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(Through 1964)

Revised July 1966 ARS 41-80

Agricultural Research Service



Two useful aids in literature review are subject matter reviewarticles and bibliographies. Unfortunately, there are few of eitherof these aids in the field of soil science.

This bibliography resulted from a systematic search and reviewof the literature concerning saline and sodic soils. Early in thesearch it was learned that grouping published papers under variousheadings was advantageous. This grouping necessitated listing someof the references more than once.

This bibliography does not include all papers published on thesubject of saline and sodic soils. Certainly, the author's search ofthe literature has not guided him to all publications. Many foreign'papers are not included, since access to foreign literature waslimited. However, the references given in this bibliography shouldguide interested research scientists to most published information onsaline and sodic soils up through 1964.

Prepared in

Soil and Water Conservation Research DivisionAgricultural Research Service

U. S. Department of Agriculture


Pa &e

1. The occurrence, development, and properties ofsalt-affected soils1.1 General references1.2 Soil salinization and related soil properties1.3 Sodic soil formation and related soil

properties - -

2. The effects of salts and sodium on plants2.1 Effects of salinity on plants2.2 Effects of sodic soil on plants2.3 Specific ion toxicity

2.31 Chloride2.32 Sodium2.33 Boron2.34 Sulfate

3. Crop tolerance to salts and to sodic soils3.1 General references on salt tolerance

3.11 Salt tolerance ratings3.2 General references on sodic tolerance

3.21 Sodic tolerance ratings3.3 Crop tolerance to saline-sodic soils3.4 Crop tolerance to boron

4. Evaluating soils for crop production with referenceto salinity and sodium4.1 References on general criteria4.2 Chemical measurements4.3 Physical measurements

5. Management practices for saline and sodic soils5.1 Management practices for saline soils5.2 Management practices for sodic soils

6. Reclamation of salt-affected soils6.1 Reclamation of saline soils6.2 Reclamation of sodic soils6.3 Reclamation of saline-sodic soils6.4 Reclamation of boron affected soils






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CONTENTS (cont'd. )

Pa e

7.1 Quality of water for irrigation7.2 Quality of water for leaching7.3 Effects of irrigation water quality on soil

properties and crop production

8. Books covering most subject matter in the fieldof saline and sodic soils8. 1 Texts8.2 Handbooks

7. Water quality 505052





(Through 1964)


David L. Carter 2/

1. The occurrence, development, and properties of salt-affected soils.

1.1 General references.

Babcock, K. L., L. E. Davis, and Roy . Overstreet. Ionic activities inion-exchange systems. Soil Sci. 72:253-260. 1951.

Babkov, V. P. Salt regime of soil grounds in the riveraine zone of theVolga-Akhtubin bottomland. Sborn. Trud. Yuzh. Nauch. -Issled.Inst. Gidrotekh. Melior. No. 8:126-137. 1963. (In Russian. )

Benz, L. C., F. M. Sandoval, R. H. Mickelson, and E. J. George.Microrelief influences in a saline area of ancient glacial lakeAgassiz: II. On shallow ground water. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.28:567-570. 1964.

Bollen, D. B. Effects of alkali salts on general microbial functions.Soil Sci. 46:287-305. 1938.

Botkin, C. W. A study of alkali and plant food under irrigation anddrainage. N. M. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. No. 136. 1923.

Bower, C. A. Fixation of ammonium in difficulty exchangeable formunder moist conditions by some soils of semiarid regions. SoilSci. 70:375-383. 1950.

Bower, C. A., W. R. Gardner, and J. 0. Goertzen. Dynamics ofcation exchange in soil columns. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.21:20-24. 1957.

Bower, C. A., and J. 0. Goertzen. Negative adsorption of salts bysoils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:147-151. 1955.

Bower, C. A., H. R. Haise, Joseph Legg, and others. Soil salinityand irrigation in the Soviet Union. U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr.Research Service, Rep. of a Tech. Study Group, 41 pp. 1962.

Brooks, R. H., C. A. Bower, and R. C. Reeve. The effect of variousexchangeable cations upon the physical condition of soils. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 20:325-327. 1956.

Research Soil Scientist, Northwest Branch, Soil and Water Con-servation Research Division, ARS, USDA, Kimberly (Twin Falls),Idaho.


1.1 General references (cont'd.).

Buehrer, T. F. , and J. A. Williams. The hydrolysis of calciumcarbonate and its relation to the alkalinity of calcareous soils.Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 64. 1936.

Carter, David L. A bibliography of publications in the field of salineand sodic soils (through 1961). USDA, ARS 41-80, 47 pp. 1962.

Carter, David L. and Victor I. Myers. Some chemical and physicalproperties associated with depressional saline and adjacent areasin two grapefruit groves. J. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Soc.18:51-60. 1964.

Carter, D. L., C. L. Wiegand, and R. R. Allen. The salinity of non-irrigated soils in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. U. S.Dept. Agr. , ARS 41-98. 1964.

Chang, C. W., and H. E. Dregne. Effect of exchangeable sodium onsoil properties and on growth and cation content of alfalfa andcotton. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:29-35. 1955.

Chang, C. W., H. E. Dregne, and H. I. Nightingale. Relation of soil- pH in salt solutions to exchangeable sodium percentages. N. M.

Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. No. 5. 1955.Chiang, C. M., and T. C. Tsang. The alkalinity and crust of tile

alkali soils. Acta Pedal. Sin. 12:320-329. 1964. (In Chinese;English summary. )

Chevalier, G. Rainfall in relation to salt transport in the salinedistrict of Algeria. Algeria Inst. Agr. 6(3):21 pp. (Translated. )1950.

Dorsey, C. W. Alkali soils of the U. S. A review of literature andsummary of present information. U. S. D. A. Bur. Soils Bul. 35.1906.

Dunnewald, T. J. Salinity conditions in the Big Horn River during theyears 1938 and 1939. Wyo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. No. 240. 1940.

Eaton, F. M., and R. 0. Sonkoloff. Absorbed sodium in soils asaffected by the soil-water ratio. Soil Sci. 40:237-247. 1935.

Elgabaly, M. M. Preliminary survey of the saline and alkaline soilsof Egypt. Fourth Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. 2:247-250.1950.

Ericksson, E. Cation-exchange equilibria on clay minerals. Soil Sci.74:103-113. 1952.

Fireman, Milton. Characteristics of saline and alkali soils in theEmmett Valley, Urea, Idaho. Idaho Agr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 17.1950.

Fireman, Milton, and C. H. Wadleigh. A statistical study of therelation between pH and the exchangeable-sodium-percentage ofwestern soils. Soil Sci. 71:273-285. 1951.

Fraps, G. S., and J. F. Judge. Replacement of calcium in soils bysodium from synthetic irrigation water. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour.30:789-796. 1938.

Gapon, E. N. Theory of exchange adsorption in soils. Zhur. Obshch.Khim. (Jour. Gen. Chem. ) 3:144-152. 1933. (Abstract inChem. Abs. 28:4149. 1934. )


1.1 General references (cont i d. ).

Gardner, W. R. Some steady-state solutions of the unsaturatedmoisture flow equation with application to evaporation from a watertable. Soil Sci. 85:228 - 232. 1958.

Gardner, W. R. , and Milton Fireman. Laboratory studies ofevaporation from soil columns in the presence of a water table.Soil Sci. 85:244-249. 1958.

Gardner, W. R. , M. S. Mayhugh, J. O. Goertzen, and C. A. Bower.Effect of electrolyte concentration and exchangeable sodiumpercentage on diffusivity of water in soils. Soil Sci. 88:270-274.1959.

Greaves, J. E. Soil alkali microflora, physiological and morphologicalproperties. Jour. Agr. Res. 42:183-186. 1931.

Greaves, J. E. , and J. D. Greaves. Nitrogen fixers of leached alkalisoils. Soil Sci. 34:375 - 383. 1932.

Greaves, J. E., and L. W. Jones. The survival of micro-organisms inalkali soils. Soil Sci. 52:359 - 364. 1941.

Harding, R. B. , P. F. Pratt, and W. W. Jones. Changes in salinity,nitrogen, and soil reaction in a differentially fertilized irrigatedsoil. Soil Sci. 85:177-184. 1958.

Hayward, H. E. , and O. C. Magistad. The salt problem in irrigationagriculture. U. S. D. A. Misc. Pub. 607, 17 pp. 1949.

Hayward, H. E. , and C. H. Wadleigh. Plant growth on saline and alkalisoils. Advances in Agronomy I:1-38. 1949.

Henderson, D. W. Effect of salinity on moisture content and freezing-point depression of soil at permanent wilting of plants. Soil Sci.71:273-285. 1951.

Hibbard, P. L. Alkali soils; origin, examination and management.Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 292:1-14. 1925.

Kelley, W. P. The present status of alkali. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta.Cir. 219, 10 pp. 1920.

Kelley, W. P. The formation, evaluation, reclamation, and theabsorbed bases of alkali soils. Jour. Agr. Sci. 24:72-92. 1934.

Kelley, W. P. Cation exchange in soils. Reinhold Publishing Corp. ,New York. Chap. III. 1948.

Kelley, W. P. Alkali soils; their formation, properties, andreclamation. Reinhold Publishing Corp. , New York. 1951.

Kelley, W. P. , and S. Brown. Base exchange in relation to alkali soils.Soil Sci. 20:477-495. 1925.

Krishmamoorthy, C., and Roy Overstreet. Theory of ion exchangereactions. Soil Sci. 68:307-316. 1949.

Krishmamoorthy, C., and Roy Overstreet. An experimental evaluationof ion-exchange relationships. Soil Sci. 69:41-53. 1950.

