8/14 Nashville Emmaus Candlelight

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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Nashville Emmaus Community August 2014

“And they rose that same hour and returned to Jerusalem.And they found the eleven and those who were with them gathered together, saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on theroad, and how he was known to them in the breaking of thebread.” (Luke 24:33-35)

The story of the two disciples’ walk to Emmaus consistsof twenty-two verses in Luke’s Gospel and is one of the longerpost resurrection events recorded in the New Testament. Contained in the text are the results of Jesus encounter with two

lesser known disciples. And you might say that this is their 4thday testimony … being empowered to tell others of the goodnews of Jesus resurrection. They began their journey to Emmausin despair. They left Emmaus full of hope. They began to live outwhat we would call their 4th day experience. I believe that thesedisciples gained a purpose and a mission that day and I marvel athow instrumental those two must have been in revealing the truth.

I share this familiar story with you as we, the NashvilleEmmaus Community, begin to prepare for the 2014 fall walks. Ourprayerful focus should be on shepherding these fall pilgrims into

a Holy Spirit empowered, grace filled 4th dayexperience! This prayerful focus should guideeverything we do, from sponsorship, prayertime, team building, talks, candlelight, agape,and the event itself – everything we doshould have the prayerful goal of stirring people into a wonderful 4th day walk withJesus. Our direction should be as great andpowerful as what happens during this veryspecial weekend and like those two discipleswe should leave empowered and full ofHOPE! I pray that as we continue our 4th dayjourneys, we will walk in the grace of God,and share the love of God with every person.


John W. ArnoldCommunity Spiritual Director

While they were talking and discussing,

Jesus himself came near and

began walking with them...

Luke 24:15

In This Issue“4th Day Following God’s Lead............................................2Kairos Corner ..................................................................................3Prayer ..................................................................................................3Face to Face .....................................................................................4Chrysalis ............................................................................................4Gatherings ........................................................................................4Up Coming Events.......................................................................4Nashville Emmaus Board .........................................................4

4th Day Focus

Since my Walk in 1997, I’ve been acutely sensitive to God intervening in my life. It happens a lot. For years I had been frustrated thatmy life was on a track that was anything but what I was planning. It was nota bad life, but, being a Type A personality, I wanted it to be my way. A majorinsight for me on my Walk was that all those detours that I was so frustratedwith over the years, were probably God intervening in my life. While I wasfrustrated at the change of direction, things always turned out well. I couldnot see that I was a blessed person. I was too focused on myself and myabilities. So my answer to "What am I going to do about it?" was to stopfighting God and let him lead. My first priority would now be following hiswill for my life, wherever that may lead. It was a scary thought for a personwho likes to be in control. But life is better with God in the lead. God andI are getting along just fine.

Most of the time when I sense God intervening in my life it’s littlethings, but occasionally it can be pretty major. Let me share with you an example of the kind of thing he does.

One February, my wife, Gwen, and I were returning home from avacation in South Florida. We usually travel in a small, single engine aircraft.It’s very convenient, pretty fast, there’s no baggage restrictions, no securityhassles, and, coming from an avid pilot, a lot more fun than driving or takingthe airlines.

If you know any pilots, you know their favorite TV program is not “Dancing With the Stars”, it’s The Weather Channel. The first thing we askwhen we check into a hotel is do they carry The Weather Channel.

For planes like ours, your schedule is somewhat subject to weather conditions. We’re not like the airlines that can handle just about any weather.We’re always open to the possibility of leaving early or staying later to avoidbad weather. The standard travel caveat in our household is, “we’ll be there-- depending on the weather.” Overall it works out pretty well.

On this Florida trip, it was important that I be back on Saturdayfor a Sunday commitment, one I felt God had a hand in. Early in the weekthe long range forecast was for good weather, so no need to leave early.Leaving Saturday morning looked like it would work fine.

As you’ve probably noticed from watching your TV weather man, long-range forecasts are rather suspect and sure enough, the forecast wegot on Friday night for Saturday was not pretty. Dense fog in south Florida,heavy thunderstorms across our flight path in North Florida, strong headwinds all the way home, and not particularly good weather in Nashville.From a pilot’s perspective, it was a very ugly forecast.

