72068820R0000J 12/13/2019 at 17:00 GMT · 2019-11-13 · SOLICITATION No.: 72068820R00001 ISSUANCE...

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SOLICITATION No.: 72068820R00001

ISSUANCE DATE: 11/14/2019

CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 12/13/2019 at 17:00 GMT

SUBJECT: Solicitation (72068820R00001) for U.S Personal Services Contract (USPSC)­Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Advisor

Dear Prospective Applicants:

The United States Government, represented by the United States Agency for International Development Mali, is seeking applications from qualified individuals interested in providing Personal Services Contractor (PSC) services as described in this solicitation.

Applicants must be in accordance with Attachment 1 of this solicitation.

Incomplete or unsigned applications will not be considered. Applicants should retain copies of all offer materials for their records.

This solicitation in no way obligates USAID/Mali to award a PSC contract, nor does it commit USAID/Mali to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of the offer.

Any questions must be directed in writing to the Point of Contact specified in the attached information.

Sincerely, \

~PS~~ Robert Schmidt, Supervisory Contracting Officer

U.S Agency for International Development s/c U.S Embassy ACI 2000, Rue 243 Porte 297 B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

Tel: (223} 2070-23-00 Fax: (223) 2022-39-33 http:llmali.usaid.gov




1. SOLICITATION NUMBER: 72068820R00001

2. ISSUANCE DATE: 11/ 14/2019

3. CLOSING DATE AND TIME: 12/13/2019 at 17:00 GMT


4. POINT OF CONTACTS: Aba Diallo, email at bamakoaidmalipsc@usaid.gov

5. POSITION TITLE: Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Advisor

6. MARKET VALUE: $90,621 - $117,810 equivalent to GS-14 Final compensation will be negotiated within the listed market value (GS-14 grade range). Candidate's work experience and educational background would be considered. Salaries over and above the top of the pay range will not be entertained or negotiated

7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Immediate upon receipt of Security/Medical clearances. This is a temporary position of two years.

8. PLACE OF PERFORMANCE: Bamako, Mali (with possible travel as stated in the Statement of Duties). Mali is considered by the US Government as a high-threat post, with a 25% danger pay sa/a,y supplement and is a non-dependent (under 21 years) post.


10. SECURITY LEVEL REQUIRED: "Secret" as a pre-condition for employment.



Located in USAID/Mali's Program Office, the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)/Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation Advisor will serve as the senior subject matter expert on performance

management and evaluation; and will support and build the capacity of the Mission's CCN M&E

Specialist in the area. The incumbent will support the mission's health; agriculture and economic growth; peace, democracy and governance; and education teams in the successful implementation

of their activities, by ensuring projects adhere to M&E and collaboration guidelines laid out in the ADS 201. The M&E Advisor will review and approve evaluation statements of work; review and analyze project quarterly reports; provide M&E input in project design and develop/regularly update the mission Performance Management Plans (PMPs) to provide adequate oversight for USAID projects. In addition, the M&E advisor will be responsible for guiding the mission through M&E focused components of future mission strategy (CDCS) development. Working under the supervision of Supervisory Program Officer, the incumbent is expected to perform duties with

minimal supervision. This is a temporary position of two (2) years.

U.S. Agency for International Development ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20-22-39-33



1. Mission Strategy, Project and Activity Design (30%):

Working closely with the FSN M&E Specialist, the Senior M&E Advisor will be responsible for the following:

• Serve as a core member of the CDCS development team, advising on M&E related aspects of the strategy and ensuring compliance of all M&E related requirements of the strategy development.

• Lead the mission in the development of a mission-wide Performance Management Plan linked to the CDCS.

• Assist technical teams to develop Monitoring and Evaluation Plans (MEL Plans) during the design phases of their projects.

• Assist technical teams to create logical frameworks for their projects and help them think through how they will monitor the relevant indicators during implementation.

• Advise techn ical teams on the creation of Annual Work Plans and Performance Management Plans for their projects; and help AO Rs and CORs ensure these plans monitor projects effectively.

• Ensure the Mission is aware of the Host Country evaluation policy and make sure USAID responds to local Government's evaluation and data needs

2. Performance Monitoring (50% ):

Working closely with the CCN M&E Specialist, the Senior M&E Advisor will be responsible for the fol lowing:

• Reviewing quarterly and annual performance reports from implementing partners to ensure quality and usefulness.

• Regularly analyzing performance data and provid ing updates to the mission on the general performance of activities.

• Maintaining the Mission's Performance Management Plan (PMP) and the developing and maintaining an internal indicator tracking system.

