8 Of The Biggest Challenges Responsive Web Designers Face (Infographic)

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Twenty five Responsive-Web designers were emailed to name their biggest design challenges. Here are their

responses - in random order!

How many devices do we have to extend the design for?

Most of the designers rued the fact that they never are given a clear fix on the

variations of screens they have to design for. There’s always a last minute change.

How to plan small icons of very high resolutions?

Although mobile screens are small, and tiny icons need to be designed, the pixel counts of these screens have very resolutions and the

smallest images must zoom with utter clarity.

Where exactly should the navigation be placed?

Innovation in design is often affected by having to place the “three bars” (menu icon) on the top left of screen, to which

users have become habituated.

How can data tables be managed on small screens?

The arrangement of data often gives it its meaning (as in table rows or columns).

It’s difficult to show data on mobiles in a way that signifies its relative importance.

What is the loading time allowable for rich images?

Research suggests people abandon sites that take more than 6-10 seconds to load, so how rich can images be to

download even in adverse connectivity?

Do we have the time to develop and test the designs fully?

Development and testing of Responsive-Web design is a fairly long, arduous and

iterative process and deadlines are invariably miscalculated for this.

Are the client brand teams as yet aware of Responsive Design complexities?

Designers find it extremely difficult to explain their work to client brand teams

who are at varying awareness levels about Responsive Web design.

When should the content inclusion or elimination decisions be taken?

Strategically such decisions should be taken before designing. But in reality conflicts over inclusion or exclusion of content happen at late design stages.

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