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Robert Ackermann is a member of the Philosophy Department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His book The Philosophy of Karl Popper was published in 1976.

Alan Chalmers is a member of the Department of General Philosophy at the University of Sydney. His book What is This Thing Called Science? first appeared in 1976.

Frank Cioffi is a member of the Department of Philosophy at the Uni­versity of Essex. With Robert Borger he edited Explanation in the Be­havioural Sciences which appeared in 1970.

L. Jonathan Cohen is a Fellow of The Queen's College, Oxford. His books on the philosophy of science were published in 1970 (The Impli­cations of Induction) and 1977 (The Probable and the Provable).

Noretta Koertge is a member of the Department of the History and Philosophy of Science at Indiana University, Bloomington.

Richard Kraut is a member of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His book Socrates and the State is shortly to be published.

David Papineau is a member of the Department of the History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University. His book For Science in the Social Sciences was published in 1978.

Roland Puccetti is a member of the Department of Philosophy at Dalhousie University. His book Persons was published in 1968.

Alan Ryan is a Fellow of New College, Oxford. His book The Philos­ophy of the Social Sciences was published in 1970.


Wallis Suchting is a member of the Department of General Philosophy at the University of Sydney. His book Marx. An Introduction was published in 1983.

Peter Urbach is a member of the Department of Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics.

Jeremy Waldron is a member of the Department of Politics at Edin­burgh University.


Ackermann, R.J., 71, 180, 182, 183,205, 213

Acton, Lord H.B., 95, 148 Adler, A., 17, 18, 147 Adorno, T., 173, 174, 175-78, 180,

183,205 Agassi, J., 130, 131, 205 Albert, H., 165, 173, 180, 183, 205 Albrecht, R., 181, 183,205 Alston, W.P., 20, 205 Althusser, L., 162, 163,205 Andersson, G., 210 Angeloni, E., 205 Apel, K.-O., 178, 179, 180, 183,205 Arens, W., 121, 131,205 Aristarchus, 43 Aristotle, 86, 87, 202, 205 Arlow, J., 26, 205 Averill, E., 54, 205 Ayer, A.J., 115, 116,205

Bacon, F., 11 Bagish, H.H., 122, 131,205 Baier, H. v., 119, 183,205 Barker, E., 201, 205 Bayertz, K., 180, 181,205 Beck, H., 182,205 Beck, R.N., 208 Benedict, R., 122 Berlin, I., 94, 148 Beth, E.W., 209 Bettelheim, C., 163,205 Bhaskar, R., 163,205 Blackburn, S., 111, 119,205,206 Bloch, J., 161 Bloor, D., 163,206 Boas, F., 122 Bolte, F., 162 Bolzand, B., 2 Borger, R., 206 Bowlby, J., 37 Boyle, Lord E., 115, 119, 206 Brandt, R.B., 119 Brenner, C., 26 Breuer, J., 41,206 Brill, A., 23, 24, 206 Bubner, R., 182, 183, 206, 208 Bunge, M., 205

Cairns, H., 202, 207 Cajori, F., 204 Carnap, R., 42 Carter, C., 206 Casey, J., 205 Chalmers, A., 163, 213 Chauveau, P., 145 Church, A., 4 Churchland, P., 126, 131,206 Cioffi, F., 14, 33, 206, 213 Claassen, E.M., 209 Clairaut, A.C., 7, 8 Claudin, F., 163,206 Cohen, L.J., vii, 145,207,213 Cohen, R.S., 208 Comte, A., 93, 133 Cornforth, M., 149, 161, 180,206 Cowling, M., 104,206 Cramer, C., 208 Currie, G.P., 8, 206, 208

Dahrendorf, R., 183 Dalbiez, R., 26, 27, 206 Darwin, C., 9, 10 Davidson, D., 58, 60, 71, 206 Davies, C., 103 Democritus, 169 Demosthenes, 202, 206 Dennett, D., 68, 71, 206 Donagan, A., 181,206 Dore, R.P., 71, 206 Dover, K.J., 195,206 Duhem, P., 27, 206 Dworkin, R.M., 89, 103, 104,206 Dykes, R.W., 51, 209

Eccles, J .C., 45, 48, 54, 209 Eddy, M.B., 37, 206 Edwards, P., 207 Einstein, A., 15, 17,42,43 Ellis, B., 206 Emmet, D., 208 Engels, F., 151, 153, 161,208 Escalona, S., 20, 21, 26, 29, 206

Ferber, C. v., 181,206 Flamsteed, J., 6 Foot, P., 112, 119,206


Frank, J., 30, 206 Frankena, W.K., 119 Freeman, E., 180, 181, 205, 206 Frege, G., 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 Freud, S., vii, Ch.2, 147, 206, 207 Fromm, E., 29

Galilee, 1,3, 15,86 Gazzaniga, M.S., 54, 207 Gentzen, G., 5 Geyl, P., 145,207 Giddens, A., 180, 183, 207 Globus, G.G., 208 Glover, E., 28, 207 Glymour, C., 33-37, 43, 44, 207 Godelier, M., 163,207 Goldbach, C., 1,4,6,7 Gramsci, A., 161, 163, 207 Grunbaum, A., 14, 16, 19-26,29-32,

37-43,207 Gulley, N., 195, 196, 198,203,207 Guthrie, W.K.C., 201, 202, 207

Habermas, J., 102, 104, 117, 119, 173, 174,178-180,181,183,205,207

Hamilton, E., 202, 207 Hampshire, S., 206 Hanson, N.R., 207 Hare, R.M., 116, 117, 119,207 Harris, M., 123, 127, 128, 130, 131,207 Hart, H.L.A., 119,207 Hartmann, H., 29 Hawkins, L., vii Healey, R., 206 Hegel, G.W.F., 78, 147, 148, 150,