• Conducting all necessary steps to ensure data quality, including the management of Data Quality Assessments, and its timely submissions

• Maintaining all Performance Indicator Reference Sheets and participating in regular reporting requirements managed by the Program Office, including Portfolio Reviews, the Performance Plan and Report, the Operational Plan, and others. Such responsibilities include ensuring that indicator data and narratives submitted by USAID/Mali are of the highest quality.

• Maintaining a mission-wide s ite visit calendar and participating in site visits for performance monitoring purposes.

• In support ofrobust performance management of USAID/Mali activities, assist technical teams to review and analyze performance data on a regular basis and incorporate recommendations into ongoing activity implementation.

3. Performance and Impact Evaluations for Continuous Learning (20% ) :

U.S. Agency for International Development

ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20·22-39·33


Working closely with the CCN M&E Specialist, the Senior M&E Advisor, will be responsible for the following:

• Developing and managing a mission-wide learning agenda to guide USAID/Mali to study the impact of and improve its programs.

• The implementation of all USAID/Mali evaluations. This includes baseline studies, mid­term and end of activity performance evaluations, all-of-project evaluations, evaluations of innovative development interventions, and impact evaluations, as per the USAID Evaluation Policy.

• Ensuring that all Mission evaluations are properly planned and carried out in a high quality fashion. This include: 1) management of evaluation projects, 2) design and review of scopes of work, 3) vetting of consultants, 4) participation in field trips with evaluation teams as a team member and USAID/Mali representative; 5) ensuring compliance with all USAID evaluation requirements.

• Disseminating evaluation conclusions and recommendations to stakeholders and advising technical teams on how to incorporate learning and recommendations on ongoing activities.

• Updating and maintaining all USAID/Mali evaluation files.


• Supervisory Controls: The incumbent works with a great deal of independence and carries out major assignment on his/her own initiatives. The incumbent reports directly to the Supervisory Program Officer.

• Supervision Exercised: Supervise the CCN Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist. • Nature, Level, and Purpose of Contacts: Contacts will be maintained in person, by phone,

or by written or electronic communication with Mission staff and relevant senior

government officials, private-sector representatives, and staff of other foreign donor institutions.

• Work Environment & Travel: The primary place of work is USA ID/Mali located on the U.S. Embassy compound in Bamako. The incumbent may be required to travel within Mali to meet the responsibilities of the position.

12. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: The work requested does not involve undue physical demands. The incumbent attend numerous internal and external meetings and carry out health program/project field visits.


Applicants meeting the required qualifications for the position will be evaluated based on information presented in the application and obtained through reference checks. USAID/Mali reserves the right to conduct interviews with the most highly ranked applicants and make the interview a deciding factor in selection:

I) U.S. citizenship. 2) A Master's degree is required.

3) Minimum of seven years of progressive and responsible experience in monitoring and evaluation and project design required. Experience in data collection and analysis, evaluation design, and performance indication selection is also required.

4) Advanced knowledge of USAID programming in Mali and/or similar countries in the region is required. A good knowledge of USAID ADS 201 and other relevant programming policies, regulations and procedures is necessary.

U.S. Agency for International Development ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20-22-39-33


5) Strong organizational and writing skills and ability to plan and provide detailed reports and analyses to support USAID/Mali in a timely and effective manner. Good analytical, negotiating, and time management skills, with strong proofreading skills and attention to detail are required. Solid computer skills in basic office software applications are also essential, as is the ability to work independently and as a team member, in carrying out the duties described above

6) Level IV (fluent) oral and written English and French is required.


The Government may award a contract without discussions with offerors in accordance with FAR 52.2 15-1. The CO reserves the right at any point in the evaluation process to establish a competitive range of offerors with whom negotiations will be conducted pursuant to FAR I 5.306(c). In accordance with FAR 52.2 15-1, if the CO determines that the number of offers that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the CO may limit the number of offerors in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated offers. FAR provisions of this solicitation are available at https://www.acquisition.gov/browse/index/ far.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted, and requested to provide educational documents such as degrees, diplomas, certificates and other pertinent documents as needed. Failure to provide the required documentation will result in the rejection of their application from further consideration.

Candidates will be evaluated and ranked based on the following selection criteria:

a. Education (5%): A Master's degree is required b. Prior Work Experience (40%): Minimum of seven years of progressive and responsible

experience in monitoring and evaluation and project design required. Experience in data collection and analysis, evaluation design, and performance indication selection is also required.

c. Job Knowledge (25%): Advanced knowledge of USAID programming in Mali and/or similar countries in the region is required. A good knowledge ofUSAID ADS 201 and other relevant programming policies, regulations and procedures is necessary.

d. Skills and Abilities (20% ): Strong organizational and writing skills and ability to plan and provide detailed reports and analyses to support USAJD/Mali in a timely and effective manner. Good analytical, negotiating, and time management skills, with strong proofreading skills and attention to detail are required. Solid computer skills in basic office software applications are also essential, as is the ability to work independently and as a team member, in carrying out the duties described above.

e. Language Proficiency (10%): Level IV (fluent) oral and written English and French is required.

