8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 * 847-966...

Post on 07-Mar-2020

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Page 1 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 * 847-966-8145 * www.sjbrebeuf.org

Page 2 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Dear Parishioners, Last week, I wrote to you about the “Task Force” we developed in January 2016. You will remember that the purpose of this is to focus us and articulate a plan as we prepare to move a large organization such as St. John Brebeuf forward into Renew My Church efforts. In revisiting the plan, we found that some of the goals had been met and are no longer needed. For example, our altar server program is now on solid footing and our Ministers of Care program recruited and trained 14 new ministers during the past year to meet growing and changing needs. We also found that some new needs have arisen. Others can be combined to create more clarity. Here are the task force groups we plan in 2020: Marriage & Family Support Groups: This will work with multiple ministries including domestic abuse outreach, divorce, families of newly baptized children, and bereavement. Music & Liturgy: This is focused on liturgy for-mation, contemporary, traditional, youth, and multi-cultural Masses. Youth Ministry, School, Polish School, Religious Education Formation: This will work on Youth Min-istry, teen leader committee, Religious Education min-istry, and engagement among families and children served by the parish school. Renew My Church (new): This will focus on the education, formation, and implementation of Renew My Church principles including Alpha, Divine Reno-vation discussions, welcoming, and the processes re-quired to successfully undertake Renew My Church. Communication & Collaboration (new): This is an internal group working on accurately sharing infor-mation within the parish as well as sharing infor-mation with external groups. The focus is on “One Church, One Cause, One Community of Faith” as our operating philosophy.

The next steps, as I discussed with our parish staff, are to define who will participate in each of these areas, how the group fulfills the SJB Parish Mission, and to add tangible objectives, steps, plans, and dates. A draft of these details has been requested by February 21, 2020, with the groups beginning to implement plans for Spring and Fall 2020. I welcome your comments and support as we move forward. I encourage you to attend our Annual Gala on Satur-day, February 22, in the Fr. May Ministry Center. We will honor in a special way John Mazur, our Director of Maintenance, Denise Gillespie, and Maria Fatima Fernandes. This is the singular event of the year when we all gather to celebrate the blessings of our parish and school. Tickets are on sale in the school office. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 26. It is al-ways a busy time in parish life, and this year promises to be no different. Our theme is “Easter Brings Hope – Restorative Justice.” Please notice that not only do we have what I believe will be an inspiring calendar of events planned during Lent, but we also have the promise of new initiatives within our parish as we continue with our task force groups. Peace, Father Mike Meany


February 26, 2020

6:30 am & 8:30 am Masses 12:00 pm Prayer Service (Bilingual) 3:30 pm Prayer Service (English)

6:00 pm Mass (English) 7:30 pm Mass ( Polish)

Please plan to join us on this Holy Day

Page 3 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Drodzy Parafianie, W zeszłym tygodniu pisałem do Was o „grupie zadaniowej”, którą opracowaliśmy w styczniu 2016 r. Celem tej grupy jest skupienie się na nas i ułożenie planu, przygotowującego do przeniesienia dużej organizacji, takiej jak St. John Brebeuf, do przodu w perspektywie: Odnów Mój Kościół. Podczas przeglądu planu stwierdziliśmy, że niektóre cele zostały osiągnięte i nie są już potrzebne. Na przykład nasz program służby ołtarza jest teraz stabilny, a nasz program Duszpasterstwa Chorym powołał i przeszkolił 14 nowych członków w ciągu ostatniego roku, aby zaspokoić rosnące i zmieniające się potrzeby. Odkryliśmy również, że pojawiły się nowe potrzeby. Inne można połączyć, aby uzyskać większą przejrzystość. Oto grupy zadaniowe, które planujemy na 2020 r.: Grupy wsparcia małżeństwa i rodziny: Będzie to współpracowało z wieloma duszpasterstwami, w tym działaniami na rzecz przemocy domowej, rozwodami, rodzinami nowo ochrzczonych dzieci i żałobą. Muzyka i liturgia: koncentruje się na formacji liturgicznej, współczesnych, tradycyjnych, młodzieżowych i wielokulturowych. Duszpasterstwo Młodzieży, Szkoła, Polska Szkoła, Formacja Edukacji Religijnej: Będzie to działało na rzecz Duszpasterstwa Młodzieży, nastoletniego komitetu przywódczego, Duszpasterstwa Edukacji Religijnej oraz zaangażowania rodzin i dzieci przez szkołę parafialną. Odnów Mój Kościół (nowość): Skoncentruje się na edukacji, formułowaniu i wdrażaniu zasad Odnów Mój Kościół, w tym Alpha, dyskusji na temat Boskiego Odnowienia, powitania i procesów wymaganych do pomyślnego podjęcia inicjatywy Odnów Mój Kościół. Komunikacja i współpraca (nowość): Jest to wewnętrzna grupa pracująca nad dokładnym dzieleniem się informacjami w parafii, a także dzieleniem się informacjami z grupami