Krishmamoorthy, C. , and Roy Overstreet. Behavior of Hydrogen in ion-exchange reactions. Soil Sci. 69:87 - 93. 1950.

Lyerly, P. J. Salinity problems of the El Paso area. Symp. onproblems of the upper Rio Grande River, pp. 57-62. 1957.

Magistad, 0. C. , and J. E. Christensen. Saline soils, their natureand management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 707, 32 pp. 1944.


1.1 General references (cont'd. ).

Magistad, Q. C. , Milton Fireman, and Betty Mabry. Comparison ofbase exchange equations based on the law of mass action. Soil Sci.57:371-379. 1944.

Makarova, G. F. Salt regime of chestnut soil complex in the LakeSivash area (irrigated vineyards). Pochvovedeniye No. 10:103-116.1964. (In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No.10:1097-1108. 1964.)

Martin, J. P. , R. B. Harding, and W. S. Murphy. Effects of varioussoil exchangeable cation ratios on growth and chemical compositionof citrus plants. Soil Sci. 76:285-295. 1953.

Mattson, S. , and L. Wicklander. The laws of colloidal behavior: XXI,A. Soil Sci. 49:109-134. 1940.

McGeorge, W. T. , and M. F. Wharton. The movement of salt (alkali). in lettuce and other truck beds under cultivation. Ariz. Agr. Expt.

Sta. Bul. 152:391-438. 1936.Pearson, G. A. Factors influencing salinity of submerged soils and

growth of Caloro rice. Soil Sci. 87:198-206. 1959.Puffeles, M. The influence of exchangeable ions and neutral salts on

the pH of soils. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 31:761-767. 1939.Puri, A. N. Influence of salts and soil water ratio on pH values of soil.

Soil Sci. 46:249-257. _ 1938.Quirk, J. P. , and R. J. Schofield. The effect of electrolyte

concentration on soil permeability. Jour. Soil Sci. 6: 163-175.1955

Reeve, R. C. The transmission of water by soils as influenced bychemical and physical properties. Fifth Internat. Cong. Agr. Engin.Trans. 1:21-32. 1960.

Reitemeier, R. F. Effect of moisture content on the dissolved andexchangeable ions of soils of arid regions. Soil Sci. 61:195-214.1946.

Richards, L. A. Chemical and physical characteristics of saline andalkali soils of Western United States. Fourth Internat. Cong. SoilSci. Proc. Amsterdam 1:1-6. 1950.

Richards, L. A. , and C. A. Bower. Salt in soil. USDA Yearbook ofAgriculture, pp. 202-208. 1962.

Robertson, 3. H. Penetration of roots of tall wheatgrass in wet saline-sodic soil. Ecology 36:755-757. 1955.

Schofield, R. K. A ratio law governing the equilibrium of cations inthe soil solutions. Eleventh Internat. Cong. Pure Appl. Chem.Proc. London 3:257-261. 1947.

Schoonover, Warren R. , M. M. Elgabaly, and M. Naguib Hassan. Thestudy of some Egyptian saline and alkali soils. Hilgardia 13:565-596.1957.

Scofield, C. S. Salt balance in irrigated areas. Jour. Agr. Res.61:17-39. 1940.

Sigmond, A. A. J. de. The classification of alkali and salty soils.First Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. 1:330-344. 1927.


1.1 General references (cont'd. ).

Vanselow, A. P. Equilibria of base exchange reactions of bentonites,permutites, soil colloids and zeolites. Soil Sci. 33:95-113. 1932.

Whitney, R. S. , and M. Peech. Ion activities of sodium claysuspensions. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 16:117-122. 1952.

1.2 Soil salinization and related soil properties.

Atkinson, H. D. , R. F. Bishop, and A. Leathey. Studies on stronglyalkaline soils of the Salt River Plains of Northwestern Canada. Sci.Agr. 30:30-37. 1950.

Avers, H. D. Soil permeability as a factor in the translocation of saltson irrigated land. Sci. Agr. (Ottawa) 31(9):385-395. 1951.

Balba, A. M. Model experiments for the "study of salt accumulation andleaching. Agrokem. Talajt. 13:25-38. 1964. (In Hungarian;Russian and English summaries. )

Berg, C. van den. The influence of salt in the soil on the yield ofagricultural crops. Fourth Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans.1:411-413. 1950.

Berg, C. van den. The influence of absorbed salts on growth and yieldof agricultural crops on salty soils. The inundations of 1944-1945in the Netherlands and their effect on agriculture. XII. Dir. vanden Landbouw, Verslag. van Landbouwk. Onderzoek, 58.5, 118 pp.1952. (In Dutch; English summary. )

Berg, C. van den, and J. J. Westerhof. Examination of soils and cropsafter the inundations of 1st February, 1953. I. Salty soils andagricultural crops. Netherlands Jour. Agr. Sci. 2:242-253. 1954.

Brooks, R. H. , J. O. Goertzen, and C. A. Bower. Prediction ofchanges in the compositions of the dissolved and exchangeablecations in soils upon irrigation with high-sodium waters. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 22:122-124. 1958.

Campbell, R. B. , C. A. Bower, and L. A. Richards. Change ofelectrical conductivity with temp. and the relation of osmoticpressure to electrical conductivity and ion concentration for soilextracts. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:66-69. 1948.

Campbell, R. B. , and L. A. Richards. Some moisture and salinityrelationships in peat soils. Agron. Jour. 42:582-585. 1950.

Chang, C. W. Chemical properties of alkali soils in Mesilla Valley,New Mexico. Soil Sci. 75:233-242. 1933.

Clark, F. W. The data of geochemistry. U. S. Geol. Survey Sul. 616:221-235. 1916.

Cointepas, J. P. , and P. Roederer. Preliminary results on theevolution of soil salinity due to irrigation with saline waters inTunisia. Ann. Agron. Paris 12:121-126. 1961. (In French. )

DeSigmond, A. A. The classification of alkali salted soils. FirstInternat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. 1:330-334. 1927.


1.2 Soil salinization and related properties (cont'd. ).

Doering, E. J. , R. C. Reeve, and K. C. Stockinger. Salt accumulationand salt distribution as an indicator of evaporation from fallow lands.Soil Sci. 97:367-375. 1964.

Drouhin, G. Algerian experience of the utilization of brackish water forirrigation, with special reference to saline soils. Salin. Probl.Arid Zones Proc. Teheran Symp. 239-244. 1961. (In French;English summary. )

Dutt, G. R. , and L. .D. Doneen. Predicting the solute composition ofthe saturation extract from soil undergoing salinization. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 27:627-630. 1963.

Eaton, Frank M. Soil salt content, problem in irrigation agriculture.Jour. Agr. Res. 64:380-395. 1942.

Eaton, Frank M. Irrigation agriculture along the Nile and Euphrates.Sci. Monthly. 69:(1)34-42. 1949.

Fireman, M., C. W. Chang, and L. W. Healton. Soil investigations onthe Tuchumcari, New Mexico, Irrigation project. N. M. Agr. Expt.Sta. Bul. 1054. 1951.

Geze', B. , and E. Servat. On the origin of the Continental LanguedocPlain saline soils. Fourth Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans.1:394-396. 1950.

Gordon, A. F. Continental salt accumulation in the Kulundin Steppe.Doklady Akad, USSR 71(5):921-924. 1950.

Haise, H. R. Flow pattern studies in irrigated coarse-textured soils.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:83-89. 1948.

Harper, H. J. , and 0. E. Stout. Salt accumulation in irrigated soils.Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. B-360. 1950.

Jennings, D. S. , and J. D. Peterson. Drainage and irrigation, soileconomics and social conditions, Delta area, Utah. Division:Soil Conditions. Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul, 256. 1935.

Kelley, W. P. , B. M. Laurance, and R. D. Chapman. Soil salinity inrelation to irrigation. Hilgardia 18(18):635-665. 1949.

Kellog, C. E. Morphology and genesis of the solonetz soils of westernNorth Dakota. Soil Sci. 38:483-501. 1954.

Kovda, V. A. (Origin and regime of salinized soils). Moskva,Academia Nauk SSSR,Vol. II, p. 258. 1947. (In Russian. )

Longenecker, D. E. Influence of soluble anions on some physical andphysico-chemical properties of soils. Soil Sci. 90:185-191. 1960.

Mitchell, J. Alkali soils in Saskatchewan. Sci. Agr. 18:120-125. 1937.Molodtsov, V. A. Salt content in soils and change in ground water

level upon irrigation of new lands in the Golodnaya Steppe.Pochvovedeniye No. 1:12-18. 1964. (In Russian; Englishtranslation as Soviet Soil Science No. 1:7-11. 1964. )

Moore, Ross E. Water conduction from shallow water tables.Hilgardia 12:383-426. 1939.

Murphy, H. F. The salt content of some soils near the Salt Plains inAlfalfa County, Oklahoma, in relation to crop production. Amer.Soc. Agron. Jour. 26:644-651. 1934.

1.2 Soil salinization and related soil properties (cont'd. ).

Obrejanu, G. , A. Meianu, and I. Aksenova. Salt accumulation in salineand alkali soils in the river valleys of the Rumanian plain. StiintaSol. 2:31-40. 1964. (In Rumanian; Russian, English and Frenchsummaries. )

Obrejanu, G., A. Meianu, and I. Aksenova. Accumulation of salt inthe mineralized groundwater and salinized soils of the floodplainsof the Lower Danube Basin. Pochvovedenlye No. 8:44-62. 1964.(In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No. 8:817-829.1964. )

Qayyum, Muhammad A. , and W. O. Kemper. Salt-concentrationgradients in soils and their effects on moisture movement andevaporation. Soil Sci. 93:333-342. 1962.

