8th grade parent presentation #2.pptx

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Welcome to

San Luis Obispo High School

Home of the Tigers!


IntroductionsLeslie O’Connor, Principal


Julie Mamo, Assistant Principal Jmamo-Beckius@slcusd.org

Nick Frost, Assistant Principal Nfrost@slcusd.org

Aaron Black, Assistant Principal Ablack@slcusd.org


Jim Johnson, Activities Director Jjohnson@slcusd.org

Jeff Brandow, Athletic Director Jbrandow@slcusd.org

Shelley Benson, Counselor Sbenson@slcusd.org


Relationship, Relevance & Rigor

Student safety, student learning and student engagement

Expectations are everything and at our school we expect our students to


SLOHS Mission

We teach students to think...

critically and creatively while also developing skills to ensure success

after high school.

once a tiger, always a tiger★ How many of you are alumni?

★ How many of you are enrolling your first high school student?

★ How many of you have a current SLOHS student?

★ How many of you have had a student graduate from SLOHS?

★ Making the transition to high school is one of the most exciting changes in the life our young people.

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!

we need you!

Black & Goldand


Expectations★ We have seniors graduating who plan on attending Claremont McKenna,

Berkeley, UCLA and 10 % of our seniors traditionally attend Cal Poly.

★ Our local community does a fantastic job of supporting our educational programs. We have garnered over $100,000 in local scholarships this year alone.

★ Our students have earned well over $1 million in scholarships toward college for next year.

★ We are an excellent school with many academic, artistic, extracurricular and athletic offerings for your students.

★ What is Advancement Placement? We have increased our Advanced Placement offerings over the past four years from 11 to 15. Our AP passage rate is over 80%

How does high school differ from middle school?

★ We have over 1400 students

★ Open Campus for 10th -12th grade students

★ The graduating Class of 2019!

★ Credits and examinations

a student’s perspective

Nate Higgins

registration 2015/16

Opens April 23 and Closes May 1Register through PowerSchool

English English 9 College Prep. (P) English 9 Honors (H) - more challenging course

Mathematics Math 8 → Algebra IMath 8 Accelerated → Geometry College Prep. (P) or Honors (H) Geometry → Algebra II College Prep. (P) or Honors (H)

Science Integrated Science College Prep.Ag. Integrated Science College Prep.

Physical Education (PE) PE 1 Athletes may request a PE exemption

Health Health and Family Living

Foreign LanguageLatinSpanishAmerican Sign Language

15 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses EnglishSocial ScienceScience Mathematics Visual and Performing ArtsComputer ScienceForeign Language

elective choices

AgricultureSmall Animal Science/Pre-Veterinary Ornamental HorticultureAg. Mechanics

Industrial TechnologyEngineering Drawing and Design AutoWelding TechnologyWood I Computer Science Computer Technician Programming Exploring Computer Science

Visual and Performing Arts TV and Video Production Digital PhotographyPainting Band and ChoirGuitar Theatre

Home EconomicsCareers with Children (Tiny Tigers Pre-School)Fashion DesignInterior DesignNutrition

OtherCriminal JusticeLeadership (ASB) Yearbook Production

Career Interest - Personal Interest - Try Something New!

*To view additional courses, visit our website and open

“SLOHS 2015-16 Course Offerings” booklet.

Safety first

★ Safety is our #1 Priority at SLOHS★State required drills (lockdown, fire, earthquake)★Security, Administration, Counselors, Teachers, Staff★Visibility (before & after school, breaks, lunch)

★ Emotional Safety of your Child★Verbal★Electronic (Texting/FaceBook/ASK FM, Instagram, etc…)

★ Communicate with School★We can’t respond if we don’t know what’s going on★ It’s our “job” to help your child navigate SLOHS

Attendance & Discipline

Attendance: Area of Focus 2015-16★ 72 hours to clear student absences★ Arrive to Class On Time★ Closed Campus for 9th graders

○ Leaving Campus○ Students must always check in and out through the

Attendance Office

Discipline: A Progressive Model

A student’s perspective

Leonel Lopez

participation = success

◼ Participation in student activities increases students' standardized test scores, GPAs, graduation rates, college acceptance rates, and college success rates.

◼ Participation in student activities practically eliminates the risk that a student will choose to drop out of high school.


★ Participation in one extracurricular activity decreases the dropout rate to 4.5%

★ Participation in more than one extracurricular activity decreases the dropout rate to less than 1%

OVER 35 CLUBS ON campus

● Harvard Model Congress

● Skills USA● Poetry Out Loud● Band● Art● Drama● Latin● Mexa● Robotics

● Mock Trial● FFA● FHA-Hero● Yearbook● Newspaper● Choir● ASB● Gay Straight

Alliance● Welding● FNL

ASB’s goal . . . create a great campus

ASB sponsored activities★ Lunch time activities★ Rallies★ After game dances★ Formal dances★ Lunch time Intramural sports…dodge ball,

indoor soccer, badminton, spikeball,etc★ Musical performances★ Philanthropic opportunities★ Mock Rock★ & so much more!

a student’s perspective

Victoria Humphrey

Tiger Athletics Athletic Director Jeff Brandowjbrandow@slcusd.org

Athletics Website http://wordpress.slcusd.org/slohsathletics

athletic information

★ SLOHS offers 22 CIF sports, and Cheer, and have nearly 800 student-athletes.

★ Student-athletes must complete all athletic forms before participation.

★ All forms can be found on the website & in the Athletics office. Online at http://goo.gl/forms/mwD3qeUVr1

★ Physicals will be offered Tuesday, June 2 @ SLOHS New Gym 6-8pm.

★ Tiger Athletic Booster club raises funds for all athletics. Please visit www.slotab.org and get involved. We need your help!


★ Basketball★ Soccer★ Girls’ Water Polo★ Wrestling

★ Cross Country★ Football★ Girls’ Golf★ Girls’ Tennis★ Girls’ Volleyball★ Boys’ Water Polo

★ Baseball★ Boys’ Golf★ Softball★ Boys’ Tennis★ Track and Field★ Boys’ Volleyball★ Swim and Dive

fall Winter spring

Please visit the website for summer schedules and more information.


slohs Counseling dept.we’re here to help…

Kerry Ingles A-GShelley Benson H-OHeather Senecal P-Z

Colleen Martin -The College & Career Center


Click on “Counseling”

Counseling Services

Academic Support & Intervention ★ Registration & Scheduling★ 4 Year Educational Planning ★ Credit Evaluations★ College ApplicationsParent Education★ Grade Level Information NightsSocio-Emotional Support★ Individual Counseling ★ Conflict Mediation★ Responsive Services ★ Therapeutic Referrals

a framework for success!The A – G Requirements

University of California & Cal State UniversityA – History: World History, U.S. History & Amer GovB – English: 4 years of English C – Math: at least 3 years of MathD – Science: at least 2 years of Lab SciencesE – Foreign Language: at least 2 years of the same language F – Visual/Performing Arts: 1 year of the same course G – College Prep Electives: 1 year of academic electives

*http://slohs.slcusd.org/ Click on “2015-16 Course Offerings”

9th Grade Course Selections

The Basics…★ The trimester - the year divided into three 12 week terms

August to November, December to March, March to June

★ 5 periods each day x 3 trimesters = 15 course selections

★ All academic courses have an A half and a B half - they meet for 2 of the 3 trimesters

★ All Math courses are 3 trimesters -A,B and C

choose your classes

English -college prep or honors?

Math -Math 8 to Algebra 1A, 1B & 1C, Math ACC to Geometry A, B & C, Geometry to Algebra 2A, 2B & 2C

Science -Integrated or Agricultural?

Health -Healthy & Family LivingPE -all 9th graders should choose both PE 9A & PE 9B

...SLOHS Athletes may choose sports instead - Remember, only 1 sport per trimester & sports meet as a 5th period class

Electives -Foreign Language (2 trimesters), Art, Industrial Tech, Choir, Band, Technology


Registration Reminders

Step #1Complete online PowerSchool Registration April 23rd - May 1st ...use the PINK directions

Step #2Print 9th Grade Course Selections and sign - both student & parent!!Due Friday, May 1st to your Laguna English teacher

a student’s perspective

Griffin Irving

Key dates

★ May 1st PowerSchool Class Registration due date

★ May 19th Class of 2019 visits SLOHS.

★ June 2nd Athletic Physicals in the New Gym 6pm

★ August 17th Schedule distribution

★ August 24th First Day of high school!!


SLOHS Q&A presented by our Counselors in the Lecture Demo Room (516)


Thank YOU!!

Enjoy TigerFest 2015...if you are not a Laguna Middle School family

please stay here with us.

Thank you for coming!