zewnętrznymi. Nacisk kładziony jest na „Jeden Kościół, Jeden Cel, Jedna Wspólnota Wiary” jako naszą filozofię działania. Kolejne kroki, o których rozmawiałem z naszym personelem parafialnym, to określenie, kto będzie uczestniczył w każdym z tych obszarów, jak grupa wypełnia misję parafialną SJB oraz dodanie konkretnych celów, kroków, planów i dat. Projekt tych szczegółów zostanie złożony do 21 lutego 2020r. Grupy zaczyną wdrażać plany na wiosnę i jesień 2020 r. Z zadowoleniem przyjmuję wasze komentarze i wsparcie w miarę postępów. Zachęcam was do wzięcia udziału w naszej corocznej Gali w sobotę 22 lutego w Centrum Duszpasterskim. W szczególny sposób uhonorujemy Johna Mazura, naszego dyrektora ds. Konserwacji, Denise Gillespie i Maria Fatima Fernandes. Jest to szczególne wydarzenie roku, w którym wszyscy gromadzimy się, aby celebrować błogosławieństwa naszej parafii i szkoły. Bilety są w sprzedaży w biurze szkoły. Wielki Post rozpoczyna się w środę popielcową, 26 lutego. W życiu parafii jest to zawsze bardzo pracowity okres, a ten rok zapowiada się nie inaczej. Naszym tematem jest „Wielkanoc przynosi nadzieję - Odnawiająca Sprawiedliwość”. Proszę zauważyć, że nie tylko mamy coś, co według mnie będzie inspirującym kalendarzem wydarzeń zaplanowanych podczas Wielkiego Postu, ale także obiecujemy nowe inicjatywy w naszej parafii, gdy będziemy kontynuować nasze grupy zadaniowe. Pokój, Ks. Mike Meany

Page 4 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Monday, February 3 - Weekday 6:30 - Bobby Canong, Patrick O’Connor 8:30 - Josef & Teresia Schwartzli, Rey Rodriguez Tuesday, February 4 - Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Blanca Garay, Gilberto Mercado & Deceased Family Members Wednesday, February 5 - St. Agatha Virgin & Mar tyr 6:30 - Robert Boller, Marie Merkel (36th d/a) 8:30 - Josef & Teresia Schwartzli, John Lewandowski 7:00pm (Polish ) - Celebrant - Fr. Lukas Pyka Halina & Edward Nowak, Danuta & Kazimierz Jedrzejewski Thursday, February 6 - St. Paul Miki & Companions, Martyrs 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - All Parishioners Friday, February 7-- First Friday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Rosemary Thariath, Julita Z. Trovela (2nd d/a), Sarah Lukose (Thanksgiving) Albert DeLorenzo, Danuta Stach (5th d/a) 7:00pm -Polish Mass Jan Kubon, Mieczyslaw Sokolowski Maria Wojcik Saturday, February 8 - Weekday 7:30 - Josef & Teresia Schwartzli, Jadwiga & Edward Komosa, Preethi Abraham (Thanksgiving) 5:00pm - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Bernard Waltenspiel (Birthday Remembrance), Annette Pilousek, Blanca Garay, Pearl Romano, Bernice & Matthew F. Wojtaszek, Sr., Arlene Jakalski 6:30pm - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Mieczyslaw Gornik & Deceased Family Members, Janina Owca (3rd d/a), Sebastian & Janusz Kepa, Mieczyslaw Matraszek, Maria Poznanska (1st month d/a), Edward, Marianna, Ryszard Ras, Jan Dziadkowiec, Adam (Health & Blessings)

