99 job searching tips to finding an executive position mentor eu (2)

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99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

Global Career Management Consultants

99 Job Searching Tips to Finding an Executive

Position A guide for executive job seekers

Beata Staszkow


99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

Contents 99 Job Searching Tips to Finding an Executive Position .......................................................................... 4

Discover Mentor EU - Global Career Consultants ............................................................................. 12

Beata Staszkow - Managing Director and co-founder of Mentor EU ............................................... 12

What our Clients Say ..................................................................................................................... 13

How can we help you? .................................................................................................................. 14

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

99 Job Searching tips to finding and executive career

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

99 Job Searching Tips to Finding an Executive Position Regardless of your achievements and level, finding an executive and senior management role is

hard. Competition is fierce at your level, and without proper job searching methodology you may

find yourself out of a job with little prospect of finding one.

So without further ado here are 99 tips to help you stay at the top of your job searching game:

1. Social media is important when finding a new job. As a minimum you should have a LinkedIn

account. LinkedIn is used by millions of professionals worldwide. Networking, company

information, being on the radar of head hunters, all happens on LinkedIn.

2. Make a list of companies you would like to work for. Using LinkedIn try to start

conversations with people within these organisations. This way you remain in the heads of

the people that matter.

3. Networking events can be a highly effective form of job search providing you go with a

purpose. Try and ensure you have at least two follow up meetings or phone calls. One

phone call can result in you getting a new job.

4. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is professional. Good LinkedIn profiles make opportunities

happen, bad ones see that your opportunities are restricted. If you are unsure what to put

in, approach it with a keyword perspective so it is picked up in LinkedIn searches.

5. It is not what you know but who you know. Make a list of people who work for the

companies you would like to work for. Get to know them on LinkedIn to keep in their heads.

Think about head hunters too. Getting to know one or two of them can make your job

search come to life.

6. To maximise your LinkedIn network, invite people in your real world professional network.

Colleagues, vendors, people you know from university - the more people you know the

better. Job offers come from a variety of sources, the bigger your network the more

chances of a descent offer.

7. Get yourself organised. Job hunting is not just about making a few lists. Record who you

have spoken to and the outcome. Think about grading conversations: Promising, good,

poor, this way at the very least you will not have spoken to the same person twice by


99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

8. LinkedIn endorsements are good. They are not quite as good as LinkedIn recommendations

but they do influence searches. As a rule be happy to receive and give endorsements to

people in your network.

9. LinkedIn recommendations are the highest form of praise you can receive. These have more

influence on searches, and the more recommendations that show up in your profile the

more impressive it looks. Recommendations from direct managers have more influence

than any other. This is followed by indirect managers, peers, and subordinates.

10. Use LinkedIn's searching tools effectively. To find companies you would like to work for, you

can specify geography, benefits, and most of the aspects important to you. Utilising

LinkedIn tools saves time on finding the right company.

11. When applying for a job it is a good idea to use the latest technology. Therefore keep up to

date with it and use it. It shows you are tech savvy which companies love.

12. Ensure your professional certification is up to speed. No excuses.

13. Where possible attend conferences. Conferences offer good networking opportunities, but

in addition they also offer opportunities to learn from others. You are no doubt an authority

in your field, but there is always something new to learn.

14. Prior to attending a conference, try and connect with speakers. This is easily done on

LinkedIn, and a quick introduction followed by the fact you are looking forward to him or her

speaking should result in a meeting at the very least. This is a classic networking move, and

should be adopted.

15. Job opportunities often appear in professional association networks, often exclusively. Join

related associations to your industry and attend events where possible. Obviously network,

and scan for job opportunities regularly.

16. Networking is not just about discussing work, but other factors such as what is happening in

someone's life. The trick here is to show interest without getting too personal. If you can

have a cup of coffee with people within your industry - former colleagues, clients, suppliers,

people you have met at conferences, then your job opportunities rise significantly

17. It is not all about taking but giving. If you can introduce two people who should be talking

then do so. Spread the love, and you will receive. Favours are rarely forgotten.

