A 7/Q SS FlED I ll/z.Lfjfo5) · T1'.e only resw ts of these rmtrol~:J were storage huts dost:r0yed...

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A . ......... • . SS FlED I






SOBJECT, After Action Report - OPERATIOU ·sJLYER B.A:

TOs Commanding Officer . 3d Bde, 1st Cavalry Divisiori (Air;mobile)

, I I /

1. ACTIVITY FO~__TjiE PER~ - 12-21 N~vember 1965 ao 2/7 Cav was initially assigned the mission of securing LZ rs and

conducting· search and clear operations in the vicinity of Chu Don Hountain, ·.also ten kilometers south. east of Plei Meo LZ 1s were selected aJG ATIJJ;rTJ~ (Z\''1.78919)~ B1P.I1INGHAH (7Nl81921), and CSARtESTION (ZV195912). j

The battalion began its move by air from AN IJIE airstrip at l20630 Novembero U!:d .. ~ fou:t' C"f···21s and eventually two ·C-123 1so The Battalion closed into STADIUM, south of Plei K11e at 1230o The move from STADIUM to the operational

_ _ ___ area began at 1145 1 with the l"ift-off of Co A an<l the reconnaissance platoon ::::::--=_~~_=- for LZ ATLAi:fTAq An air s:liril::e at the base of the mountain began at 1140 and

1 .. -..~as terminated about tvro minutes before the landing of the ini: tial · elements • As soon as the aircraft could msk~ the return trip 9 Co B moved to LZ BIR.i''1INGHAM a:J..:l Co G mcvEd to LZ CHl~RtTIJSTIO!-T . ' The lift w.as complete at 1545 9 and aJG 1600 G.:> C mo~ed out to the last, st-.1pping for the nigh·G at 1735o Btry B, 1/17 l1r·'r;y s8t ·~,.p · at :r,z A~T~ANTA in order ~o pro-..--:i.de fire su:n)ort in the battc..lion ts area of cp~rationo

:11 l-3 :Nuvember,, Co B mo·"'ed out at f.if:OO along axis LN:10N, s.cross the northe:-::n slopes of C.11Y Do:.l U<)illl.taino At 0600 Co C moved out on q;x:is GRfl'E,

south of the mN·.nta.iJ."..e :sc ·~~: 00.1::panies wGre using as <Jn objective O.s s ~11bly area DECATUR( Z1.'840962) ., ~'h8 :plan called for th3 entire battalion to re­assemble in th:.i.s area to :~::,:-r.:;piw:~ for f·,.::rther oper ations to the es.st. Five phc'lse lines were designated alon-g readi:Ly identifiable terrain f~tures abo~t 1500 meters apa~t,. By I:'.id.·-morning i .t became a:ppe.rent that t~1e terrnin

,along axis GRAPE per.ni tted J..iOvement at a rate of approximately 1000 mekrs per hour, while that along axis Lfi10N restricted movenent to a r~te of not

-====::-7;fu.ore than 300 meters per ho't.ll' o Therefore 1 at 1230 9 Co C was ordered to turn

· y north around the eastern end of the mountain and move to a position on axis LEMON ·~ Meamrhile, Co A cond'l:cted reconnaissance patrols to the \vest 2nd

. south and the reconnaissance platoon used three LZts to conduct shor~ air-' foot patrols north of Chu Don Mountain. There was no contact.

