76564483 Succession Reviewer Case Digests

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  • 8/11/2019 76564483 Succession Reviewer Case Digests


    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    WILLS & SUCCESSION Case DigestsBased on the syllabus of Atty. Lielanie Yangyang

    Ese!o" C#A

    Su$$ession in %eneal

    'A(I'E) *s. 'A(I'E)111 SCRA 82

    +AC,S- Jose Ramirez a Filipino, died in Spain leavingonly his widow Marcelle Ramirez, a French.

    n !he pro"ec! par!i!ion, !he proper!y was divided in!o 2par!s# 1s! par! !o !he widow, and 2nd par! !o !hegrandnephews !he na$ed ownership. F%r!hermore, as !o!he %s%&r%c! o& !he 2ndpar!, 1'( was given !o !he widowand 2'( !o )anda de )ro*les$i, an A%s!rian. +he grandnephews opposed on !he gro%nd !ha! %s%&r%c!!o )anda is void *eca%se i! viola!es !he cons!i!%!ionalprohi*i!ion agains! !he ac%isi!ion o& lands *y aliens.

    ISSUE-)- !he gro%nd &or !he opposi!ion is correc!.

    ELD-o, i! is no! correc!. +he SC held !ha! the Constitutional o*ision /hi$henables aliens to a$0uie i*ate lands does note1tend to testa2entay su$$ession &or o!herwise !heprohi*i!ion will *e &or na%gh! and meaningless. +he SC %pheld !he %s%&r%c! in &avor o& )anda *eca%seal!ho%gh i! is a real righ!, i! does no! ves! !i!le !o !he land in!he %s%&r%c!%ary and i! is !he ves!ing o& !i!le !o land in&avor o& aliens which is proscri*ed *y !he Cons!i!%!ion.

    A',ICLE 345. /ona!ions which are !o !a$e e&&ec! %pon!he dea!h o& !he donor par!a$e o& !he na!%re o&!es!amen!ary provisions, and shall *e governed *y !her%les es!a*lished in !he +i!le on S%ccession. 023

    6U,IC *s. CAA%g%s! 24, 1584

    +AC,S- Arsenio Seville e6ec%!ed an a&&idavi! in &avor o&his *ro!her Mel%iades. ! was s!ip%la!ed !herein !ha! incase !he &ormer dies, he wo%ld assign all his righ!s,in!eres! and par!icipa!ion over all his proper!y !oMel%iades. Arsenio died in!es!a!e and s%rvived *y Mel%iades, 2*ro!hers and 2 sis!ers. 7e!i!ioners, children o& Arsenio, are now claiminge6cl%sive ownership o& !he proper!ies o& Arsenio on !he*asis o& !he a&&idavi!. 7riva!e responden!s &iled acomplain! &or par!i!ion and acco%n!ing as rela!ives also o&


    ISSUE# )- !he a&&idavi! was a deed o& dona!ion in!ervivos in order !o validly convey !he proper!y !oMel%iades.

    ELD# o, i! is no! an ins!r%men! o& dona!ion in!er vivos. +here was no in!en!ion !o !rans&er ownership &rom

    Arsenio !o Mel%iades a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !hea&&idavi!. %! i! is !he in!en!ion !o assign i! in case Arseniowo%ld die. +h%s, Ati$le 345 of the Ci*il Code isali$able.

    %ANUELAS *s. CAWEDApril 29, 2(

    +AC,S- Celes!ina :an%elas e6ec%!ed a deed o&dona!ion o& real proper!y in &avor o& her niece ;rs%linawhich provides !ha! i! wo%ld !a$e e&&ec! %pon her dea!h.es, i! is a dona!ion mor!is ca%sa +here is no!hing in !he s%*"ec! deed which indica!es !ha!any righ!, !i!le or in!eres! in !he dona!ed proper!ies was !o *e!rans&erred !o ;rs%lina prior !o !he dea!h o& Celes!ina. n &ac!,

    i! was s!ip%la!ed !ha! i! wo%ld !a$e e&&ec! a&!er her dea!h. As the sub!e$t deed /as in the natue of a 2otis$ausa disosition" the fo2alities of a /ill should ha*ebeen $o2lied /ith, &ailing which !he dona!ion is void andwi!ho%! e&&ec!.

    (A%LASAN% *s. CABA,IN%ANJ%ne ?, 22

    +AC,S- Conchi!a Ca*a!ingan e6ec%!ed deed o& dona!ionover a ho%se and lo! in &avor o& his *ro!her. Also, shee6ec%!ed 9 o!her deeds o& dona!ion in &avor o& !he pe!i!ioners.+he deeds provided !ha! i! shall !a$e e&&ec! %pon !he donor=sdea!h. Conchi!a died. Responden!s &iled an ac!ion !o ann%l !he 9deeds on !he gro%nd !ha! i! is void &or &ail%re !o comply wi!h!he &ormali!ies o& a will.

    ISSUE-)- !he deed is a dona!ion mor!is ca%sa.

    ELD->es, i! is. +he na!%re o& !he dona!ions as mor!is ca%sa is con&irmed*y !he &ac! !ha! !he dona!ions do no! con!ain any clearprovision !ha! in!ends !o pass proprie!ary righ!s !o pe!i!ionersprior !o Conchi!a=s dea!h. Donations 2otis $ausa 2ust be e1e$uted ina$$odan$e /ith the e0uisites on sole2nities of /illsand testa2ents. +ho%gh !he deeds were ac$nowledge *e&ore a no!ary

    p%*lic, !hey were no! e6ec%!ed in !he manner provided &or%nder Ar!icle 8?@8 o& !he Civil Code, !h%s i! is void.

    ,I,LE I7Su$$ession

    CA#,E' 8%eneal #o*isions

    A',ICLE 339. Su$$ession is a mode o& ac%isi!ion *yvir!%e o& which !he proper!y, righ!s and o*liga!ions !o !hee6!en! o& !he val%e o& !he inheri!ance, o& a person are!ransmi!!ed !hro%gh his dea!h !o ano!her or o!hers ei!her *yhis will or *y opera!ion o& law. 0n3

    A',ICLE 33:. n !his +i!le, de$edent is !he general !ermapplied !o !he person whose proper!y is !ransmi!!ed !hro%ghs%ccession, whe!her or no! he le&! a will. & he le&! a will, he isalso called !he !es!a!or. 0n3

    A',ICLE 33;. +he inheri!ance incl%des all !he proper!y,righ!s and o*liga!ions o& a person which are no! e6!ing%ished*y his dea!h. 0?53

    CONDE *s. ABAYA1( 7

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    ELD-o, she canno!. Ar!icle 44 o& !he Civil Code applies. +he righ! o& ac!ion!ha! devolves %pon !he child !o claim his legi!imacy las!sd%ring his whole li&e, while !he righ! !o claimac$nowledgmen! o& a na!%ral child las!s only d%ring !heli&e o& his pres%med paren!s. +he ight of a$tion /hi$hthe la/ $on$edes to this natual $hild is nottans2itted to his des$endants o as$endants. Since !he pres%med paren!s as well as !he na!%ralchildren are already dead, !he mo!her o& !ha! na!%ral

    children can no longer *ring an ac!ion &orac$nowledgmen!.

    LA U NIU *s. COLLEC,O'( 7

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    Roman concep! o& a rela!ion &rom person !o person, !heo*liga!ion has evolved in!o a rela!ion &rom pa!rimony !opa!rimony, wi!h !he persons occ%pying only arepresen!a!ive posi!ion, *arring !hose rare cases where!he o*liga!ion is s!ric!ly personal, in considera!ion o& i!sper&ormance *y a speci&ic person and *y no o!her. . . . 7e!i!ioners *eing !he heirs o& !he la!e Rosendo Alvarez,!hey canno! escape !he legal conse%ences o& !heir&a!herEs !ransac!ion, which gave rise !o !he presen! claim&or damages.

    #A(#LONA *s. (O'E,O5 SCRA 44?

    +AC,S- Flaviano More!o and Monica Maniega wereh%s*and and wi&e wi!h children. /%ring !heir marriage,!hey ac%ired ad"acen! lo!s os. 195?, 9?9?, and 195. Monica Maniega died in!es!a!e. more !han 03 yearsa&!er, Flaviano More!o, wi!ho%! !he consen! o& !he heirs o&his said deceased wi&e, and *e&ore any li%ida!ion o& !hecon"%gal par!nership, e6ec%!ed in &avor o& :eminiano7amplona, !he deed o& a*sol%!e sale covering lo! o.195? &or 75.. +he spo%ses :eminiano 7amplona and Apolonia -n!econs!r%c!ed !heir ho%se on !he eas!ern par! o& lo! 195 asFlaviano More!o, a! !he !ime o& !he sale, poin!ed !o i! as!he land which he sold !o :eminiano 7amplona.

    Flaviano More!o died in!es!a!e. n 151, !he plain!i&&sdemanded on !he de&endan!s !o vaca!e !he premises on!he gro%nd !ha! Flaviano More!o had no righ! !o sell !he lo!which he sold !o :eminiano 7amplona as !he same*elongs !o !he con"%gal par!nership o& Flaviano and hisdeceased wi&e.

    +he spo%ses 7amplona re&%sed !o vaca!e hence, !hiss%i! was ins!i!%!ed see$ing &or !he declara!ion o& !he n%lli!yo& !he deed o& sale as regards one@hal& o& !he proper!ys%*"ec! ma!!er o& said deed.

    ISSUE- )he!her pe!i!ioners are en!i!led !o !he &%ll

    ownership o& !he proper!y in li!iga!ion, or only one@hal& o&!he same.

    'ULIN%- +he !hree lo!s have a !o!al area o& 2,(9 s.me!ers. ! is !here&ore, clear !ha! !he !hree lo!s cons!i!%!eone *ig land. +hey are no! separa!e proper!ies loca!ed indi&&eren! places *%! !hey a*%! each o!her. And sinceFlaviano More!o was en!i!led !o one@hal& pro@indiviso o&!he en!ire land area or 1,14( s. me!ers as his share, hehad a per&ec! legal and law&%l righ! !o dispose o& 481 s.me!ers o& his share !o !he 7amplona spo%ses. Moreover, priva!e responden!s, as heirs are d%!y@*o%nd !o comply wi!h !he provisions o& Ar!icles 19?8 and195?, Civil Code, which is !he o*liga!ion o& !he vendor o&!he proper!y o& delivering and !rans&erring !he ownership

    o& !he whole proper!y sold, which is !ransmi!!ed on hisdea!h !o his heirs, !he herein priva!e responden!s.

    ;nder Ar!icle 44, ew Civil Code, the inheitan$e/hi$h i*ate esondents e$ei*ed fo2 theide$eased aents and?o ede$essos>in>inteestin$luded all the oety ights and obligations /hi$h/ee not e1tinguished by thei aents@ death.

    LEDES(A *s. (CLACLIN 7

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  • 8/11/2019 76564483 Succession Reviewer Case Digests


    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    the ights to the su$$ession ae tans2itted fo2 the2o2ent of death of the de$edent, and &rom !hen on,!he heir *ecomes !he a*sol%!e owner o& !he deceden!Esproper!y, s%*"ec! !o !he righ!s and o*liga!ions o& !hedeceden! and he canno! *e deprived o& s%ch righ! e6cep!*y me!hods provided &or *y law. For wha! is decisive is no! !he !o!al val%e o& !he es!a!e o&!he deceden!, *%! !he val%e o& !he individ%al share o& eacho& !he minor heirs &or whom a g%ardian is so%gh! !o *eappoin!ed individ%ally no! collec!ively.


    +AC,S- -n March (1, 154? For!%na!a arcena, mo!hero& minors Rosalio and Salvacion and wi&e o& 7oncianoonilla, ins!i!%!ed a civil ac!ion, !o %ie! !i!le over cer!ainparcels o& land loca!ed in A*ra.

    -n A%g%s! 9, 154?, !he de&endan!s &iled a mo!ion !odismiss on !he gro%nd !ha! For!%na!a arcena is deadand, !here&ore, has no legal capaci!y !o s%e. Said mo!ion!o dismiss was heard on A%g%s! 19, 154?. n said hearing,co%nsel &or !he plain!i&& con&irmed !he dea!h o& For!%na!aarcena, and as$ed &or s%*s!i!%!ion *y her minor childrenand her h%s*and, !he pe!i!ioners hereinD *%! !he co%r!a&!er !he hearing immedia!ely dismissed !he case on !hegro%nd !ha! a dead person canno! *e a real par!y inin!eres! and has no legal personali!y !o s%e.