Remson, I. , and G. S. Fox. Capillary losses from ground water.Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 36:304-310. 1955.

,Richards, L. A., W. R. Gardner, and G. Ogata. Physical processesdetermining water loss from soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.20:310-314. 1956.

Richards, L. A. , and D. C. Moore. Influence of capillary conductivityand depth of wetting on moisture retention in soil. Trans. Amer.Geophys. Union 33:531-540. 1952.

Shaw, C., and A. Smith, Maximum height of capillary rise startingwith a soil at capillary saturation. Hilgardia 2:399-409. 1927.

Stuart, R. , and W. Peterson. Origin of alkali. Jour. Agr. Res.10:331-353. 1917.

Svinarev, V. I., and Ye. S. Burtseva. Secondary salinization ofKyzyl Kum Desert soils under irrigation with artesian waters andmethods of eliminating it. Pochvovedeniye No. 1:28-31. 1964.(In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No.1:19-21. 1964. )

Teakle, L. J. R. Soil salinity in Western Australia. Jour. Dept.Agr. W. Australia. 15:434-452. 1938.

Thomas, J. E. The occurrence and distribution of salinity in a VirginMalee Soil. Austral. Council Sci. and Indus. Res. Jour. Vol. 4,pp. 12. 1931.

Veihmeyer, F. J. , and F. A. Brooks. Measurement of cumulativeevaporation from bare soil. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union.35:601-607. 1954.

Vilensky, D. G. Some data about alkali soils of Russia. Soil Res.1:50-66. 1928.

Webster, J. F. , and B. Visuanath. Further studies on alkali soils ofIraq. Iraq. Dept. Agr. Mem. No. 5. 1921.

Whitney, M., and T. H. Means. The alkali soils of the YellowstoneValley. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Soils Bal. 14:9-20. 1898.

1.2 Soil salinization and related soil properties (cont'cl. ).

Obrejanu, G. , A. Meianu, and I. Aksenova. Salt accumulation in salineand alkali soils in the river valleys of the Rumanian plain. StiintaSol. 2:31-40. 1964. (In Rumanian; Russian, English and Frenchsummaries. )

Obrejanu, G., A. Meianu, and I. Aksenova. Accumulation of salt inthe mineralized groundwater and salinized soils of the floodplainsof the Lower Danube Basin. Pochvovedenlye No. 8:44-62. 1964.(In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No. 8:817-829.1964.)

Qayyum, Muhammad A. , and W. O. Kemper. Salt-concentrationgradients in soils and their effects on moisture movement andevaporation. Soil Sci. 93:333-342. 1962.

Remson, I. , and G. S. Fox. Capillary losses from ground water.Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 36:304-310. 1955.

Richards, L. A., W. R. Gardner, and G. Ogata. Physical processesdetermining water loss from soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.20:310-314. 1956.

Richards, L. A. , and D. C. Moore. Influence of capillary conductivityand depth of wetting on moisture retention in soil. Trans. Amer.Geophys. Union 33:531-540. 1952.

Shaw, C., and A. Smith, Maximum height of capillary rise startingwith a soil at capillary saturation. Hilgardia 2:399-409. 1927.

Stuart, R. , and W. Peterson. Origin of alkali. Jour. Agr. Res.10:331-353. 1917.

Svinarev, V. I., and Ye. S. Burtseva. Seconclaty salinization ofKyzyl Kum Desert soils under irrigation with artesian waters andmethods of eliminating it. Pochvovedeniye No. 1:28-31. 1964.(In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No.1:19-21. 1964. )

Teakle, L. J. R. Soil salinity in Western Australia. Jour. Dept.Agr. W. Australia. 15:434-452. 1938.

Thomas, 3. E. The occurrence and distribution of salinity in a VirginMalee Soil. Austral. Council Sci. and Indus. Res. Jour. Vol. 4,pp. 12. 1931.

Veihmeyer, F. J. , and F. A. Brooks. Measurement of cumulativeevaporation from bare soil. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union.35:601-607. 1954.

Vilensky, D. G. Some data about alkali soils of Russia. Soil Res.1:50-66. 1928.

Webster, J. F. , and B. Visuanath. Further studies on alkali soils ofIraq. Iraq. Dept. Agr. Mem. No. 5. 1921.

Whitney, M., and T. H. Means. The alkali soils of the YellowstoneValley. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Soils Bul. 14:9-20. 1898.

1.3 Sodic soil formation and related soil properties.

Babcock, K. L., and R. K. Shulz. Effects of anions on the sodium-calcium exchange in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27:630-632.1963.

Bodman, G. B. , and J. Rubin. Soil puddling. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc. 13:27-36. 1948.

Boumans, J. H. , and W. C. Hulsbos. The alkali aspects of thereclamation of saline soils in Iraq. Netherlands Jour. Agr. Sci.8:225-235. 1960.

Bower, C. A. Cation-exchange equilibria in soils affected by sodiumsalts. Soil Sci. 88:32-35. 1959.

Breazeale, J. F. Formation of "Black Alkali" (Sodium Carbonate) incalcareous soils. Jour. Agr. Res. 10:541-589. 1917.

Brooks, R. H. , J. O. Goertzen, and C. A. Bower. Prediction ofchanges in the compositions of the dissolved and exchangeable cationsin soils upon irrigation with high-sodium waters. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 22:122-124. 1958.

Cassidy, N. G. Exchangeable sodium and the physical properties ofsoils. Queensland Jour. Agr. Sci. 1:140-156. 1944.

Chang, C. W. Chemical properties of alkali soils of Mesilla Valley,New Mexico. Soil Sci. 75:233-242. 1953.

Cummins, A. B. and W. P. Kelley. The formation of sodium carbonatein soils. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Paper 3:1-35. 1923.

DeLoffre, G. Decline of structure of the soils flooded by salt water in1944 in the region of Dunkerque. Fourth Internat. Cong. Soil Sci.Trans. 1:413-415. 1950.

Dhanan, C. L. , and R. N. Sharma. Structure of the Punjab soils.Indian Jour. of Agr. Sci. 20:(Part 4) 461-478. 1950.

Eaton, F. M., and C. R. Horton. Effect of exchange sodium on themoisture equivalent and the wilting coefficient of soils. Jour. Agr.Res. 61:401-425. 1940.

Ellis, H. H. , and 0. G. Caldwell. Magnesium clay "soIonetz". ThirdInternat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. 1:348-360. 1935.

Fireman, M. , and C. H. Wadleigh. A statistical study of the relationbetween pH and the exchangeable-sodium-percentage of westernsoils. Soil Sci. 71:273-285. 1951.

Fitts, J. W. , H. F. , Rhoades, and E. S. Lyons. Slick spots inNebraska. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 31:822-831. 1939.

Fitts, J. W. , H. F. Rhoades, and E. S. Lyons. Slick spots. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 8:432-436. 1943.

Gardner, R. Some soil properties related to the sodium salt problemin irrigated soils. U.S. Dept. Agr.

Gardner, Robert, R. S. Whitney, and A.Western Colorado soils. Colo. Agr.


Bul. 902. 1945.Slick spots in

Sta. Tech. Bul. 20.1937.

Isaak, Philip. The nature of slick soil in southern Idaho. Soil Sci.37:157. 1934.


1.3 Sadie soil formation and related soil properties (cont'd. ).

Kelley, W. P. A general discussion of the chemical and physicalproperties of alkali soils. First Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans.4:483-489. 1927.

Kelley, W. P. The formation, evaluation, reclamation and absorbedbases of alkali soils. Jour. Agr. Sci. 24:72-79. 1934.

Kelley, W. P. The so-called solonetz soils of California and theirrelation to alkali soils. Amer. Soil Survey Assoc. Bul. 15:45-52.1934.

Kelley, W. P. Alkali soils; their formation, properties, andreclamation. Reinhold Publishing Corp. , New York. 1951.

Kelley, W. P. Adsorbed Na + , cation exchange capacity and percentsaturation of alkali soils. Soil Sci. 84:473-478. 1957.

Kelley, W. P. Sodium carbonate and adsorbed sodium in semiarid soils.Soil Sci. 94:1-5. 1962.

Kelley, W. P. , and S. Brown. An unusual alkali soil. Amer. Soc.Agron. Jour. 31:41-43. 1939.

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1.3 Sodic soil formation and related soil properties (cont i d. ).

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2. The effects of salts and sodium on plants.

2.1 Effects of salinity on plants.

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2. 1 Effects of salinity on plants (cont i d. ).

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2. 1 Effects of salinity on plants (cont i d. ).

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2.1 Effects of salinity on plants (cont'd.).

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Traaen, A. E. Injury to Norway spruce caused by calcium chlorideused against dust on roads. Internat. Bot. Cong. Proc. 7:185-186.1950.

Unvits, R. Effect of osmotic pressure on water absorption and germi-nation of alfalfa seeds. Amer. Jour. Bot. 33:278-285. 1946.

Wadleigh, C. H. Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule asconditioned by soil salinity and irrigation regime. U. S. Dept. Agr.Tech. Bul. 925, 34 pp. 1946.


2.1 Effects of salinity on plants (cont'd.).

Wadleigh, C. H. , and A. D. Ayers. Growth and biochemical compositionof bean plants as conditioned by soil moisture tension and saltconcentration. Plant Physiol. 20:106-132. 1945.