- r · At 1427 the coi)jcland helicopter radioed thct it hnd received fire at --= ZV16499fl.. it check was made with brigA.dc and \vi th 1/7 Cav, who both r eported

no friendly troops at that ~~c~tion • . The AT platoon was organized as~ reootian force and lef'i; LZ ATLA}lTA ty helicopter to attack the position fr.om

· which the firo had como. The platoon l anded at 1640 following a sho~~ artillery and fJ{A p"C'eparntion~ O'.nce on the g:::"Oun.dp the plaJGoon sergeant rcpor·cud tl.lh.t friendly 'i;:::cop:=t >wre in t he area,. T:b..e u:ni t >vas a comp&'rlY of 1/7 Cnv, O:tLd had t"t.Vo msn sJight:i.3~ WOl"-.ndcd ~ 'IJ'hil<l t1..-~sa men were being evaouated £l.i"l.d the J\T pls.too.n ~,;~:~.3 'b<:·ing f:s·!:r.E'.·:;i:;cj; the ccr::mr:...nd helicopJiier <¥;ain dxm-1 fire froo ZV 163955 e.t l{·o;.:_ , k~ ~L'(40 a."..~t:Ule:ry fire was brought in .on that locc;tion. Re sul. ts vrere ··.mknc;•..rn , ·

' -

. .'

·~ . . .AV0IIC-8A 2, Aovember 1965

SUBJECT: J.ftor Acrion Report - OPERATION SILVER Bil.YCThTE'T-12-21 November 1965 (Cant)

During the night Co 11 set up t'I-TJ nrr.bushes n9fl.r LZ ATLl\.NTAo Co B spent the night at ZV912248 and Co C a.t zv·972250o At 1950 a :repo:r.'t wo.s :received fron 3d Brig?.de S-2 -thP..t an infil trP.tion route i:md been discovered north of the tlounta in, and Co C \vas given the mission of setting u.p f.lJUbushes along thP.t route during the next day.

On 14 November B and C companies continued their sHeep::!.ng mission north of Chu Don Mountaino ThG reconna.issance plP.toon and AT platoon conducted pn.t.rols near J ... TLl.}o~A., T1'.e only resw ts of these rmtrol ~:J were storage huts dost:r0yed at '0Vl20890 m;.d a 4CO netor sqw.'l.re field of pun~i stn.kes discovered at ZVl4B923. Co A r~nained in reserve, s ecuri1~ LZ AT~~NTAo At 1200 an nir str~_ke vms n n.de in the n.ron fron w:Uch the connrmd helicoptGr h:':'.d drmm fire the pre~;-j_ ous dayo F.asults 1-:e:r-e 1).nknOW11o

CoB was desizn~ted to return to ST ' DIUM to act as a security forca, . and by 1155 h.?..d nn:::-v-ed at PZ which required elttensi.ve clearing before it could be ~~ed~ ~tr~ction began at 1330, and ~vo platoons ho.d been moved to STLDIU11 when 3d :Bde orde:r.dd 2?7 Cav to atte.ch Co B to l/7 Cav9 then he1wily engAeed tvith the e::J.:':T"...Y at LZ X··Rl.Y (YA)40010)<~ The compruzy (-) moved directly ·_.....~ to LZ X-RI\.Y, and by 1900 the entire CO;:!lJP.i'JY hr1.d closed into' :..;h;.t locn:t:Lon • .

r.o C wes desi.g11?. ted. ns security forcG n.t d'l'f:. DIUN, n..."ld \ve.s picked up '.J";l CH··47 s the lnst lift cleariJ.1b the PZ a·ti 17l4., During th~ nieht, Oo A

--f·,; tt.-..blis~ed ru1 anbush ':lorth of LZ ATLAN'I'A, A·~ 150750 ::rvvOJ:IbAr, Co A waR nttnched +,o 1/7 C?.V 9 ond by 0900 had

OOi:J.plc:·ce:'l. :1. ts lift-off for X-Rt'.Y. The battn.1ion ( ~) t·ra s ordered to mvvo by e.:ir- to LZ :r-1;\.CON (Yi.935C52) 9. and ·by l;C5 hr".d closed ini~o th::;i; loc?..tion • . 'I'hc pl<m cP.:!. l cd for Bt.~~jr :S~ 1/2:!. artill0~· 9 to nove tnto the LZ ,, Co A, 1/5