Maximum Points Available: 100


Interested applicants must submit:

1. Her/his resume or most current curriculum vitae (CV) - The CV /resume must contain sufficient relevant information to evaluate the application in accordance with the stated evaluation criteria; Written statements that addresses how the applicant meets the required qualifications; any other documents (certificates, degrees, diplomas, etc.).

U.S. Agency for International Development ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mall

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20-22-39-33


2. Eligible offerors are required to complete and submit the offer form AID 309-2, "Offeror Information for Personal Services Contracts with Individuals," available at http://www.usaid.gov/forms.

3. Applications must be received by the closing date and time specified in this solicitation to USAID/Mal i PSC applications mail Box at bamakoaidmalipsc@ usaid.gov

4. Offeror submissions must clearly reference the number of this Solicitation to ensure the offer is for the position in this Solicitation.

5. Three (3) professional references, who are not family members or relatives, with working telephone and email contacts.

USAID/Mali reserves the right to obtain from previous employers relevant information concerning the applicant's past performance and may consider such information in its final decision.

The U.S. Agency Forms (available at Federal Offices or at the USAID/State websites) https://www.usaid.gov/forms or www.fedforms.gov or http://fillform.gsa.gov)

V. LIST OF REQUIRED FORMS Once the CO informs the successfu l Offeror about being selected for a contract award, the CO will provide the Offeror instructions about how to complete and submit the following forms:

(a) Security Clearance Investigation (Form AID 6-1) (b) Medical History and Examination (Forms DS-6561) (c) Questionnaire for Sensitive Positions for National Security (SF-86), or ( d) Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Positions (SF-85) (e) Finger print Card (FD-258) (e) Employment Eligibility Verification form (l-9)


As a matter of policy, and as appropriate, a PSC is normally authorized the following benefits and allowances:

1. BENEFITS (if applicable)

(a) Employer 's FICA & MEDICARE* (b) Contribution toward Health & Life Insurance (c) Pay Comparability Adjustment (d) Annual Increase (pending a satisfactory performance evaluation) (e) Eligibility for Worker's Compensation (t) Annual & Sick Leave

2. ALLOWANCES (if applicable or when Eligibility Requirements are met)

(a) Temporary Lodging Allowance (Section 120) (b) Living Quarters Allowance (Section 130) (c) Cost of Living Allowance (Chapter 210) ( d) Post Allowance (Section 220) (e) Separate Maintenance Allowance (Section 260) (g) Education Allowance (Section 270)

U.S. Agency for International Development ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20-22-39-33


(h) Education Travel (Section 280) (i) Post Differential (Chapter 500) (j) Payments during Evaluation/Authorized/Ordered Departure (Section 600) (k) Danger Pay Allowance (section 650)

Note: * Standardized Regulations (Government Civilian Foreign Areas) based on the type of appointment and Mission Policy.


USPSCs are required to pay Federal income taxes, FICA, Medicare and applicable State Income taxes.


USAlD regulations and policies governing USPSC awards are available at these sources:

1. USAID Acquisition Regulation (AIDAR), Appendix D, "Direct USAID Contracts with a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. Resident Alien for Personal Services Abroad," including contract clause "General Provisions," at https://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1868/aidar 0.pdf

2. Contract Cover Page form AID 309-1 available at https://www.usaid .gov/forms 3. Acquisition and Assistance Policy Directives/Contract Information Bulletins (AAPDs/CIBs) for

Personal Services Contracts with Individuals at http://www.usaid.gov/work-usaid/aapds-cibs 4. AAPD 06-10 - PSC MEDICAL PAYMENT RESPONSIBILITY 5. AAPD 15-02 - Authorization of Family and Medical Leave for U.S. Personal Services

Contractors (USPSCs) AAPD 6. AAPD 18-02 - Medical Evacuation (MED EV AC) Services AAPD 7. Ethical Conduct. By the acceptance of a USAID personal services contract as an individual, the

contractor will be acknowledging receipt of the "Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch," from the U.S. Office of Government Ethics, in accordance with General Provision 2 and 5 CFR 2635. See https://www.oge.gov/web/oge.nsf/OGE%20Regulations


USAJD is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer and provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people. All qualified offerors will be considered regardless of age, race, color, sex, creed, national origin, lawful political affiliation, non-disqualifying disability, marital status, sexual orientation, affiliation with an employee organization, or other non-merit factor.

U.S. Agency for International Development ACI 2000, Rue 243, Porte 297

B.P. 34 Bamako, Mali

~End of Solicitation~

Tel: (223) 20-70-23-00

Fax: (223) 20-22-39-33
