7 Wonders of the World

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Key Words

- Remains: Restos, vestigios.- Wonders: Maravillas.- Damage: Daños.- Built: Construída- Designed: Diseñado.- Centuries: Siglos.- Spectators: Espectadores, público.- Mountain ridge: Cadena montañosa.- Mausoleum: Mausoleo, tumba.- Marble: Mármol.- Bury: Sepultar.


Chichen Itza. Yucatan, Mexico

Chichen Itza.

Chichen Itza, found in Yucatan, Mexico, is a large archeological site that represents what remains of one of the main focal points of the Mayan civilization. The site is consist of dozens of stone buildings, many of which were beautifully restored. Chichen Itza is considered one of the 7 wonders of the world.

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Christ the Redeemer. Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

Christ the Redeemer

The Christ the Redeemer statue found in Rio de Janiero, Brazil, is considered an important symbol of Christianity. The statue is located in Tijuca Forest National Park and stands over Corcovado Mountain. The Christ the Redeemer statue stands over 38 metres high and is considered the tallest statue representation of this image in the world.

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The Coliseum

The emperor known as Vespasian began construction around 70 AD and it was not completed until 80 AD, when Titus was ruler. Originally designed to hold over 80,000 spectators, the Coliseum was the site of several gladiator contests, executions and theatrical performances. Despite having suffered severe damage from earthquakes and weather, the Coliseum is still one of the most visited tourist attractions in all of Rome.

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The Great Wall of China. China

The Great Wall of China

The original Great Wall of China was originally built to protect the borders of China from attacks throughout the years between the 5th century BC and the current 16th century. Believe it or not, there was more than one “Great Wall of China,” each built in a different area and by a different emperor. The Great Wall was built over the course of centuries and is over 4,000 miles long. It begins in Shanhaiguan and ends in Lop Nur.

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Machu Picchu. Urubamba, Perú.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu, also known as “The Lost City of the Incas,” rests on a mountain ridge in the Urubamba Valley over 8,000 feet above sea level. The city was originally built back in the year 1.460 and was considered one of the main symbols of the Inca Empire. It was abandoned during the Spanish conquest and legend says the land was forgotten until 1911 when it was rediscovered by an American historian known as Hiram Bingham. The site is now one of the most visited tourist attractions in Peru.

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Petra. Jordan


On the slopes of Mount Hor in the Arabah section of Jordan you will find Petra. The site is considered one of the most spectacular architectural attractions in the world, with each building cut directly into the mountain wall. Both the interior and exterior artwork is surprising. The site wasn’t discovered until 1812. It was built as a mausoleum where the Mughal Emperor known as Shah Jahan was to bury his wife Mumtaz Mahal.

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The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1632 and was not completed until 1653, 21 years later. The buildings architecture draws from not only Mughal styles but also Ottoman, Islamic, Persian, and more. Visitors from around the world flock to Agra to see the domed marble ceiling and spectacular artistic quality.

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1. Which of these wonders is your favourite?

2. Which of these wonders would you like to visit the most?


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