Sunday February 9 - First Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Jadwiga Komosa, Anthony & Antoinette Schillaci 9:00 - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Irena & Edward Mordell, Lidia Esperanza Roman (1st d/a) 10:45 - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Alan and Philip Lundgren, Edith Pasion, Nicholas, Fermina & Susana Lopez, John Krawec (Rest in Peace), Grzegorz Kraszewski, Barbara Bronder (Health & Blessings) 12:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Tomasz Boczar (35th d/a), Wladyslaw Boczar (7th d/a), Zofia Boczar, Michael Puacz, Elzbieta Mlynarczyk, Stanislaw Sak, Jan Pieta (1st. d/a) Waleria & Jan Sawicki, Edwarda & Edward & Lech Komosa, Antony Rejman, Leokadia & Waclaw Lewkowicz, Jozef Herod, Albert Frackiewicz (3rd d/a), Deceased Members of Plizga Families, Deceased Members of Bernat Familiy, Stanislaw Konopka (21st d/a), Magdalena Lenczowski, Stanislaw Lenczowski & Deceased Family Members, Jozef Znamirowski, Fryderyk Znamirowski & Deceased Family Members, Jozefa & Jan Bobek, Krystyna & Elzbieta Bobek, Mieczyslaw & Stanislaw & Andrzej Bobek, Mieczyslaw Dydo, Health & Blessings for Family Members who were deported to Syberia 80th Anniversary, Anna Malless (Health & Blessings), Karkut Family (Peace & Blessings), Alicja Zalewska Bday Blessings & Family Thanksgiving

2:00 pm - GLADD Mass - Celebrant—Fr. Przemek 6:00pm - Celebrant - Fr. Carlton Charlotte Lindquist (Health & Blessings)

Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of Feb.3-9

Requests for Mass Intentions -- Please submit all Mass Intentions to the parish office two weeks in advance of your request so they can be printed in the bulletin. (Unless there is an early deadline for bulletin, this will be shortened). Only intentions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass. Intencje mszalne -- Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje mszalne do biura parafialnego 14 dni przed żądanym terminem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy ter-min biuletynu, czas ten zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św.

Page 5 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each

week. Suggested donation is $50. Please contact the parish office to select a date.

Altar Bread and Wine For the week of February 2, 2020 offered for

Blanca Garay

Offered by: Duarte Family

Pray For Our Ill Members Names on our ill list will appear for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared.

Please remember in prayer the following who are currently serving in the Armed Forces

Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler Lt. Joseph Disclafani May they return safely to their families.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK  Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: 2 Sm 18:9-10, 14b, 24-25a, 30 — 19:3; Ps 86:1-6; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16

Mother of Perpetual Help

Devotions Every First Wed. of the Month.

After 8:30 AM Mass Sat. After 7:30 AM Mass

Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Inc. Benediction )

First Friday Devotions

To the Sacred Heart of Jesus After 8:30 AM Mass and

After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

First Saturday Devotions To Immaculate Heart of Mary

After 7:30 AM Mass and After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

Devotions in the Adoration Chapel

Marian Prayer Group Monday 7:00 PM

Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group

Thursday 8:00 AM Hour of Divine Mercy

Friday 3:00 PM Includes Sta-tions of the Cross)

Pray for priests every Thurs.