Cav "GO relieve 2/7 Oc-.v· (·~) 1'\.nd bhe b r~~t;o..lion to proceed on foot south to the La ])rang Pi vor, eras~ ,l l'l..!"~d esta·;:~ :I J.G~1 o. pos..L tio11 oh the south b<'.nl-...;

However~ the LZ 1v11s teo nc..:•?sh~r t0 provide n sui ·c.::.ble posi t:i. on for <.rtillery·; so tho ba ttery despln(:eQ. to LZ um;u:r•IDU·S (Y1!.974036)o At 14~· 5 the b 2.ttclion . (-) noveo out, nnd reacheC. the :civer after about one hour of nr..rching, The

-· river we.s found to be U.Ylforcln.:Jl e, and the b~t ttP~ion (-) we.s then ordered to proc0ed by air to LZ COi..'J.YIBUS. A sui. table PZ wc.s found about 400 netors

-""~~ _ north of the riYer, c.nd the battalion (-) closed into LZ C0Lu11BUS at 1830. ~Z COLU.HJ:iUS had been sec~ed by the reconnn.issanc:e platoon at 1540:1

a.<'1d Co ,.1!- 1/5 Cav h!:l.d been directed there from LZ 1-'U.GON o Sufficj_ent circrc.ft w·ero :not available to move Co D ( .... ) and the headCiU£1.rter·s elements other th.~..n tho ~a:mw..nd group, so they 1vere forced to spend nnother night o..t LZ .i.TLJ .. }IT.i~

___ ..-- und-=r the comand of the battalion executive officero Co 1-.., l/5 Cnv, \omS

~J.ttacil.od to tb: bo.ttalion, and the night was spent· in providing security for .:..z cOLmmus.

Between 0350 and 0700 on 16 November, Co B1 with the 3d platoon of Co l• e..ttr-.ched , repulsed continuous att ..... ck by PJ:..V'N bn;t·toJ.ion r-...round LZ X-Rt.Y. J.t 0400 the battalion. (-) ~eceived n.,~ orc'l.er J.;o moV"e '!;o LZ X-Rl.Y ond relieve

· th~ l/7 CaV'& J.t C6l5 the batta .. 1ion (-) ~r.o-ved out o;.1 foot, £'..ncl rec.;,ched LZ x .. ru.: at 09:t6" No e;.18lllY P.c"ti.vi 'b,r- was encountered, bu-~ one nsn in Co c w~

:. r, 2.::c=:_-t, t:~n 'i.o.st e1'0:nonts of 1/7 Cavp with .Co Band 3d Plt~ co 1., still attat}he·l ~ clf, ~~::u·:l I,~', X-~R;:~y ~y air for Crunp F...allO'~rcy~ J.t 1800 Co :D (-) end the hr! ,.:.dqt1n.·t tonl 9l euents tht;.t h~~.cl been ·left at LZ J~THJ:Tii.. :u::rived to rfl~ ci:1. tho ~attP. •. do::'l.o Jmrin.g the I"..ight the battalion, with the 2/5 U2.v :t'ene.ine:d in p, dofens:i.v·e . .'PORi tion around the LZ~

(2) ..

. . ,"'.

' 0 24- November 65 i~VCIK-S.A

S'JBJI:CT a .After .Acti on Report ·- OPERATION SILVER Bl.YONET- 12- 21 Noveober 1965 (Cont)

F'J'rcry e,ctivi ty W['.S J.:l....:rL t9c1 to sniper fire and a fGW artillecy or oortr.r rounds fired into Co Cis positio~o

L.t 171000 Nov-: .. :1'1ber 1 2/5 Cav I!iOV'Gd out on foot fo:::- :r,z COLill'J3US. 2/7 Cav followed directly behind it~ wJ.tn its destinr.1tic:'l 1Z JJ,BANY (Y..'.945043) .