    ISSUE- )he!her or no! a dead person can *e a real par!yin in!eres! and has legal personali!y !o s%e

    'ULIN%- )hile i! is !r%e !ha! a person who is deadcanno! s%e in co%r!, ye! he can *e s%*s!i!%!ed *y his heirsin p%rs%ing !he case %p !o i!s comple!ion. +he records o&!his case show !ha! !he dea!h o& For!%na!a arcena !oo$place on J%ly 5, 154? while !he complain! was &iled onMarch (1, 154?. +his means !ha! when !he complain! was&iled on March (1, 154?, For!%na!a arcena was s!ill alive,and !here&ore, !he co%r! had ac%ired "%risdic!ion over her

    person.Ar!icle 444 o& !he Civil Code provides !ha! !he righ!s !o!he s%ccession are !ransmi!!ed &rom !he momen! o& !hedea!h o& !he deceden!.+o2 the 2o2ent of the deathof the de$edent" the heis be$o2e the absoluteo/nes of his oety" sub!e$t to the ights andobligations of the de$edent" and they $annot bedei*ed of thei ights theeto e1$et by the 2ethodso*ided fo by la/.

    )hen For!%na!a arcena died, her claim or righ! !o !heparcels o& land in li!iga!ion in !he civil case was no!e6!ing%ished *y her dea!h *%! was !ransmi!!ed !o her heirs%pon her dea!h. E''E'A *s. BO''O(EO1?2 SCRA 142

    +AC,S- i!o orromeo, a widower died wi!ho%! &orced heirs*%! leaving e6!ensive proper!ies in !he province o& Ce*%. Jose J%n%era &iled a pe!i!ion &or !he pro*a!e o& a one pagedoc%men! as !he las! will and !es!amen! le&! *y !he saiddeceased. +he pro*a!e co%r! held !ha! !he doc%men!presen!ed as !he will was a &orgery.

    +he !es!a!e proceeding was conver!ed in!o an in!es!a!e

    proceeding. Several par!ies came *e&ore !he co%r! &ilingclaims . For!%na!o orromeo, &iled a mo!ion *e&ore !he !rial co%r!praying !ha! he *e declared as one o& !he heirs.

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    her heirs. S%*se%en!ly, when Francisco died, his heirsinheri!ed his 0FranciscoEs3 share in !he es!a!e o& varis!a.

    %AYON *s. %AYONovem*er 2, 154

    +AC,S- 7edro :ayon &iled said complain! agains! !hespo%ses Silves!re and :enoveva de :ayon, alleging !ha!said spo%ses e6ec%!ed a deedI where*y !hey sold !o7edro :elera, &or !he s%m o& 7?., a parcel o&

    %nregis!ered land.+ha!, said righ! o& redemp!ion had no! *een e6ercised

    *y !he spo%ses or any o& !heir heirs or s%ccessors despi!e!he e6pira!ion o& !he period. +ha!, said 7edro :elera and his wi&e s!eli!a /amasohad, *y vir!%e o& a deed o& sale sold !he a&oremen!ionedland !o plain!i&& 7edro :ayon.

    7edro prays !ha! an order *e iss%ed in plain!i&&Es &avor&or !he consolida!ion o& ownership in and !o !hea&oremen!ioned proper!y.

    ISSUE-)- +he heirs canno! represen! !he de&endan!%nless !here is a declara!ion o& heirship.

    ELD- -. Mrs. :ayon as !he widow o& Silves!re:ayon, she is one o& his comp%lsory heirs and has,accordingly, an in!eres! in !he proper!y in %es!ion.

    Su$$ession ta

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    A',ICLE 358. +he inheri!ance o& a person incl%des no!only !he proper!y and !he !ransmissi*le righ!s ando*liga!ions e6is!ing a! !he !ime o& his dea!h, *%! also !hosewhich have accr%ed !here!o since !he opening o& !hes%ccession. 0n3

    A',ICLE 354. An heir is a person called !o !hes%ccession ei!her *y !he provision o& a will or *y opera!iono& law.

    /evisees and lega!ees are persons !o whom gi&!s o&real and personal proper!y are respec!ively given *y vir!%eo& a will. 0n3

    CA#,E' 4,esta2entay Su$$ession

    SEC,ION 8Wills

    SUBSEC,ION 8Wills in %eneal

    A',ICLE 35. A will is an ac! where*y a person ispermi!!ed, wi!h !he &ormali!ies prescri*ed *y law, !o con!rol

    !o a cer!ain degree !he disposi!ion o& his es!a!e, !o !a$ee&&ec! a&!er his dea!h. 04a3

    'ABADILLA *s. CAJ%ne 25, 2

    ELD- A will is a personal, solemn, revoca*le and &reeac! *y which a person disposes o& his proper!y, !o !a$ee&&ec! a&!er his dea!h.

    Since !he will e6presses !he manner in which aperson in!ends how his proper!ies *e disposed, !hewishes and desires o& !he !es!a!or m%s! *e s!ric!ly&ollowed. +h%s, a will canno! *e !he s%*"ec! o& acompromise agreemen! which wo%ld !here*y de&ea! !he

    very p%rpose o& ma$ing a will.

    E''E'OS *s. %IL88 7

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    ELD- ! does no! ma!!er !ha! when he died, !he lawsre%ired signing and a!!es!a!ion *eca%se !he e1tinsi$*alidity of his /ill should be 2easued by the la/senfo$ed at the ti2e of the e1e$ution of the /illno! a!!he !ime o& !he dea!h o& !he !es!a!or. So !he legisla!%re *yproviding cer!ain &ormali!ies CA-+ AB/A+ A)BB AB/B> MA/ a! !he !ime when !he !es!a!ore6ec%!ed his will.

    EN'IJUE) *s. ABADIAA%g%s! 5, 15?9

    +AC,S- n 152(, when holographic wills were no!allowed, A*adia e6ec%!ed a holographic will. ! waspresen!ed in 159. n 15?2, !he !rial co%r! allowed !he willon !he gro%nd !ha! %nder !he new Civil Code, holographicwills are now allowed.

    ELD- +he will sho%ld no! *e allowed *eca%se %nderAr!icle 45?, !he e6!rinsic validi!y o& a will sho%ld *e "%dgedno! *y !he law e6is!ing a! !he !ime o& !he !es!a!or=s dea!hnor !he law a! !he !ime o& pro*a!e, *%! *y !he la/ e1istingat the ti2e of the e1e$ution of the instu2ent.

    Al!ho%gh !he will *ecomes opera!ive only a&!er !he!es!a!or=s dea!h, s!ill his wishes are given e6pression a!!he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion.

    IBA'LE *s. #OFe*r%ary 24, 15?(

    0no! rela!ed %nder !his provision3

    +AC,S- Beonard died in J%ne 159 leaving his s%rvivingspo%se, Ca!alina, and some minor children as his heirs.Ca!alina sold an en!ire parcel o& land, which is a con"%galproper!y, !o spo%ses Canoy. ! was !hen sold !o *arle.+he /eeds o& Sale were no! regis!ered.

    n 1598, Ca!alina sold L o& !he said land !o 7o, whichpor!ion *elongs !o !he children.

    ELD- +he momen! o& dea!h is !he de!ermining &ac!orwhen !he heirs ac%ire a de&ini!e righ! !o !he inheri!ance,whe!her s%ch righ! *e p%re or con!ingen!. ! is imma!erialwhe!her a shor! or long period o& !ime lapses *e!ween !hedea!h o& !he predecessor and !he en!ry in!o possession o&!he proper!y o& !he inheri!ance *eca%se !he righ! is alwaysdeemed !o *e re!roac!ive &rom !he momen! o& dea!h.

    )hen Ca!alina sold !he en!ire parcel o& land !o !heCanoy spo%ses, L o& i! already *elongs !o !he children.+h%s, !he &irs! sale was n%ll and void in so &ar as i!incl%ded !he children=s share.

    -n !he o!her hand, !he sale !o !he 7o having *eenmade *y a%!hori!y o& !he compe!en! co%r! was %ndenia*lylegal and e&&ec!ive.

    ,ES,A,E ES,A,E O+ ABADA *s. ABA6AJan%ary (1, 2?

    +AC,S- A*ada e6ec%!ed his will in 15(2. A*ada died in159. ! was asser!ed !ha! !he will o& A*ada does no!indica!e !ha! i! was wri!!en in a lang%age or dialec! $nown!o !he !es!a!or and !ha! !he will was no! ac$nowledged*e&ore a no!ary p%*lic, ci!ing Ar!icles 89 and 8 o& !heew Civil Code.

    ELD # +he law !ha! governs !he validi!y o& !he will o&A*ada is !he Code o& Civil 7roced%re. Al!ho%gh !he lawsin &orce a! !ha! !ime are !he Civil Code o& 1885 and Ac!o. 15 or !he Code o& Civil 7roced%re 0which governed!he e6ec%!ion o& wills *e&ore !he enac!men! o& !he ew

    Civil Code3, !he Code o& Civil 7roced%re repealed Ar!icle8? o& !he -ld Civil Code. ;nder !he Code o& Civil7roced%re, !he in!erven!ion o& a no!ary is no! necessary in!he e6ec%!ion o& any will. A*ada=s will does no! re%ireac$nowledgemen! *e&ore a no!ary p%*lic.

    ;nder Ar!icle 45?, !he validi!y o& a will as !o i!s &ormdepends %pon !he obse*an$e of the la/ in fo$e at theti2e it is 2ade.

    A',ICLE 8;. Real proper!y as well aspersonal proper!y is s%*"ec! !o !he law o& !heco%n!ry where i! is si!%a!ed. ia!dc2?

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    +AC,S- Adoracion was a ci!izen and residen! o& ;S *%!died in !he Manila. A repro*a!e o& her will was allowed.

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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    SUBSEC,ION 4,esta2entay Caa$ity and Intent

    A',ICLE 3;. All persons who are no! e6presslyprohi*i!ed *y law may ma$e a will.

    A',ICLE 33. 7ersons o& ei!her se6 %nder eigh!eenyears o& age canno! ma$e a will. 0n3

    A',ICLE 35. n order !o ma$e a will i! is essen!ial !ha!!he !es!a!or *e o& so%nd mind a! !he !ime o& i!s e6ec%!ion.

    DO'O,EO *s. CA(2 SCRA 12

    +AC,S- 7riva!e responden!s were !he legi!ima!e childreno& Ale"andro and Anice!a. Anice!a died in 155 wi!ho%!her es!a!e *eing se!!led. Ale"andro died !herea&!er.Bo%rdes, claiming !o have !a$en care o& Ale"andro *e&orehe died, &iled a pe!i!ion &or pro*a!e o& Ale"andro=s will.n1581, !he will was admi!!ed !o pro*a!e *%! priva!eresponden!s did no! appeal &rom !he said order. n 158(,%pon mo!ion o& !he priva!e responden!s, !he !rial co%r!r%led !ha! !he will was in!rinsically void and declaredpriva!e responden!s as !he only heirs o& !he la!e spo%ses.

    ELD- 7ro*a!e proceedings deal generally wi!h !hee6!rinsic validi!y o& !he will so%gh! !o *e pro*a!edpar!ic%larly on !hese aspec!s#

    )he!her !he will s%*mi!!ed is indeed !hedeceden!=s las! will and !es!amen!

    Compliance wi!h !he prescri*ed &ormali!ies &or!he e6ec%!ion o& wills

    +he !es!amen!ary capaci!y o& !he !es!a!or

    And !he d%e e6ec%!ion o& !he las! will and!es!amen!

    ;nder !he Civil Code, d%e e6ec%!ion incl%des a

    de!ermina!ion o& whe!her !he !es!a!or was o& so%nd anddisposing mind a! !he !ime o& i!s e6ec%!ion.

    +he in!rinsic validi!y is ano!her ma!!er and %es!ionsregarding !he same may s!ill *e raised even a&!er !he willhas *een a%!hen!ica!ed. It does not ne$essaily follo/that an e1tinsi$ally *alid last /ill and testa2ents isal/ays intinsi$ally *alid.

    A',ICLE 3. +o *e o& so%nd mind, i! is no! necessary!ha! !he !es!a!or *e in &%ll possession o& all his reasoning&ac%l!ies, or !ha! his mind *e wholly %n*ro$en, %nimpaired,or %nsha!!ered *y disease, in"%ry or o!her ca%se.

    ! shall *e s%&&icien! i& !he !es!a!or was a*le a! !he !imeo& ma$ing !he will !o $now !he na!%re o& !he es!a!e !o *edisposed o&, !he proper o*"ec!s o& his *o%n!y, and !he

    charac!er o& !he !es!amen!ary ac!. 0n3

    BA%,AS *s. #A%UIOMarch 19, 1512

    +AC,S- 7ag%io s%&&ered &rom paralysis o& !he le&! side o&his *ody %n!il his dea!h. n !he pro*a!ion o& his will, i! wascon!ended !ha! he was no! in &%ll en"oymen! and %se o& hismen!al &ac%l!ies and was wi!ho%! !he men!al capaci!ynecessary !o e6ec%!e a will

    ELD- n !his "%risdic!ion, !here is a pres%mp!ion in &avoro& men!al capaci!y o& !he !es!a!or and !he *%rden is %pon!he con!es!an!s o& !he will !o prove !he lac$ o& !he

    !es!amen!ary capaci!y a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !hewill. n !his case, !he !es!a!or has never *een ad"%dgedinsane. #aalysis is not e0ui*alent to 2entalin$aa$ity.

