7UL WHQQLV - tri-tennis.com · :kdw lv wkh 7ul whqqlv " 7ul whqqlv h[lvwv rxw ri d sod\lqj ilhog ri...

Post on 26-Sep-2020

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What is the Tri-tennis®?Tri-tennis exists out of a playing-field of weatherproof PVC sailcloth which is attached on a zinc-coated metal frame. If you smash the ball against the sailcloth, the ball always will come back with the same speed. On the perfect distance to give to the ball the next smash.

Benefits: Benefits: The benefits of the Tri-tennis:

• Tri-tennis can be used on all surfaces.• Tri-tennis can be used by everyone; young and old, in spite of your tennis level.• Only 2,5 x 3 meters needed.• Can be moved very easily and is weatherproof. •• Tri-tennis has the opportunity for you to get a print on it. For example: The logo of your tennisclub or the name of a sponsor can be print on the sailcloth.• Tri-tennis provides a lot of fun, but also is a great help to improve your tennis level.• Ideal for trainers. • Extremely suitable for movies and eventually in combination with a synchronisation programme. combination with a synchronisation programme.

Your own Tri-tennis?If you want more information about the Tri-tennis you can contact us by e-mail: info@Tri-tennis.com

You can also take a look at our website and check our demonstration movie at www.Tri-tennis.com

Tri-tennisThe perfect help for you to gain your tennis level!

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