l.ftcr proceding about 2000 oetors~ tl:e b2.tt11J :'. or. tu.rnoJ r~orthwest in order to ren.ch LZ ALBi~NY f A.nd .<..b::mt 200 !:le·i;c:rs short of tlv~ r,z the . lena elenents

in the co1unn took h ·ro r-r.isonE:rs withm.~·c cmy :r.esistance. Under q_'!.A.gstj.cn:ing, these two nen said tnc .. :; :tt;,:.\r '~ere si(;k and h:1d ;.10 fur:t~er desire to fight . 0.1e smd that he vms :.frc::1 the 35 :d.egt ar.a the other said that he was fron the 180 Regt, In vi"G'd'' of l a.ter develo:!;Jn snts 9 it El..ppe:r.s that these two nen wer:e ·<~. outpcst oi· an c-:neo.y fore<: occ'J.:[l:.ng an assen~>1y o.roao

J.t l)S/ t.he ~ :·:; ::on :platoon att.o.ehed to A Co~ wJ.::i.ch , .• as short of the :platoo:1 r..rhic~ hc'ld aocoopar.~.t'!d the 1/7 Cav and B Co 2/'( .:'ron X-Rcy the Jlrevi.m:s cley~ r.c.1.d cleA.:ced ·!:;hru the western edge of the objective aroc, LZ sites ,. JJ..cng .'fri.th 2 platoons of A Co which were to the south & north res:peci-,i:veJ~.r

of LZ ! ... LR.Al~Y. The renair.der oJ: the battaJ.ion wr,s in dispersed cclnrm to = ~ ~ - the east of the objective arec::. 11 C Co 2/'! s D 2/7 ~ Hq_ 's elenent~ of 2/7 &

i1 Go l/5 .-.. As tr....u- u.-1.·as were Tiovi~ in'Lc' the J.LBLNY LZ area to truce up rc·Hi tior.t'l snsJ.l ams fir~ f .r.cn r:..~."'lt hiJ l s & tre Rfl c.JI:.u...:. cnceda 1.11 perscnJJ.el br.:gr::.'l. i,: ('. :>:"et.u:. ... "'n. ::'ire at the well . ooncels d ~me;::zy- :positions.. The inJGensi ty r,f ,.;H·: · , •:<-::!':{ f:b:G j_;::':'.reasecl & e:n-:-.. ny TIOrtar :fi:;:-8 bng2.n.- Tnd.i ·.r.~_u.u...:J.ls and :=o~."L Wl ~ i;:; r.Gt.urneJ th8 fire and as th0 in~;~msi.ty of tr~e ener.q fire ine.r:ea sec. mito e~t.t.~~~wtE. d tc Gonsnlie'.e:L.:; to :ln:::.rease vfiecth·cness of their fir2 & reduce confill! .:.·: ... :-. causeo 1•y all o.:ro L·:nd eneny fire~ It socn bece>.ne

.a'Pf2:::.'2.J'l1j th•=vt ;;he ·n: ... t t 'i.!.-::.c-n ha.C. enco·~~.l ·tc:,::::ed a la:t:ge 9 woJ.l d:L.spe:::secl & v1sll c~-::;. ·: ,~.; .8rJ. encr:.y i.'oro ·3 ~ [!/ C:u 3.: D Co 1,...- <J :z · ~.; su:bjected to inten::w .flr.:.,ldng e.lc"t0L:r.~.. tic wer> .. pc:ns f Lr,, ?..s \·J'., j . .l. e-3 r:lOr-7.!'1.:' i'i~ce o C Co aJ~ten:!r~ed to n ove west·.ve,rd to jo· .. n the: ,;· ,, :;.:o·.v.q,·:-d u::.1i ts arc:J...l1.d t~:..e PZ azen. but were ·.msucceseful due to the intonsi ty l'.; aoc.Jracr:r of en&Dy fire whiah killed or wounclecl aJ.nost ~1 the officer and NCO leaders in tho con:panyo D Co & Hq_'s elenents were forced to move toward the scu.thea.st to l~_nk up with A 1/5 Ca..v which hc1.d fiU.ffered heEwy casu;:,.ll ties :i.n its lead elenentn. C:ontinuing Tiortar &