    ! is no! necessary !ha! a person m%s! *e in &%llpossession o& his men!al and reasoning &ac%l!ies !o *ea*le !o *e considered o& so%nd mind. ! is no! necessary!ha! his mind *e %n*ro$en, %nsha!!ered *y disease, in"%ryor o!her ca%se.

    BU%NAO *s. UBA%Sep!em*er 18, 155

    ELD- +he &ollowing re%isi!e m%s! *e presen! &or one !o *ea*le !o *e considered as having so%ndness o& mind or having!es!amen!ary capaci!y#

    1. +now the nature of the estate to be disposed of -he proper ob$ects of his bounty

    3. .e must /now the character of the testamentary act.

    ! is !r%e !ha! !he !es!imony discloses !he &ac! !ha! !he!es!a!or a! !ha! !ime o& e6ec%!ion o& !he will was e6!remely ill, inan advanced s!age o& tube$ulosis complica!ed wi!h severea!!ac$s o& asth2a. But all the e*iden$e of hysi$al/eaBE,,S" et al *s. CAJ%ly (, 1545

    +AC,S- A&!er e6ec%!ing a holographic will which was la!erpro*a!ed d%ring his li&e!ime, !he deceased e6ec%!ed ano!herwill, *%! !his second will he did no! s%*mi! !o !he co%r! &orpro*a!e while s!ill alive.

    ELD- +he &ac! o& non>sub2ission to obate duing hislifeti2e of the se$ond /ill does not indi$ate any defe$t inthe e0uisite testa2entay $aa$ity. esides, a will isrevoca*le a! any !ime *y !he !es!a!or was s!ill alive.


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    A7ELINO *s. DELA C'U)Fe*r%ary 21, 1512

    +AC,S- ! was con!ended !ha! !he will sho%ld no! have*een valida!ed *eca%se a! !he !ime o& !he ma$ing o& !he will,!he deceden! was blind fo a nu2be of yeas *e&orehandand !h%s was incompe!en! !o ma$e !he will in %es!ion.

    ELD- A *lind !es!a!or may *e compe!en! !o ma$e a will.

    (ee fa$t of blindness does not ende hi2in$o2etent. o pres%mp!ion o& incapaci!y can arise &rom!he mere &ac! !ha! he was *lind. +he only re%iremen! o&!he law as !o !he capaci!y !o ma$e a will is !ha! !he personshall *e o& age and o& so%nd mind and memory. lindpersons are prohi*i!ed &rom ac!ing as wi!nesses in !hee6ec%!ion o& wills, *%! no limi!a!ion is placed %pon!es!amen!ary capaci!y, e6cep! age and so%ndness o& mind.

    6OCSON *s. 6OCSONJ%ne 8, 1522

    ELD- +ailue of 2e2oy is not suffi$ient unless it betotal o e1tends to the i22ediate fa2ily o oety.

    CUYU%AN *s. BA'ONJan%ary 1, 15(

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will o& Silves!ra aron wasopposed on !he gro%nd !ha! a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o&!he alleged will, Silves!ra was men!ally and physicallyincapaci!a!ed &or !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will.

    +he evidence shows !ha! 013 !he same morning whenSilves!ra signed !he alleged will, she s%&&ered a physicalcollapse o& s%ch a serio%s na!%re !ha! a physician and an%rse were immedia!ely called in. y reason o& heradvanced age and !he gravi!y o& her illness, she was %na*le!o do any!hing &or hersel&. 023 As !he doc!or and !he n%rsewere leaving, C%y%gan 0!he appoin!ed e6ec%!or o& !he will3,

    an a!!orney and ( wi!nesses, en!ered !he ho%se andprepared !o o*!ain !he will o& Silves!ra. ei!her !he doc!orand !he n%rse were presen!ed as wi!nesses *y !heproponen!.

    ELD- Sil*esta /as not of sound 2ind at the ti2e ofthe e1e$ution of the /ill. +he opposi!or was a*le !opresen! evidence showing !ha! !he deceased was o&%nso%nd a! !he !imes o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will. SinceC%y%gan &ailed in a&&irma!ively es!a*lishing !he!es!amen!ary capaci!y o& !he deceased, !hen, !he la!!er wasno! o& so%nd mind a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will asapproved *y !he opposi!or.


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    ALBO'NO) *s. ALBO'NO)41 7As!hma

    A',ICLE 5FF. +he law pres%mes !ha! every person iso& so%nd mind, in !he a*sence o& proo& !o !he con!rary.

    +he *%rden o& proo& !ha! !he !es!a!or was no! o&so%nd mind a! !he !ime o& ma$ing his disposi!ions is on!he person who opposes !he pro*a!e o& !he willD *%! i& !he!es!a!or, one mon!h, or less, *e&ore ma$ing his will wasp%*licly $nown !o *e insane, !he person who main!ains!he validi!y o& !he will m%s! prove !ha! !he !es!a!or made i!d%ring a l%cid in!erval. 0n3

    ,O''ES" LO#E) DE BUENO *s. LO#E)

    Fe*r%ary 2, 152

    ELD- If the testato 2ade the /ill afte he had been!udi$ially de$laed insane" and befoe su$h !udi$ial odehad been set aside" the testato is esu2ed insane.

    +he law re%ires !ha! proponen!s o& !he will shall have

    !he *%rden o& proo& !o show !ha! !he !es!a!or had so%ndnesso& mind i& !he !es!a!or made !he will a&!er a "%dicialde!ermina!ion o& his insani!y.

    'A(I'E) *s. 'A(I'E)(5 SCRA 194

    ELD- )here !he s!a!emen!s o& !he no!ary p%*lic were &ar&rom sa!is&ac!ory, vag%e, evasive and !end !o *eg !he veryiss%e, as where he co%ld no! say, *%! merely s%pposed !ha!!he !es!a!ri6 had a recollec!ion o& her proper!ies, or o& !herela!ives who wo%ld logically inheri! &rom her and when as$ed!o e6plain his answer !o !he %es!ion concerning her men!als!a!e, he simply re&erred !o !he cer!i&ica!ion in !he will on !ha!poin!, and so declined !o &%lly commi! himsel&, su$htesti2ony fails to establish testa2entay $aa$ity.

    +he evidence showed !he de&ini!e concl%sion !ha! !he!es!a!ri6 was indeed men!ally incapaci!a!ed !o ma$e a will.

    As early as 15??, she was already s%&&ering &rom e>senilede2entia, a degenera!ive men!al in&irmi!y !ha! was descri*edas a progressive and irreversi*le process.

    6UNJUE'A *s. BO''O(EOMarch (, 1584

    +AC,S- +here were wi!nesses who !es!i&ied !ha! !hesigna!%res p%rpor!ing !o *e !ha! o& !he !es!a!or were &orgeries,!ha! !hey were !oo good and !oo per&ec! signa!%res and %i!eimpossi*le &or !he deceased, an ailing man already 82 years

    old, !o wri!e and !he he was &o%nd posi!ive &or *acill%sleprosy.

    ELD- n !his "%risdic!ion, !he s%*scri*ing wi!nesses !o acon!es!ed will are regarded as *es! wi!nesses in connec!ionwi!h i!s d%e e6ec%!ion. +o deserve &%ll credi!, !heir !es!imonym%s! *e reasona*le and %n*iased and !ha! !heir !es!imonymay *e overcome *y any compe!en! evidence N direc! orcirc%ms!an!ial.

    Subs$ibing /itnesses 2ay foget o e1aggeate/hat they eally tuths to 2islead the$out o fa*o one aty to the e!udi$e of the $out.+his can no! *e said o& !he condi!ion and physicalappearance o& !he %es!ioned doc%men! i!sel&. +he SC has

    care&%lly e6amined and considered !he physical appearanceand condi!ion o& !he original and 2 copies o& !he %es!ionedwill, par!ic%larly !he signa!%res a!!ri*%!ed !o !he !es!a!or, and!he SC has come !o !he concl%sion !ha! !he la!!er co%ld no!have *een wri!!en *y !he !es!a!or.

    CUYU%AN *s. BA'ONJan%ary 1, 15(

    ELD- An ins!r%men! p%rpor!ing !o *e a will e6ec%!ed andwi!nessed in accordance wi!h !he &ormali!ies re%ired *y !hes!a!%!e is en!i!led !o pres%mp!ion o& reg%lari!y.

    %! !he *%rden o& evidence passes !o !he proponen!when !he opposi!ors s%*mi! credi*le evidence !ending !oshow !ha! !he s%pposed !es!a!or did no! possess

    !es!amen!ary capaci!y a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he willor !ha! !he doc%men! was no! !he &ree and vol%n!arye6pression o& !he alleged !es!a!or o& !he will, &or any o!herreason, is void law.

    n !his case, !he opposi!or was a*le !o presen! evidenceshowing !ha! !he deceased was o& %nso%nd mind a! !he !imeo& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will.

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    %ON)ALES *s. %ON)ALESovem*er 25, 15?1

    +AC,S- +wo separa!e pe!i!ions &or pro*a!e o& !he willwere &iled. -ne will was e6ec%!ed in 1592. +he o!her wase6ec%!ed in 159?. +he la!!er was !he *asis o& !he pe!i!iono& Manoli!a. Man%el moved &or !he revoca!ion presen!ed*y Manoli!a alleging !ha! !he !es!a!ri6 lac$ed !es!amen!arycapaci!y when she allegedly e6ec%!ed !he ins!r%men! o&revoca!ion.

    A!!es!ing wi!nesses o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will!es!i&ied !ha! !he !es!a!ri6 was o& so%nd mind a! !he !ime!he alleged ins!r%men! o& revoca!ion was e6ec%!ed.

    %! said !es!imony was con!radic!ed *y !he a!!endingphysician saying !ha! &or more !han 1 years prior !o herdea!h, !he !es!a!ri6 was s%&&ering &rom hyper!ension andla!er on, had aphasia.

    7riva!e responden! con!ended !ha! !he !es!imony o&!he a!!es!ing wi!nesses sho%ld *e given more credence!han !he opinion o& an e6per! wi!ness.

    ELD- +he doc!or=s !es!imony shall prevail.)here !he &amily physician a!!ended !he !es!a!ri6

    d%ring her las! illness and saw her on !he day when !healleged doc%men! o& revoca!ion was e6ec%!ed, !he!es!imony o& !he a!!es!ing wi!nesses !ending !o imply !ha!!he !es!a!ri6 was o& so%nd mind a! !he !ime said doc%men!was e6ec%!ed, canno! prevail over !he con!rary !es!imonyo& !he a!!ending physician.

    ,he hysi$ian=s testi2ony should be belie*edbe$ause he /as $onstantly nea the testato and hea$tually sa/ the latte on the date of e1e$ution.

    A',ICLE 5F8. S%pervening incapaci!y does no!invalida!e an e&&ec!ive will, nor is !he will o& an incapa*levalida!ed *y !he s%pervening o& capaci!y. 0n3

    A',ICLE 5F4. A married woman may ma$e a willwi!ho%! !he consen! o& her h%s*and, and wi!ho%! !he

    a%!hori!y o& !he co%r!. 0n3

    A',ICLE 5F. A married woman may dispose *y willo& all her separa!e proper!y as well as her share o& !hecon"%gal par!nership or a*sol%!e comm%ni!y proper!y. 0n3

    A',ICLE 5F9. very will m%s! *e in wri!ing ande6ec%!ed in a lang%age or dialec! $nown !o !he !es!a!or.0n3

    ,ES,A,E ES,A,E O+ ABADA *s. ABA6AJan%ary (1, 2?

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will was opposed on !he

    gro%nd !ha! nowhere in !he will can one discern !ha!A*ada, !he !es!a!or, $new !he Spanish lang%age.

    ELD- ,hee is no statutoy e0uie2ent to state inthe /ill itself that the testato

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    +AC,S- +he !es!a!or was a isayan who lived in SanJ%an, Rizal.

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    IN 'E- WILL O+ ,AN DUICOMarch 15, 1529

    +AC,S- +here were 9 wi!nesses !o !he will. +hedeceden!=s name was signed in his *ehal& %pon hisre%es! *y one o& !he s%*scri*ing wi!nesses. +he will was%es!ioned on !he gro%nd !ha! i! was no! signed *y (ins!r%men!al wi!nesses.