18. Check LinkedIn groups as well as LinkedIn jobs. Recruiters post in groups as it is free to do

so. Leave no avenue unexplored in your job search.

19. Always take a proactive approach to job search. At an executive/senior management level

you are almost expected to make the running and demonstrate initiative.

20. Do not waste your time spending hours and hours on job boards. Think of job boards as

contact research and use them for an hour week maximum.

21. Set up Google alerts. Using keywords, you can make Google do the research for you and

contact you every time one of your keywords is mentioned. Similarly, use RSS feeds to send

the jobs to you.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

22. You can use Google alerts to keep in tune with people you follow and your target

companies. Simply set their name in the search field.

23. Job applications are highly important so ensure you complete these correctly. Your future

employer measures your ability on how to follow instructions, accuracy, and veracity.

24. Establish vanity URLs on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and most importantly LinkedIn.

Ensure consistency and use post links on your CV / Resume.

25. When using social media to track company

developments, ensure you follow on

Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and

LinkedIn. Do not rely on one of them for all

the news. These insights will make your

interview preparation more thorough.

26. Commenting on company news will put

you in the heads of decision makers for the

companies you want to work for. So do so.

27. Optimise your social media profiles to

attract attention for the industries you

want to work in.

28. Join relevant LinkedIn groups to the

industries you want to work in. This will

help you make the right connections and

greatly improve networking. You can join

up to 50 groups. Join 45 and save 5 for

good opportunities.

29. Track your contact progress with

companies, recruiters, and influential

people. There is specific software to do this or you can use a spreadsheet. This way you can

set yourself targets.

30. Try and expand your social media circle as much as possible. This increases your chances of

landing a good opportunity. Once you have your targeted social influencers as 'friends' look

at their peers. The chances are some of them are going to be in similar jobs on a similar


31. When messaging/emailing, ensure your subject lines attract attention and are memorable.

Failure will end with a hitting of the delete button and get you nowhere.

32. When communicating with people use their preferred method of contact. Some like to

meet face to face, others by social media, and some by email.

33. When scanning job leads, some clearly will not be right for you. Pass these leads on to

someone who you feel would suit the role. You can be sure they will return the favour.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

34. Try and be positive when reaching out. Positivity impresses employers as it offers a

refreshing change for most workplaces.

35. Once you have found a job online, apply, and then connect with someone who works there.

Ideally, this should be an influential person.

36. Having a complete 100% profile on LinkedIn improves your positioning on search results.

37. Your picture on social media sites should show you clearly, clothed, and ideally looking

professional. Laid back and pictures which make you feel confident work too.

38. Consider placing ads on Facebook and LinkedIn. This can raise your profile significantly.

Ensure keywords are used and targeted.

39. Roughly for every £75 K- salary it takes a couple of months to find the right role. Therefore,

with this information, plan your finances and time accordingly. Be patient when finding a

new role.

40. LinkedIn offers targeted job contact lists and sales target lists. Use these to your advantage

41. If you have connected with someone online, look to shift the conversation offline. This will

make you more 'real'. As such your job prospects increase significantly.

42. Usie search.twitter.com to find the people who can help you find a job.

43. At events where you are meeting face to face, network with purpose. There is no point just

collecting business cards unless you have a coaster shortage. Try and make at least three

good connections. This means positive follow up conversations after the event.

44. Always search for negativity when researching a company. Google the company name

followed by phrases such as "reduction", "downsize", "redundancy", and "sucks". It will give

you an idea of culture.

45. When networking at an event, it is often better to give than to receive. Providing

information, introducing people will paint you in a positive light. As mentioned, this is a

favours for favours arena.

46. Use blogging and LinkedIn blogs to show your industry knowledge. This is all part of your

personal brand. To that end comment on other blogs to get on the radar. This can be a

good way to connect to influential people in an industry.

