8 Ways To Attract & Keep Top Jobs

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Taken from a larger course, here are 8 positively interesting and effective ways to attract top recruiters for your best career move. Find out what it takes to be more competitive in this era.


Taken from the “Get Your Career in Gear” Series

Produced by L3 Coaching Solutions


– with the type, location and work schedule. (you may have to twist and turn to fit yet, with the right attitude you will be smiling much)


Introducing Yusif, my son the model

(for example, Role Playing like a kid. Imagine you are the Manager or Director and model your career path to mirror theirs )


– Build a online profile? What will a search uncover? (grow your profile professionally online and offline as you develop through your career)

Race Car Driver

Thought Leader?

Computer Technician


– from the clutter called resumes. (create the (VCV)RLR or Real Live Resume for the right impact and immediate showcase of your skills)

Some photo taken from dalgleish.com.au


5 – Aggressively Pursue Personal & Professional Development (Look for certifications in your career field or specialty. Don’t wait for your company to offer, go after it to get the competitive edge)

Photo taken from 8 Ways to be 10x Better


Key development through coaching, mentoring and interviewing

- Professionals use Career Think Tanks


– Mastering the critical task of Marketing yourself; “Lean In”

Stay away from:

Partner: Don’t talk about being part of the leadership before you get a job


Promotion: Do not ask if you would be promoted and what time frame before

you get a job offer

Possibilities: Don’t push your interviewer to give you predictions of what

could possibly happen for you in this position

Be sure and Lean In:

Position: Always be clear on what you will be doing when hired and where

you will be working

Past Performance: Create content of your knowledge growth, skills

enhancement and abilities to showcase along your career path

Preparation: This is most critical. Do not attempt a career transition without

preparation. Properly prepare for the peaks and pitfalls that are inherent in

the career development journey.


8 – Impress recruiters with your Blog

(Show that you have insight deeper than just a resume bullet. Highlight your forward thinking by discussing thought provoking topics)

Photo taken from somewhere online


For more information about similar training please go to: www.8ways2be10xbetter.us

For information about booking please go to www.rashidhhill.com

For inquiries or comments email Rashid Hill @ l3.thebrand@gmail.com