    ELD- ven i& one o& !he s%*scri*ing wi!nesses signs in*ehal& o& !he !es!a!or when so re%es!ed, !he re%iremen!o& !he law o& a! leas! ( wi!nesses is s!ill complied wi!h. n!his case, !here were 9 s%*scri*ing wi!nesses !o !he will.

    But if thee /ee only /itnesses to the /ill" oneof the2 $annot sign to the /ill be$ause it /ould fallshot of the e0uie2ent of /itnesses.

    ,he /itnesses /ho signed the /ill ae the ones/ho 2ust also sign the attestation $lause.

    An instu2ental /itness is one who !a$es par! in!he e6ec%!ion o& an ins!r%men! or wri!ing.

    +he will !h%s have *een prepared and *e&ore i! issigned *y !he !es!a!or or !he person ac!ing in his s!ead, or!he one direc!ed *y him !o sign i! in his name 0in whichcase !he name o& !he !es!a!or is wri!!en *e&ore !ha! o& !hesigner3, in order !ha! said doc%men! may have !hecharac!er o& a valid will#

    1. +he !es!a!or ga!hers ( or more credi*lewi!nesses and !ells !hem !ha! !he con!en!s o& saiddoc%men! is his will, wi!ho%! in&orming !hem o& i!scon!en!s, and

    2. +he !es!a!or or !he person direc!ed *y him !o doso signs i! in !he presence o& !he !es!a!or and o&each o!her, and

    (. +he !es!a!or or !he person ac!ing in his s!ead, aswell as !he ( wi!nesses sign on !he le&! margin o&each page or shee!, which m%s! *e n%m*eredcorrela!ively in le!!ers on !he %pper par! o& !hepage.

    +he law does no! say !ha! said wi!nesses m%s! *e

    di&&eren! &orm !hose who signed !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se. !&ollows !ha! !he same wi!nesses who signed on !he le&!margin o& each page o& !he doc%men! presen!ed *y !he!es!a!or !o !hem as his will, m%s! *e !he ones who sho%ldsign !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se, inasm%ch as !hey alone cancer!i&y !he &ac!s !o *e s!a!ed in said cla%se, &or having!a$en a direc! par! !herein, as !hey saw !he !es!a!or sign!he will, or !he person re%es!ed *y him !o sign all !heshee!s o& !he will.

    LEANO *s. LEANOMarch (1, 151?

    +AC,S- +he !es!a!ri6 placed a cross agains! her name in!he will in !he presence o& ( wi!nesses.

    ELD- )ill is valid.,he la$ing of the $oss oosite he na2e at the

    $onstu$tion of the instu2ent /as suffi$ient$o2lian$e /ith the e0uie2ents of the la/.

    +he righ! o& a !es!a!or !o sign his will *y mar$,e6ec%!ed animus testandi, has *een %ni&ormly s%s!ained*y !he co%r!s o& las! resor! o& !he ;S in cons!r%ings!a!%!ory provisions prescri*ing !he mode o& e6ec%!ion o&wills.

    %A'CIA *s. LACUES,Aovem*er 25, 15?1

    +AC,S- An!ero died leaving *ehind a will, which appears!o have *een signed *y A!!y. Javier who wro!e !he nameo& An!ero, &ollowed *elow *y A r%ego del !es!adorK and!he name o& Javier. An!ero is alleged !o have wri!!en across immedia!ely a&!er his name.

    ! was alleged !ha! !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se is &a!allyde&ec!ive &or &ailing !o s!a!e !ha! An!ero ca%sed A!!y. Javier!o wri!e !he !es!a!or=s name %nder his e6press direc!ion.

    +he proponen! !heorized !ha! !he cross is as m%ch asigna!%re as a !h%m* mar$.

    ELD- +he will is invalid.

    A testato $annot sign a /ill by only 2a

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    merely cas!ing his eyes in !he proper direc!ion, andwi!ho%! any physical o*s!r%c!ion !o preven! his doing so.

    NE'A *s. 'I(ANDOFe*r%ary 24, 1511

    +AC,S- +here was a disp%!e as !o !he circ%ms!ancesa!!ending !he signing o& !he will on !he day o& i!se6ec%!ion#

    1. whe!her one o& !he s%*scri*ing wi!nesses was

    presen! in !he small room where i! was e6ec%!eda! !he !ime when !he !es!a!or and !he o!hers%*scri*ing wi!nesses a!!ached !heir signa!%res

    2. whe!her a! !ha! !ime he was o%!side, some eigh!or !en &ee! away, in a large room connec!ing wi!h!he smaller room *y a doorway, across whichwas h%ng a c%r!ain which made i! impossi*le &orone in !he o%!side room !o see !he !es!a!or and!he o!her s%*scri*ing wi!nesses in !he ac! o&a!!aching !heir signa!%res !o !he ins!r%men!

    ELD- +he SC admi!!ed !he &irs! one and !he will wasadmi!!ed &or pro*a!e.

    & !he 2nd circ%ms!ance had happened, had !hes%*scri*ing wi!ness *een proven !o have *een in !heo%!er room a! !he !ime when !he !es!a!or and !he o!hers%*scri*ing wi!nesses a!!ached !heir signa!%res !o !heins!r%men! in !he inner room, it /ould ha*e been in*alidas a /ill, !he a!!aching o& !hose signa!%res %ndercirc%ms!ances no! *eing done in !he presence o& !hewi!ness in !he o%!er room. +his *eca%se the line of*ision fo2 this /itness to the testato and the othesubs$ibing /itnesses /ould ne$essaily ha*e beeni2eded by the $utain seaating the inne fo2 theoute one at the 2o2ent of ins$ition of ea$hsignatue.

    +he %es!ion whe!her !he !es!a!or and !hes%*scri*ing wi!nesses !o an alleged will sign !heins!r%men! in !he presence o& each o!her does no! depend

    %pon proo& o& !he &ac! !ha! !heir eyes were ac!%ally cas!%pon !he paper a! !he momen! o& i!s s%*scrip!ion *y eacho& !hem, *%! !ha! at that 2o2ent e1isting $onditionsand thei osition /ith elation to ea$h othe /eesu$h that by 2eely $asting the eyes in the oedie$tion they $ould ha*e seen ea$h othe sign.

    (A'A7ILLA *s. (A'A7ILLAFe*r%ary 24, 1541

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will o& /igna was opposed *y!he *ro!her and sis!ers o& !he deceased on !he gro%nd !ha!she and !he ins!r%men!al wi!nesses did no! sign !healleged will, each and every page !hereo&, in !he presenceo& each o!her.

    -nly one o& !he wi!nesses is alive d%ring !he pe!i!ion&or pro*a!e. +he !rial co%r! r%led !ha! Mans%e!o did no!ac!%ally see /igna sign !he will in %es!ion *eca%se o& !he&ac! !ha! while Mans%e!o posi!ively iden!i&ied his ownsigna!%re, he did no! iden!i&y !ha! o& !he !es!a!ri6, hisanswers *eing !his m%s! *e !he signa!%re o& Mrs.Maravilla.

    ELD- ! was *%! na!%ral !ha! wi!ness Mans%e!o sho%ld*e posi!ive a*o%! his own signa!%re, since he was &amiliarwi!h i!.

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    0d3 !he !es!a!or does no! appear !o have signed all!he shee!s in !he presence o& !he ( wi!nesses, and!he la!!er !o have a!!es!ed and signed all !he shee!s in!he presence o& !he !es!a!or and o& each o!her.


    (a) As each and every page %sed o& !he will *ears!he signa!%res o& !he !es!a!or and !he wi!nesses, thefa$t that said signatues do not all aea on the

    left 2agin of ea$h age does not deta$t fo2the *alidity of the /ill.b #aging /ith Aabi$ nu2eals and not /ithlettes is /ithin the siit of the la/" and is !ust as*alid as aging /ith lettes.0c3 +he las! paragraph o& !he will in %es!ion and !hea!!es!a!ion cla%se, coming ne6! !o i!, are o& !he&ollowing !enor#n wi!ness whereo&, se! my hand %n!o !his will herein !he !own o& Camalig, Al*ay, 7hilippine slands, !his2!h day o& ovem*er, nine!een h%ndred andeigh!een, composed of four sheets, incl%ding !he ne6!O O O

    +he n%m*er o& shee!s is s!a!ed in said las!paragraph o& !he will. +he a!!es!a!ion cla%se m%s!

    s!a!e !he n%m*er o& shee!s or pages composing !hewillD *%! /hen" as in the $ase befoe us" su$h fa$t"/hile it is not stated in the attestation $lause"aeas at the end of the /ill oe" so that nooof aliunde is ne$essay of the nu2be of thesheets of the /ill" then thee $an be no doubt thatit $o2lies /ith the intention of the la/ !ha! !hen%m*er o& shee!s o& which !he will is composed *eshown *y !he doc%men! i!sel&, !o preven! !he n%m*ero& !he shee!s o& !he will &rom *eing %nd%ly increasedor decreased.0d3 +he a!!es!a!ion cla%se a*ove se! o%! i! is said!ha! !he !es!a!or signed !he will in !he presence o&each o& !he wi!nesses and !he la!!er signed in !hepresence o& each o!her and o& !he !es!a!or. So !ha!,

    as !o whe!her !he !es!a!or and !he a!!es!ing wi!nessessaw each o!her sign !he will, s%ch a re%iremen! wasclearly and s%&&icien!ly complied wi!h. )ha! is no!s!a!ed in !his cla%se is whe!her !he !es!a!or and !hewi!nesses signed all !he shee!s o& !he will.

    ,he fa$t of the testato and the /itnessesha*ing signed all the sheets of the /ill 2ay beo*en by the 2ee e1a2ination of the do$u2ent"although it does not say anything about this" andif that is the fa$t" as it is in the instant $ase" thedange of faud in this ese$t" /hi$h is /hat thela/ ties to a*oid" does not e1ist.

    IN 'E- ES,A,E O+ SA%UINSINMarch 1?, 152

    +AC,S- +he will cons!i!%!ed o& ( pages on 2 shee!s. +hesigna!%res o& !he ( a!!es!ing wi!nesses !oge!her wi!h !ha!o& !he alleged !es!a!ri6 were wri!!en on !he le&! margin o&!he 1s!page 0&ron! o& 1s!shee!3, and !he (rdpage 0&ron! o&2ndshee!3.

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    paged correla!ively in le!!ers, *%! only wi!h !he le!!er A, ,C, e!c.K

    ELD- 7ro*a!e o& !he will is allowed. ,he agination byusing HA" B" C" et$. is in $o2lian$e /ith the siit ofthe la/" sin$e eithe HA" B" C" et$. o Hone" t/o" thee"et$. indi$ates the $oelation of the ages and se*esto e*ent the loss of any of the2.

    +he o*"ec! o& !he law in re%iring !he paging *e madein le!!ers is !o ma$e &alsi&ica!ion more di&&ic%l!, *%! i! sho%ld

    *e no!ed !ha! since all !he pages o& !he !es!amen! aresigned a! !he margin *y !he !es!a!ri6 and !he wi!nesses,!he di&&ic%l!y o& &orging !he signa!%res in ei!her caseremains !he same.

    IN 'E- #ILA#ILJ%ne 24, 1591

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will was opposed on !hegro%nd !ha! !he will was no! properly paged as i! wasn%m*ered wi!h le!!ers. A! !he &oo! o& !he 1s!page appearspase ala 2K 0pass on !o !he 2 ndpage3. +he *o!!om o& !he2ndpage also has !he phrase pase ala (K 0pass on !he ( rd

    page3. +he !hird page con!ains !he will is comprised o& 2ar!icles, con!aining 1 disposi!ions and wri!!en in ( pages.

    ELD- +he will m%s! *e admi!!ed &or pro*a!e. +hepaging in !his case was a s%&&icien! compliance wi!h !helaw. It is suffi$ient that the nu2be of ages $an beidentified. ndeed, !he will in !his case, as s!a!ed in !he(rd page, con!ains no more, no less !han 2 ar!icles,con!aining 1 disposi!ions and wri!!en in ( pages.

    +E'NANDE) *s. DE DIOSFe*r%ary 2?, 1529

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will was opposed on !hegro%nd !ha! !he shee! on which !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se waswri!!en is no! n%m*ered, and i! is no! s!a!ed !here !ha! !he

    !es!a!or signed on !he margin o& each shee! o& !he will in!he presence o& !he !hree wi!nesses, or !ha! !he la!!ersigned i! in !he presence o& !he !es!a!or and o& each o!her,and specially *eca%se said a!!es!a!ion cla%se is no!signed *y !he !es!a!or ei!her a! !he margin or !he *o!!om!hereo&.

