765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October

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  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October



    7.C8tf 8nl8 Ulllrnil otr!0llAr

    Dtrd r Uar?,l3; Bor,,w n R'IID !('TAOT'B NAR,IcundrC: f0t ,Z}a 19tO-1tt3't . t , A . 3 l - r l f i l

    Ron Torri 1155W lS5th StreetHomewood, .60430 Ph 708-799-357 e-mailVandrehook311 Rea AvenueExtentionHawrhome, .J. 07506 Ph.973-427-1704Bill Hill 101GrahamRd.Jasper, n.37347 Ph. 423-942- 644Reunion Coordiator: LannyTayloe 3521Ramblewood ircle,NW Cleveland, n.37312472-37 7 e-mail ritz-tayloe@msn.comLetter: BobKalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, v. 89012 Ph.702-260- 224, e-mail

    ri - . . ! . "'Ed Ollearo 450 Lakeshore r., Hewitt,NJ. 07421. Ph.973-853-7497NancyCunningham,5634ichard, allas, x. 75206,Ph.214-823-9366,-mail . ,tningir_,r"l.lrrsitHistory site,http://griffincunningham.netcriffin/MAlN/765th.htmgroupsite, http:/griffincunningham.net/T65reunionorg/main.htm


    Bob,TheyweresellinghesenewPoppies t a trainstationn Paloshillstation.Theyaregreenwitha yellow enter. he ag says The orgotten ar Korea1950-19Thebackof the ag says" n remembrancef them"I enclosed scanpicture f thePoppy.Ron

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October


    | -'.'t*"*v :'/i7":/f, 3''L?-''z*.,- .-^/.1-.., lrsr,

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  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October


    This s the irst newsletterhat 'll be sendinghrough -mail, or thoseof you with thecapability,f you dohavee-mailandwould ike to receivet this woy,please endmeyoure-mailaddresso htfbg_liiLlU,qcl.Photo'sn theprintednewsletterre n blackandwhite,while throughe-mail,you can eceivehem n color. Wediscussedhis at themeetingand hosewith e-mailwere or it.Thecover etter of this cunentnewsletterwasprintedbeforeour reunionso, heofficers'names re ncoffect. Below,youwill find the correctisting.

    RonTorii 155WitSttr,Sue*'Hoinewgid,l;69430Ph708-79-357p.+rnailRGT52932@oKwiatkowski Grandprix r. CheektowagFN.Y.4227Ph'716-668'l@5 iV.P.: SueHamilton2024WindingCreek aneMason, h.45040Ph 513-398'0713Bill Hill 101Graham d.Jasper, n37347 Ph.423'942'26{,4Reunion oordinatonSueHamilton2024Windingreek ane,MasoqOh.5040 h5t3-398-07Letter: BobKalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, v. 89012 Ph.70ZA60- 224, e-mailh,':h.rt-LaliuuoeAstle 18022 ogBarRoadGrass alley,Ca. Ph'9163'1G7503ite: NancyCunningharn,634Richard,Dallas,Tx' 75206,Ph'214'823'9366'e-mailult:ittg-b-rtflirsh,llr:!Historysite,http://Erifrncunningjham.nct/Griffrn/lr,IAlN/765th.htnReunion si e, http griffrncunningham.t/t65 main.htm

    Subject:supennarketThenew supermarket earourhouse,hasanautornaticwater mister o keep heproducefresh. Justbifore it goeson,you hear hesoundof thunderand he smell of fresh ain.Whenyouapproachhe milk cases,you hearcowsmooingandexperiencehe scentoffreshhay. Whenyou approachhe eggcase, ouhezu enscluckingand cackleand nthe s filled with thepleasing romaof baconandeggs rying. The veggiedepartmentfeatureshe soundof agentlebreeze nd hesmellof freshbuttedcorn.I don'tbuytoiletpaperhereanymore!

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October


    Th" Wh**l' o[ Lif*

    Getting olderhas ts drawbacks, ut I guessherearen't oo manygoodaltemitives to gettlngolder.Whenever ou seea gatheringof seniors,it tsan even bet theyare talklngabouteveffilng that ls wrongwiththem.Youknow, he usual,memory,urlnaryproblems,knees,eyeslght,etc',


  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October


    Bob & AudreyHopeeveryonehas a good ime at the reunion. Al & I wereplanningon coming,asoneof ourdaugirten ives in Dunioody Ga At had otal knee eplacementn Julr.31dhas inished t*py,but has o contintre o getstronger.Walkingbetter,but not too longof distance-Wewill be ooking ftrward to your newsletterelling usaboutyour good ime.Hopeall is well with you andAudrey.Takecare' BettYGeurts

    * * * * * * , 1 . , r * * * , 1 * r r ' * ' 3 r t r t t l r r * * * * * * * * * * * * *+ , t t l f * * * t r * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * t , } * * * * * i * * * * * * * * l *

