8 Ways To Manage Social Media During An Event

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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8 Ways To Manage Social Media During An Event


8 Ways to Manage Social

Media During an EventVia Biz Bash

While most groups do have a presence

on social media, it’s crucial to devote

time to managing that digital brand in

real time during an event.

Designate and empower monitors

Remember to delegate the task to a team member who

can really monitor social media, this will allow them

to update live during the event.


Create a command center

Your social media hub should be in the center off all

the action. Your social media hum should have the

best vantage point, adequate power, internet,


Define your brand voice

Create a specific tone, character, and

persona for team members to use.


Make it personal

Be authentic. Speak to your audience

like they are your friends, also Keep the

dialogue going by responding quickly.


Expect the unexpected

Even with the best planning, the unexpected can happen.

Germann says it’s worth the effort to go through a script

of possible issues—a power outage, bad weather, a shortage of

some key item and craft responses ahead of time.


Put Twitter first

Tweets are the language of real-time social media conversations.

This doesn't mean to neglect Facebook and Instagram, but it

seems people take to Twitter to have conversation


influencers, influencers, influencers

Find the influencer for the

audience you are trying to reach.


Have influencers engage with your eventHave them at the event posting live on their personal accounts Do an instagram takeover 

Go beyond your platform

It’s not enough to keep an eye on your social platforms.

Monitor your brands name or event for mentions, it’s likely

that attendees are talking on their personal platforms.


For more information on social media event

manegment please visit us at socialmediamodels.com

source: bizbash.com