    ELD- +he will m%s! *e allowed !o *e pro*a!ed.,he la/ does not e0uie that the testato

    e$isely be the eson to e0uest the /itnesses toattest his /ill. ! was also s%&&icien!ly es!a*lished in !herecord, *esides *eing s!a!ed in !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se, !ha!!he !es!a!or signed !he will in !he presence o& !he !hree

    wi!nesses and !ha! !he la!!er, in !%rn, signed i! in !hepresence o& !he !es!a!or and o& each o!her, !he !es!a!or$nowing !ha! !he wi!nesses were signing his willD !ha! !hewi!nesses signed !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se *e&ore !he dea!ho& !he !es!a!or.

    ,he /ill $annot be in*alidated be$ause the test ofthe attestation $lause 2entions the nu2be of agesof the /ill.

    As !o !he n%m*ering o& !he shee! con!aining !hea!!es!a!ion cla%se, i! is !r%e !ha! i! does no! appear on !he%pper par! o& !he shee!, *%! i! does appear in i!s !e6!, wi!h!he words, having re&erence !o !he n%m*er o& shee!s o&!he will, incl%ding !he page n%m*er o& !he a!!es!a!ion.

    &, as s!a!ed in !his cla%se, !he &oregoing doc%men!consis!s o& !hree shee!s, *esides !ha! o& !he cla%se i!sel&,

    which is in sing%lar, i! is clear !ha! s%ch a shee! o& !hea!!es!a!ion cla%se is !he &o%r!h and !ha! !he will, incl%dingsaid shee!, has &o%r shee!s. +his descrip!ion con!ained in!he cla%se in %es!ion cons!i!%!es s%*s!an!ial compliancewi!h !he re%iremen!s prescri*ed *y !he law regarding !hepaging.

    F%r!hermore, !he law does no! re%ire !ha! !he shee!con!aining no!hing *%! !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se, wholly or inpar!, *e n%m*ered or paged. Conse%en!ly, !his lac$ o&paging on !he a!!es!a!ion shee! does no! !a$e any!hing&rom !he validi!y o& !he will.

    LO#E) *s. LIBO'OFe*r%ary 2?, 1529

    +AC,S- +he will o& Bopez comprises 2 pages, each o& whichis wri!!en on one side o& a separa!ed shee!. +he pro*a!e o&!he said will was opposed on !he gro%nd !ha! !he 1s!page isno! paged ei!her in le!!ers or in Ara*ic n%merals.

    ELD- +he will m%s! *e admi!!ed &or pro*a!e. ,heunnu2beed age is $lealy identified as the fist age

    by the intenal sense of its $ontentsconsidered in rela!ion!o !he con!en!s o& !he second page. y !heir meaning andcoherence, !he &irs! and second lines on !he second page are%ndenia*ly a con!in%a!ion o& !he las! sen!ence o& !he!es!amen!, *e&ore !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se, which s!ar!s a! !he*o!!om o& !he preceding page.

    +uthe2oe" the unnu2beed age $ontains the$ation ,ES,A(EN,O" !he invoca!ion o& !he Almigh!y,and a reci!al !ha! !he !es!a!or was in &%ll %se o& his!es!amen!ary &ac%l!y, I all o& which, in !he logical order o&se%ence, precede !he direc!ion &or !he disposi!ion o& !hemar$erEs proper!y.

    As page 2 con!ains only !he 2 lines a*ove men!ioned,!he a!!es!a!ion cla%se, !he mar$ o& !he !es!a!or and !hesigna!%res o& !he wi!nesses, !he o!her shee! can no! *y anypossi*ili!y *e !a$en &or o!her !han page one.

    ,ENA+'ANCIA *s. ABA6Aovem*er 12, 1515

    +AC,S- Among !he &ormali!ies prescri*ed *y law !o a validwill is !he re%iremen! !ha! !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se sho%ld s!a!e!he &ac! !ha! !he !es!a!or signed !he will and every page!hereo&, or ca%sed some o!her person !o wri!e his name,%nder his e6press direc!ion, in !he presence o& ( wi!nesses.

    According !o !he co%r!, !his re%iremen! was no! compliedwi!h in !he presen! case, &or !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se &ails !os!a!e !ha! &ac!. ! was con!ended !ha! !he a*sence o& s%chs!a!emen! was c%red *y oral evidence o& !he wi!nesses in

    co%r! !ha! !he !es!a!or signed !he will in !he presence o& !he (wi!nesses.

    ELD- +he will is invalid. y !he attestation $lause ismean! !ha! cla%se wherein !he wi!nesses cer!i&y !ha! !heins!r%men! has *een e6ec%!ed *e&ore !hem, and !he mannero& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he same. ! is signed no! *y !he !es!a!or*%! *y !he wi!nesses, &or i! is a declara!ion made *y !hewi!nesses and no! *y !he !es!a!or. And !he law is clear !ha! i!is !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se !ha! m%s! con!ain a s!a!emen!,among o!hers, !ha! !he !es!a!or signed !he will in !hepresence o& !he wi!nesses. )i!ho%! !ha! s!a!emen!, !hea!!es!a!ion cla%se is &a!ally de&ec!ive.

    ,his defe$t is not $ued by oof aliunde o e*en by

    a !udi$ial finding based uon su$h oof that the testatodid in fa$t sign the /ill in the esen$e of thesubs$ibing /itnesses.

    +ha! is a &ac! re%ired *y law !o *e s!a!ed in !hea!!es!a!ion cla%se i!sel&, and i! is se!!led !ha! where i! is no! sos!a!ed i! canno! *e es!a*lished *y evidence ali%nde, and !ha!where s%ch evidence has *een admi!!ed, even wi!ho%!opposi!ion, i! sho%ld no! *e given !he e&&ec! in!ended.

    LEYNE) *s. LEYNE)-c!o*er 18, 15(5

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& !he will was opposed on !he gro%nd!ha! !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se o& !he con!rover!ed will &ails !os!a!e !ha! !he !es!a!or and !he ( wi!nesses signed each and

    every page o& !he will in !he manner prescri*ed *y law*eca%se i! merely s!a!es !ha! i! was signed in !he presence o&one and all and !he !es!a!or himsel&.

    ELD- 7ro*a!e o& !he will m%s! *e allowed. +here%iremen! is s%&&icien!ly complied wi!h, i! appearing !ha! !he!es!a!or and !he wi!nesses signed each and every page o&!he will according !o !he s!ip%la!ion o& !he par!ies.

    An a!!es!a!ion cla%se is made &or !he p%rpose o&preserving, in permanen! &orm, a record o& !he &ac!s a!!ending!he e6ec%!ion o& !he will, so !ha! in case o& &ail%re o& !hememory o& !he s%*scri*ing wi!nesses, or o!her cas%al!y, !hey


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    may s!ill *e proved. A /ill" theefoe" should not bee!e$ted /hee its attestation $lause se*es theuose of the la/.+he law@ma$ing *ody, in recogni!iono& !he dangers !o which !es!amen!ary disposi!ions are ap!!o *e s%*"ec! in !he hands o& %nscr%p%lo%s individ%als,has s%rro%nded !he e6ec%!ion o& !he wills wi!h everysolemni!y deemed necessary !o sa&eg%ard i!. +hisp%rpose was indica!ed when o%r legisla!%re provided &or!he e6cl%sion o& evidence ali%nde !o prove !he e6ec%!iono& !he will.

    & !he s%rro%nding circ%ms!ances poin! !o a reg%lare6ec%!ion o& !he will, and !he ins!r%men! appears !o have*een e6ec%!ed s%*s!an!ially in accordance wi!hre%iremen!s o& !he law, !he inclina!ion sho%ld, in !hea*sence o& *ad &ai!h, &orger or &ra%d, lean !owards !headmission o& !he pro*a!e, al!ho%gh !he doc%men!s mays%&&er &rom some imper&ec!ion o& lang%age, or o!her non@essen!ial de&ec!.

    ,ABOADA *s. 'OSALovem*er ?, 1582

    +AC,S- +he 1s! page o& !he will con!ains !he en!ire!es!amen!ary disposi!ions and is signed a! !he end or*o!!om o& !he page *y !he !es!a!ri6 alone and a! !he le&!hand margin *y !he ( ins!r%men!al wi!nesses. +he 2nd

    page which con!ains !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se and !heac$nowledgemen! is signed a! !he end o& !he a!!es!a!ioncla%se *y !he ( a!!es!ing wi!nesses and a! !he le&! handmargin *y !he !es!a!ri6.

    +he !rial co%r! denied !he pro*a!e o& !he will *eca%sei! is no! eno%gh !ha! only !he !es!a!ri6 signs a! !he endK*%! all !he ( s%*scri*ing wi!nesses m%s! also sign a! !hesame place or a! !he end, in !he presence o& !he !es!a!ri6.

    ELD- +he will m%s! *e pro*a!ed &or !here is no! s%chre%iremen!. It is enough that only the testato signsin the end.

    ! m%s! *e no!ed !ha! !he law %ses !he !erms

    a!!es!ed and s%*scri*ed. Attestation consis!s inwi!nessing !he !es!a!orEs e6ec%!ion o& !he will in order !osee and !a$e no!e men!ally !ha! !hose !hings are, donewhich !he s!a!%!e re%ires &or !he e6ec%!ion o& a will and!ha! !he signa!%re o& !he !es!a!or e6is!s as a &ac!. -n !heo!her hand, subs$itionis !he signing o& !he wi!nessesEnames %pon !he same paper &or !he p%rpose o&den!i&ica!ion o& s%ch paper as !he will which wase6ec%!ed *y !he !es!a!or. nso&ar as !he re%iremen! o&s%*scrip!ion is concerned, i! is o%r considered view !ha!!he will in !his case was s%*scri*ed in a manner which&%lly sa!is&ies !he p%rpose o& iden!i&ica!ion.

    +he o*"ec!s o& a!!es!a!ion and o& s%*scrip!ion were&%lly me! and sa!is&ied in !he presen! case when !heins!r%men!al wi!nesses signed a! !he le&! margin o& !he

    sole page which con!ains all !he !es!amen!arydisposi!ions, especially so when !he will was properlyden!i&ied *y s%*scri*ing wi!ness icen!e +im$ang !o *e!he same will e6ec%!ed *y !he !es!a!ri6. +here was no%es!ion o& &ra%d or s%*s!i!%!ion *ehind !he %es!ionedorder.

    +he SC no!iced !ha! !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se &ailed !os!a!e !he n%m*er o& pages %sed in wri!ing !he will. S%ch isno! a &a!al de&ec! *eca%se !he n%m*er o& pages is easilydiscerni*le &or !here are only 2 pages.

    ,he a$

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    no! reci!e !ha! !he wi!nesses signed !he will and each andevery page !hereo& on !he le&! margin in !he presence o&!he !es!a!or is de&ec!ive, and s%ch a de&ec! ann%ls !he will.

    n !he case o& &ay"e "s 4o$al, i! was held !ha! !he&ac! !ha! !he !es!a!or and !he wi!nesses signed each andevery page o& !he will can *e proved also *y !he meree6amina!ion o& !he signa!%res appearing on !he doc%men!i!sel&, and !he omission !o s!a!e s%ch eviden! &ac! does no!invalida!e !he will.

    SC adop!ed and rea&&irmed !he decision in !he case

    o& a2o "s 3uintana, and !o !he e6!en! necessary,modi&ied !he decision in &ay"e "s 4o$al &or !he &ollowingreasons#

    1. &ay"e was conc%rred ye! a2o onlyhad 1 &ormal dissen!

    2. a2o is s%*se%en! in poin! o& !imesince i! was prom%lga!ed in 152?, while ayvewas in 1529

    3. +he a2o decision is *elieved morenearly !o con&orm !o !he applica*le provisions o&!he law.

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    LI( *s. CAFe*r%ary 28, 155

    +AC,S- Bim was charged &or commi!!ing !he crime o&es!a&a &or de&ra%ding S%arez. Bim main!ains !ha! shecanno! *e lia*le &or es!a!e. According !o her, !he realagreemen! *e!ween her and S%arez was a sale on credi!*eca%se she did no! sign on !he *lan$ space provided &or!he signa!%re o& person receiving !he "ewelry *%! a! !he%pper por!ion immedia!ely *elow !he descrip!ion o& !he

    i!ems !a$en.

    ELD- +he momen! she a&&i6ed her signa!%re !hereon,Bim *ecame *o%nd *y all !he !erms s!ip%la!ed in !hereceip!. She opened hersel& !o all !he legal o*liga!ions!ha! may arise &rom !heir *reach.

    ,hee is only one tye of legal instu2ent /heethe la/ sti$tly es$ibes the lo$ation of thesignatue of the aties theeto. ,his is in the $ase ofnotaial /ills found in Ati$le 5F: of the Ci*il Code.

    n !he case *e&ore %s, !he par!ies did no! e6ec%!e ano!arial will *%! a simple con!rac! o& agency !o sell oncommission *asis, !h%s ma$ing !he posi!ion o& pe!i!ionerEssigna!%re !here!o imma!erial.

