9SOS-FDH Trash part one

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES• Comprehend the plot detail and development of narrative

• Consider how suspense is developed in fiction

• Understand how writers develop characters in fiction and consider the effect on readers

• Identify and describe plot and language devices including foreshadowing, imagery (metaphors, similes, personification), oxymoron, colloquial language, neologism (stuppa / stupp), setting, direct and indirect speech.

PART ONE: CHAPTER ONE1. The novel is written in first person. Give three examples from chapter one of this style of narrative.

What tense is it written in?

2. Mulligan uses two types of speech. One is free indirect speech – where the reader can hear the voice of the character speaking but it is not directly spoken, or quoted in speech marks. The other is direct speech, which the author indicates through the use of speech marks. Which form of speech is mostly used in chapter one? Give 3 short examples or EACH form of speech.

3. The word for human muck is “_______”?

4. On page 3, Raphael says there are many things difficult to get in “our sweet city” and that too many people don’t have toilets. What tone of voice do you think he is using? What is the meaning of the phrase “sweet city” in this context?

5. To illustrate the horrific state of the city’s rubbish, Raphael explains how much human excrement is in the trash. He also says there is “piles and piles of it … trucks and trains never stop, and nor do we. Crawl and crawl, and sort and sort”. What is the effect of the compound sentences here?

6. On page 4, Mulligan uses proper nouns to continue his illustration of the setting. Identify 3 of these. How do they make the setting even more believable?

CHAPTER ONE 1. Pg 4 – Raphael smiles at visitors and encourages their questions by replying

“Sometimes, sir! Sometimes, ma’am!”. How does his direct speech contrast his real meaning which is written in italics? Why does Raphael not tell the truth?

2. How effective is the first section of chapter one (pgs 3-5)? What does this section achieve for the reader?

3. How does the second section of the chapter build on the first?

4. There is only one line in chapter one that reveals a mystery. What is that line? Why is it not developed on in chapter one? Note: this is an example of foreshadowing. What does it tell us is going to happen? How does it build suspense?

HOMEWORKRead all of Part 1 (chapters 1-6)

Write a summary of each chapter (8-10 lines for each summary)

CHAPTER TWO1. Begins with a rhetorical question which is _____________________?

2. Raphael uses an oxymoron to describe the day “the world turned upside down”. What is the oxymoron?

3. Mulligan choses to describe the trash piles using ‘mountain’ imagery. Identify the metaphor on pg 8 that continues this imagery. What effect does it have on our understanding of the place Raphael lives and on the person he is?

4. “With a view of the sea.” What might be important about this quote?

5. List 3 similarities and 3 differences between Raphael and Gardo.

6. What is a ‘special’?

7. Name 3 countries in the world that use ‘pesos’ as their currency.

8. What do we find out about Jose Angelico? How does Mulligan’s writing make us think this character might be of importance?

9. List the objects that Raphael found in the leather bag.

10. Find two quotes that make you think a ‘key’ is a meaningful symbol in this story. Explain in your own words what it might symbolise? In what way does it foreshadow events to come?

CHAPTER THREE1. How are the police described in this chapter? Find 4 quotes and explain what each of them

shows us about the police.

2. How do the dumpsite people feel about the police?

3. Why do you think the police have to offer money to get the citizens to co-operate with them? Is it just that these people are poor or is it something else? Does this happen in NZ?

4. What stops Raphael from putting his hand up and saying he found the bag the police are looking for?

5. Give two quotes that show Gardo and Raphael trying hard to charm the policeman. Why do they do this? What does it say about the relationship people in Behala have with the police?

6. Why is Raphael’s auntie so anxious?

7. What is the example of foreshadowing on page 19?

8. Explain the difference between Gardo and Raphael’s attitude to the policeman’s interest in Raphael.

CHAPTER 41. This chapter powerfully illustrates the immense size and grotesque reality of living in a

dumpsite. Quote which three descriptions or images from Raphael’s narrative you find the most vivid and emotive, explain why.

2. Quickly re-read this chapter (by skimming and scanning), then write an account of what happened from Rat’s perspective. Aim for 250-300 words.


CHAPTER 4 – CHARACTER STUDY- JUN JUNThings about Jun-Jun’s physical appearance that make him seem like a rat.

Things about Jun-Jun’s situation that make him seem like a rat.


CHAPTER 51. Who narrates this chapter?

2. What difference between Gardo and Raphael do we find out from page 31.

3. What does the expression ‘hand to mouth’ mean? Pg 32

4. If you were Raphael, how would you feel watching the many police cars, government cars, then 26 rubbish trucks all turning up and waiting because you are holding onto the bag they are all looking for?

5. What quote on pg 34 shows how Raphael is feeling?

6. How many pesos did each person earn that day?


In your groups, annotate a sketch of Gardo with quotes regarding the following 4 points.

1. His physical appearance

2. His behaviour3. Things that he says4. Things that others say

about him.

How does an author allow us to understand characters in novels?

Complete the task to the right by skimming and scanning through chapters 1-5.

Extension: consider the evidence you have found out about Gardo – now describe why he is an interesting character, and what you have inferred about his personality and nature. You could begin with “Gardo is an interesting character because …”

CHAPTER 61. Name 4 specific things that the boys are now worried about as they make their way to

Central Station.

2. How does the author successfully build suspense in this chapter? What makes it so exciting? Read this guide to creating suspense in fiction, and then comment on which ones Mulligan has used in Part One of his novel – giving examples as you go.

3. At the end of this chapter Rat retrieves a package from locker 101. What new mysteries does this package present the boys, and therefore the readers? Make a list of the things a reader will want to know at this point in the fiction.

CHARACTER STUDY - RAPHAEL• Raphael narrates 5 of the 6 chapters in Part One. Why? Does this make him the most

significant character in the story? Give a reason why or why not.

• Work in groups of 4 – each person focus on ONE aspect below -skim/scan Part One for evidence. You should find at least 6 quotes – include the page number of the quote.

MUST find 5 quotes, SHOULD find 6 quotes, COULD find 7-8 quotes

Physical appearance

What others say about


What he says (direct or indirect speech)

Behaviour and actions