While long-range weather forecasts are taken with a grain of salt, short-range forecasts for the next 24 hours are pretty accurate. When wewent to bed Friday night it was unlikely we would be leaving for home thenext morning. We’d make a final decision in the morning, but we were already resigning ourselves to at least a one day delay. In my mind I beganrehearsing the dreaded call I’d have to make begging off my commitment.My prayer that night was, “God, if you want me in Nashville Sunday morning, I need your help. I’m prepared to go, but there’s weather out therethat’s way beyond my capabilities. I’ll do all I can, but I can’t do this alone.I need your help.”

When morning arrived, I got my answer–first in the form of bright sunshine rather than dense fog. As for the thunderstorms in North Florida,they were there, but they were west of our route. If we left soon, we shouldbe able to get around them. No change in the strong headwinds though sowe planned a stop for fuel half way at Albany, Georgia which was forecastto have reasonably good weather.

With that, we departed Florida for Nashville. A slight detour gotus around the thunderstorms just as we had hoped, but the planned stopat Albany was out of the question as there was a thunderstorm right overthe airport. Time for Plan B. Columbus, GA – a few minutes north wasfoggy and possible, but would it not be easy. But, lo and behold, we couldsee that the Nashville weather was now better than forecast to the point wecould safely continue the flight without stopping.

Four hours and forty-five minutes, two peanut butter sandwichesand a chocolate chip cookie later, we landed in Nashville in bright warmsunshine. To add to the drama, within an hour after we passed the nastyweather in North Florida, the path was totally blocked by heavy thunderstorms. That was our window of opportunity and we made it.

I'm convinced God wanted me back in Nashville to make my commitment on Sunday. Would the world come to an end if I had not madeit back? No, but the importance of the job God has for us is not for us tojudge, is it? He has his plan and we need to do our part as best we can.

What then was my part in this adventure? It was to simply be committed to the goal, – to stay the course and not give up. No heroics, noundue risk, just fly the plane like I was trained and have faith that the missionwas important in God’s eyes and that he would provide what I needed tosucceed.

The hard part of this adventure was dealing with some very uglyweather. The plain fact is I had nothing to do with that. Thunderstorms and

fog are what they are. All you can do is avoid them. For God though,anything is possible and on that day, he was in control, and controlhe did.

This is just one example of God intervening in my life. Somewould say I’m just lucky or that it’s just coincidence. There was atime when I would agree. But this kind of intervention happens sooften and in so many ways that I am confident it’s God working behind the scenes helping me carry out his plan.

How will God intervene in my life next? I have no idea. But I’msure he’s not done yet. While my Fourth Days are not all sunny andbright, my future is secure trusting in the wisdom of his lead andthe assurance he will provide all that I need.

De Colores,

Peter Cassidy

“4th Day” Following God’s Lead

The Emmaus Board began this year with a decision to have intentional prayer for ourselves as a whole, for each other and for you, ourcommunity. We are sensing something happening in the Nashville Community. Something good!

We have reached out in faith and prayer and had successful SpringWalks. Our Chrysalis community has completed successful Flights this summer, inviting several youth to deepen their walk with Christ and becomeleaders in our churches. Our Face to Face community has reached out andcompleted our fourth successful Encounter, helping new community familyto continue their walks with Christ. Our circle, Emmaus family, has reachedout in prayer and has grown! We have been reaching and growing spirituallywithin ourselves and within our community.

We are continuing with fall walks being led by Ann Shafer and DavidChavis. We ask you to join us in praying for all aspects of these walks.

Face to Face dates and location are set for 2015. However, it’s nottoo soon to be looking for a church who would like to host the 2016 Encounter. We ask you to spread the word and join us in prayer for this newestministry of our community.

Chrysalis is working on Flights in 2015 where more youth will become important parts of our churches and deepen their lives in Christ. Weask you to join us in prayer for our Chrysalis Board and the work ahead of them.

We are hearing of churches who are hosting “mini” gatherings tobring their Emmaus family together and share what Emmaus has meant tothem and offers to others. We ask that you pray for other churches who arereaching out. If you are hosting something like these in your own church, letus know so we can pray for you and join us in prayer for all the gatherings.

The sense of something happening is growth in the many ways thatfamilies grow together through prayer and support and reaching out to eachother and others.

"Praying for the Walks!"

We are looking forward to the Fall Walks, and we need your help in a couple of ways.

1) your prayers for the weekends leadership and teams.

2) and for person(s) you have been praying for and talking with aboutattending one of these weekends.

The deadlines for submitting the applications is two weeks before the walks.If you have any questions, please get in touch me at evaughan@tds.net andI will be glad to answer your concerns or needs.

Blessings and joy,

EdnaCommunity Lay Director


“I was in prison and you came to me…” Matthew 25:36 Romans 5:8

The second Kairos “One Day Retreat” was held at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution on July 12th. A Kairos retreat is aone or two-day refresher course held for past Kairos graduates,featuring talks on Christianity with testimony, prayer and sharesmall groups, and singing. Six team members served 15 residents.Most were graduates of the recently held Kairos #1 Weekend, butsome were graduates of the program from other institutions whohave been transferred into Riverbend. In addition to fellowship,singing and spiritual activities, everyone enjoyed a pizza lunch. Thepurpose of Kairos is “to bring light into a dark place,” and that wascertainly accomplished this month.

RMSI Weekend #2 is scheduled for this fall. Anyone interested inparticipating in that Weekend, either as a team member or in an-other capacity, may contact either Dan Preston atdan_preston1945@yahoo.com (754-6148) or Rev. John Gebhart

at johnhgebhart@mac.com (871-8950).

What’s Happening in Your 4th Day?

We all remember our own Emmaus experience and what it meant to us personally. We held that cross at Closing and answered the questions about what the Walk meant to us

and what we are going to do about it.

Others can benefit from our stories of what happened next. They are witness to God’s work in our lives and an inspiration to others as they persevere in life’s challenges. If you would like to submit your story for consideration, please email it to the

Candlelight Editor at News@NashvilleEmmaus.org

The dates for the 2015 Encounter are May 6, 7, 15, 16at Hilldale UMC in Clarksville. We appreciate the Communitysupport in encouraging pilgrims to attend.

Face to Face is looking for some kind people to makebanners for us. It would be so great to have our very own, somewe could fold because as we move around we have to packeverything in boxes. If you can do this, please contact Pat Mishlerat pmish5@comcast.net or 615-406-1367.

Face To Face

We are in the process of scheduling our winter flights.They will be posted on the Chrysalis websitewww.NashvilleChrysalis.com when available.

Out Board continues to look for a few more lay and clergy members. If you would like more information, let me know.

Fly with Christ,

Patrice RulloNashville Chrysalis Community Director


GatheringsSeptember 27 • Good Shepard UMCHendersonville

December • Andrew Price UMCNashville

Emmaus WalksFallMen’s Oct 2-5Womens Oct 16-19

Chrysalis FlightsWinter Flights schedule will be available shortly

Face To Face EncounterMay 6, 7, 13, 14 2014 • Hilldale UMCClarksvilleCheck the Community website for the latest schedule

2014 Nashville Emmaus Board of DirectorsExecutive LeadershipEdna Vaughan - Community Lay DirectorCharlene Eubank - SecretaryJon Bell - Treasurer

Lay Board MembersGreg Engroff - Registrar • Immediate Past Community Lay DirectorJeannie BellSandie GloverSteve GraysonCarla HuntNancy LeSuerHugh MasonJane Melrose Pat MishlerJohn NanceBill NelsonSam Trott

ClergyJohn Arnold - Community Spiritual DirectorAllen Weller - Assistant Community Spiritual DirectorJon BellLoyd Mabry

Ex-OfficioPatrice Rullo - Chrysalis

For More Info on Board Members and their areas of service, orto email a Board MemberNashvilleEmmaus.org/About_Us/

Have you wondered how your new best friend is doing? Haven’tseen your table mates in a long while? Well, here’s an opportunity! Community gatherings are beginning! Our first community gathering in a longtime is scheduled for September 27 at 6 p.m. at Good Shepherd UMC inHendersonville. The address for the church is 525 New Shackle Island Road,Hendersonville. The meal will be catered at the cost of $775. This includesBBQ, rolls, beans, slaw, dessert, and beverage. SO no cooking, just come andenjoy your visit with old friends and also make new friends!!!

Note: 2nd Community Gathering Andrew Price UMC December, 2014. If you are interested in hosting a community gathering, please contact meJeanne Bell at jonbell0213@gmail.com

Renew Emmaus Friendships