tasks and work you have to do to achieve your goals. Celebrate the small victories and reward yourself each day you get things done.


Now Go GET Some Goals!

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