47. Good, optimised social media profiles yield results. Recruiters use keywords to find suitable

candidates, so ensures yours is up to the mark.

48. Ensure you focus on all size of companies. Small to medium companies tend to expand

quickly and need to hire people yesterday. Do not feel that only large companies can offer

good opportunities.

49. Connecting with influencers cannot be overstated. Ensure you can be found by hiring

managers. You never know who will be looking.

50. Try and work 4-5 hours a day to find a new job. It is a long and arduous process but it will

yield its own rewards.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

51. Growing your online network on LinkedIn is important. It is much easier to keep track of

developments once a person uses the social network platform. Therefore, always send

invitations to connect via LinkedIn.

52. When applying job filters, especially on LinkedIn ensure the role fits in with your life. This

way, you will not jump through all the job search hoops only to find you cannot do the job

due to current commitments.

53. Always ensure your digital footprint contains no 'bad' material. Check Google Images to

ensure there are no pictures of you circulating that you would not like your mum to see.

54. Take a cultural approach to job searching. Ask yourself where you would like to work and

what you want your life to be like. Once answered you will have a better idea of the kind of

job role you need and want.

55. Use Zoominfo, Hoovers, Forbes, and Fortune to find contacts.

56. When emailing unsolicited, ensure your emails are short to the point, actionable, and

readable. See the headline step above. Long, Shakespearean emails will get trashed. As a

rule anything more than 250 words is too long.

57. Emailing tricks to get a response include catchy headlines, time sensitive references, and

using phrases like 'And that's not all'. As humans we have to respond to this. It is in our


58. As well as the companies you want to work for, look at their competitors, subsidiaries,

vendors, and support companies. Good job opportunities are there to be had.

59. To get updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, ensure you like or follow the

companies you want to stay in tune with.

60. Blogs from people you admire often keep you motivated and inspire you. So read them.

61. Ensure all of your social media profiles are complete. Make sure people can read them, they

are catchy, clear, and do not induce a coma in the reader.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

62. Bear in mind that 75% of hires are done via knowing the right person. This perspective

maybe a game changer for you. Ensure you are networking effectively.

63. Always try and keep a clear head. Any issues will be quickly detected by recruiters, hiring

managers, and other influential people. They kind of have a knack for it as it goes with the

territory. Therefore, always try and do something to relax before you make an important

phone call.

64. Though figures vary, around 80% of employers use social media to find employees.

Therefore ensure you are using social media, and that you have nothing sensitive in the

public eye.

65. A proven tactic is to make friends with people at the companies you want to work for.

Employee referrals go a long way to landing a job.

66. If you can learn how your target companies find employees you can put yourself in the right

place at the right time to get noticed.

67. LinkedIn allows a saved searched feature to bookmark the companies and people who are

important to your job search. Use it, it's free and it's useful.

68. Here are some useful hashtags for Twitter. #linkedinchat #hfchat #jobhuntchat. Use these

to connect and learn of new opportunities.

69. Make the most of your professional Facebook network by using sites such as Branchout and


70. If you do not want it widely known you are in the market for a new job, ask a person face to

face about opportunities. Offering coffee, lunch, or a beer often gets results.

71. If you travel as part of your job see if you have contacts in the area you are travelling to. If

so see if they would like to get together. Even if they can't, you will put yourself in their


72. Always ensure your achievements, qualifications, and developments are broadcast across

social media, especially LinkedIn. Include conferences and indeed travel destinations as

well. Being on the radar is important when job searching.

73. Mastering small talk and conversational skills are important for networking. Try and take

some courses if this does not come naturally to you.

74. Conduct digital footprint audits regularly. It helps you discover if you have posted anything

unsavoury about yourself, and more importantly, it helps you clean up your image.

75. Always adopt a strategic approach to CV distribution. Always target an influential person to

talk to after submitting your CV. Do not annoy them but just ensure they have received it.