166-169, 181, 182 Heller, A., 180,207 Herodotus, 202, 207 Hillel-Ruben, D., 208 Hogg, J.T., vii Hook, S., 205 Horkheimer, M., 183,205 Howson, C., 145, 146, 207 Hudson, W.D., 119 Huff, T.E., 182,207 Hume, D., 94,117,118,119,181 Husser!, E., 73

Iggers, G.C., 180,207 Irwin, T., 202, 203, 208

Jacoby, R., 181,208

Jarvie, I.C., 127, 131, 180, 182,208 Jefferson, T., 169 Johansson, I., 180,208 Jones, E., 25, 32, 208

Kant, 1., 92-98,100,102,103,117, 118, 150, 179

Kaplan, D., 122,131,208,210 Keating, B.F., 54, 205 Kepler, J., 43,130,145 Klappholz, K., 146 KOnig, R., 182,208 Koertge, N., 83, 85, 87,208,213 Korsch, K., 163,208 Kraut, R., 213 Krige, J., 163,208 Kugelmann, L., 162 Kuhn, T.S., 100, 101, 104, 208

Lakatos, I., 15, 86, 208, 209 Langhorne, J., 209 Langhorne, W., 209 Lee, D.E., 181,208 Lenin, V.I., 150 Lorenz, P., 33 Lorenzen, P., 182, 183, 208 Luhrs, G., 180, 182, 208 Lukes, S., 87,208

Macintyre, A., 208 Mackie, J.L., 111, 118, 119,208 McMurrin, S., 209 Magee, B., 103, 119,208 Manners, R.A., 122, 131,208,210 Marcuse, H., 180, 181,208 Marx, K., 76-78, 80, 86, 87, 91,133,

Ch.l0, 166, 167, 169, 170, 175, 182, 208

Maxwell, G., 53, 54, 208 Mellor, D.H., 206 Mepham, J., 162,208 Miles, 1., 181, 182,208 Mill, J., 104, 208 Mill, J.S., 73, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98,

100, 104, 178, 191,209 Mitterand, F., President, 58 Moore, G.E., 106-108, 111, 116,117,

118,209 Mosca, G., 97 Mountcastle, V.B., 53, 54, 209 Musgrave, A.E., 15, 206, 209

Nassen, U., 183,209 Neurath, 0., 114 Newton, I., 6, 7, 82, 83, 86, 136 Nowell-Smith, P.H., 119

O'Donnell, I.J., vii O'Hear, A., 119, 180,209 allier, F., 211

Papineau, D., 71, 209, 213 Parekh, B.c., 104,209 Pareto, V., 97 Parsons, T., 128 Peirce, C.S., 10 Plamenatz, J., 148 Plato, 2, 90, 95, 96, 148, 192, 196,

201,202,209 Plutarch, 202, 209 Popper, K.R., passim Prichard, H.A., 106, 118 Puccetti, R.P., 54, 209, 213

Rachman, S.J., 38 Radnitzky, G., 210 Ramsey, F.P., 62, 64, 65 Rank, 0., 43, 210 Ranke, L. von, 167 Ravetz, J., 163,210 Raymond, P., 163,210 Reese, W.R., 205 Reiss, H., 104,210 Ricardo, D., 173 Richards, H., 119 Robbins, L., 141- 144, 145, 146,210 Rombach, H., 205 Rorty, R., 118,210 Rosdolsky, R., 162 Ross, W.D., 205 Rostow, W.W., 181 Rousseau, J.J., 78 Russell, B., 7, 8, 53, 54,126,210 Ryan, A., 213

Sarrazin, F., 208 Savodnik, I., 208 Schaffner, K.F., 208 Schilpp, P.A., 15, 17, 148, 161, 180,

206,209 Schleifstein, J., 180,205 Schmidt, P.F., 122, 123, 131, 210 Schupp, F., 182,210 Seiffert, H., 182,210

Selincourt, A. de, 207 Silverberg, T., 201, 202, 210 Skagestad, P., 182, 210 Smart, J.J .c., 54, 210 Smith, A., 173 Smith, J.R., 211 Socrates, Ch.12 Spinner, H.F., 181, 210 Spreer, F., 208 Stern, R., 207 Stevenson, C.L., 119,210 Strawson, P.I'., 55,210 Suchting, W., 87, 145,210,214 Suttie, I., 37

Taylor, A.E., 201, 210 Thiel, C., 182,210 Tietzel, M., 208 Topitsch, E., 180, 206, 210 Toulmin, S.E., 119 Toynbee, A., 133 Tredennick, H., 193 Trollope, A., 16

Urbach, P., 145,210,214 Urmson, J.O., 119

Viertal, J., 206 Vlastos, G., 198,201,203,210 von Hayek, F.A., 93, 99, 104,210

Waldron, J.J., 214 Warnock, M., 119 Watkins, J., 103, 146 Waugh, E., 24 Weber, M., 173, 174, 182 Wellmer, A., 181, 182, 183,210 Wiehl, R., 208 Wilkins, B.T., 119, 182,210 Winch, P. 119,210 Winspear, A.D., 201, 202, 210 Wisdom, J.O., 42 Witschel, G., 183,210 WiUgenstein, L., 102, 165, 180 Wollheim, R., 24, 207 Wood, E.M., 201, 202, 210 Wood, N., 201, 202, 210 Woodworth, R.S., 27, 210 Woolf, H.H., 210 Worrall, J., 146,208 Wright, L., 71, 210



Xenophon, 202, 211

Zahar, E., 145,211 Zasulich, V., 162


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