::::::::;:=::.....;-.:. a.utone.tic weapons fire prev:::nted these units fron ll.nlc~l."..g up with the - ,/ elenents at the LZ ::>...rea, rr·he eneny then c:losed bctwe(:)n the 2 e1enents and ff continued to fire on.botn s~ultane:~sJys The elcncnts_of c, D, Hq_'s &

J. 1/5 \vere despersed m t s-:r-:!:a.1n hon.vHy grassed & for:r: <:::s1:ed & eX£,ct 1occtiions of these elenents \'laS diffiGtu t to determine so thl"' .. t J.x:tillery., lir: Force & J:RL fire coulc. be placed on 9neoy lon<:;tions, j.ftcr apJ?roxr:U.nate locations of friendly elenents had been doternined? !Jll~ via.s broug-ht in, followed by an air strike. The initial air strike delivered nn..:r"ilr..l on an eneny -cor1:pany in process of attao'king the corinand group f :.::-o;n t~e west ern flanks . The napalm was dropped ·within 100 yd.s of the friendly tr(l:):ps. So:ne of the

· eneny broke i.'1to the cpen and we-ce kJ lled by sr.1a.lJ. arns fire, whi.le others wi thclrm.,r . ~1r:l..:..1{~ & a:-.-::toma t.i. c f:lre \vere exohat~..ged be-li\·reen frlendly fc·rces crt the e,n.st -·r ·n s:Wn of ths I:Z c=md. eneny foroes ao:::-0ss a s;nn..ll fieL~ ·~o the eastcor ";.inr0• : ·,w.1.i:i. fri.end.:;.y <l:lc·:;ille;:;r & f.RA firo began ·~o .ftill in the n.rea . Ene.r:w ; ·J:::e gu,::lually G1a<.:kenP.d, a;.'ld ceas9d abou·~ 180..~., At 1825 1 Co B rejoind th~ 'h:..tt~;. on, land:ing in UE1:0~s .. The aircraf~ . . receiv.ec . e11tcnut:ioo .fire ~~~~.1~ ...... ~'-rbo=n0. 1 bn-h n .):Je w·ere r.J!:n::i.0uAly damBged ..


( r-; November 196~ SUBJBCTs Aft~r Action Report - OP~\TION SILV1R EAYO}TET-12-21 November 1965


The arrivial of B Co increased the force in the eastern perime-r.:~· (I. l/5 Cav and 2/7 Cav c18r.:ents fomed a perinet.e:::- app::-:oY.:1.::~ately ~co-700 ~eters to the southes.st) to 190 personneL A per.rneta17 Wt.S .fomed \-:h:Lch c0vereG. -che LZ & the open field· to the eas-to .Arti:Lj e:cy & .Air strikes v1ere

continunus1y ringing the LZ and perjneter to perve:'lt the enemy fron orgariizing a c01mtcr attack. IlJ.uminA.tion from Sf'nl<y Bear was pro7;;.<l 1;,d thx·o1l.,S!1out the nig!'lt and greatly fa('.;i.J.i'l:ated def8nse of t:b.e areao .At appro:x:unately 2400 hours 2 UHlD aircraft fl' OI.'l C Co 229th AH Bn were brought into the LZ to evacw~te 10 of the most seri0us casualties as well as dGliver MG ru.~Qnition. Other aircraft were brought ~.n to· an LZ in the A 1/5 Cavl · area for evacuation of their serious casualties.

One platoon of C Co 2/7, 21 ~en, all wounded, foroed a small per~etcr isolated from the 2 larger ones earlier in the afternoon and was kept secure by close in .Artillery firG.. At apprn:x:unately 2200 hm.u·s a l}n.trcl from ll. 1/5 Cav nace contA.ct with this platoon and evac~~ted thanost serious ~3sualties as \'lell as leaving additional force with then to insm:e secu.ri ty r: f the group as it was impossible t o evaC'I.lr'ltG all -the casual ties at that tioe.