Wadleigh, C. H. , A. D. Ayers, and C. A. Bower. Effect of saline andalkali soils on growth of sugar beets. Amer. Soc. Sugar BeetTechnol. Proc. 6:50-53. 1952,

Wadleigh, C. H. , and C. A. Bower. Influence of calcium ion activity inwater cultures on the intake of cations by bean plants. PlantPhysiol. 25:1-12. 1950.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and J. W. Brown. The chemical status of bean plantsafflicted with bicarbonate-induced chlorosis. Sot. Gaz. 112:113:373-392. 1952.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and H. G. Gauch. Assimilation in bean plants ofnitrogen from saline solutions. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc.41:360-364. 1942.

Wadleigh, C. H. , H. G. Gauch, and Virginia Davies. The trend ofstarch reserves in bean plants before and after irrigation of a salinesoil. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 43:201-209. 1943.

Wadleigh, C. H., H. G. Gauch, and Maria Kolisch. Mineral compositionof orchard grass grown on Pachappa loam salinized with varioussalts. Soil Sci. 72:275-282. 1951.

Wadleigh, C. H. , H. G. Gauch, and D. G. Strong. Root penetration andmoisture extraction in saline soil by crop plants. Soil Sci. 63:341-349. 1947.

Waisel, Y. , and R. Bernstein. The effect of irrigation with saline wateron the yield and sugar content of forage and sugar beet. Bul. Res.Coun. Israel 7D:90-92. 1959.

Walton, J. H. Influence of alkali salts in some Indian soils. Ind. Jour.Agr. Sci. 1:480-494. Ag. 1931.

Wilhelm, S. , and H. T. Pyfrom. Soluble salt injury to Gardenia.Calif. Agr. 3(12):5, 12. 1949.

Yermanos, D. M. , L. E. Francois, and Leon Bernstein. Soil salinityeffects on the chemical composition of the oil and the oil content ofsafflower seed. Agron. J. 55:35-37. 1964.

2.2 Effects of sodic soil on plants.

Albrecht, Wm. A. Absorbed ions on the colloidal complex and plantnutrition. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 5:8-16. 1940.

Bernstein, Leon, and George A. Pearson. Influence of exchangeablesodium on the yield and chemical composition of plants: I. Greenbeans, garden beets, clover, and alfalfa. Soil Sci. 82:247-258.1956.

Blodgett, Earl C., and R. S. Snyder. Effect of alkali salts on shapeand appearance of Russet Burbank potatoes. Amer. Potato Jour.23:425-430. 1946.

Botkin, C. W. A study of alkali and plant food under irrigation anddrainage. N. M. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 136. 1923.


2.2 Effects of sadic soil on plants.

Bower, C. A., C. D. Moodie, P. Orth, and. F. B. Gschwend.Correlation of sugar beet yields with chemical properties of a saline-alkali soil. Soil Sci. 77:443-451. 1954.

Bower, C. A. , and C. H. Wadleigh. Growth and cationic accumulation byfour species of plants as influenced by various levels of exchangeablesodium. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:218-223. 1949.

Breazeale, J. B. A study of toxicity of salines that occur in black alkalisoils. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 14. 1927.

Breazeale, J. F. , and W. T. McGeorge. Sodium hydroxide rather thansodium carbonate the source of alkalinity in black alkali soils. Ariz.Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 13. 1926.

Breazeale, J. F., and W. T. McGeorge. Nutritional disorders in alkalisoils as caused by deficiency of carbon dioxide. Ariz. Agr. Expt.Sta. Tech. Bul. 41. 1932.

Brown, J. W. , and C. H. Wadleigh. Influence of sodium bicarbonate on thegrowth and chlorosis of garden beets. Bot. Gaz. 116:201-209. 1955.

Chang, C. W., and H. E. Dregne. Effect of exchangeable sodium on soilproperties and on growth and cation content of alfalfa and cotton. SoilSci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:29-35. 1955.

Cooper, H. P., W. R. Paden, and M. M. Phillippe. Effects of applica-tions of sodium in fertilizer on yields and composition of the cottonplant. Soil Sci. 76:19-28. 1953.

Danielson, R. E. , and M. B. Russell. Ion absorption by roots asinfluenced by moisture and aeration. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.21:3-6. 1957.

Doughty, J. L., and A. E. Stalwick. The effect of alkali salts on plantgrowth. Sci. Agr. 20:272. 1940.

Eaton, F. M. , and C. R. Horton. Effect of exchange sodium on themoisture equivalent and wilting coefficient of soils. Jour. Agr. Res.61:401-425. 1940.

Eaton, F. M., and V. P. Sokoloff. Absorbed sodium in soils as affectedby the soil-water ratio. Soil Sci. 40:237-247. 1935.

Gardner, Robert. Some soil properties related to the sodium saltproblem in irrigated soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 902,28 pp. 1945.

Hamgem.an, R. H. , and E. L. Hartman. Injuries produced by saline and al-kaline waters on greenhouse plants and the alleviation of alkaline irijuryby neutralization. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 39:375-380. 1941.

Hayward, H. E., and C. H. Wadleigh. Plant growth on saline and alkalisoils. Advances in Agronomy I:1-38. 1949.

Jones, W. W. J. P. Martin, and W. P. Bitters. Influence of exchange-able sodium and potassium in the soil on the growth and compositionof young lemon trees on different rootstocks. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 69:189-196. 1957.

Jones, W. W. , H. E. Pearson, E. R. Parker, and M. R. Huberty.Effect of sodium in fertilizer and in irrigation water on concentrationin leaf and root tissues of citrus trees. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc.60:65-70. 1952.

Leonard, C. D. , and S. J. Toth. Plant studies with radioactive sodium.Agron. Jour. 42:469-474. 1950.


2.2 Effects of sodic soil on plants (cont'd.).

Lilleland, 0. , J. G. Brown, and C. Swanson. Research shows sodiummay cause leaf-tip burn. Almond Facts 9:1-5. 1945.

Magistad, 0. C. Plant growth relations on saline and alkali soils. Bat.Rev. 11:181-230. 1945.

Martin, J. P. , and F. T. Bingham. Effect of various exchangeablecation ratios in soils on growth and chemical composition of avacadoseedlings. Soil Sci. 78:349-360. 1954.

Martin, J. P. , R. B. Harding, and W. S. Murphy. Effects of varioussoil exchangeable cation ratios on growth and chemical compositionof citrus plants. Soil Sci. 76:285-295. 1953.

Pearson, G. A., and L. Bernstein. Influence of exchangeable sodium onyield and chemical composition of plants: II. Wheat, barley, oats,rice, tall fescue and tall wheatgrass. Soil Sci. 86:254-261. 1958.

Petrosyan, G. P., R. G. Saakyan, and L. M. Karapetyan. Effect ofsoda salinity of the soil on amino-acid composition of leaves andshoots of vine. Izv. Akad. Nauk. Armyan. SSR Biol. Nauk. 17:19-27. 1964. (In Russian.)

Porter, L. K., and D. W. Thorne. Interrelation of carbon dioxide andbicarbonate ions in causing plant chlorosis. Soil Sci. 79:373-382.1955.

Pratt, P. F. , and D. W. Thorne. Solubility and physiological availabilityof phosphate in sodium and calcium systems. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc. 13:213-217. 1948.

Ratner, E. 1. The influence of exchangeable Na in the soil on theproperties as a medium for plant growth. Soil Sci. 40:459. 1935.

Rodney, D. R. , R. B. Harding, S. B. Boswell, and F. L. Whiting.Lemon tree collapse as related to sodium in roots. Calif. Citrog.41:313-315, 317. 1956.

Schreiber, H. A. , L. E. Davis, and Roy Overstreet. Influence of certainabsorbed cations on radish seedling development. Soil Sci. 83:91-99.1957.

Semergei, K. I. Effect of exchangeable sodium in the soil -on the cottonplant during a varied system of nutrition. Akad. Nauk. SSSR Dok.77:867-870. 1951. (In Russian. )

Shawarbi, M. The status of phosphates in saline and alkali soils withspecial reference to Egyptian soils. Internat. Cong. Soil Sci.Trans. 4(2}:262-265. 1950.

Smith, 0. , and L. B. Nash. Potato quality. M. Relation of soilreaction, irrigation and mineral nutrition to cooking quality. Amer.Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 38:507-512. 1941.

Thorne, D. W. Growth and nutrition of tomato plants as influenced byexchangeable sodium, calcium and potassium. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc. 9:185-189. 1945.

Thorne, D. W. Calcium carbonate and exchangeable sodium in relationto the growth and composition of plants. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.11:397-401. 1946.

Troug, E. Soil reaction influence on availability of plant nutrients. SoilSci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 11:305-308. 1946.


2.2 Effect of sodic soil on plants (cont i d.).

Various authors. Sodium symposium. Soil Sci. 76:1-96. 1953.Wadleigh, C. H. , A. D. Ayers, and C. A. Bower. Effect of saline and

alkali soil on growth of sugar beets. Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol.Proc. 6:50-53. 1952.

Wadleigh, C. H. and J. W. Brown. The chemical status of bean plantsafflicted with bicarbonate-induced chlorosis. Bot. Gaz. 113:373-392.1952.

Webb, Delmar H. , D. S. Jennings, and J. Darrel Peterson. The effectof replaceable bases on the physical properties of soil with specialreference to the effect of replaceable calcium and sodium on indexof fertility. Soil Sci. 41:13. 1936.

2.3 Specific ion toxicity

2.31 Chloride.

Ayers, A. D. , D. G. Aldrich, and J. J. Coony. Sodium and chlorideinjury of Fuerte avocado leaves. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook: 174-178. 1951.

