9E Reactions of metals and their compounds

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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9E Reactions of metals and their compounds. Elements. What is an element? Where can we find a list of all the elements? Where are the metals in the periodic table? Give 3 examples. Where are the non-metals? Give 3 examples. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


9E Reactions of metals and their compounds


• What is an element?

• Where can we find a list of all the elements?

• Where are the metals in the periodic table? Give 3 examples.

• Where are the non-metals? Give 3 examples.

Colour this periodic table and put a key to show metals, non-metals and metalloids

Group I Metals

• What are the Group I Metals called?

• Name the group I Metals and write their symbols

• Which is the most reactive metal?

• Which is the least reactive?

• What happens to reactivity as you go down the group?

Metals and water

• Name 3 metals that react with water.

• Name a metal which reacts violently with water.

• Complete this general equation:Metal + water → __________ _______ + ________

Symbol equations

• How do the names of these elements change in a compound?– Oxygen:– Chlorine:– Bromine:– Iodine:

• Why do we have to balance symbol equations?

Group II Metals

• What are the group II Metals called?

• Name the group II Metals and write their symbols.

• What happens to reactivity as you go down the group?

Group II Metals

• Aim: To investigate the reactivity of group II metals with water.

Draw and write about what you see when each metal is placed in water

Metals and acids

• Name 3 metals

• Name 3 acids

• What happens when a metal reacts with an acid?

• Complete this equation Metal + Acid _______ +______

A reaction that usually makes hydrogen is the reaction of a metal and an acid.

You are going to test several metals to see if they react with the acid.

Remember you are looking for bubbles!

Fill in the table in your booklet.

Aim: to compare how metals react with acid.Prediction:

Metal Reaction with acid





Now write word and symbol equations for the reactions…

Metals and oxygen

• What is produced when a metal reacts with oxygen?

• Name a metal that reacts violently with oxygen.

• Name a metal that reacts slowly with oxygen.


The reactivity series

• What is the reactivity series?

Acids and carbonates

• Name two carbonates

• Complete this equation Acid + carbonate ______ + _______ + ________

A reaction that makes carbon dioxide is the reaction of a carbonate and an acid.

These things are all carbonates.

Copy and complete this table to describe the reactions of carbonates with acid

Carbonate Reaction with acid

Marble (Calcium carbonate)

Chalk (calcium carbonate)

Indigestion tablet (Sodium bicarbonate)

Bicarbonate of soda (Sodium bicarbonate)

Now write a conclusion with word and symbol equations for the reactions…

Displacement reactions

• What is a displacement reaction?

• How do we know if one metal will displace the other?

Aim: To investigate displacement reactions of metals and salts

Zinc ___________

Magnesium ________

Copper ____________

Lead __________


• Which dimples had a chemical reaction?• Write word equations for these reactions.• Write symbol equations. The symbols of the

salts are as followed– Copper sulphate: CuSO4 – Lead nitrate: Pb(NO3)2

– Magnesium sulphate: MgSO4

– Zinc sulphate solution: ZnSO4

What is a displacement reaction?A more reactive metal can take the place of a less

reactive metal in a compound.

Magnesium+ copper sulphate

Magnesium Coppersulphate


Displacement reactions sheet

What can they be used for?

Ore extraction

The thermit reaction

• What type of reaction is the thermit reaction?

• Where is it used?

• Write the symbol equation of the Thermit reaction?

The thermite reaction

Aluminium + iron oxide Aluminium iron oxide+

Gas tests recap

• What is the test for Oxygen?

• What is the test for Carbon dioxide?

• What is the test for Hydrogen?


Christmas homework


• You will plan an investigation into how to change the rate(speed) of this reaction:

Calcium carbonate + Hydrochloric acid →