Radar radar radar!

76. Ensure each job application is tailored to the needs of the job. A one size fits all policy will


77. Consider using sites such as Dun & Bradstreet to find target companies. After which use

LinkedIn to find out more about the company and to connect.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

78. Google Plus is a great social media platform to post blogs. As is LinkedIn. The good thing

about Google Plus is that it carries weight with search engines. So ensure you use these two

platforms to blog.

79. When blogging ensure you are demonstrating your competence, and educating people at

the same time. If writing is not your strong point hire a copywriter to do this for you.

80. When researching a company use the About us, Careers pages, Product or Services pages to

understand what they are about. Search for press mentions too using Google.

81. If your funds are short, local libraries often have free access to paid subscription sites.

Worth a look.

82. If you are currently studying, ensure your connect with your other students. They could be

influential people at companies offering opportunities. If not now they could be in the

future. Don't forget the course tutor as well.

83. If you attended university, the alumni often have events. It could be worth attending a few

to see who is there. This can be a good way to network as you may well know the person

already which makes introductions easier.

84. Helping another with a job search normally sees a like for like scenario develop. You will

probably find they will help you if you help them.

85. Always track results as part of your strategic job search. This will speed up the process and

you are adopting a professional approach to it.

86. Always be as helpful as possible to recruiters. This is in your interests for countless reasons.

The same goes for anyone you hire to help you. Listen to what they say and follow their

advice. It is in your interests.

87. Put your ego on the back burner. If you had or currently are in a position of power, you may

feel you do not need advice. Those that do not control their ego do not often find

opportunities. Working with those trying to help you is in your interest.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

88. Professional CV distribution service companies do exist and you might want to consider

using one. After your CV has been distributed, follow this up with a phone call.

89. When attending personal events always introduce yourself to people you do not know. It is

surprising how many connections are formed in this way.

90. Do not forget career fairs and events as a way of networking. Here, companies are looking

for people directly, so ensure your CV and contact details are to hand before you go. And

prepare for on the spot interviews.

91. With this in mind, discover if your target companies use careers fairs and ensure you attend.

92. Friends and family are important tools in your job search. A recommendation from either

often yields good results.

93. To that end your friends and family might already know a key influencer you would like to

get to know. Again, this is a good example of how friends and family can help your job


94. Always follow up. Some of the best roles are not publically known and can only be

discovered through networking hard and borderline harassment. Always follow up.

95. Ensure your references are verified before

you start submitting applications. Make

sure they are aware you are going to use

them as a reference. Do not put forward a

person as a reference without consulting

them first.

96. When you meet someone new take a

moment to Google them. The information

you glean will help you in moving the

conversation forward and to focus on

them and their business dealings.

97. Always look to improve your job search

skills and learn from your mistakes. You'll

soon work out a good formula.

98. Your job searching methodology will make

an impact with prospective employer.

Proactively, use of technologies,

professionalism all ticks the right boxes

with most employers.

99. Remember you need a job search strategy

and you have to apply it for success

100. 100. Career consultants can help you with all of the above and they have direct

contact with head hunters. They can remove a lot of the arduous frustrating elements

of job searching.

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

Discover Mentor EU - Global Career Consultants We are global career consultants specialising in optimisnig your job search strategy. With our help

you will catch the eye of head hunters and land the job role you want. We take what you have and

tailor it to today's job market and trends.

Though you may feel your current job position and past achievements will automatically open doors,

the reality is that the higher up the ladder you climb, the tougher the competition. The roles you

want are fiercely contested, and without a clear and precise job search strategy you will struggle to

get to the interview stage.

We focus on your LinkedIn profile, social media use, personal brand, and your CV. We help you

formulate a strategy to land the role you want.