    (A%LASAN% *s. CABA,IN%ANApril 29, 2(

    +AC,S- Ca*a!ingan e6ec%!ed in &avor o& her *ro!her a/eed o& Condi!ional /ona!ion and 9 o!her /eeds o&/ona!ion.

    All deeds con!ained !herein !ha! !he dona!ion shall *ee&&ec!ive %pon !he dea!h o& !he donor and !ha! i! shall *edeemed a%!oma!ically rescinded i& !he donor s%rvives !hedonees.

    ELD- +he &ac! !ha! !he dona!ion was made inconsidera!ion o& !he love and a&&ec!ion o& !he donorK and

    !he s!ip%la!ion on rescission in case !he donee dies aheado& !he na!%re do no! con&irm !he na!%re o& !he dona!ion asinter "i"os *eca%se !rans&ers mor!is ca%se may also *emade &or !he same reason.

    ,he donation 2ade by Con$hita /as 2otis$ausa. +o failue to $o2ly /ith the fo2alities of/ills unde Ati$le 5F: and 5F;" the donations $annotbe gi*en effe$t.

    +he deeds in %es!ion al!ho%gh ac$nowledged *e&orea no!ary p%*lic o& !he donor and !he donee, !hedoc%men!s were no! e6ec%!ed in !he manner provided%nder Ar!icle 8? and 8. +he disposi!ions are void.

    A',ICLE 5F;. very will m%s! *e ac$nowledged*e&ore a no!ary p%*lic *y !he !es!a!or and !he wi!nesses.

    +he no!ary p%*lic shall no! *e re%ired !o re!ain a copy o&!he will, or &ile ano!her wi!h !he o&&ice o& !he Cler$ o& Co%r!.0n3

    %A'CIA *s. %A,CALIANovem*er 2?, 154

    +AC,S- +he allowance o& !he will o& :a!chalian wasdenied on !he gro%nd !ha! !he a!!es!ing wi!nesses did no!ac$nowledge i! *e&ore a no!ary p%*lic as re%ired *y law.ELD- An e6amina!ion o& !he doc%men! shows !ha! !hesame was ac$nowledged *e&ore a no!ary p%*lic *y !he!es!a!or *%! no! *y !he ins!r%men!al wi!nesses.

    Compliance wi!h !he re%iremen! con!ained in Ar!icle8 !o !he e&&ec! !ha! a /ill 2ust be a$

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    Jan%ary 28, 158

    +AC,S- +he pe!i!ion &or pro*a!e o& a will was dismissedon !he gro%nd !ha! i! does no! *ear a !hir!y@cen!avodoc%men!ary s!amp.

    ELD- +he dismissal o& !he pe!i!ion was no! proper.)ha! !he pro*a!e co%r! sho%ld have done was !o e0uiethe etitione o oonent to affi1 the e0uisite thity>$enta*o do$u2entay sta2 to the notaial


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    wo%ld provide !he da!a no! e6pressed in !he a!!es!a!ioncla%se or &rom which i! may necessarily *e gleaned orclearly in&erred !ha! !he ac!s no! s!a!ed in !he omi!!ed!e6!%al re%iremen!s were ac!%ally complied wi!h in !hee6ec%!ion o& !he will. n o!her words, !he de&ec!s m%s! *eremedied *y in!rinsic evidence s%pplied *y !he will i!sel&.

    CA%'O *s. CA%'OApril 25, 15?(

    +AC,S- +he signa!%res o& !he !hree wi!nesses !o !he willdo no! appear a! !he *o!!om o& !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se,al!ho%gh !he page con!aining !he same is signed *y !hewi!nesses on !he le&!@hand margin.

    ELD- An unsigned attestation $lause $annot be$onsideed as an a$t of the /itnesses" sin$e theo2ission of thei signatues at the botto2 theeofnegati*es thei ati$iation.

    +he signa!%res on !he le&!@hand margin do nocon&orm s%*s!an!ially !o !he law. Said signa!%res are incompliance wi!h !he legal manda!e !ha! !he will *e signedon !he le&!@hand margin o& all i!s pages. & an a!!es!a!ioncla%se no! signed *y !he !hree wi!nesses a! !he *o!!om!hereo&, *e admi!!ed as s%&&icien!, i! wo%ld *e easy !o adds%ch cla%se !o a will on a s%*se%en! occasion and in !hea*sence o& !he !es!a!or and any or all o& !he wi!nesses.

    ,ABOADA *s. 'OSALovem*er ?, 158(

    ELD- ;nder Ar!icle 8?, !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se sho%lds!a!e !he n%m*er o& pages %sed %pon which !he will is

    wri!!en. -!herwise, !he will *ecomes void.n !ha! case, !he a!!es!a!ion cla%se &ailed !o s!a!e !hen%m*er o& pages %sed in !he will. But the SC uheld the*alidity of the /ill be$ause e*en if it /as not stated inthe attestation $lause be$ause it /as $ued by theeason that it /as stated in the a$

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    !es!a!or &or !he pro*a!e o& a con!es!ed holographic will ispermissive.

    ELD- Ati$le 588 of the Ci*il Code is 2andatoy. +heword shall deno!es an impera!ive o*liga!ion and isinconsis!en! wi!h !he idea o& discre!ion and !ha! !hepres%mp!ion is !ha! !he word shall, when %sed in as!a!%!e is manda!ory.

    Comparing !he signa!%re in !he holographic will and!he signa!%res in several doc%men!s s%ch as !he

    applica!ion le!!er &or pas!%re permi! and a le!!er, !hes!ro$es are di&&eren!. n !he le!!ers, !here are con!in%o%s&lows o& !he s!ro$es, evidencing !ha! !here is no hesi!a!ionin wri!ing %nli$e !ha! o& !he holographic will. +he SCcanno! *e cer!ain !ha! !he holographic will was in !hehandwri!ing *y !he deceased.

    Ma=am# A)aola and 6odoy are apparen!ly in con&lic!.A)aola case provides !he ( wi!nesses no! impera!ive*eca%se in !he &irs! place no wi!nesses are re%ired in !hee6ec%!ion o& !he holographic will. -n !he o!her hand,6odoycase s!a!es !ha! i! is manda!ory *eca%se !he word%sed in Ar!icle 811 is shallK. ! means impera!ive. & !hewill is con!es!ed, !here is a s!rong possi*ili!y !ha! !hewi!ness presen!ed migh! *e per"%red.

    CODOYcase prevails *eca%se i! was decided la!er*y !he SC. %!, i& yo% are presen!ed wi!h &ac!s similar !o!he case o& A)aola "s ingson in !a$ing !he *ar e6am,!here migh! *e a possi*ili!y !ha! !he e6aminer wan!ed yo%!o answerA)aola "s ingson. +o *e sa&e, yo% can alsoci!e !he case o& 6odoy.

    ICASIANO *s. ICASIANOJ%ne (, 159

    +AC,S- -pposi!ors in!rod%ced e6per! !es!imony !o !hee&&ec! !ha! !he signa!%res o& !he !es!a!ri6 in !he d%plica!eare no! gen%ine, nor were !hey wri!!en or a&&i6ed on !hesame occasion as !he original, and &%r!her aver !ha!

    gran!ing !ha! !he doc%men!s were gen%ine, !hey weree6ec%!ed !hro%gh mis!a$e and wi!h %nd%e in&l%ence andpress%re. ! was con!ended !ha! !he Co%r! is *o%nd *y !hee6per! !es!imony as !o !he a%!hen!ici!y o& !he signa!%re o&!he !es!a!ri6.

    ELD- -, !he Co%r! is no! *o%nd *y s%ch e6per!!es!imony. ,he oinion of e1et fo oositos thatthe signatues of the testati1 aealing in theduli$ate oiginal /ee not /itten by the sa2e hand"lea*es the Cout un$on*in$ed" not 2eely be$ause itis die$tly $ontadi$ted by e1et (atin 'a2os fothe oonents" but in$ially be$ause of the au$ityof the standads used by hi2. +here was &ail%re !oshow convincingly !ha! !here are radical di&&erences !ha!

    wo%ld "%s!i&y !he charge o& &orgery, !a$ing in!o acco%n! !headvanced age o& !he !es!a!ri6, !he eviden! varia*ili!y o& hersigna!%res, and !he e&&ec! o& wri!ing &a!ig%e, !he d%plica!e*eing signed righ! a&!er !he original. +hese &ac!ors wereno! disc%ssed *y !he e6per!.

    'ODELAS *s. A'AN)A/ecem*er 4, 1582

    +AC,S- +he pe!i!ion was opposed on !he gro%nd !ha! !healleged holographic will i!sel&, and no! an alleged copy!hereo&, m%s! *e prod%ced, o!herwise i! wo%ld prod%ce noe&&ec!.

    ELD- A hotostati$ $oy o 1eo1 $oy of the

    hologahi$ /ill 2ay be allo/ed be$ause $o2aison$an be 2ade /ith the standad /itings of thetestato. viden!ly, !he pho!os!a!ic or 6ero6 copy o& !helos! or des!royed holographic will may *e admi!!ed*eca%se !hen !he a%!hen!ici!y o& !he handwri!ing o& !hedeceased can *e de!ermined *y !he pro*a!e co%r!.

    'I7E'A *s. CA/ecem*er 4, 1582

    +AC,S- Jose, claiming !o *e !he only s%rviving legi!ima!eson o& !he deceased enancio, &iled a pe!i!ion &or !he

    iss%ance o& le!!ers o& adminis!ra!ion over enancioEs es!a!e.! was &o%nd !ha! Jose was no! !he son o& !he deceden! *%! o&a di&&eren! enancio Rivera who was married !o Maria i!al.+he enancio Rivera whose es!a!e was in %es!ion wasmarried !o Maria Jocson, *y whom he had 4 children,incl%ding Adelaido.

    As s%ch, i! was con!ended !ha! Jose has no personali!y!o con!es! !he wills, and !h%s, have !he legal e&&ec! o&re%iring !he ( wi!nesses.

    ELD- +he e6is!ence and !here&ore also !he a%!hen!ici!y o&!he holographic wills were %es!ioned *y Jose Rivera. +he&law in !his arg%men! is !ha! Jose Rivera is no! !he son o& !hedeceased enancio Rivera whose es!a!e is in %es!ion.

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    7EN,U'A *s. 7EN,U'A1 7

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    A',ICLE 54F. Any person o& so%nd mind and o& !heage o& eigh!een years or more, and no! *lind, dea& ord%m*, and a*le !o read and wri!e, may *e a wi!ness !o !hee6ec%!ion o& a will men!ioned in ar!icle 8? o& !his Code.0n3

    A',ICLE 548. +he &ollowing are dis%ali&ied &rom *eingwi!nesses !o a will#

    013 Any person no! domiciled in !he7hilippinesD023 +hose who have *een convic!ed o&&alsi&ica!ion o& a doc%men!, per"%ry or &alse !es!imony.0n3

    C'U) *s. 7ILLASO'ovem*er 2, 154(

    +AC,S- -& !he ( ins!r%men!al wi!nesses !here!o, A!!y.+eves, Jr. is a! !he same !ime !he o!ary 7%*lic *e&orewhom !he will was s%pposed !o have *een ac$nowledged.

    As !he (rdwi!ness is !he no!ary p%*lic himsel&, pe!i!ionerarg%es !ha! !he res%l! is !ha! only 2 wi!nesses appeared*e&ore !he no!ary p%*lic !o ac$nowledge !he will.

    ELD-+he las! will and !es!amen! in %es!ion was no!e6ec%!ed in accordance wi!h law. ,he notay ubli$befoe /ho2 the /ill /as a$

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    CUE7AS *s. CUE7AS/ecem*er 19, 15??

    +AC,S- An!onina e6ec%!ed a no!arized conveyanceen!i!led /ona!ion Mor!is Ca%saK, giving !o her nephew aparcel o& land. S%*se%en!ly, An!onia e6ec%!ed ano!herdoc%men! revo$ing !he one she previo%sly made. She&iled an ac!ion &or !he recovery o& !he land.

    ELD- ! is dona!ion in!er vivos. An!onina s!a!ed in !hedeed o& dona!ion !ha! she will no! dispose or !a$e away!he land *eca%se am reserving i! !o him %pon mydea!hK. )hen !he donor s!a!ed !ha! she wo%ld con!in%e !ore!ain possession, c%l!iva!ion, harves!ing and all o!herrigh!s and a!!ri*%!es o& ownershipK, she mean! only !herigh! o& possession, and no! ownership.

    An!onina canno! revo$e !he dona!ion. Ie*o$abilityis a $haa$teisti$ of donation inte *i*os be$ause it isin$o2atible /ith the idea of disosition ost2ote2.

