A Beautiful May day in Tirunaravur with SCOPE and permaculture

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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We started work with Scope International at the Sevalaya campus to create an organic vegetable garden. Scope volunteers worked hard to make the first raised bed using permaculture principles. A beautiful morning of learning and team work.


The Task at hand:

Twenty Scope volunteers make the first of many raised beds to grow organic vegetables. The bed will be created using permaculture principles.“Waste” material such as sugarcane bagasse, green coconut shells, dry leaves will be layered along with vermi-compost and cow dung slurry to make the bed. The spot identified for this first bed was right outside the community kitchen.

This is where we made the bed. Right outside the kitchen.

Hot, dusty work. What have we signed up for???!!!

Base layer of sticks, followed by sugarcane bagasse. Then a thick layer of leaves.

Urban living ensures plastic is everywhere. We had to pick up plastic from the leaf litter.

The “dance on the bed” begins. Hesitantly at first.

But very quickly with gusto and mirth!

Vegetable waste from the day’s cooking

Cow dung slurry from fresh cow-dung. Spread liberally on the bed.

Home made vermi-compost spread on the bed.

And covered with a nice insulating layer of hay.

The bed is ready! In two months, this bed will be full of soft crumbly soil ready to plant. More such beds are planned on future volunteering days from Scope.

And produce organic vegetables for the children and senior citizens of Sevalaya.