During the night 2 wounded NCO's r.mr..aged to ev2.de the V .c who lw,(: 0!1.~~)-l:iured them and ma2i.:e the:l.r way to the 'Bn per:inetero Both we:x;e eva.cuutecl

· ~~:.- above nentioned aircrafto Thr::y both indj.catec: tha.t the eneny hnd': boen "" -,,,, ..,_~:y hl •. ""t ny both friendly ground ,~:(. ai:J: fi:ce during the day &. th8.'li the

force \\'FI.J a ~a:;;ge one" 'l'hey furt:h e:~ indicated that the enemy was last J.ooc:d;ed nlcng ".;he nf'-:-t.:1crn & i·ieutern eGge 0f the Bn perimeterc Conti.."l.ucus l~ir & llrtill e·;_•y fir•.: ~,;as placed on the sa areas t ·o p:r-:Hent fu..~ther eneny

\}Onson~~:r.a tionc. IU:rir{:;' J 8 Ncn;e'":}·!::s:s:- the bfl. ttalio:1 enla:::::-ged the LZ perim.ete:r oi'ter

l:Lr..k:i.ng up ·w.ith eler:!e::·:;,:; p:;-.E'/'Jt'..'JLJ cu:i; ..... 1J'!, The ba'i:;talj.0n pa'li:co~Lled out :i:'ron the perinete:::::- & .t:u.:>Gver60. d~acl ro~cl '"ounded peJ~sonnel and friendly end en<=:.r1y eq_uipnont and Wt:d.po;is" The inteJ:r.~inling of friendly ancl eneny dead? revealed thFt.t much of 'the action had taken place at point-blank range ~

It iv8.s also obvious t hat th13 eneny had atte~pted to kill fr:.i.endly wnundecl anc had looted sene of the:i.~ bodies. Co A~ 1/5 CD:v~ reinforced \>li'Gh Co B~ 2/5 Cav, arrived a t the LZ at 180900 Novenber and assisted in the work

of reclanationo They retu:rned to J./5 Cav control for nove eastward· to LZ COL1.ITv!BUS at 1400 hnu.rs G

Tile enlar ged perinetur was occupied f or the !'light cf 18 november by all eleF1ents of the · 2/7 a Si..~.pporting AJ.•tillery was located a t LZ COLUKBUS , to the eA.st And LZ CROOKS to the wes-t,. The n.rtillery a t force CROOKS 1vr..s

· firing at Max range and onl~r able to reac:h the southwest side of tho battclion per:ineter. The attack on LZ CCLUMBUS diverted plan."l.ed e:i.r strikes to that area & Sonky Bear illumin<1t ion was concentrated over GOLU~'·:l'9US & CROOKS for nost of the night.. 13 J,LBA:N! area was diMly illuminated ·~hroughout the

night. lm air strike w-as 0alled on tile eastern flanlc of the Battali o~l

perimeter at 2400 hour-s -to 1)reakt:t() any c<"'r.sent:ration of eneny which 1:1ay have wi thdra:t;::-;. \>;est•tTRJ:•d :~oD LZ CCLU}i;J3US o

The nc:"r.i r~~ :1f tt-,8 .L ')t;h was spe:rd, in ft:.rthm~ reoGve:.:•y of dec;.c & equipnent@ L tadieal >i.f't o;,r~ c.f A'G:B.I\lU was aGc.or:rplis}led~ the 1t•.si;

_._ element clepa..rt.~:r.g a·t ::;40 ho1.l:3~ C1osil}t;' at LZ CROOKS ai: 1350 hour8.



