8-1 Chapter 8 Lecture Outline See PowerPoint Image Slides for all figures and tables pre-inserted...

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Chapter 8

Lecture Outline

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The Skeletal System

• Overview of the skeleton• The skull• The vertebral column

and thoracic cage

• The pectoral girdle and upper limb

• The pelvic girdle and lower limb


Overview of the Skeleton

• Regions of the skeleton– axial skeleton = central axis

• skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum and sacrum

– appendicular skeleton = limbs and girdles

• Number of bones– 206 in typical adult skeleton

• varies with development of sesamoid bones (patella)

– start at 270 at birth, decreases with fusion

• Surface markings defined in Table 8.2


Surface Features of Bones


Axial and Appendicular Skeleton

• Axial skeleton in tan– skull, vertebrae,

sternum, ribs, sacrum and hyoid

• Appendicular skeleton in green– pectoral girdle– upper extremity– pelvic girdle– lower extremity


Major Skull Cavities


The Skull

• 22 bones joined together by sutures

• Cranial bones surround cranial cavity– 8 bones in contact with meninges

• frontal, parietal,

– calvaria (skullcap) forms roof and walls

• Facial bones support teeth and form nasal cavity and orbit– 14 bones with no direct contact with brain or

meninges– attachment of facial and jaw muscles


Cranial Fossa

• 3 basins that comprise the cranial floor or base– anterior fossa holds the frontal lobe of the brain– middle fossa holds the temporal lobes of the brain– posterior fossa contains the cerebellum

• Swelling of the brain may force tissue through foramen magnum resulting in death


Frontal Bone• Forms forehead and

part of the roof of the cranium

• Forms roof of the orbit

• Contains frontal sinus


Parietal Bone

• Cranial roof and part of its lateral walls

• Bordered by 4 sutures– coronal, sagittal,

lambdoid and squamous

• Temporal lines of temporalis muscleTemporal lines


Temporal Bone

• Lateral wall and part of floor of cranial cavity– squamous part

• zygomatic process• mandibular fossa and


– tympanic part• external auditory meatus• styloid process

– mastoid part• mastoid process

– mastoiditis from ear infection

• mastoid notch– digastric muscle


Petrous Portion of Temporal Bone

• Part of cranial floor– separates middle from

posterior cranial fossa

• Houses middle and inner ear cavities– receptors for hearing and

sense of balance– internal auditory meatus

= opening for CN VII (vestibulocochlear nerve)


Right Temporal Bone


Openings in Temporal Bone

• Carotid canal– passage for internal

carotid artery supplying the brain

• Jugular foramen– irregular opening

between temporal and occipital bones

– passageway for drainage of blood from brain to internal jugular vein


Occipital Bone• Rear and base of skull• Foramen magnum holds spinal

cord• Skull rests on atlas at occipital

condyles• Hypoglossal canal transmits

hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) supplying tongue muscles

• External occipital protuberance for nuchal ligament

• Nuchal lines mark neck muscles


Sphenoid Bone

• Lesser wing

• Greater wing

• Body of sphenoid

• Medial and lateral pterygoid processes


Sphenoid Bone• Body of the sphenoid

– sella turcica contains hypophyseal fossa

– houses pituitary gland

• Lesser wing– optic foramen

• Greater wing – foramen rotundum and

ovale for brs. trigeminal nerve

– foramen spinosum for meningeal artery


Sphenoid Bone

• Sphenoid sinus


Ethmoid Bone

• Between the orbital cavities• Lateral walls and roof nasal

cavity• Cribriform plate and crista

galli• Ethmoid air cells form ethmoid

sinus• Perpendicular plate forms part

of nasal septum• Concha (turbinates) on lateral



Ethmoid Bone

• Superior and middle concha

• Perpendicular plate of nasal septum


Maxillary Bones

• Forms upper jaw– alveolar processes are bony points

between teeth– alveolar sockets hold teeth

• Forms inferomedial wall of orbit– infraorbital foramen

• Forms anterior 2/3’sof hard palate– incisive foramen– cleft palate


Locations of Paranasal Sinuses

• Maxillary sinus fills maxillae bone• Other bones containing sinuses are frontal,

ethmoid and sphenoid.