Black, R. F. Effect of NaC1 in water culture on the ion uptake andgrowth of Atriplex hastata L. Austral. Jour. Biol. Sci. 9:67-80.1956.

Cerghilli, R., and V. Curand. Influence du chlorure de sodium sur lagermination et la developpement du riz. J. Riz. 4:34-45. 1954.

Cooper, W. C., and G. S. Gorton. Toxicity and accumulation of chloridesalts in citrus on various rootstock. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc.59:143-146. 1952.

Cooper, W. C., and A. V. Shull. Salt tolerance of and accumulation ofsodium and chloride ions in grapefruit on various rootstocks grownin a naturally saline soil. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Inst. Proc.7:107-117. 1953.

Dearborn, C. H. Effects of weed control sprays of sodium chloride andsodium chloride plus sodium nitrate on the stand yield of canningbeets. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 56:275-278. 1950.

Eaton, F. M. Toxicity and accumulation of chloride and sulfate saltsin plants. Jour. Agr. Res. 64:357-399. 1942.

Ehlig, C. F., and L. Bernstein. Foliar absorption of sodium andchloride as a factor in sprinkler irrigation. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Pioc. 74:661-670. 1959.

Gauch, H. G. , and C. H. Wadleigh. The effect of high concentrations ofsodium, calcium, chloride and sulfate on ionic absorption by beanplants. Soil Sci. 59:139-153. 1945.

Haas, A. R. C. .Effect of sodium chloride on Mexican, Guatemalan andWest Indian avocado seedlings. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook35:153-160. 1950.

Haas, A. R. C. , and J. N. Brusca. Chloride toxicity in avocados.Calif. Agr. 9(Z):12-14. 1955.


2.31 Chloride (cont i d.).

Harding, R. B. , M. P. Miller, and Milton Fireman. Sodium andchloride absorption by leaves. Calif. Citrog. 41:166, 178, 180.1956.

Harper, H. J. Effect of chloride on physical appearance and chemicalcomposition of leaves of pecans and other native Oklahoma trees.Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. T-23. 30 pp. 1946.

Hayward, H. E. , and W. M. Blair. Some responses of Valencia orangeseedlings to varying concentrations of chloride and hydrogen ions.Amer. Jour. Bot. 29:148-155. 1942.

Hayward, H. E., and E. M. Long. Vegetative responses of the Elbertapeach on Lovell and Shalil rootstocks to high chloride and sulfatesolution. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41:149-155. 1942.

Hayward, H. E. , and E. M. Long. Some effects of sodium salts on thegrowth of tomato. Plant Physiol. 18:556-569. 1943.

Hayward, H. E. , E. M. Long, and Rachel Uhvits. Effect of chloride andsulfate salts on tb_ . growth r'nd development of the Elberta peach onShalil and Lovell rootstocks. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 922.1946.

Hayward, H. E. , and W. B. Spurr. The tolerance of flax to salineconditions: Effect of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, andsodium sulfate. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 36:287-300. 1944.

Kretschmer, A. E. , S. J. Toth, and F. E. Bear. Effects of Cl- versusSQ: ions on nutrient ion absorption by plants. Soil Sci. 76:193-200.1953.

Latzko, E. Einflus von Cl- und SO ernahrung auf die Enzymtatigkeitvon Kulturpflanzen. Pflanzenernahr, Dungung, Bodenk. 66:148-155.1954.

Latzko, E. Beziehungen zwischen. Cl- - und SO - ernahrung. Assim-iliationsintensitat, Enzymaktivitat, Kohlehydratstoffwechsel undQualitat bei Kartoffeln. Zeits. Pflanzenernahr. , Dungung, Bodenk.68:49-55. 1955.

Lipman, C. B. , A. R. Davis, and E. S. West. The tolerance of plantsfor NaCl. Soil Sci. 22:303-322. 1926.

Magowan, Florence N. The toxic effect of certain common salts of thesoil on plants. Bot. Gaz. 45:45-49. 1908.

Shimose, N. Absorption of chloride by rice plants. J. Sci. Soil &Manure (Japan) 25:65-68. 1954. (In Japanese; Eng. summary.)

Strong, E. C. A study of calcium chloride injury to roadside trees.Mich. Agr. Expt. Sta. Quart. Bul. 27:209-224. 1944.

Traaen, A. E. Injury to Norway spruce caused by calcium chloride usedagainst dust on roads. Internat. Bot. Cong. Proc. 7:185-186.1950.

Wadleigh, C. H., and H. G. Gauch. The influence of high concentrationsof sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesiumchloride on the growth of guayule in sand culture. Soil Sci. 58:339-403. 1944.

Woodham, R. C. The chloride status of the irrigated Sultana vine andits relation to vine health. Austral. Jour. Agr. Res. 7:414-427.1956.


2. 32 Sodium.

Ayers, A. D., D. G. Aldrich, and J. J. Coony. Sodium and chlorideinjury of Fuerte avocado leaves. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook36:174-178. 1951.

Black, R. F. Effect of NaCI in water culture on the ion uptake andgrowth of Atriplex hastata L. Austral. Jour. Biol. Sci. 9: 67-80.1956

Cerighilli, R. , and V. Durand. Influence du chlorure de sodium sur lagermination et la developpement du riz. Riz. J. 4:34-45. 1954.

Cooper, H. P. , W. R. Paden, and M. M. Phillippe. Effects of applica-tions of sodium in fertilizer on yields and composition of the cottonplant. Soil Sci. 76:19-28. 1953.

Cooper, W. C. , and A. V. Shull. Salt tolerance of and accumulation ofsodium and chloride ions in grapefruit on various rootstocks grownin a naturally saline soil. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Inst. Proc.7:107-117. 1953.

Dearborn, C. H. Effects of weed control sprays of sodium chloride andsodium chloride plus sodium nitrate .on. the stand and yield of canningbeets. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 56:275-278. 1950.

Ehlig, C. F., and L. Bernstein. Foliar absorption of sodium andchloride as a factor in sprinkler irrigation. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 74:661-670. 1959.

Gauch, H. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. The effect of high concentrations ofsodium, calcium, chloride and sulfate on ionic absorption by beanplants. Soil Sci. 59:139-153. 1945.

Haas, A. R. C. Effect of sodium chloride on Mexican, Guatemalan andWest Indian avocado seedlings. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook35:153-160. 1950.

Haas, A. R. C. Calcium in relation to the effects of sodium in avocadoseedlings. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook 35:161-168. 1950.

Haas, A. R. C. Sodium effects on avocado rootstocks. Calif. AvocadoSoc. Yearbook 37:159-166. 1952.

Haas, A. R. C. Sodium in Lisbon lemon trees grown in soil cultures.Citrus Leaves 32(10):10-11, 26; 32(11):12-13; 32(12):13-14. 1952.

Haas, A. R. C. , and J. N. Brusca. Sodium effects in citrus seedlings.Calif. Citrog. 39:373,375. 1954.

Haas, A. R. C., and J. N. Brusca. Sodium-calcium nutrition in youngcitrus plants. Citrus Leaves 35(2):9, 20. 1955.

Harding, R. B. , M. P. Miller, and Milton Fireman. Sodium andchloride absorption by leaves. Calif. Citrog. 41:166, 176, 178, 180.L956.

Hayward, H. E., and E. M. Long. Some effects of sodium salts on thegrowth of tomato. Plant Physiol. la:556-569. 1943.

Hayward, H. E. , and W. B. Spurr. The tolerance of flax to salineconditions: Effect of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodiumsulfate. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 36:287-300. 1944.

Imazu, T. , and T. Osawa. The effects of sodium chloride on somevegetables. Hort. Assoc. Japan J. 22:197-202. 1954. (InJapanese; Eng. summary. )


2.32 Sodium (cont i d.).

Larson, Harold W. E. The relation of the concentration of calcium ionrequired by alfalfa to the amount present in soil solution. Soil Sci.25:399. 1928.

Leonard, C. D. , and F. E. Bear. Sodium as a fertilizer for New Jerseysoils. N. J. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 752. 1950.

Lilleland, 0. , J. G. Brown, and C. Swanson. Research shows sodiummay cause leaf tip burn. Almond Facts 9:1-5. 1945.

Lipman, C. B. , A. R. Davis, and E. S. West. The tolerance of plantsfor NaCl. Soil Sci. 22:303-322. 1926.

Magowan, Florence N. The toxic effect of certain common salts of thesoil on plants. Sot. Gaz. 45:45-49. 1908.

Rodney, D. R., and S. B. Boswell. -Sodium in lemon tree collapse;relationship of sodium content of root tissues to decline and collapseof lemon trees investigated. Calif. Agr. 8(9):14-15. 1954.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and H. G. Gauch. The influence of high concentrationsof sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesiumchloride on the growth of guayule in sand culture. Soil Sci. 58:399-403. 1944.

Zusman, P. Toxic influences of sodium and sulphate ions on citrusseedlings. Israel Res. Council Bul. 5D:210-218. 1956.

2.33 Boron.

Cooper, W. C. , A. Peynado, and A. V. Shull. Boron accumulation incitrus as influenced by rootstock. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Inst.Proc. 9:86-94. 1955.

Eaton, F. M. Boron in soils and irrigation waters and its effects onplants with particular reference to the San Joaquin Valley ofCalifornia. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 448, 131 pp. 1935.

Eaton, F. M., R. D. McCallum, and M. S. Mayhugh. Quality of irriga-tion waters of Hollister area of California, with special reference toboron content and its effect on apricots and prunes. U. S. Dept.Agr. Tech. Bul. 746. 1941.