Patricia Severin (2) Charles Pembleton (2)

K. Kozeny (2) Cameron Kozeny (2) Theresa Merrigan (2)

Gerald Miller (4) Sr. Pamela Triplitt, SPC (2)

Maria Wojcik (1)

Devotions in the Church Rosary

Saturday, February 8 5:00 pm Billy Fabbri, Madison Simi, Arabella Gomez 6:30 pm Emilia Stopka, Eva Wanat, Adrian Sak Sunday, February 9 9:00 am Abigail Walsh, Adam Cudzich, Vincent Macam 10:45 am Steve Bronder, Danielle Stryjak, Maddox Alvarez 12:30 pm Maya & Michelle Dorosz, Adrian Kaminski 6:00 pm Tomas & Antonio Acosta

Remember in your prayers those buried from our parish:

June Bernadette Harris Jan Dziadkowiec

Regina Fak Natalia Maria Kozak

Page 6 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Tuesday: NMC Accepting New Members The Niles Metropolitan Chorus is

accepting new members for the next series of rehears-als 7:00 PM Tuesdays, (east church entrance). Explore the music of John Rutter and Benjamin Britten and Ola Gjielo with an enthusiastic and wonderful group of people.

Play an instrument? Would you like to play at Mass from time to time? We would love to get to know you! Please leave your phone number & we will call you with a meeting time. Marek (702) 806-8421 or Church Office (847) 966-8145


Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass No others need apply.

Music Ministry

QUALIFICATIONS - Able to carry light notes halfway across sanctuary - Able to breathe in a normal manner - Able to see the director - Have sung "Happy Birthday to You" at least once

EXPERIENCE No applications accepted from persons who have not sung, whistled or hummed in the shower at some time.

BEGINNING WAGES Guaranteed satisfaction and joy in the service of the Lord.

ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES Members who demonstrate unusual ability or courage might sing a solo sometime.

HOURS Thursday evenings 7:00 - 8:30 PM plus Sunday morning Mass. There is occasional opportunity for overtime.

BENEFITS Health: All that extra breathing is good for you Social Security: we promise you the security of fellowship with other fine members of the choir Long-term opportunities available Retirement: generally determined when printed notes get too small, notes are too high, the organist is unable to play

the notes you sing; also indicated when the director is no longer visible, cannot be heard or is almost always wrong. After your voice reaches the place where it can hit two notes at once, you may sit in the congregation and listen to others use their God Given talents.

Immortality: earned Stars in the Book of Life

Men are strongly encouraged. Equal Opportunity Employer.

call Marek Rachelski for more information at (702) 806-8421.

St. John Brebeuf Music Ministry

Page 7 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Please return the bottles before any of the masses this weekend of February 1-2.

Resolve to make a difference in 2020! It is truly up to you, no one else. It’s all in your hands! Volun-teer to help at a Pregnancy Care Center. Become better informed on the critical issues of our time and speak-up to defend Life, Family and Faith! Let us continue to pray daily: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abor-tion.” Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Attention: High School Senior Girls

Scholarship Opportunity!

The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW), offers a $1,000 scholarship renewable for four years to the deserving young Catholic woman who can successfully articulate what it means to be a Catholic woman in the world today. The applicant should currently be a high school senior. She does not have to attend a Catholic high school, nor does she have to select a Catholic college or university. The rules, criteria and application for the scholarship are available for download on the ACCW website: www.accw.archchicago.org The deadline for submission of a completed application and all required letters of recommendation is March 20, 2020. You may call the ACCW office for more information at 312-534-8330. You may also contact Judi Stephens for an application or if you have any questions at: 847-842-9295.

SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word All parents, please encourage your children to join when the clergy invites them to come forward to hear the good news of the Lord. We welcome all of our children ages 6-10 to participate!

NEW POLISH BIBLE STUDY GROUP Fridays at 6:00 pm PMC CR1 (except First Fridays) Call Fr. Przemek for more information: 847-966-8145

The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way. — Hebrews 2:17a

Page 8 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

John Mazur - Sheila Harrington Award Winner Denise Gillespie (SJB School) - Parish Apostle Award Winner

Maria Fatima Fernandes (RE Program) – Parish Apostle Award Winner

Our 2020 GALA Honorees: From left to right:

Maria Fatima Fernandes, John Mazur, and Denise Gillespie


Page 9 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Drodzy Rodacy!

