8 ways to improve your charity's email marketing

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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8 tips from Ireland's largest overseas aid charity on how to improve your email marketing. These are all based on learnings from testing various things on Concern Worldwide's large list. It should be practical and easy to apply to your charity.


8 Ways To Improve Your Charity’s Email Marketing

Remind impatient, busy people...that they care.

Do Everything In 1s

Subject: You can help Halime Recover

37% higher

CTR than…

Design For Mobile

The same email looks good on mobile.

Use Plain Text

485% higher than average CTR

Subject: Inspiring video for supporters eyes only.

83% more income from a reminder

Get to the point in 150 words.

Just say it.

Allow For Scanners

Who don’t read full sentences

Use Vertical Response

3 Tactics to improve your Open Rate

• It’s all about YOU

• Ask Questions

• Intrigue

Open rates went from 11.5% to 16%

Send more emails (Than DMs)

A/B test: regular givers gave 6% more.