Eaton, F. M., and L. V. Wilcox. The behavior of boron in soils. U. S.Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 696. 1939.

Haas, A. R. C. Boron content of citrus trees grown on various root-stocks. Soil Sci. 59:465-479. 1945.

Hansen, C. J. Influence of the rootstock on injury from excess boron inFrench (Agen) prune and President plum. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 51:239-244. 1948.

Hansen, C. J. Influence of the rootstock on injury from excess boron inNonpareil almond and Elberta peach. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc.65:128-132. 1955.

Hatcher, John T. , G. Y. Blair, and C. A. Bower. Adjusting soilsolutions to specified boron concentrations. Soil Sci. 94:55-57.1962.


2.33 Boron (cont'd.).

Kelley, W. P., and S. M. Brown.of Southern California and itsHilgardia 3:445-458. 1928.

Scofield, C. S. , and L. V. Wilcox. Boron in irrigation water. U. S.Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 264, 65 pp. 1931.

Singh, S. Shak. Boron adsorption equilibrium383-387. 1964.

Smith, H. V. Boron as a factorExpt. Sta. Bul. 118. 1949.

Wilcox, L. V. Boron injury to plants.No. 211, 8 pp. 1960.

Woodbridge, C. G. The boron requirementsJour. Agr. Sci. 35:282-286. 1955.

2.34 Sulfate.

Eaton, F. M. Toxicity and accumulation of chloride and sulfate salts inplants. Jour. Agr. Res. 64:357-399. 1942.

Gauch, J. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. The effect of high concentrations ofsodium, calcium, chloride and sulfate on ionic absorption by beanplants. Soil Sci. 59:139-153. 1945.

Hayward, H. E. and E. M. Long. Vegetative responses of the Elbertapeach on Lovell and Shalil rootstocks to high chloride and sulfatesolution. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41:149-155. 1942.

Hayward, H. E., E. M. Long, and Rachel Uhvits. Effect of chloride andsulfate salts on the growth and development of the Elberta peach onShalil and Lovell rootstocks. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 92 2 ,48 pp. 1946.

Hayward, H. E. , and W. B. Spurr. The tolerance of flax to salineconditions: Effect of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodiumsulfate. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 36:287-300. 1944.

Kretschmer, A. E. , S. J. Toth, and F. E. Bear. Effects of versusSO: ions on nutrient ion absorption by plants. Soil Sci. 76:193-200.1953.

Latzko, E. Einfluss von und ernahrung auf die Enzymtatigkeitvon Kulturpflanzen. Pflanzenernahr, Dungung, Bodenk. 66:148-155.1954.

Latzko, E. Beziehungen zwischen und SC): ernahrung. Assimilia-tionsintensitat, Enzymaktivitat, Kohlehydratstoffwechsel undQualitat bei Kartoffeln. Zeits. Pflanzenernahr, Dungung, Bodenk.68:49-55. 1 9 55.

Zusman, P. Toxic influences of sodium and sulphate ions on citrusseedlings. Israel Res. Council Bul 5D:210-218. 1956.

Boron in soils and irrigation watersrelation to citrus and walnut culture.

in soils. Soil Sci. 98:

in Arizona's agriculture. Ariz. Agr.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Inf. Bul.

of stone fruit trees. Canad.


3. Crop tolerance to salts and to sodic soils.

3.1 General references on salt tolerance.

D. Salt tolerance of birdsfoot trefoil. Amer. Soc. Agron.40:331-334. 1948.D. Salt tolerance of avocado trees grown in culture solution.Avocado Soc. Yearbook 35:139-148. 1950.D. Seed germination as affected by soil moisture and salinity.

Agron. Jour. 44:82-84. 1952.Ayers, A. D. Germination and emergence of several varieties of barley

in salinized soil cultures. Agron. Jour. 45:68-71. 1953.Ayers, A. D., D. G. Aldrich, and J. J. Coony. Sodium and chloride

injury of Fuerte avocado leaves. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook36:174-178. 1951.

Ayers, A. D., and D. L. Eberhard. Response of edible broadbean toseveral levels of salinity. Agron. Jour. 52:110-111. 1960.

Ayers, A. D., and H. E. Hayward. A method for measuring the effectsof soil salinity on seed germination with observations on several cropplants. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:224-228. 1948.

Ayers, A. D., C. H. Wadleigh, and L. Bernstein. Salt tolerance ofsix varieties of lettuce. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 57:237-242.1951.

Ayers, A. D., C. H. Wadleigh, and 0. C. Magistad. The interrelation-ships of salt concentration and soil moisture content with the growthof beans. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 35:796-810. 1943.

Bagdasarashvili, Z. G. In regard to salt resistance of grape vine.Pochvovedeniye 6:551-561. 1952. (In Russian. )

Beeftink, W. G. Examination of soils and crops after the inundations of1st February, 1953. III. Sensitivity to salt of inundated fruit crops.Neth. Jour. Agr. Sci. 3:15-34. 1955.

Berg, C. van den, and J. J. Westerhof. Examination of soils and cropsafter the inundations of 1st February, 1953. I. Salty soils andagricultural crops. Neth. Jour. Agr. Sci. 2:242-253. 1954.

Bernstein, Leon. Salinity and roses. Amer. Rose Ann. pp. 120-124.1964.

Bernstein, Leon. Salt tolerance of plants. U. S. Dept. Agr. Inf. Bul.283. 1964.

Bernstein, Leon. Salt tolerance of plants and the potential use of salinewaters for irrigation. Proc. Desalinization Research Conf. , Nat'l.Acad. Sci. Woods Hole, Mass. pp. 273-283. 1961.

Bernstein, Leon, and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of six varieties ofgreen beans. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 57:243-248. 1951.

Bernstein, Leon, and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of five varieties ofcarrots. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 61:360-366. 1953.

Bernstein, L., and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of five varieties ofonions. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 62:367-370. 1953.

Bernstein, L., A. D. Ayers, and C. H. Wadleigh. The salt tolerance ofwhite Rose potatoes. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 57:231-236.1951.

Ayers, A.Jour.

Ayers, A.Calif.

Ayers, A.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont'd. ).

Bernstein, L., J. W. Brown, and H. E. Hayward. The influence ofrootstock on growth and salt accumulation in stone-fruit trees andalmonds. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 68:86-95. 1956.

Bernstein, L., and H. E. Hayward. The physiology of salt tolerance.Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. 9:25-46. 1958.

Bernstein, L., and G. A. Pearson. The influence of integrated moisturestress achieved by varying the osmotic pressure of culture solutionson the growth of tomato and pepper plants. Soil Sci. 77:355-368. 1954

Biebl, R. The resistance of sea-shore plants to sea water. Photog.Forsch. 5:174-180. 1953.

Breazeale, J. F. Alkali tolerance of plants considered as a phenomenonof adaptation. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 11. 1926.

Brown, J. W. and H. E. Hayward. Salt tolerance of alfalfa varieties.Agron. Jour. 48:18-20. 1956.

Brown, J. W., and V. Voth. Salt damage to strawberries. Calif. Agr.9(8):11-12. 1955.

Brown, J. W., C. H. Wadleigh, and H. E. Hayward. Foliar analysis ofstone fruit and almond trees on saline substrates. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. Proc. 61:49-55. 1953.

Butijn, J. The salt susceptibility of wind screens and fruit trees onsaline spots in Zeeland. Netherlands. Dir. van de Tuinbouw. Meded17:821-824. 1954. (In Dutch,

Carter, David. Salinity problems.the Lower Rio Grande Valley.Bul. 1002, 10 pp. 1963.

Collander, R. Selective absorption of cations by higher plants. PlantPhysiol. 16:601-720. 1941.

Cooper, W. C. Salt tolerance of avocados on various rootstocks. Tex.Avocado Soc. Yearbook 1951:24-28. 1951.

Cooper, W. C. Collapse of mature papaya plants associated withaccumulation of chlorides in the roots. Tex. Avocado Soc. Yearbook6:37-40. 1953.

Cooper, W. C., W. R. Cowley, and A. V. Shull. Selection for salttolerance of some subtropical fruit plants. Tex. Avocado Soc. Year-book 5:24-36. 1952.

Cooper, W. C., B. S. Gordon, and E. 0. Olsen. Ionic accumulation incitrus as influenced by rootstock and scion and concentration of saltsand boron in substrate. Plant Physiol. 27:191-203. 1952.

Cooper, W. C., and C. Edwards. Salt and boron tolerance of Shary Redgrapefruit and Valencia orange on sour orange and Cleopatra Mandarinrootstocks. Rio Grande Val. Hort. Inst. Proc. 4:58-79. 1950.

Cooper, W. C., and H. Link. Salt tolerance of subtropical ornamentalplants. Tex. Avocado Soc. Yearbook 6:47 -50. 1953.

Cooper, W. C., and A. Peynado. The chemical composition of papayaplants grown in saline soils. Tex. Avocado Soc. Yearbook 7:43-48.1954.

Cooper, W. C., A. Peynado, and E. 0. Olsen. Response of grapefruiton two stocks to calcium additions to high-sodium, boron contami-nated, and saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 86:180-189. 1958.

Eng. summary.)In Guide for citrus production in

T. Agr. Expt. Sta. and Ext. Ser.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont i d. ).

Dam, J. G. C. van. Research on the salt susceptibility of the principaloutdoor vegetable crops. Netherlands Dir. van de Tuinbouw.Meded. 17:811-820. 1954. (In Dutch; English summary.)

Dam, J. G. C. van. Examination of soils and crops after the inundationsof 1st February, 1953. II. The influence of salt on the chief vege-table crops. Netherlands Jour. Agr. Sci. 3:1-14. 1955.