Dziękujemy Wam Wszystkim za przybycie na Opłatek Parafialny

Zorganizowany przez Stow. Św. Jadwigi Królowej. Zamieszczamy kilka zdjęć z tego tradycyjnego, polskiego

spotkania ludzi dobrej woli Wdzięczni Bogu za nasze dziedzictwo , w setną rocznicę

Cudu nad Wisłą, w setną rocznicę urodzin Największego z Rodu Polaków - Św. Jana Pawła II- Wielkiego, zachęcamy Państwa do modlitwy w intencji Ojczyzny, z której żeśmy


Boże, Rządco i Panie narodów, z ręki i karności Twojej racz nas nie wypuszczać,

a za przyczyną Najświętszej Panny, Królowej naszej, Błogosław Ojczyźnie naszej, by Tobie zawsze wierna,

Chwałę przynosiła Imieniowi Twemu

a syny swe wiodła ku szczęśliwości. Wszechmogący wieczny Boże,

spuść nam szeroką i głęboką miłość ku braciom i najmilszej Matce, Ojczyźnie naszej,

byśmy jej i ludowi Twemu, swoich pożytków zapomniawszy,

mogli służyć uczciwie.

Ześlij Ducha Świętego na sługi Twoje, rządy kraju naszego sprawujące,

by wedle woli Twojej ludem sobie powierzonym mądrze i sprawiedliwie zdołali kierować. Przez Chrystusa, Pana naszego. Amen.

Thank you to all SBJ parishioners who joined us for the traditional Oplatek.


Photos: Left; Fr. Przemek concelebrating in the closing mass. Bottom right; SJB Religious Ed. 8th grade participants.

Page 10 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

February 2—Presentation of the Lord

In the Gospel, we hear Simeon say to Mary: “… your own soul shall be pierced with a sword—so that the thoughts of many hearts may be laid bare.”

Your generosity enables the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to bring hope to parents whose hearts are burden with worries and concerns. Have you considered joining the Society of St. Vincent DePaul? Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent DePaul so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

All information will be strictly confidential.

2 Luty - Ofiarowanie Pana Jezusa

"W Ewangelii słyszymy Symeona, który mówi do Maryi: „… twoja dusza zostanie przebita mieczem, aby myśli wielu serc mogły zostać odkryte”. Wasza hojność pozwala Bractwu św. Wincentego Pawła przynieść nadzieję rodzicom, których serca są pełne trosk i zmartwień. Czy zastanawiałeś się nad tym aby przyłączyć się do Towarzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo? Jeśli znasz rodzinę która potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwoń do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem możemy pomóc cierpiacym i potrzebującym. Wszystkie informacje bedą ściśle poufne. St. John Brebeuf: 847-966-8145

ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL 2020 Begins February 15-16

Come, follow me… and heal our world

Many families in our parish will be receiving the Annual Catholic Appeal request mailing from Cardi-nal Cupich. On behalf of those served by the ministries, parishes, and schools who receive funding from the Appeal, we thank you for your gifts. Please return your response as soon as possible.

The Annual Catholic Appeal offers a wonderful opportunity to answer Jesus’ call to “Come, follow me… and heal our world.”

As we contemplate God’s many gifts to us, we should also reflect on our gratitude. Your financial support for the work of our parish, our archdiocese, and the Church throughout the world is one way to express this gratitude. Please give generously to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal.

Page 11 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

St. John Brebeuf Holy Name Men’s Club & Catholic Women’s Club



Monday, February 10, 2020 St. John Brebeuf -Rev. Thomas P. May Parish Ministry Ctr.