Palatine Bones

• L-shaped bone• Posterior 1/3 of the

hard palate • Part of lateral nasal

wall• Part of the orbital



Zygomatic Bones

• Forms angles of the cheekbones and part of lateral orbital wall

• Zygomatic arch is formed from temporal process of zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone


Lacrimal Bones

• Form part of medial wall of each orbit

• Lacrimal fossa houses lacrimal sac in life– tears collect in

lacrimal sac and drain into nasal cavity


Nasal Bones

• Forms bridge of nose and supports cartilages of nose

• Often fractured by blow to the nose


Inferior Nasal Conchae

• A separate bone• Not part of ethmoid

like the superior and middle concha or turbinates



• Inferior half of the nasal septum

• Supports cartilage of nasal septum


• Only movable bone – jaw joint between mandibular fossa

and condyloid process

• Holds the lower teeth• Attachment of muscles of mastication

– temporalis muscle onto coronoid process

– masseter muscle onto angle of mandible

• Mandibular foramen• Mental foramen



Ramus, Angle and Body of Mandible


• Auditory ossicles– malleus, incus, and


• Hyoid bone– suspended from

styloid process of skull by muscle and ligament

– greater and lesser cornua

Bones Associated With Skull


Skull in Infancy and Childhood

• Spaces between unfused bones called fontanels– filled with fibrous

membrane– allow shifting of bones

during birth and growth of brain

• 2 frontal bones fuse by age six (metopic suture)

• Skull reaches adult size by 8 or 9


The Vertebral Column

• 33 vertebrae and intervertebral discs of fibrocartilage

• Five vertebral groups– 7 cervical in the neck– 12 thoracic in the chest– 5 lumbar in lower back– 5 fused sacral – 4 fused coccygeal

• Variations in number of lumbar and sacral vertebrae


Newborn Spinal Curvature

• Spine exhibits one continuous C-shaped curve

• Known as primary curvature


Adult Spinal Curvatures

• S-shaped vertebral column with 4 curvatures

• Secondary curvatures develop after birth– lifting head as it begins

to crawl develops cervical curvature

– walking upright develops lumbar curvature


Abnormal Spinal Curvatures

• From disease, posture, paralysis or congenital defect

• Scoliosis from lack of proper development of one vertebrae

• Kyphosis is from osteoporosis

• Lordosis is from weak abdominal muscles


General Structure of Vertebra

• Body

• Vertebral foramen form vertebral canal

• Neural arch – 2 lamina– 2 pedicles

• Processes– spinous, transverse

and articular


Intervertebral Foramen and Discs

• Intervertebral foramen– Notches between

adjacent vertebrae– passageway for nerves

• Intervertebral discs– bind vertebrae together– absorb shock– gelatinous nucleus

pulposus surrounded by anulus fibrosus (ring of fibrocartilage)

– herniated disc pressures spinal nerve or cord


Typical Cervical Vertebrae

• Small body and larger vertebral foramen• Transverse process short with transverse

foramen for protection of vertebral arteries• Bifid or forked spinous process in C2 to C6• C7 vertebra prominens


The Unique Atlas and Axis• Atlas (C1) supports the skull

– concave superior articular facet• nod your head in “yes” movement

– ring surrounding large vertebral foramen

• anterior and posterior arch

• no vertebral body

• Axis (C2)– dens or odontoid process is held in

place inside the vertebral foramen of the atlas by ligaments

– allows rotation of head -- “no”


Atlas and Axis Articulation


Typical Thoracic Vertebrae

• Larger body than cervical but smaller than lumbar• Spinous processes pointed and angled downward• Superior articular facets face posteriorly permitting

some rotation between adjacent vertebrae• Rib attachment

– costal facets on vertebral body and at ends of transverse processes for articulation of ribs


Lumbar Vertebrae

• Thick, stout body and blunt, squarish spinous process

• Superior articular processes face medially– lumbar region resistant to twisting movements


Sacrum (Anterior View)

• 5 sacral vertebrae fuse by age 26

• Anterior surface– smooth and concave

– sacral foramina were intervertebral foramen

• nerves and blood vessels

– 4 transverse lines indicate line of fusion of vertebrae


Sacrum (Posterior View)

• Median sacral crest• Lateral sacral crest• Posterior sacral

foramina• Sacral canal ends as

sacral hiatus• Auricular surface is

part of sacroiliac joint



• Single, small bone– 4 vertebrae fused by 30– Co1 to Co4

• Attachment site for muscles of pelvic floor

• Cornua – hornlike projections on Co1

for ligaments attach coccyx to sacrum

• Fractured by fall or during childbirth


Thoracic Cage

• Consists of thoracic vertebrae, sternum and ribs

• Attachment site for pectoral girdle and many limb muscles

• Protects many organs• Rhythmically expanded

by respiratory muscles to draw air into the lungs


Rib Structure• Flat blade called a shaft

– inferior margin has costal groove for nerves and vessels

• Proximal head and tubercle are connected by neck

• Articulation– head with body of vertebrae– tubercle with transverse process

Tubercle Head


Numbered Rib Articulations


True and False Ribs

• True ribs (1 to 7) attach to sternum with hyaline cartilage

• False ribs (8-12)– 11-12 are floating

and not attached to sternum

• 12 pairs of ribs in both sexes


Pectoral Girdle

• Attaches upper extremity to the body

• Scapula and clavicle

• Clavicle attaches medially to the sternum and laterally to the scapula– sternoclavicular joint– acromioclavicular joint