Beata Staszkow - Managing Director and founder of Mentor EU

Beata Staszkow is an accomplished MBA-calibre Global Careers

Management Consultant and Executive Manager, with international

and UK experience in managing professional services, higher

education and membership organisations. The Founder and General

Manager of Mentor EU she has been working on multiple career

transition and outplacement projects with Workstream Consulting,

KGHM Ecoren or Career Intelligence.

With 20 years of a fulfilling management and consulting career in

Europe and profound expertise in the global market place, she has been successfully helping senior

executive clients across the globe, looking for more rewarding careers.

Profound multi-industry expertise and experience of working with executive clients combined with

learning and development background allow Beata to empower her clients to take necessary actions

to achieve their careers goals quickly and efficiently.

Prior to her move into careers management consulting, Beata joined KGHM Polska Miedz - Polish

Copper, a blue chip company, a top producer of copper, silver and rhenium with 30,000 employees.

Promoted to Deputy Director of Employers' Organisation of Polska Miedz, Beata successfully

represented extractive and metal industry in Poland and Europe.

From September 2001 until March 2006, she successfully managed The Institute of Personnel and

Development - a start-up consultancy which successfully delivered training and consulting services

to blue-chip and medium sized companies across industry sectors. They successfully assisted

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

corporate clients going through most dramatic business transitions including privatisations, mergers

and acquisitions as we as redundancies.

Beata has got expertise in managing successful turnarounds and managing private higher education

institutions. Apart from academic lecturing and managing the English Department of the Polish Open

University, in 1995 she took over an ailing campus of the POU and transformed it into a leading

business school in Poland.

Outside her professional interests, Beata is a voracious reader and a classical music fan.

What our Clients Say

Ramzy Maalouf

VP, Sales Operations at Trade International

I had been in my job for a couple of years and I felt that it was high time to make a move. I had no experience of looking for a job since I had been always headhunted for my previous positions and I was worried that I would waste a lot of time before I start getting interviews. I did some research and I thought that I need to find an experienced careers management consultant to accelerate my career transition. I started working with Beata and she made it clear that a career transition at a senior executive level is a complex project and we need to combine her expertise and my hard work and commitment in order to succeed. We started from reformatting my CV, learning how to apply for jobs efficiently and ensure that my CV is actually noticed and read. We looked at all aspects of career transition including building relationships with recruiters and executive search consultants, networking and direct approaches. Beata helped me to improve my Linkedin profile and build my personal brand through social media. The honest and sincere feedback that Beata provided, helped me achieve a position with the one of the most recognizable corporation in my line of work. Within three months of working with Beata, I achieved my goal; however, her helpfulness and feedback with my professional career didn’t end.

Giovanni Fabbio

Management and Consultant at Consilia

99 Job Searching Tips for Executives

Mentor EU Company 7234953 22 Faircross Avenue Barking, Essex London, UK Email: mentoreu@mentoreu.com www.mentoreu.com

Beata is very familiar with the field of human resources, the needs of companies and her coaching

services offered both at company level and at individual level are extremely effective in guiding and

optimizing choices of her clients.

Dilip Savaikar

Re - order Regional Supply Chain Director , Latin America

Beata is a highly respected coach and career consultant with a strong reputation for

achieving excellent results for her clients. Her deep insights about the market and what

exactly are corporates are looking for is absolutely spot on. Interacting with Beata has

helped me focus more on my strengths and he helped me to work on some of my weak

spots. She is professional, diligent, positive, well qualified and offers extensive

experience combined with first-class communication and interpersonal skills.How can

we help you?

If your job search is

floundering, and you are finding it difficult to make progress. Or perhaps you

have not looked for a job within the last twelve months. Get in touch. Trends in how the better

corporations find employees are changing all the time. We keep pace with the trend so we can

market your skills and abilities to the best companies in your field.

We can schedule a free thirty minute consultation where we will assess your job searching methods

and documents. From here, we can put together a strategy to land you a new role.

Email mentoreu@mentoreu.com to begin.