9 Uses of Ven-Fyber as a Multi Use Mud-Additive

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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9 Uses for Ven-Fyber 201™ A Multi-Purpose Mud Additive

1) Tool for Placement of Liquid Lubricant  

Presentation Title   2  

In   the   presence   of   oil   and   water   VEN-­‐FYBER   201  preferen=ally   oil   wets.   Where   oil   based   liquid  lubricants   are   used   in  water   base   fluids,   they   are  aFracted   to   the   oil   weFable   VEN-­‐FYBER   201  surface.  The  VEN-­‐FYBER  201/oil  lubricant  is  filtered  into  the  wall  cake.  This  ac=on  tends  to  concentrate  the   lubricant   in   the   wall   cake   where   it   is   most  effec=ve.    

2) Matting and Sealing Agent – Conventional LCM Pills  

Presentation Title   3  

Tradi=onal   loss   circula=on  materials   such   as  mica  and   nut   hulls   are   generally   good   bridging   agents;  however,   the   resul=ng  bridge   is  oQen  permeable.  Consequently,   a   slow   constant   seepage   of   whole  mud   may   con=nue.   The   micronized   size   of   VEN-­‐FYBER   201   is   too   small   to   be   considered   an  effec=ve  LCM  (except  in  high  concentra=on).  But  it  has  proven   to  be  a  highly  effec=ve  component  of  conven=onal   LCM   pills.   VEN-­‐FYBER   201   provides  the   maYng   and   sealing   proper=es   to   prevent  whole  mud  losses  (in  conven=onal  LCM  pills).    

3) High Liquid Loss – High Solids LCM Slurry  

Presentation Title   4  

A   rela=vely   old   technique   for   overcoming   lost   circula=on  problems   in   fractured,   vugular   or   cavernous   forma=ons   is  the   use   of   high  water   loss-­‐   high   solids   LCM   slurries.   VEN-­‐FYBER   201,   when   used   in   no-­‐solids   liquids   (oil,   water   or  brines)   will   act   as   a   filter   aid   and   deposit   high  concentra=ons   of   solids   very   rapidly.   Data   that   illustrates  this   technique   is   shown   in   the   Tables   on   the   next   two  slides.  VEN-­‐FYBER  201  acts  as  a  sealant  in  most  medium  to  high  solids  fluids.  HLL-­‐HS  slurries  should  not  be  prepared  in  a  drilling  fluid  base  because   it  will   seal.  This   type  of  slurry  should   only   be   prepared   in   100%  water   or   oil   in   order   to  use  this  technique.    

Ven-Fyber 201 in High Oil Loss/High Solids Slurries  

Presentation Title   5  

Ven-­‐Fyber  201™  (lb)   50   50   50  

Compe5tor,  (lb)   50   50   50  

Fresh  Water  (bbl)   1   1  

Saturate  NaCl  Water  (bbl)   1   1  

Saturated  CaCl2  (bbl)   1   1  

Blend  (W.B.)  min   5   5   5   5   5   5  

Time  to  Deposit,  second   15   21.4   40   30   58.5   73.5  

Height  of  Filter  Cake,  cm   2.1   3   2.9   2.5   2.2   2.7  

Ven-Fyber 201 as High Oil Loss/High Solids (HOL-HS) Plug  

Presentation Title   6  

Ven-­‐Fyber  201™  (lb)   50  

Compe5tor,  (lb)   50  

Oil  (bbl)   1   1  

Blend  (W.B.)  min   5   5  

Time  to  Deposit,  second   43   43  

Height  of  Filter  Cake,  cm   2.5   (*)  

(*)  Creates  a  “slushy”  non  rigid  filter  cake  unsuitable  for  measurement  or  use.  

4) Sweep for Hole Cleaning  

Presentation Title   7  

VEN-­‐FYBER   201   is   a   small   fibrous   product.   High  concentra=ons  of  10-­‐  50   lb/bbl  can  be  used   in  sweeps   for  hole   cleaning   purposes.   VEN-­‐   FYBER   201   is   readily  dispersible   without   specialized   equipment.   At   high  concentra=ons   and   because   of   its   fibrous  maYng   nature,  VEN-­‐   FYBER   201   can   provided   “hindered   seFling”   during  cuYngs  removal  opera=ons.  Although  VEN-­‐FYBER  does  not  provide  suspension  under   sta=c  condi=ons,  where  seFling  does  occur  under  sta=c  condi=ons,  it  will  tend  to  make  the  deposit  fluffy,  less  dense  and  easier  to  remove  or  suspend.      

5) Components for Spacers or Wiper Pills  

Presentation Title   8  

Spacers   or   wiper   pills   are   used   to   clean   and   separate  various  types  of  fluids.  Use  of  highly  concentrated  slugs  of  VEN-­‐FYBER  201  in  such  pills  will  prevent  some  loss  of  these  fluids   during   circula=on.   In   addi=on,   VEN-­‐FYBER   201   will  tend   to   keep   the   debris   in   suspension   during   dynamic  condi=ons   and   will   assist   in   producing   a   soQ   seFlement  suitable  for  easy  removal  under  sta=c  condi=ons.    

6) Oil Absorbent  

Presentation Title   9  

VEN-­‐FYBER   201   readily   oil   wets.   For   safety   and  environmental  purposes,   it  can  be  used  for  oil  spills  on  rig  floors  and  around  mud  pits  as  an  oil-­‐absorbent  floor  sweep.        

7) Oil Removal Agent for Water Base Fluids  

Presentation Title   10  

Oil   base   spoYng  fluids   are   frequently   used   in  water   base  mud   systems.   Environmental   regula=ons   prevent   the  discharge   of   these   fluids   if   concentra=ons   are   above  specified   levels.   Some   recent   work   indicates   that   VEN-­‐FYBER  201  can  be  added   to  such  systems,  mixed  well  and  screened  out.  The  VEN-­‐FYBER  201  absorbs   the  oil  and   the  materials  are  removed  on  screening.  This  allows  the  oil   to  be  concentrated  and  removed.  The  resul=ng  oil-­‐containing  fiber   can   then  be  disposed  of   separately   at   less   cost.   This  technique  is  s=ll  being  developed.    

7) Oil Removal Agent for Water Base Fluids  

Presentation Title   11  

VEN-­‐FYBER   201   has   also   been   used   in   air   flota=on   cells  where  ppm  oil   removal   is   required   for  water  discharge.   In  these  systems,  the  VEN-­‐  FYBER  is  added  as  a  water  slurry  at  or  near   the  air   injec=on  point  of   the  cell.  The  preferen=al  oil   weYng   characteris=cs   of   the   fiber   causes   it   to   absorb  the  trace  amounts  of  oil.  The  oil/fiber  is  carried  to  the  top  of  the  flota=on  cell  by  the  air  bubbles.  A  skimmer  removes  the  solids.  The  oil/  fiber   is   then  collected  and  treated  as  a  concentrated  waste.  The  water  can  then  be  discharged.    

8) Sealing Component of Spotting Fluids  

Presentation Title   12  

VEN-­‐FYBER   201   can   be   used   as   a   component   in   spoYng  fluids   used   to   free   stuck   drill   pipe.   When   mixed   with  aqueous   or   non-­‐aqueous   spoYng   fluids,   VEN-­‐FYBER   201  will   assist   in   crea=ng   a   quick   seal   once   the   filter   cake   is  destroyed   and   the   pipe   is   unstuck.   This   will   assist   in  preven=ng  the  re-­‐s=cking  of  the  pipe.    

9) Cement Spearhead Additive  

Presentation Title   13  

VEN-­‐FYBER   201   can   be   used   at   high   concentra=ons   in   a  light  cement  slurry  ahead  of  a  regular  cement  job  in  order  to  provide  some  sealing.