7 way to How become successful in affiliate internet marketing...

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HOW become affiliate En,bim,prosperity,magnetic,

New video reveal by bigesst marketer how to get traffic on demand ?

 If you have no product to sell, you can be an Affiliate of Empower Network ($19.95 Monthly fee) and sell Empower Network Products, and Internet Traffic Formula Training is our latest product, that will be open for sale later today...  in about 9 more hours.  

At the bottom of this page, there is a link that says "CONTACT"... that page has a link to our Support Page, and our Knowledge Base.  That is the official EN Support page.  All the questions have been asked (and answered there officially) by EN.  :-)  You can also call our Customer Service Number (there is ALWAYS someone who answers the phone,l during office hours - they all helped me when I was a New Member.  :-)) 

The person who invited you to this page is a Fellow Empower Network Affiliate.  The Affiliate Fee that we pay monthly handles Customer Service, Technical and Billing Support.  So you can contact Customer Support as well, if you have any other questions.  Or if your questions are specific, you can post them here, and I'm sure someone would point you to the right resources.  :-)  

I watched Videos 1, 2 and 3.... and if people would only "open their minds" to absorbing the "insights" that is being shared by Vick and everybody on the videos ... if people would "proactively" listen (and take notes), you will realize that the IDEAS being shared here is something a LOT of people or GURUs charge big bucks for.  And on this page, you have the OPPORTUNITY to learn and "harvest" these IDEAS for FREE.  So LISTEN and TAKE NOTES!  (I just sent a bunch of emails to my lists, so that they can benefit from THESE GREAT IDEAS being shared here for FREE).  

For those who can afford it, they will buy the Internet Traffic Formula tomorrow when the cart opens at 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time / New York USA Time) - if you are outside the U.S., just google "world time converter" so you can know exactly when to purchase the ITF Training.

For those who can not afford it right now,  well, if you want it bad enough, you can come up with the money for sure. :-) 

For those who don't want to buy it, and are cynical or negative about it, then don't buy it, and don't complain here.  Because a WHOLE lot of us are excited to LEARN from this new Training Product.  :-) 

For those who are posting links here, please stop, be ethical.  A whole lot of EN members are marketing this specific page. (Guess where the 3,800+ people listening (upper right hand corner of the screen) here came from?  From the efforts and the application of the knowledge and skills learned at Empower Network Products by the Empower Network Members and Affiliates. 

 "Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom."

The Empower Network Products always provide value for money - the skills and the wisdom I have learned from being here for more than a year is testament to what is possible to a newbie (all of us were ALL once newbies!)  Believe in yourself and what you can do.  Everybody "CAN"... but not everybody "WILL".  Decide to learn new skills.  :-)  Be empowered!  :-)

The Video at the very top of this page was hosted by Dave Wood and Dave Sharpe, Empower Network's Co-Founders.  That was taken down on youtube by EN haters (again) because it spoke of so much truth about this business, and that Video at the top of this page was also about our upcoming Live Event in January 2014 in Miami Florida. 

The Video of Vick (he is one of our Top Affiliates here at EN, who is also a leader here and who has a big team here) that this "mysterious" person "srping" posted here is, I don't really know what the motivation was for posting that here. :-)    

You are on this page right now because of the efforts of a Fellow EN Affiliate who sent you a link to this page.  I would suggest that you get back with that Affiliate, or, if you want to do a bit of research on what our products are?  You can scroll down at the bottom of this page... 

... there is a link that says "Income Disclaimer" ... on your mouse, right click, and then select "open on a new tab" and doing that should lead you to our Main Corporate page... 

... when you are on the Income Disclaimer page... at the TOP of the page, there are buttons that say "Main Page" , "Products" .... feel free and navigate through those buttons... so you can read more about it. 

I typed it out this way so that when or if you decide to join, you will join with that Fellow Affiliate, whose wonderful marketing efforts brought you to this page.  :-)  Good luck & Merry Christmas to you and your family!  :-)      

I have no idea about the issues that you may be having in your BIM Team (because like I said/wrote I am not a member of Vick's team).  I am coming from the standpoint of an EN Member, who promote THIS EN page, and EN business, too.  And for someone like the person above with no picture of himself/herself  to post something like that here about one of our Leaders, I just thought I would ask what the motivation was for posting it. 

Is it meant to say don't join Vick, or don't join EN, or what?  Two BIM members responded.  And I thought an EN Member who is NOT from Vick's team commenting would also be a good addition to how Vick (and a whole lot of other EN Leaders and Members) has personally helped people.  That's where I am coming from and I am not going to be on a back and forth thing here, because I am coming from the standpoint of how Vick has also helped me, indirectly or directly, because of what he teaches about online marketing.  I am grateful for THAT.

If it is a compliance issue that people may have?  The proper channel to resolve that is by contacting compliance empowernetwork . com.   Because if people post that here, on this page, I just questioned the poster's motivation.  I am of the opinion that certain issues are best discussed using the proper channels, me personally, I never discuss problems with anybody who will not help me solve it, but that's just me.  

@srpingI am not with BIM, but I have met Vick during my first event.  My impression of him, after meeting him personally, was very good. (I have no idea if you have personally met him).   I have met him several times during events.  As you know, Vick is one of our Leaders here at Empower Network.  He helps everyone who are IN at Empower Network. I am NOT in his team, but I too have been helped by the online marketing tips that he shares with all EN members.  (We've become friends on FB, he is a REAL person and a good family man and great leader here).

The past does not equal the PRESENT nor our future.  You may have dug up this Video, and felt "important" posting it here to attempt to "discredit" Vick, or discredit our leadership, or discredit EN altogether.  Heck YT already have taken down Dave  & Dave's video above.  It's almost to be expected if one is doing something good, people will hate on you.  (Out of envy maybe?)

But be true to yourself... just ask yourself... WHAT IS YOUR MAIN MOTIVATION for posting that here, really? Presently, I think Vick has the biggest team, has helped his team members grow as well (the amount of money people earn here is just like a scorecard of just how many people you have helped).  So have most of the Big Leaders here who have helped their team members. 

Everyone has their own opinion about Empower Network.  But that IS IT.  It is their opinion.  Nobody is forcing anybody to join Empower Network and they can just google and feast on the negativity posted by competitors or EN haters.    That's THEIR choice.  Or they can read through all the empowering blog posts of members who have been helped by this community.  Their choice.  It is dependent on what they choose to focus on, the positive, or the negative, that's their call.

But you posting THAT video here about Vick's past?  What's YOUR motivation?  Jesus said this, "anybody who has NOT sinned, cast the first stone"... who are you to cast that stone?  Have you not sinned or have you not made NOT ONE mistake in your past?  

We all make mistakes and it is from these mistakes that we LEARN and that we can change FOR THE BETTER.  Whether or not that video was true or not, for me personally, it doesn't matter, BECAUSE I SEE the good and the great leader that Vick has turned out to be, and has become, who knows, maybe because of that?  I don't know.  It doesn't matter to me, because what I see is THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE whose lives have changed in a positive way because of what he has learned and taught all of our members -- to all learn how to help ourselves.  That's what our leadership is all about.  Posting what, Dave Wood for example living in a Van, or maybe posting Dave Sharpe being an alcoholic, or whatever else HATERS could dig up?  It doesn't matter because it IS in the PAST.  NOW is more important. 

Look at all of them NOW, and look at HOW they all have turned their lives around and how they have HELPED countless numbers of lives -- whose lives they have changed FOR THE BETTER.  Scroll down this comment area, one lady HERE, posted she was "planning on taking her life that day" and BECAUSE she saw Dave Wood's video ABOVE, she decided not to. (One life saved, because of the power of an empowering video!  Can't you see the value in that?  I am grateful that she saw that video before YT took it down yesterday!)

We have leaders that can help people.  That have helped people.  That empower people.  Posting that video that you posted here is disempowering.  It is hateful.  All I ask is for YOU to personally ask yourself and ANSWER IT, for your own sake, WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL MOTIVATION for posting that here?  Are you planting bad seeds in people's minds?  Are you planting seeds of doubt, because of one of our leader's past?    

We all make mistakes and it is from these mistakes that we LEARN and that we can change FOR THE BETTER.  Whether or not that video was true or not, for me personally, it doesn't matter, BECAUSE I SEE the good and the great leader that Vick has turned out to be, and has become, who knows, maybe because of that?  I don't know.  It doesn't matter to me, because what I see is THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE whose lives have changed in a positive way because of what he has learned and taught all of our members -- to all learn how to help ourselves.  That's what our leadership is all about.  Posting what, Dave Wood for example living in a Van, or maybe posting Dave Sharpe being an alcoholic, or whatever else HATERS could dig up?  It doesn't matter because it IS in the PAST.  NOW is more important. 

Look at all of them NOW, and look at HOW they all have turned their lives around and how they have HELPED countless numbers of lives -- whose lives they have changed FOR THE BETTER.  Scroll down this comment area, one lady HERE, posted she was "planning on taking her life that day" and BECAUSE she saw Dave Wood's video ABOVE, she decided not to. (One life saved, because of the power of an empowering video!  Can't you see the value in that?  I am grateful that she saw that video before YT took it down yesterday!)

We have leaders that can help people.  That have helped people.  That empower people.  Posting that video that you posted here is disempowering.  It is hateful.  All I ask is for YOU to personally ask yourself and ANSWER IT, for your own sake, WHAT IS YOUR PERSONAL MOTIVATION for posting that here?  Are you planting bad seeds in people's minds?  Are you planting seeds of doubt, because of one of our leader's past?    

For those with the gift of "discernment" - it doesn't matter.  People can change for the better, and people can change for the worse.  That video that you posted here of Vick's past?  It doesn't matter to those who can discern.  It is just testament as to HOW A PERSON CAN CHANGE for the BETTER.  (Oh and just so you know, we also have one leader at Empower Network who also experienced some "jail time" and he has also turned his life around and helps people, too!  It's all about self reliance and personal responsibility, starting today, NOW and going forward, and being THE change that you want to see in the world.   God bless you and your family.    Peace on earth! :-)

When you know what you want?  90% of getting what you want is about knowing what it is you have to give up in order to get it.  The cost to start is $25, you can test drive it and see the value inside.  This Online Business of course requires work, because it is STILL a business. :-)

On your Mouse, If you "Right-click" the Green "Join" button above, and select "Open in New Tab'?  The Join Page will open... and just fill out that form, and you will find there an area for "Country"... Bosnia and Herzegovina is in there, so you can do this from where you are.    (And you can also invite others from other countries.  As of December 2013, we have crossed over 200,000 members worldwide.  :-)  

Confessions From The Dave&dave

http://youtu.be/im2uFroMD_s REAL PEOPLE <REAL LEADER value you provide http://youtu.be/SQT4o1C25Hs your PASSION, PURPOSE, and

TRANSFORMATION company http://youtu.be/OvcUc0qKt0k How give value To Earn 'High Ticket'

Commissions and Multiply Your Sales By Ten Times.

http://youtu.be/0_LD676xD1g New Product Launch on How To Get High

Ticket Commissions http://youtu.be/XECZ9D1z_Ns Miami Freedom Event 2014 For Internet

Marketers and members

http://youtu.be/VkT_q8s2eGYhttp://youtu.be/_UfRGITEVuwDavid Wood Coming To Stage On a Wheel Chair lol