8305 N. Harlem Avenue – Niles

Entertainment By: “TONY OCEAN” “Rat Pack Music & Sounds of Vegas"

FREE ADMISSION! (with paid-up membership and in-cludes spouse or one guest) (all are welcome @ $10.00)

Doors Open At 6:30pm - Entertainment Begins At 7:00pm

Refreshments Will Be Available

Table Snacks – Sweet Table – Coffee – Beer – Wine – Soda – Specialty Drink

RSVP Preferred: Dennis O’Donovan @ 847-744-2927 or

Jo Jo Malinowski @ 773-914-4


Nominations are now open for our SJB Woman of the Year for 2020. There are so many deserving women in our parish who may be nominated for this honor. The officers of the Catholic Women’s Club will carefully review the nomination before voting, and their selection will be announced at the Tuesday, March 10 CWC general meeting. Please include information about your nominee’s family, parish, and community activities among your rea-sons for her nomination. Profiles must be limited to 200 words. Deadline for nominations is Satur-day, February 29. Please send them to Judi Stephens, 20540 N. Buckeye Road, Barrington, IL 60010. Contact Judi at (847) 842-9295 if you have any questions (after Feb. 9th). Following is a list of women still active in our par-ish who have been honored in the past: Lois Kozeny, Clara Weiss, Charlotte Lindquist, Judi Stephens, Barbara Bronder, Dorothy Mimp, Penny Guerrieri, Lois MacAdam, Barbara Swift, Donna Ellwanger, Sandy Galassi, Shirley Koenigs, Sue Doczekalski, Connie Sparkowski , Alice Kop-penstiner, Virginia Ryan, and Suzanne Schoen-feldt. Our 2020 Woman of the Year will be honored at a Chicago Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) Vicariate II luncheon at Chateau Ritz on Saturday, May 9. Reservations will be $35 for the luncheon with cash bar available.

You are Invited to a Book Club! The Divine Renovation Book Club will meet for five more sessions. Remaining dates are, February 3, 10, and 17. All parishioners are welcome to at-tend the group's meetings on from 7:00 - 8:00 pm in School Room 2.

If you have questions, please contact: Liz McGowen, Lmcgowen@sjbrebeuf.org or


GLADD MASS Sunday, February 9th - 2:00 pm

Please Join Us

Welcome Sunday Hosted by St. John Brebeuf

Welcome Ministry Sunday, February 9, after the 10:45am mass, join us for coffee and breakfast treats from Maier’s Bakery in the Parish Ministry Center. We will have information about our Alpha program, and this will be an opportunity to ask questions to those involved in this ministry.

Page 12 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

St. John Brebeuf

BINGO! Sunday, February 9, 2020

St. John Brebeuf - Rev. Thomas P. May Parish Ministry Center

8305 N. Harlem Avenue – Niles

$15.00 for 15 Games Pay-Out’s determined by Attendance

Additional Chance to Win—PULL TABS AVAILABLE!!!!

Doors Open at 2:30pm – Games Begin at 3:00pm

Refreshments Available

For Further Information Contact Dennis O’Donovan at 847-744-2927 or John Jekot at 847-651-7624

Bingo License #B-04157 Pull Tab License #P-02154

SAVE THE DATE Biblical Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan Monday, Oct. 26 to Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020 Will be visiting and exploring the following destinations: Jerusalem: Bethlehem; Sea of Galilee, Jericho, Nazareth: Ti-beria; Caesarea-By-The-Sea; Masada; Herodium; Samaria; Aqaba on the Red Sea; Wadi Rum, and Petra (known as the Rose Red City).

$4,475.00 – per person, twin occupancy $1,350.00 – single supplement

(*Rates in effect as of December 17th) Immaculate Conception Parish (Chicago) and St. John Brebeuf Parish are joining together to present this spe-cial 13 day journey to the Holy Land & Jordan. Fr. Fedek and Fr. Carlton will serve as your hosts. If you are interested in embarking upon this special tour in the fall, please visit our parish website for additional details. Biblical Pilgrimage brochures (detailing the full scope of your 13 day journey) are also available in our Parish Office during regular office hours.

All are welcome! Visit www.sjbrebeuf.org and click on the blue box that says “Biblical Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan.”