    A',ICLE 54. A revoca!ion done o%!side !he7hilippines, *y a person who does no! have his domicile

    in !his co%n!ry, is valid when i! is done according !o !helaw o& !he place where !he will was made, or according !o!he law o& !he place in which !he !es!a!or had his domicilea! !he !imeD and i& !he revoca!ion !a$es place in !hisco%n!ry, when i! is in accordance wi!h !he provisions o&!his Code. 0n3

    A',ICLE 5F. o will shall *e revo$ed e6cep! in !he&ollowing cases#013 y implica!ion o& lawD or023 y some will, codicil, or o!her wri!ing e6ec%!ed asprovided in case o& willsD or0(3 y *%rning, !earing, cancelling, or o*li!era!ing !he willwi!h !he in!en!ion o& revo$ing i!, *y !he !es!a!or himsel&, or*y some o!her person in his presence, and *y his e6press

    direc!ion. & *%rned, !orn, cancelled, or o*li!era!ed *ysome o!her person, wi!ho%! !he e6press direc!ion o& !he!es!a!or, !he will may s!ill *e es!a*lished, and !he es!a!edis!ri*%!ed in accordance !herewi!h, i& i!s con!en!s, andd%e e6ec%!ion, and !he &ac! o& i!s %na%!horizeddes!r%c!ion, cancella!ion, or o*li!era!ion are es!a*lishedaccording !o !he R%les o& Co%r!. 0n3

    A',ICLE 58. S%*se%en! wills which do no! revo$e!he previo%s ones in an e6press manner, ann%l only s%chdisposi!ions in !he prior wills as are inconsis!en! wi!h orcon!rary !o !hose con!ained in !he la!er wills. 0n3

    A',ICLE 54. A revoca!ion made in a s%*se%en! will

    shall !a$e e&&ec!, even i& !he new will sho%ld *ecomeinopera!ive *y reason o& !he incapaci!y o& !he heirs,devisees or lega!ees designa!ed !herein, or *y !heirren%ncia!ion. 049a3

    A',ICLE 5. A revoca!ion o& a will *ased on a &alseca%se or an illegal ca%se is n%ll and void. 0n3

    A',ICLE 59. +he recogni!ion o& an illegi!ima!e childdoes no! lose i!s legal e&&ec!, even !ho%gh !he will whereini! was made sho%ld *e revo$ed. 04913

    SUBSEC,ION 3'eubli$ation and 'e*i*al of Wills

    A',ICLE 5:. +he !es!a!or canno! rep%*lish, wi!ho%!reprod%cing in a s%*se%en! will, !he disposi!ionscon!ained in a previo%s one which is void as !o i!s &orm.0n3

    A',ICLE 5;. +he e6ec%!ion o& a codicil re&erring !o aprevio%s will has !he e&&ec! o& rep%*lishing !he will asmodi&ied *y !he codicil. 0n3

    A',ICLE 53. & a&!er ma$ing a will, !he !es!a!or ma$es asecond will e6pressly revo$ing !he &irs!, !he revoca!ion o& !hesecond will does no! revive !he &irs! will, which can *e revivedonly *y ano!her will or codicil. 04(5a3

    SUBSEC,ION 5Allo/an$e and Disallo/an$e of Wills

    A',ICLE 55. o will shall pass ei!her real or personalproper!y %nless i! is proved and allowed in accordance wi!h!he R%les o& Co%r!.

    +he !es!a!or himsel& may, d%ring his li&e!ime, pe!i!ion !heco%r! having "%risdic!ion &or !he allowance o& his will. n s%chcase, !he per!inen! provisions o& !he R%les o& Co%r! &or !heallowance o& wills a&!er !he !es!a!orEs dea!h shall govern. i

    +he S%preme Co%r! shall &orm%la!e s%ch addi!ionalR%les o& Co%r! as may *e necessary &or !he allowance o&wills on pe!i!ion o& !he !es!a!or.

    S%*"ec! !o !he righ! o& appeal, !he allowance o& !he will,ei!her d%ring !he li&e!ime o& !he !es!a!or or a&!er his dea!h,shall *e concl%sive as !o i!s d%e e6ec%!ion. 0n3

    S#S. #ASCUAL *s. CAA%g%s! 1?, 2(

    +AC,S- Consolacion and Remedios are !he niece andgrandda%gh!er o& !he la!e Can%!o. Can%!o and 11 o!herswere co@owners o& a parcel o& land. +he land was regis!eredin !he name o& Ca!alina, Can%!o and ic!oriano each owned1'4 share. Can%!o and Consolacion en!ered a as%la!anwhere Can%!o sold his share in &avor o& Consolacion.

    Remedios &iled a complain! agains! Consolacion &or !hecancella!ion o& +C+. Remedios claimed !ha! she is !he owner*eca%se Ca!alina devised !hese lo!s !o her in Ca!alina=s will.

    Consolacion so%gh! !o dismiss !he complain! on !hegro%nd o& prescrip!ion. Consolacion claimed !ha! !he *asis o&!he ac!ion is &ra%d, and Remedios sho%ld have &iled !he

    ac!ion wi!hin 9 years &rom !he regis!ra!ion o& Consolacion=s!i!le on -c!o*er 28, 158 and no! some 15 years la!er.

    ELD- +he ac!ion is *arred *y prescrip!ion. +he prescrip!iveperiod is 1 years co%n!ed &rom regis!ra!ion o& adverse !i!le.+he &o%r@year prescrip!ive period relied %pon *y !he !rial co%r!applies only i& !he &ra%d does no! give rise !o an implied !r%s!.Remedios= does no! see$ !o ann%l !he as%la!an. Remedios=ac!ion is *ased on an implied !r%s!.

    'e2edios is not a eal aty in inteest /ho $an filethe $o2laint. Remedios anchored her claim over !he lo!son !he devise o& !hese lo!s !o her %nder Ca!alina=s las! will.

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    %es!ion !han s%ch as !o%ch %pon !he capaci!y o& !he!es!a!or and !he compliance wi!h !hose re%isi!es orsolemni!ies which !he law prescri*es &or !he validi!y o&wills.

    +he %es!ions rela!ing !o !he in!rinsic validi!y remainen!irely %na&&ec!ed, and may *e raised even a&!er !he willhas *een a%!hen!ica!ed. -pposi!ion !o !he in!rinsicvalidi!y or legali!y o& !he provisions o& !he will canno! *een!er!ained in pro*a!e proceedings *eca%se i!s onlyp%rpose is merely !o de!ermine i& !he will has *een

    e6ec%!ed in accordance wi!h !he re%iremen!s o& !he law.

    A,ILANO (E'CADO *s. SAN,OSSep!em*er 22, 15(8

    +AC,S- ( years a&!er !he will was admi!!ed !o pro*a!e,in!ervenors &iled a pe!i!ion !o re@open !he proceedings.Rosario &iled a complain! agains! A!ilano &or &alsi&ica!ion o&!he will pro*a!ed. A!ilano claimed !ha! !he will had already*een pro*a!ed and !ha! !he order pro*a!ing !he will isconcl%sive as !o !he a%!hen!ici!y and d%e e6ec%!ion!hereo&.

    ELD- +he criminal ac!ion will no! lie. ,he obate ofthe a /ill by the obate $out ha*ing !uisdi$tiontheeof is $onsideed as $on$lusi*e as to its duee1e$ution and *alidity" and that the /ill is genuineand not a fogey. +he r%ling o& !he pro*a!e co%r! is*inding %pon !he complainan! even i& !ha! person was no!ac!%ally a par!y !o !he pro*a!e proceeding. 7ro*a!eproceedings are proceedings in rem. eca%se !here isp%*lica!ion, !here is cons!r%c!ive no!ice !o !he whole worldand "%dgmen! or a decree in a pro*a!e proceeding is*inding %pon !he en!ire world, even !he s!a!e.

    ALSUA>BE,,S *s. CAJ%ly (, 1545

    +AC,S- 7a*lo, Fernando and Francisca agreed in wri!ing

    !ha! !heir &a!her, /on Jes%s, *e appoin!ed *y !he co%r!e6ec%!or o& !he will o& !heir mo!her. +herea&!er, /on Jes%scancelled his holographic will and e6ec%!ed a new. A&!erhis dea!h, Francisca &iled a pe!i!ion &or !he pro*a!e o& !henew will. ! was opposed *y his sons, 7a*lo andFernando, on !he gro%nd !ha! /on Jes%s was no! o&so%nd mind a! !he !ime o& !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will.

    +he will was disallowed. +he da%gh!er arg%ed !ha!!he o!her children, 7a*lo and Fernando, are in es!oppel !o%es!ion !he compe!ence o& /on Jes%s *y vir!%e o& !heagreemen! previo%sly en!ered.

    ELD- ,he in$ile of estoel is not ali$able inobate o$eedings. 7ro*a!e proceedings involvep%*lic in!eres!, and !he applica!ion !herein o& !he r%le o&

    es!oppel, when i! will *loc$ !he ascer!ainmen! o& !he !r%!has !o !he circ%ms!ances, s%rro%nding !he e6ec%!ion o& a!es!amen!, wo%ld seem inimical !o p%*lic policy.

    +he con!roversy as !o !he compe!ency o& /on Jes%s!o e6ec%!e his will canno! *e de!ermined *y !he ac!s o& hissons !o !he will in &ormally agreeing in wri!ing wi!hFrancisca !ha! !heir &a!her *e appoin!ed *y !he co%r!e6ec%!or o& !he will o& !heir mo!her.

    +he SC allowed !he pro*a!e o& !he will %pon &inding!ha! /on Jes%s complied wi!h !he re%iremen!s o& law as!o !he e6ec%!ion o& !he will.

    LI( *s. CAJan%ary 29, 2

    +AC,S- n !he inven!ory o& !he es!a!e o& 7as!or, i!incl%ded some proper!ies *elonging !o some *%sinessen!i!ies. +he said corpora!ions &iled a mo!ion &or !hee6cl%sion o& !heir proper!y &orm !he inven!ory. R%&inaarg%ed !ha! 7as!or owned !he said *%siness en!i!ies. !&ollows !ha! he also own !he proper!ies o& !hecorpora!ions.

    ELD- ,he issue on the e1$lusion and in$lusion ofoety fo2 the in*entoy is /ithin the $o2eten$eof the obate $out. +he de!ermina!ion o& which co%r!

    e6ercises "%risdic!ion over ma!!ers o& pro*a!e depends %pon!he gross val%e o& !he es!a!e o& !he deceden!.

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    ,he intinsi$ *alidity is anothe 2atte and0uestions egading the sa2e 2ay still be aised e*enafte the /ill has been authenti$ated.

    A final !udg2ent on obated /ill" albeiteoneous" is binding on the /hole /old.

    n se!!ing aside !he order declaring !he willin!rinsically void, !he !rial co%r! n%lli&ied !he en!ry o&

    "%dgmen! made *y !he CA. A lower co%r! canno! reverseor se! aside decisions o& a s%perior co%r!.

    (ALOLES *s. #ILI#SJan%ary (1, 2

    +AC,S-/r. de San!os &iled a pe!i!ion &or !he pro*a!e o&his will.

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    SOLI7IO *s. CAFe*r%ary 12, 155

    +AC,S- Celedonia, ma!ernal a%n! o& !he deceased, wasdeclared as !he sole heir. 9 mon!hs la!er, Concordia,sis!er o& !he deceased=s &a!her &ile a MFR claiming !ha!she !oo was an heir o& !he deceased. ns!ead o&appealing, Concordia s%ed Celedonia &or par!i!ion,recovery o& possession, ownership and damages. +he

    s%i! was ini!ia!ed while !he pro*a!e proceedings were s!illpending. ranch 2 gran!ed Concordia=s prayers.

    ELD- ranch 2 was incorrec! in !a$ing cognizance o&!he case *eca%se i! was !he pro*a!e co%r! !ha! had !hee6cl%sive "%risdic!ion !o ma$e a "%s! and legal dis!ri*%!iono& !he es!a!e.

    ! is !he ode of distibution die$ting the deli*eyof the esidue of the estate to the esons entitledtheeto that bings to a $lose the intestateo$eedings. +he order declaring Celedonia as !he soleheir o& !he es!a!e did no! !oll !he end o& !he proceedings.

    n !he in!eres! o& orderly proced%re and !o avoidcon&%sing and con&lic!ing disposi!ions o& a deceden!=ses!a!e, a co%r! sho%ld no! in!er&ere wi!h pro*a!eproceedings pending in a co@e%al co%r!.

    A6E'O *s. CASep!em*er 1, 1559

    +AC,S- +he pro*a!e o& a will was opposed on !hegro%nd !ha! !he !es!a!ri6 canno! validly dispose o& !heho%se and lo! *eca%se she shared !he proper!y wi!h her&a!her=s o!her heirs.

