7 winnings steps to consulting - presented at Reckon Group Conference

Post on 14-Nov-2014

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This presentation was delivered by Clayton Oates at Reckon Group Conference 2014 at the Hilton in Sydney from 21-23 August. Find out more at www.qabusiness.com.au


7 Steps to Building a Winning Consulting


Clayton OatesChief Solutions Officer

QA Business


There is Tide in the course of Human Events, Which when taken at the Flood –

Leads on Fortune ……

However if Omitted (missed), then our lives are bound in shallows and in

miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current

(opportunities), Or lose our future.

Brutus (Julius Caesar Act 4 Scene 3, 218 - 224 - paraphrased a bit)

#1Know Your WHYHOW !

People that know HOW work for people who know WHY !


“Its always darkest before the dawn”


#2Learn & Earn

“You will never out earn me – unless you first out learn me!”

Brad Sugars


“10,000 Hours Rule”Malcolm Gladwell


“Disruptive Innovation”Clayton Christensen


“Lean Startup”Eric Ries


“Change is not merely necessary to life – It is life”

Alvin Toffler


#3Be Curious

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help

enough other people get what they want!”

Zig Ziglar


The “Johari Window”

#4 Specialisation……..

Definition of an Accountant

“Someone who knows a little about a lot of things!”

I think anAccountant said that


..….With Diversification

#5Build your Network

Your Database is your Business


#6Understand and Apply Leverage

“What if you invest in training staff and they leave……”

“What if you Don’t train them and they stay……

Tom O’Toole


Actual Rate Vs Effective Rate (Know the difference)


#7Get Off IT and Get ON With IT

“To Know and Not to Do – Is Not to Know !”

No Idea Who Said that but it’s a ripper saying


#8Some Bonus


“Move your Cheese before someone else does”

Made up by some blokewho is an Each Day Appreciator

– You are looking at him


Thank You

Remember“Your Future is as BIG as you

See I.T.”

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