Page 13 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

Feb. 2: HNMC Super Sunday Football Party 2:00 pm, PMC Feb. 9: Welcome Sunday, after 10:45 mass. Coffee & breakfast treats in the PMC Ministry Center. Feb. 9: HNMC Bingo PMC 2;30 pm Feb. 9: GLADD mass. 2:00 pm Feb. 10: HNMC—Valentine’s Party, PMC 6:30 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on Mon, Tues.,

and Wed. 7:30-10 pm. Golden Agers Bingo 9:30am -1:30pm in PMC C. The schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances, so

please check to confirm events.

Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB

Have You Registered with the Parish? Please take a moment to register your family with the Parish Office. You can stop by the Parish Office (in the Rev. Thomas P. May Parish Ministry Center), or visit us online at www.sjbrebeuf.org/join. Please call 847-966-8145 if you have questions. Thank you!

Alpha Course Begins Feb. 24, 2020

Do you wonder about the "big" questions -- what is life all about? Why am I here? Does God really love me? If so, the Alpha Course is for you! All are invited to attend the next session of the Alpha Course which will begin again on Mondays from February 24 - May 11, 2020. Each evening begins at 6:30 pm with dinner and conversation. We have a video presentation and discussion, ending by 8:15 pm. There is no charge. Please consider joining us for this wonderful program to meet new people, have fun, eat great food, laugh, and learn about your faith. The Alpha Course is open to all, with no previous church knowledge or religious requirements. For information and to register, please visit www.sjbrebeuf.org/alpha, or contact Fr. Przemek or Liz McGowen in the Parish Office at 847-966-8145.

Upcoming Second Collections In addition to Sunday Offertory, we have the following upcoming second collections: Feb. 2: Winter Heating and Maintenance

Catholic Annual Appeal Begins Feb. 15-16 Contributions to the Parish School, the "Restore Our Tower" campaign, or the Sharing Parish (St. Anthony) may be made at any time during the month. Thank you for your generosity!

Restore Our Tower - Refresh Our Church Project

If you would like to make a contribution, please call our

office at 847-966-8145 or visit www.sjbrebeuf.org/tower

THE ROAD TO GOD There is but one road to lead us to God—humility; all other ways would only lead astray, even were they fenced in with all virtues. —Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux

Page 14 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

St. John Brebeuf Church

“We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through pray-

er, sacraments, lifelong formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm (Polish)

Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 am, 12:30 pm (Polish), 6:00 pm

Monday-Friday 6:30 & 8:30 am

Wednesday 7:00 pm (Polish)

Saturday 7:30 am

First Friday 7:00 pm Mass (Polish)

See Bulletin for Holy Days

Reconciliation Saturday 11:00 am-Noon (English & Polish)

First Friday 6:00 pm (English & Polish)

See Bulletin for Advent & Lenten Reconciliation Dates

February 2, 2020


Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk Rev. Robert Carlton Pastoral Associate: Mac Karaban Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin Deacons: Larry Skaja (retired) Andy Beierwaltes School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney Music /Liturgical Dir.: Marek Rachelski Children’s Choir Dir.: Ewa Fair Fr. Meany's Assistant: Liz McGowen Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz Maintenance Director: John Mazur Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor: Maria Garcia

Parish Office

Rev. Thomas May Ministry Center 8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org E-mail: office@sjbrebeuf.org

Parish Office Hours

Monday & Tuesday 9am - 8pm Wednesday 9am - 7pm

Thursday & Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 1pm

Sunday 9:30am - 12:30pm


School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

Website: www.sjbschool.org (847) 966-3266

Religious Education

Fr. Przemek Tomczyk (847) 966-3269

Youth Ministry Contact Fr. Robert Carlton or Emilia Walasik

(847) 966-8145

Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals,

Anointing of the Sick

Please call the Parish Office (847) 966-8145

Eucharistic Adoration

Parish Ministry Center Chapel, 8305 N. Harlem Ave.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7am - 8pm Wednesdays 7am - 7pm

Fridays 7am - 5pm Saturdays 7am - 6pm Sundays 7:00 am - 12:30 pm

Page 15 The Presentation of the Lord February 2, 2020

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: mgarcia@sjbrebeuf.org SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 2, 2020 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 14 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS