9 easy steps for make up at home for oily skin

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Title: 9 Steps for makeup at home for oily skin

By: Sushmita Ghangas


With the stickiness which Summer brings in, people with oily skin are the worst sufferers.

Sometimes so much so that they refuse to put on makeup and go out.

It’s a season of weddings too and one must look her best regardless of the type of skin she has.

Here I provide ways to do make-up if you have oily skin, at home.www.lookstrek.com


COOL YOUR SKIN See to it that you splash water on your

face every 1 hour. It helps in preventing the formation of

black spots. Daily intake of 4 liters of water is a must

since it cleanses not only your skin but also helps in proper functioning of your body.

The first step is to treat your skin with ice. Take a cube of ice and rub it gently all over you face.

The next step to be performed after 5 minutes. www.lookstrek.com

CLEANSE YOUR SKIN The ice massage softs the skin and opens

the pores which can now be easily cleaned. You can buy scrubbers available in the

market, especially available for oily skin or you can make one at home!

Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and mix it with a spoonful of sugar and scrub it gently all over your face.

You can also use Aloe Vera gel which is easily available at any chemist shop.

Mix a little of it with honey and apply on your face like a mask.



MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN Some people are in a myth that

moisturizers are not meant for people with oily skin.

However, all of us, regardless of the skin type, need to apply moisturizer on our face, hands and legs daily.

People with oily skin should use water based light moisturizer.

Dot the moisturizer on your face and massage gently in circular movement.


PRIME UP The T-zone is the oiliest; it consists of

the forehead and bridge of the nose.

Take a drop of primer on your hand and dot it all over your face, increase its density on the T-zone and massage in circular manner.

Let it dry completely for 10 minutes before moving on to the further step.



Select a foundation which goes closest to your skin color and apply it in the same way as your applied the primer.

Let it dry for 10 minutes before applying the powder.



Dab a little powder on a face powder brush and sweep it all over your face, starting with your T-zone to your cheeks and the chin.

The shade of your setting powder should be of a closer value to your foundation powder.



Since your base is now done you can start with the eye makeup.

If you are confident enough to carry smoky eyes, do that since it makes you look graceful and enigmatic.


POUT PLEASE! Make sure that the shade of your lipstick

isn’t brown or a dull color, it actually makes you look not that great.

Since it is summer, you can try bold colors such as Marsala, Red, Orange, Party purple.. There are loads!


BLUSH GIRL Since you are already glowing, a blush

on will just enhance your entire look. The trick is to smile and blush the area

in a diagonally upward direction to get perfect blushing face.

Don’t forget to keep tissue papers with you so that you can dab it on areas which you think look oily.

This helps in keeping the make up for a longer time and makes you feel confident about your look.
