90 day planning

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Achieve your goals on the next 90 days

“A goal without a plan is just a

wish.”- Antoine de Saint Exupéry

It’s easy to create a list of goals for the whole year.

But the truth is…

if you don’t carefully consider your habits,

your daily tasks, and your personal values…

you won’t get much out of setting goals.

You might end up frustrated with yourself because you didn’t achieve these goals.

But that’s not going to happen.

I’m going to show you how to plan your next 90 days that will set you up for success for the rest of the year.

So, why 90 days?

Because planning for a whole year can be


Planning for the next 90 days is taking baby steps.

This gives you targeted FOCUS.

“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.”

- Marine Luther King Jr.

So let’s get down to it!

Step 1I made a planning

workbook for you. Go get it here:


to download your planning worksheet.

Step 2Write down goals under each area of your life. This provides a holistic approach rather than just working on one area.

1. Physical2. Spiritual3. Mental

4. Family and Friends5. Work

6. Finances

Step 3• Set 10 goals that are specific and time


• Be sure the first 3 goals are related to the areas you really want to improve.

• Then the remaining 7 goals can be anything from all areas you want to accomplish for the next 90 days.

• Set a goal that is doable, but it shouldn’t be too easy. You want to stretch yourself a bit here.

• For example, writing 10 minutes a day is easy for me. 30 minutes gives me that stretch. An hour every day is great, but unrealistic for me. So I go for 30.

Step 4

• List down the tasks you need to do for you to accomplish each goal.

Step 5•Now, finalize these tasks and write them under each month (page 4 on your worksheet).

JanuaryWeek 11.2.

Week 21.2.

Week 3• 1.• 2.

Week 4• 1.• 2.

Step 6

• Schedule the tasks on your calendar or to-do list app. (My favorite is Wunderlist.)

Bonus Tip•Write or print your goals and display it on your desk to keep you motivated every time you see it.

A few reminders

• Give yourself enough time to accomplish your tasks. But also give yourself a strict deadline so you don’t end up procrastinating.

A few reminders• I like keeping tasks on a weekly

basis and then list down daily tasks on Wunderlist.

• I don’t schedule tasks on an hourly basis because I like to keep my schedule fluid. If an hourly planning works for you, go for it.

A few reminders• Keeping the tasks separated

by weeks gives you an idea of how your month looks like.

• This prevents you from procrastinating.

• Because you know that there is another set of tasks waiting for you for the coming week. So you push yourself to get all the tasks done before the week is over.

What’s Next?

• Go to http://joycollado.com/90days

and download your free planning workbook.

Now go make your best 90 days ever!