    6-27-06Bill - Billie -765,

    With u*ly regets we find thatwe cannotattend hereunion n Atlanta. Wewill miss t for thesecond ear n u ro* we havea conflict with a-pre-arrangednrise, Sept3/05). This cruisewas,r*rtg"i andawaited or overtwo yearsago. tt ir tn excitingsmallshlpcruise rom NtodeIsland rrtoNew york Harbor,up theHudin to Albany,Erie canal, 300 miles)to theqtrFatLakesThousand slands, "fontreA& Quebecandwe had o wait two years or rcservations.you're in ogr thoughtsandwill planbetternxtyear.Enclosd $20duesBucky - Ginny ( GordonBuxton)* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * f * * * + t * * * * * * * + * * t r + t l * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * i * * * * * * * t + * * * * *

    e-mailreceived rom DoloresArmstongto NancYCunninghart:Hi ,

    I have been going throqgh my fathers (Antonio O. Becerra)service picttres/PaPers tryingto organizetheminto anice photo itUo* for him to enjoy and I carneacrossa llyer from areunion in 2000 (Chicago?) ttdalsoancwsletter from a King DavenportI believe my father receiveJ . *pytf thesefrom his good fiend'and fellow servicc buddy louie Gonzales

    (1950-19S3'ish). Sudly l,ouie p"rr"d away ast year. H. *"r awonderful friend to my dad and they keptin touch throughout the Years.I sawrhe news clippingthat saidthat we could sendaway info t9 try to B9t a Korean Sen'ice War medalandhave usr sent Ai tftl paperwork in. (I'm hoping it's not too late and if it comes t will be nice to give to

    H;ilffi*" mewonderingf therewereanyotherywslettersor updatesn he nteraethatcould possibly ftid -d p.r, "loni*y info to him? That is how I cameacrossyour names. Is there a way Ican add my dad to your newsletter group? Are you online (Internet?)Thanks for any info.Dolores Armstrong

  • 8/14/2019 765th TRSB Newsletter 2006 October


    p.s. - I enjoyedyour website N.r.y. (I would have oved to haveseennamesnext to the beautifulpictures asI was crrrious of who waswho')You've put a lot of good work into it!yes, here is the ""rrnion group we all evenwent to Korea last year

    tD . / sr i lincunninsham . x. t / 76 5 cun lx) g maid ht him know who you are and then contact Bob Kalan andhavehimadd you andyour dad to the newslctter list!Th""k" fior the compliments it's the least I candoThanks N*"yRonMy name is Dolores Arrnstrorrg .nq I am r*itirrg to you-(and n$ K"l-) to see f *y dad and I could beadded o your newsletter list. rrry d.g served rir"i"" during the period 1950-1952' I stumbledacrossanold newsletter that was g*, ,o *y dad as wasputti"g-tg.th"r a photo album of his sen'ice years' Mydad had very fond -"*J"i"s of his time in the Army and t\ men he met' ,r:_- r:-+.please et me know what other speciftc nfo you n'""n needto a{d rr* to your mailing list:Antonio (tony) O- Becerra4'505E. Walnut AveOrange, CL 92869

    Dolores Armstrong233 S *andro St.Anaheim, CA 92807


    Hello friends!This last re'nion (Atlanta;, ws a great one! LannyT"y'* -ftd I terrilic job in setting it uP' we thank youLanny for a ob well done! you definitely have""tti"a i"ur "ranlf into-onr returion goup! As usrral'Bill

    and Billie Hill donated their talents and time too, thank you Bill and Billie. GladysTayloe celebrayd heril ;t rhd"y ,hr, y.o and as"l*"y, was nvol""i i' everything, sheevenwent to the late night ball game'

    This wasthoqgh, s" smallest reunion group yet. various, (serious), reasonsprevented some of o'rmembers to attend, there were trro last minute cancellations. Edith & JackAcostacouldn't make it'Ediths, brother had passedaway, (our sympathiesgo 9{ to Edirfi), a feJvaar.s}rore the reunion' Nancy &Ben smith couldn,t attend asNancy *., t"'"t irrgui*a from an Artery (or vain), "".? time h"*:* beat'Ben took her to the hospial a few Ly, befiore r." ,"*rion and ust intime! she needed8 Pt" of blood' wehope she,sdoing well now. Marlene Torii had open heart surgery for repair work, bcfore the reunion butwas able to attend and wasdoitg fine'

    Sinceno one had offered their talent(s) for taking over next years' reunion, SueHamilton volunteeredcincinnati for o'r site. Her daughter, itr"ryt (h;band Pem/), Schneiderwill invesdgatc the options incincinnati; our thanl$ go out to',h"nl for ttreir intercst in o'r goup/family

    we are hotding our own here in sunny Lasvegasalthough, today-aswe put this newsletter together' it isachrallyovERdAsr! Thatis rrnique""a r"-1ihat of ateat outhere; the tcrnp' isn'tbad either' 82'w" hop" this letter ftnds you doing well and taking careof yo'rsclvest our best,

    Bob, Audrey and Dan too