• Scapula articulates with the humerus– humeroscapular or shoulder joint– easily dislocated due to loose attachment



• S-shaped bone, flattened dorsoventrally• Inferior - marked by muscle and ligament • Sternal end rounded -- acromial end flattened



• Triangular plate overlies ribs 2 to 7

• Spine ends as acromion process

• Coracoid process = muscle attachment

• Subscapular, infraspinous and supraspinous fossa

• Glenoid fossa = socket for head of humerus


Scapular Features


Upper Limb

• 30 bones per limb

• Brachium (arm) = humerus

• Antebrachium (forearm) = radius and ulna (radius on thumb side)

• Carpus (wrist) = 8 small bones(2 rows)

• Manus (hand) = 19 bones(2 groups)– 5 metacarpals in palm– 14 phalanges in fingers


Humerus• Hemispherical head• Anatomical neck• Greater and lesser tubercles

and deltoid tuberosity• Intertubercular groove holds

biceps tendon• Rounded capitulum articulates

with radius• Trochlea articulates with ulna • Olecranon fossa holds

olecranon process of ulna• Forearm muscles attach to

medial and lateral epicondyles


Ulna and Radius• Radius

– head = disc rotates during pronation and supination

• articulates with capitulum

– radial tuberosity for biceps muscle

• Ulna– olecranon and trochlear notch – radial notch holds ulna

• Interosseous membrane– ligament attaches radius to

ulna along interosseous margin of each bone


Carpal Bones

• Form wrist– flexion, extension,

abduction and adduction

• 2 rows (4 bones each)– proximal row =

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum and pisiform

– distal row = trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate


Metacarpals and Phalanges

• Phalanges are bones of the fingers– thumb or pollex has

proximal and distal phalanx

– fingers have proximal, middle and distal phalanx

• Metacarpals are bones of the palm– base, shaft and head


Sesamoid Bone


Pelvic Girdle

• Girdle = 2 hip bones• Pelvis = girdle and sacrum• Supports trunk on the legs

and protects viscera• Each os coxae is joined to

the vertebral column at thesacroiliac joint

• Anteriorly, pubic bones are joined by pad of fibrocartilage to form pubic symphysis


Pelvic Inlet and Outlet

• False and true pelvis separated at pelvic brim• Infant’s head passes through pelvic inlet and



Os Coxae (Hip Bone)• Acetabulum is hip joint socket• Ilium

– iliac crest and iliac fossa– greater sciatic notch contains

sciatic nerve

• Pubis– body, superior and inferior ramus

• Ischium– ischial tuberosity bears body weight– ischial spine– lesser sciatic notch between ischial

spine and tuberosity– ischial ramus joins inferior pubic



Comparison of Male and Female

• Female lighter, shallower pubic arch( >100 degrees), and pubic inlet round or oval

• Male heavier, upper pelvis nearly vertical, coccyx more vertical, and pelvic inlet heart-shaped


Femur and Patella (Kneecap)

• Nearly spherical head and constricted neck– ligament to fovea capitis

• Greater and lesser trochanters for muscle attachment

• Posterior ridge called linea aspera

• Medial and lateral condyles and epicondyles found distally

• Patella = triangular sesamoid



• Tibia is thick, weight-bearing bone (medial)

• Broad superior head with 2 flat articular surfaces

• medial and lateral condyles

– roughened anterior surface palpated below patella(tibial tuberosity)

– distal expansion = medial malleolus



• Slender lateral strut stabilizes ankle

• Does not bear any body weight– spare bone tissue

• Head = proximal end• Lateral malleolus =

distal expansion• Joined to tibia by

interosseous membrane


The Ankle and Foot

• Tarsal bones are shaped and arranged differently from carpal bones due to load-bearing role of the ankle

• Talus is most superior tarsal bone– forms ankle joint with tibia and fibula– sits upon calcaneus and articulates

with navicular

• Calcaneus forms heel (achilles tendon)

• Distal row of tarsal bones– cuboid, medial, intermediate and

lateral cuneiforms


The Foot

• Remaining bones of foot are similar in name and arrangement to the hand

• Metatarsal I is proximal to the great toe (hallux)– base, shaft and head

• Phalanges– 2 in great toe

• proximal and distal

– 3 in all other toes• proximal, middle and distal


Embryonic Limb Rotation

• Rotation of upper and lower limbs in opposite directions– largest digit medial in foot and lateral in hand– Elbow flexes posteriorly and knee flexes anteriorly


Foot Arches

• Sole of foot not flat on ground• 3 springy arches absorb stress

– medial longitudinal arch from heel to hallux

– lateral longitudinal arch from heel to little toe

– transverse arch across middle of foot

• Arches held together by short, strong ligaments– pes planis (flat feet)


Bipedalism and Limb Adaptations


Bipedalism and Upright Stance


Bipedalism and Head Position