,1 •I

~ 24 vember 1965

SUBJECT• !!Iter Action rteport - OPERATION STIVER BAYONN.i:-12-21 Novenber 1965 (cent)

The :Battulion s0our.e} n, "I'Jo·r·t:l.on 9·~ the :,z 'Je~1..f.1eter, with 2/5 Ca.v securing the rer.~a:l.nd ~.r·. :;;~u-ing"" tho night -t=--,•o oo.r.in:r.' r0U~1.dS f~ll on Co J)ts :position, causing no c:as-ua.ities~ but no oiitwr eneDy nntivity WM

encountered. At 201145 Novenber the last elenents 6.:' the 1.Jn.tte~lion de:parted. LZ

CROOXS for Car.~p &.'l.lloway, where i ·t r9:c:::~.ined over.1ight l~es -~i:ng and p:cep2.X~ for t he e10ve back to .t .. N· IG.-£8~ At 211600 Novenber ~lihe battalion depa:r.tec1

Gru:tp Hallow~ by roan r>nd arrive~ at AN !CitE at 1830o b. (1) :EilerJY ca sual tiess Killed Wounded

303-(~c) . 150 ~est) 100 (be)

FxlG:.idly co.c>ual ties s Kl& HIJ. Ef.:lh ll9 124 (j

(2) Captured Eneny Weapons: 33 lliG 7 .62nn, 112 rifles 7 • 62mm, 5 norte.:r bipods~ 4 morte:r. ·~u·oes 82r.n:l 7 2 mortar sights, 2 rocket launchers, }_;,oases mortf\X .t'uzes, 3 ID1G '( .. 62r:JIJo .

(3) Captured Eneny foodstuf.f , medicnl suppliesr othe:r materie.Js 2l. -pf'.ck~ e~c1 .. cuntaining rice ±-ation for about five deyso

(4) En.emy eqmtpr.~ent destroyed : 4 rocket lau.Yl.cherst 6 IMG 7.62 Jl>D : 2 ourtc-• .::·s 82m:l, 100 rj fleA 7 .. 6?1r; m 1 ;. ~n.uo"' .... ·uclw 1-: .]A.Jmoh n:r- cr:uT1.1UU tion.

2. I·h"-'38GNS U''J,mn::u: -- ·-- . ~ ·-.-·. -·· -· ...._ u<> Opere:cJ.•J~Js o:n or nea:r the edge of the batteJ.:i..on e.:re of OJ;O::?a·~J.on

!"'""~' 'h"' ·r·•:n-y ("iJ.":X·ful.i.y ~O·.J:r./Un.n-:;ecl with :c.eighboring w.i:imo b. :Bad':-pa.~~ :.oj.:i_ os must be oar:J.vtalnged, as radio _o:per2.tor~ .?...re

pr:ioe tm:gets of the t'D u;:ly., Co Mo:re atiiu;::.~J. on m.U?.·~ be pG.."'~d to individual camou.fl:'lga 7 to include

use of canouflage s~::L·:..: ,

d~ 1~ t firs 't eontn.ut with the ene.;ny ~ cei'",;a.:i.J?. nan should be designated to spre~ all trees wi:thin range in order to flush 011t snipers.,

e. Vnenever . pos:::d."c le a ·..rfxlge or V - ty:pf; foro::d;ion shoulcl be usGC!. r ather then a col~.

f. J.rtillery prop . .1.ration or ai.r strikes ;~~1~~1.::.J.:': 1.1e delivered on ~..Y LZ just prior to i ·.:s oc,~nx(xriiion. by .friendly fo:rc2s~

go Every leao11.r~ t:o include squad leaders~ shotl.ld carr.J at leo.st one sooke grenadeo

h. Every leadcr1 at least dmm to platoon sergeant level, should have a COI!lpass e..nd a map, and should ru:vm.ys bave his loontion accu:rc.tely plotted.

i. /.rtillery should be used as an assist ·to l Dx~cl nevigation·o j. f,.ll LZ 's- regardless of their size should b6 considered to be

under the observatio~ and fire by the eneoy. k. Trees must be used by friendly troops as ops as we·ll Q.S s!liping

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