    ELD- As a general r%le, co%r!s in pro*a!e proceedingsare limi!ed !o pass only %pon !he e6!rinsic validi!y o& !hewill so%gh! !o *e pro*a!ed.

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    advanced age and &ailing heal!h. +he s!radas insis! !ha!!he devise o& !he ho%se !o !hem *y Carmen clearlydeno!es her in!en!ion !ha! !hey remain in possession!hereo& since !heir o%s!er *e inconsis!en! wi!h !heCarmen=s holographic will.

    ELD- A legal g%ardian can validly s%e on *ehal& o& herward &or e"ec!men! where !he same proper!y is %rgen!lyneeded *y her ward.

    A /ill is essentially a2bulatoy. At any ti2e io

    to the testato=s death" it 2ay be $hanged o e*o

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    COSO *s. +E'NANDE)92 7

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    ELD- ,he institution of heis /ould etain effi$a$y inthe e*ent thee e1ists oof that the adotion of thesa2e heis by the de$edent is false.

    +he pe!i!ioners seems !o imply, &rom !he %se o& !he!erms, sapili!ang !agapagmana 0comp%lsory heirs3 andsapili!ang mana 0legi!ime3, !ha! !he impelling reason orca%se &or !he ins!i!%!ion o& !he responden!s was !he!es!a!ri6Es *elie& !ha! %nder !he law she co%ld no! doo!herwise. & !his were indeed wha! promp!ed !he !es!a!ri6

    in ins!i!%!ing !he responden!s, she did no! ma$e i! $nownin her will. & she was aware !ha! s%ccession !o !helegi!ime !a$es place *y opera!ion o& law, independen! o&her own wishes, she wo%ld no! have &o%nd i! convenien!!o name her s%pposed comp%lsory heirs !o !heir legi!imes.,he de$edent@s /ill does not state in a se$ifi$ oune0ui*o$al 2anne the $ause fo su$h institution ofheis. It $annot be annulled on the basis of guess/o 2, 1584

    +AC,S- 7a%lina died in!es!a!e wi!ho%! leaving any direc!descendan!s, ascendan!s or comp%lsory heirs. She wass%rvived *y her 2 *ro!hers and several nephews and nieces,incl%ding priva!e responden!s as well as pe!i!ioners who arechildren o& 2 deceased *ro!hers and a sis!er.

    ELD- As heirs, pe!i!ioners have !he legal s!anding !ochallenge !he deeds o& sale p%rpor!edly signed *y 7a%lina,&or o!herwise, proper!y claimed !o *elong !o her es!a!e, will

    *e e6cl%ded !here&rom !o !heir pre"%dice. +heir claims areno! merely con!ingen! or e6pec!an!. )hile !hey are no!comp%lsory heirs, !hey are none!heless legi!ima!e heirs andso, since !hey s!and !o *e *ene&i!ed or in"%red *y !he

    "%dgmen! or s%i!, and are !h%s, en!i!led !o pro!ec! !heir shareo& a s%ccessional righ!.

    +here *eing no pending special proceeding &or !hese!!lemen! o& !he 7a%lina=s es!a!e, !he pe!i!ioners, asin!es!a!e heirs, had !he righ! !o s%e &or !he reconveyance o&!he disp%!ed proper!ies, no! !o !hem, *%! !o !he es!a!e i!sel& o&!he deceden!, &or !he dis!ri*%!ion la!er in accordance wi!h law.

    A',ICLE 8FF9. Sho%ld !he only s%rvivors *e *ro!hers andsis!ers o& !he &%ll *lood, !hey shall inheri! in e%al shares.05943

    A',ICLE 8FF:. Sho%ld *ro!hers and sis!ers s%rvive!oge!her wi!h nephews and nieces, who are !he children o&!he descendan!Es *ro!hers and sis!ers o& !he &%ll *lood, !he&ormer shall inheri! per capi!a, and !he la!!er per s!irpes. 05983

    A',ICLE 8FF;. Sho%ld *ro!hers and sis!ers o& !he &%ll*lood s%rvive !oge!her wi!h *ro!hers and sis!ers o& !he hal&*lood, !he &ormer shall *e en!i!led !o a share do%*le !ha! o&!he la!!er. 05953


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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    BICO(ON% *s. AL(AN)A-MR 25, 1544

    +AC,S- +he deceased had a sis!er o& !he &%ll *lood anda *ro!her and 2 sis!ers o& !he hal&@*lood, all o& whom hadpredeceased her. S%rviving were# 0a3 a da%gh!er o& hersis!er o& !he &%ll *lood, and 0*3 1 children o& her *ro!herand 2 sis!ers o& !he hal&@*lood.

    ELD- +he niece o& !he whole *lood ge!s a share do%*leo& !ha! o& each o& !he nephews and nieces o& !he hal&@*lood. All o& !hem inheri! in !heir own righ!, and no! *y !herigh! o& represen!a!ion *eca%se !he nephews and nieceshere do no! conc%r wi!h any *ro!her or sis!er o& !hedeceased. +he rela!ive o& !he &%ll *lood does no! e6cl%de!he rela!ives o& !he hal&@*lood.

    A',ICLE 8FF3. n case *ro!hers and sis!ers o& !he hal&*lood, some on !he &a!herEs and some on !he mo!herEsside, are !he only s%rvivors, all shall inheri! in e%alshares wi!ho%! dis!inc!ion as !o !he origin o& !he proper!y.05?3

    A',ICLE 8FF5. Children o& *ro!hers and sis!ers o& !he

    hal& *lood shall s%cceed per capi!a or per s!irpes, inaccordance wi!h !he r%les laid down &or *ro!hers andsis!ers o& !he &%ll *lood. 051?3

    A',ICLE 8FF. Sho%ld !here *e nei!her *ro!hers norsis!ers, nor children o& *ro!hers or sis!ers, !he o!hercolla!eral rela!ives shall s%cceed !o !he es!a!e.

    +he la!!er shall s%cceed wi!ho%! dis!inc!ion o& lines orpre&erence among !hem *y reason o& rela!ionship *y !hewhole *lood. 05?9a3

    A',ICLE 8F8F. +he righ! !o inheri! a* in!es!a!o shall no!e6!end *eyond !he &i&!h degree o& rela!ionship in !hecolla!eral line. 05??a3

    SUBSEC,ION ;,he State

    A',ICLE 8F88. n de&a%l! o& persons en!i!led !o s%cceedin accordance wi!h !he provisions o& !he precedingSec!ions, !he S!a!e shall inheri! !he whole es!a!e. 05?a3

    A',ICLE 8F84. n order !ha! !he S!a!e may !a$epossession o& !he proper!y men!ioned in !he precedingar!icle, !he per!inen! provisions o& !he R%les o& Co%r! m%s!*e o*served. 05?8a3

    A',ICLE 8F8. A&!er !he paymen! o& de*!s and charges,!he personal proper!y shall *e assigned !o !he m%nicipali!yor ci!y where !he deceased las! resided in !he 7hilippines,and !he real es!a!e !o !he m%nicipali!ies or ci!ies,respec!ively, in which !he same is si!%a!ed.

    & !he deceased never resided in !he 7hilippines, !hewhole es!a!e shall *e assigned !o !he respec!ivem%nicipali!ies or ci!ies where !he same is loca!ed.

    S%ch es!a!e shall *e &or !he *ene&i! o& p%*lic schools,and p%*lic chari!a*le ins!i!%!ions and cen!ers, in s%chm%nicipali!ies or ci!ies. +he co%r! shall dis!ri*%!e !hees!a!e as !he respec!ive needs o& each *ene&iciary maywarran!.

    +he co%r!, a! !he ins!ance o& an in!eres!ed par!y, oron i!s own mo!ion, may order !he es!a*lishmen! o& a

    permanen! !r%s!, so !ha! only !he income &rom !he proper!yshall *e %sed. 05?a3

    A',ICLE 8F89. & a person legally en!i!led !o !he es!a!eo& !he deceased appears and &iles a claim !here!o wi!h !heco%r! wi!hin &ive years &rom !he da!e !he proper!y wasdelivered !o !he S!a!e, s%ch person shall *e en!i!led !o !hepossession o& !he same, or i& sold, !he m%nicipali!y or ci!yshall *e acco%n!a*le !o him &or s%ch par! o& !he proceedsas may no! have *een law&%lly spen!. 0n3

    CA#,E' 9#o*isions Co22on to ,estate and Intestate

    Su$$essionsSEC,ION 8

    'ight of A$$etion

    A',ICLE 8F8:. A$$etion is a righ! *y vir!%e o& which,when !wo or more persons are called !o !he sameinheri!ance, devise or legacy, !he par! assigned !o !he onewho reno%nces or canno! receive his share, or who died*e&ore !he !es!a!or, is added or incorpora!ed !o !ha! o& his co@heirs, co@devisees, or co@lega!ees. 0n3

    A',ICLE 8F8;. n order !ha! !he righ! o& accre!ion may !a$eplace in a !es!amen!ary s%ccession, i! shall *e necessary#013 +ha! !wo or more persons *e called !o !he sameinheri!ance, or !o !he same por!ion !hereo&, pro indivisoD and023 +ha! one o& !he persons !h%s called die *e&ore !he!es!a!or, or reno%nce !he inheri!ance, or *eincapaci!a!ed !o receive i!. 0582a3

    A',ICLE 8F83. +he words one@hal& &or each or in e%alshares or any o!hers which, !ho%gh designa!ing an ali%o!par!, do no! iden!i&y i! *y s%ch descrip!ion as shall ma$e each

    heir !he e6cl%sive owner o& de!ermina!e proper!y, shall no!e6cl%de !he righ! o& accre!ion.

    n case o& money or &%ngi*le goods, i& !he share o& eachheir is no! earmar$ed, !here shall *e a righ! o& accre!ion.058(a3

    A',ICLE 8F85. n legal s%ccession !he share o& !he personwho rep%dia!es !he inheri!ance shall always accr%e !o his co@heirs. 05813

    A',ICLE 8F8. +he heirs !o whom !he por!ion goes *y !herigh! o& accre!ion !a$e i! in !he same propor!ion !ha! !heyinheri!. 0n3

    A',ICLE 8F4F. +he heirs !o whom !he inheri!ance accr%esshall s%cceed !o all !he righ!s and o*liga!ions which !he heirwho reno%nced or co%ld no! receive i! wo%ld have had. 05893

    A',ICLE 8F48. Among !he comp%lsory heirs !he righ! o&accre!ion shall !a$e place only when !he &ree por!ion is le&! !o!wo or more o& !hem, or !o any one o& !hem and !o a s!ranger.

    Sho%ld !he par! rep%dia!ed *e !he legi!ime, !he o!her co@heirs shall s%cceed !o i! in !heir own righ!, and no! *y !he righ!o& accre!ion. 058?3

    A',ICLE 8F44. n !es!amen!ary s%ccession, when !he righ!o& accre!ion does no! !a$e place, !he vacan! por!ion o& !heins!i!%!ed heirs, i& no s%*s!i!%!e has *een designa!ed, shall

    pass !o !he legal heirs o& !he !es!a!or, who shall receive i! wi!h!he same charges and o*liga!ions. 0583

    A',ICLE 8F4. Accre!ion shall also !a$e place amongdevisees, lega!ees and %s%&r%c!%aries %nder !he samecondi!ions es!a*lished &or heirs. 0584a3

    SEC,ION 4Caa$ity to Su$$eed by Will o by Intesta$y

    A',ICLE 8F49. 7ersons no! incapaci!a!ed *y law mays%cceed *y will or a* in!es!a!o.

    +he provisions rela!ing !o incapaci!y *y will are e%allyapplica*le !o in!es!a!e s%ccession. 0499, 5193

    A',ICLE 8F4:. n order !o *e capaci!a!ed !o inheri!, !heheir, devisee or lega!ee m%s! *e living a! !he momen! !hes%ccession opens, e6cep! in case o& represen!a!ion, when i!is proper.

    A child already conceived a! !he !ime o& !he dea!h o& !hedeceden! is capa*le o& s%cceeding provided i! *e *orn la!er%nder !he condi!ions prescri*ed in ar!icle 91. 0n3

    ,ES,A,E ES,A,E O+ 'I%O' *s. 'I%O'April (, 1545


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    SUCCESSION REVIEWER Case Digests (4thYear : 2008-2009

    ELD- +he said *e%es! re&ers !o !he !es!a!orEs neares!male rela!ive li"ing at the time of his death and not to anyindefinite time thereafter.

    A',ICLE 8F4;. A !es!amen!ary disposi!ion may *emade !o !he S!a!e, provinces, m%nicipal corpora!ions,priva!e corpora!ions, organiza!ions, or associa!ions