Dubovik, IA. F. Salt resistance of plants on saline soils. Bot. Zhur.36:67-69. 1951. (In Russian. )

Dunkle, E. C. and F. G. Merkle. The conductivity of soil extracts inrelation to germination and growth of certain plants. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 8:185-188. 1943.

Eaton, F. M., and R. B. Harding. Foliar uptake of salt constituents ofwater by citrus plants during intermittent sprinkling and immersion.Plant Physiol. 34:22-26. 1959.

Ehlig, C. F., and L. Bernstein. Salt tolerance of strawberries. Amer.Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 72:198-206. 1958.

Ferguson, Catherine Rae. Salt tolerant plants for south Florida. Fla.State Hort. Soc. Proc. 65:306-313. 1952.

Fireman, Milton, and H. E. Hayward. Indicator significance of someshrubs in the Escalante Desert, Utah. Bot. Gaz. 114:143-155.1952.

Forsberg, D. E. - Response of various forage crops to saline soils.Canad. Jour. Agr. Sci. 33:542-549. 1953.

Francois, L. E., and Leon Bernstein. Salt tolerance of safflower.Agron. J. 56:38-40. 1964.

Francois, L. E. , D. M. Yermanos, and Leon Bernstein. Salt toleranceof safflower. Calif. Agr. 18:12-14. 1964.

Gadzhiev, A. Sch. Salt tolerance of ornamental plants in Apsheron.Moscow May . Bot. Sad. B. 13:15-19. 1952. (In Russian. )

Gauch, H. G., and 0. C. Magistad. Growth of strawberry clovervarieties and of alfalfa and Ladino clover as affected by salt. Amer.Soc. Agron. Jour. 35:871-880. 1943.

Gauch, H. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. The influence of saline substratesupon the absorption of nutrients by bean plants. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. Proc. 41:365-369. 1942.

Gauch, H. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. Effects of high salt concentrationson growth of bean plants. Bot. Gaz. 105:379-387. 1944.

Gauch, H. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. Salt tolerance and chemical compo-sition of Rhodes and Dallis grasses grown in sand culture. Bot.Gaz. 112:259-271. 1951.

Gausman, H. W., W. R. Cowley, and J. H. Barton. Reaction of somegrasses to artificial salinization. Agron. Jour. 46:412-414. 1954.

Grillot, Georges. The biological and agricultural problems presentedby plants tolerant of saline or brackish water and the employment ofsuch water for irrigation. In UNESCO Arid Zone Programme,Paris, pp. 9-35. 1954.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont i cl.).

Harris, J. A. , R. A. Gartner, W. F. Hoffman, and others. The osmoticconcentration, specific electrical conductivity and chloride content ofthe indicator plants of Toole Valley, Utah. Jour. Agr. Res. 27:983-984. 1924.

Hawkins, R. S. Soil alkali, effect on cotton fiber maturity. Jour. Agr.Res. 43:737-738, 742. 1931.

Hayward, H. E. Factors affecting the salt tolerance of horticulturalcrops. Fourteenth Internat. Hort. Cong. Proc. Netherlands: 385-399. 1955.

Hayward, H. E. , and L. Bernstein. Plant-growth relationships on salt-affected soils. Bot. Rev. 24:584-635. 1958.

Hayward, H. E. , and W. M. Blair. Some responses of Valencia orangeseedlings to varying concentrations of chloride and hydrogen ions.Amer. Jour. Bot. 29:148-155. 1942.

Hayward, H. E. , and E. M. Long. Vegetative responses of the Elbertapeach on Lovell and Shalil rootstocks to high chloride and sulfatesolutions. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41:149-155. 1942.

Hayward, H. E. , and E. M. Long. Some effects of sodium salts on thegrowth of the tomato. Plant Physiol. 18:556-569. 1943.

Hayward, H. E., and W. B. Spurr. The tolerance of flax to saline con-ditions: Effect of sodium chloride, calcium chloride, and sodiumsulfate. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 36:287-300. 1944.

Hayward, H. E. , and C. H. Wadleigh. Plant growth on saline and alkalisoils. Advances in Agronomy I:1-38. 1949.

Heald, W. R., C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. The production ofsugar beets on a saline soil as affected by the type of leaching; withspecial reference to the value of preemergence irrigation. Amer.Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. Proc. 6:448-452. 1950.

Heald, W. R., C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. Leaching and pre-emergence irrigation for sugar beets on saline soils. Wash. Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. 519, 16 pp. 1950.

Hoagland, D. R. Some aspects of the salt nutrition of higher plants.Bot. Rev. 3:307-334. 1937.

Hoagland, D. R. Salt accumulations in plant cells. Symp. Quant. Biol.8:181-194. 1940.

Iwaki, S. Studies on the salt injury of rice plant. Mem. Ehime Univ.Sect. VI(Agr. ) 2(1):1-156. 1956. (In Japanese; English summary. )

Kaddah, Malek T. , and Selim I. Fakhry. Tolerance of Egyptian rice tosalt: 2. Salinity effects as related to cationic composition, tempo-rary application, and irrigation and drainage frequency. Soil Sci.93:95-103. 1962.

Kelley, W. P. Effects of dilution on the water soluble and exchangeablebases of alkali soils and its bearing on the salt tolerance of plants.Soil Sci. 47:367-375. 1949.

Kelley, W. P. , and E. E. Thomas. The effect of alkali on citrus trees.Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 318:303-340. 1920.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont'd. )..

Kofranek, A. M. , O. R. Lunt, and S. A. Hart. Tolerance ofChrysanthemum morifolium variety Kramer to saline conditions.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 61:528-532. 1953.

Kofranek, A. M. , O. R. Lunt, and H. C. Kohl, Jr. Tolerance ofpoinsettias to saline conditions and high boron concentrations. Amer.Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 68:551-555. 1956.

Kofranek, A. M. , 0. R. Lunt, and H. C. Kohl, Jr. Tolerance ofgladioli to salinity and boron. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 69:556-560. 1957.

Kohl, H. C. , Jr. , A. M. Kofranek, and O. R. Lunt. Response of Chinaasters to high salt and boron concentrations. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 70:437-441. 1957.

Krupenikov, I. A. Ecological and biochemical characters of Betulakirghizorum Saw. -Ryczg. resulting from the plant's adapta7r=tosoils impregnated with salts. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. , Compt. Rend.47:64-66. 1945.

Krupenikov, I. A. Salt resistance of aspen under natural conditions.Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. , Compt. Rend. 49:377-380. 1945.

Krupenikov, I. A. On the salt resistance of Clematis orientalis L.under natural conditions. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. , Compt. Rend.53:271-272. 1946.

Lal, K. N. , and R. S. Tyagi. Deficiency, favourable, and toxic effectsof boron on tobacco. Amer. Jour. Bot. 36:676-680. 1949.

Larson, Carl. Adaptability of strawberry clover to saline soils. Wash.Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 353, 15 pp. 1938.

Lipman, C. B. , A. R. Davis, and E. S. West. The tolerance of plantsfor NaCl. Soil Sci. 22:303-322. 1926.

Long, E. M. The effect of salt additions to the substrate on intake ofwater and nutrients by roots of approach-grafted tomato plants.Amer. Jour. Bot. 30:594-601. 1943.

Lothian, T. R. N. Salt tolerant plants grown in South Australia. Fla.State Hort. Soc. Proc. 67:293-297. 1954.

Lunt, O. R., H. C. Kohl, Jr., and A. M. Kofranek. Tolerance ofcarnations to saline conditions and boron. Carnation Craft 35:5-6.1956.

Lunt, 0. R. , H. C. Kohl, Jr. , and A. M. Kofranek. Tolerance ofazaleas and gardenias to salinity conditions and boron. Amer. Soc.Hort. Sci. Proc. 69:543-548. 1957.

Magistad, O. C. Plant growth relations on saline and alkali soils. Bot.Rev. 11:181-230. 1945.

Marshall, J. R. Some observations on the tolerance of salinity bycereal crops in Saskatchewan. Sci. Agr. 22:492-502. 1942.

Marth, Paul C., and J. Ray Frank. Increasing tolerance of soybeanplants to some soluble salts through application of plant growth-retardant chemicals. Jour. Agr. and Food Chem. 9:359-361. 1961.

Millington, A. J. , G. H. Burvill, and B. a' B. Marsh. Salt tolerance,germination and growth tests under controlled salinity conditions.Jour. Agr. W. Aust. 28:198-210. 1951.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont i d. ).

Miyake, K. The influence of salts common in alkali soils upon the growthof the rice plant. Jour. Biol. Chem. 16:235-263. 1913.

Neidig, R. E. , and H. P. Magnuson. Alkali studies: Tolerance of wheatfor alkali in Idaho soils. Soil Sci. 18:449-467. 1924.

Novikoff, V. Notes sur l'utilisation des eaux salees. Ann. Serv. Bot.& Agron. Tunisie 19:139-162. 1946.

Palmer, A. E. Kind, position and toxicity of alkali salts in certainAlberta irrigated soils, and tolerance of crops for these salts. Sci.Agr. 17:132-140. 1937.

Pearson, G. A. Factors influencing salinity of submerged soils andgrowth of Caloro rice. Soil Sci. 87:198-206. 1959.

Pearson, George A. The salt tolerance of rice. Internatl. Rice Comm.Newsletter 10:1-4. 1961.

Pearson, George A. A technique for determining the salt tolerance ofrice. Internatl. Rice Comm. Newsletter 10:5-7. 1961.

Pearson, G. A., and L. Bernstein. Salinity effects at several growthstages of rice. Agron. Jour. 51:654-657. 1959.

Pearson, G. A., and J. A. Goss. Observations on the effects of salinityand water table on young grapefruit trees. Rio Grande Valley Hort.Inst. Proc. 7:1-6. 1953.

Pearson, G. A., J. A. Goss, and H. E. Hayward. The influence ofsalinity and water table on the growth and mineral composition ofyoung grapefruit trees. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 69:197-203.1957.

Peevy, W. J. Tolerance of rice to salt water. La. Agr. Expt. Sta.,Ann. Rpt. 1943-1944:48-51. 1944.

Plice, M. J. Some effects of salt water on soil fertility. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 14:275-278. 1949.

Quirk, J. P., and J. L. Davidson. Effect of electrolyte level of theirrigation water on the establishment of pasture on Riverina clay.Aust. J. Sci. 21:191-192. 1959.

Retzer, J. L., and C. A. Mogen. The salt tolerance of guayule. Amer.Soc. Agron. Jour. 38:728-742. 1946.

Sampson, A. W. Plant indicator concept and status. Bot. Rev. 5:155-206. 1939.

Sayre, Charles B., and M. T. Littum. Effect of sodium salts and ratesof seeding on the yield of beets. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 41:235-239. 1949.

Shantz, H. L., and R. L. Piemeisel. Types of vegetation in EscalanteValley as indicators of soil conditions. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul.713:1-46. 1940. Also Jour. Agr. Res. 28:721-802. 1924.

Shavrygin, P. I., and D. T. Sattarov. Concentration of salts in the soilsolution toxic for cotton in the newly irrigated regions of GolodnayaSteppe. Pochvovedeniye No. 10:117-126. 1964. (In Russian;English translation as Soviet Soil Science No. 10:1109-1117. 1964)

Sherman, P. J. (Dept. Lands Brisbane Queensland, Australia). Theuse of vegetation in locating solonetz"ioils in Queensland. Queens-land Jour. Agr. Sci. 5(1):17-22. 1948.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont i d. ).

Smith, S. T. Hints on irrigating citrus with saline water. J. Agric. W.Aust. 4:41-47. 1963.

Steyn, M. S. The influence of saline irrigation water on wheat and maizein lysimeter studies. Part 1. S. Afr. 3. Agric. Sci. 2:309-327.1959. (In African; English summary. )

Stiles, W. On the relation between the concentration of the nutrientsolution and the rate of growth of plants in water culture. Amer.Bot. 29:89-97. 1915.

Strogonov, B. P. A contribution to the study of germination of cottonseeds collected from saline soil. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. , Compt.Rend. 54:645-647. 1946.

Strogonov. , B. P. On the adaptation of the cotton plant to high soilsalinity. Acad. Sci. U. R. S. S. , Compt. Rend. 54:453-456. 1946.

Teakle, L. J. N. Salt tolerance of Wimmera rye grass. Jour. Dept.Agr. W. Australia. 17:35-36. 1940.

Uhbits, R. Effect of osmotic pressure on water absorption and germina-tion of alfalfa seeds. Amer. Jour. Bot. 33:278-285. 1946.

Wadleigh, C. H. Integrated soil moisture stress upon a root system ina large container of saline soil. Soil Sci. 61:125-238. 1946.

Wadleigh, C. H. Growth and rubber accumulation in guayule as con-ditioned by soil salinity and irrigation. U. S. Agr. Tech. Bul.925:1-34. 1946.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and A. D. Ayers. Growth and biochemical compositionof bean plants as conditioned by soil moisture tension and salt con-centration. Plant Physiol. 20:106-132. 1945.

Wadleigh, C. H. , A. D. Ayers, and C. A. Bower. Effect of saline andalkali soils on growth of sugar beets. Amer. Soc. Sugar BeetTechnol. Proc. 6:50-53. 1952.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and C. A. Bower. Influence of calcium ion activityin water cultures on the intake of cations by bean plants. PlantPhysiol. 25:1-12. 1950.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and J. W. Brown. The chemical status of bean plantsafflicted with bicarbonate-induced chlorosis. Bot. Gaz. 113:373-392.1952.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and H. G. Gauch. Assimilation in bean plants ofnitrogen from saline solutions. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 41:360-364. 1942.

Wadleigh, C. H. , and H. G. Gauch. The influence of high concentrationsof sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, calcium chloride and magnesiumchloride on the growth of guayule in sand culture. Soil Sci. 58:399-403. 1944.

Wadleigh, C. H. , H. G. Gauch, and Virginia Davies. The trend ofstarch reserves in bean plants before and after irrigation of a salinesoil. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 43:201-209. 1943.

Wadleigh, C. H. , H. G. Gauch, and M. Kolisch. Mineral compositionof orchard grass grown on Pachappa loam salinized with varioussalts. Soil Sci. 72:275-282. 1951.


3.1 General references on salt tolerance (cont'd.).

Wadleigh, C. H , H. G. Gauch, and D. G. Strong. Root penetration andmoisture extraction in saline soil by crop plants. Soil Sci. 63:341-349. 1947.

Wallace, A. L. M. Shannon, C. P. North, and R. T. Mueller.Glasshouse studies on the salt tolerance and growth of Persea floccosa as a rootstock. Calif. Avocado Soc. Yearbook 39:179-183. 1955.

3.11 Salt tolerance ratings.

Ahi, J. M., and W. L. Powers. Salt tolerance of plants at varioustemperatures. Plant Physiol. 13:767-789. Bibliog. 1938.

Ayers, A. D. Salt tolerance of birdsfoot trefoil. Amer. Soc. Agron.Jour. 40:331-334. 1948.

Ayers, A. D. Germination and emergence of several varieties ofbarley in salinized soil cultures. Agron. Jour. 45:68-71. 1953.

Ayers, A. D., J. W. Brown, and C. H. Wadleigh. Salt tolerance ofbarley and wheat in soil plots receiving several salinization regimes.Agron. Jour. 44:307-310. 1952.

Ayers, A. D., and H. E. Hayward. A method for measuring the effectsof soil salinity on seed germination with observations on severalcrop plants. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:224-226. 1949.

Bernstein, L. Salt tolerance of grasses and forage legumes. U. S. Dept.Agr. Inform. Bul. 194. 1958.

Bernstein, L. Salt tolerance of vegetable crops in the west. U. S. Dept.Agr. Inform. Bul. 205. 5 pp. 1959.

Bernstein, L. Salt tolerance of field crops. U. S. Dept. Agr. Inform.Bul. 217. 1960.

Bernstein, L., and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of six varieties of greenbeans. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 57:243-248. 1951.

Bernstein, L., and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of five varieties ofcarrots. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 61:360-366. 1953.

Bernstein, L., and A. D. Ayers. Salt tolerance of five varieties ofonions. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 62:367-370. 1953.

Bernstein, L., John W. Brown, and H. E. Hayward. The influence ofrootstock on growth and salt accumulation in stone-fruit trees andalmonds. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 68:86-95. 1956.

Bernstein, L., and G. A. Pearson. The influence of integrated moisturestress achieved by varying the osmotic pressure of culture solutionson growth of tomato and pepper plants. Soil Sci. 77:355-368. 1954.

Brown, J. W., C. H. Wadleigh, and H. E. Hayward. Foliar analysis ofstone fruit and almond trees on saline substrates. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. Proc. 61:49-55. 1953.

Chang, C. W. Effects of saline irrigation water and exchangeablesodium on soil properties and growth of alfalfa. Soil Sci. 91:29-37.1961.


3.11 Salt tolerance ratings (cont'd. ).

Cooper, W. C., and C. Edwards. Salt and boron tolerance of Shary Redgrapefruit and Valencia orange on sour orange and Cleopatra Man-darin rootstocks. Lower Rio Grande Valley Citrus and Veg. Inst.Proc. 4:58-79. 1950.

Cooper, W. C., B. S. Gorton, and Cordell Edwards. Salt tolerance ofvarious citrus rootstocks. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Inst. Proc.5:46-52. 1951.

Dunkle, E. C., and F. G. Merkel. The conductivity of soil extracts inrelation to germination and growth of certain plants. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 8:185-187. 1943.

Eaton, F. M. Quality of irrigation water of the Hollister area ofCalifornia with reference to boron effect on apricots and prunes.U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 746, 59 pp. 1941.

Ehlig, C. F. Salt tolerance of raspberry, boysenberry, and blackberry.Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 85:318-324. 1964.

Gauch, H. G., and O. C. Magistad. Growth of strawberry clovervarieties and of alfalfa and ladino clover as affected by salt. Amer.Soc. Agron. Jour. 35:871-880. 1953.

Gauch, H. G., and C. H. Wadleigh. Salt tolerance and chemical com-position of Rhodes and Dallis grasses grown in sand cultures. Bat.Gaz. 112:259-271. 1950-51.

Gausman, H. W. Salt tolerance of five grasses. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta.Prog. Rpt. 1620. 1953.

Kearney, T. H. , and C. S. Schofield. The choice of crops for salineland. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 404. 1936.

Loughridge, R. H. Tolerance of alkali by various cultures. Calif. Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. 133. 1901.

Lunt, O. R., A. M. Kofranek, and S. A. Hart. Tolerance of six stock(Mathiola incana) varieties to saline conditions. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. Proc..-67i7131-436. 1954.

Marshal, J. B. Some observations on the tolerance of salinity by cerealcrops in Saskatchewan. Agr. Sci. 22:492. 1942.

Monk, Ralph, and H. B. Peterson. Flowers tolerant to salinity. UtahAgr. Expt. Sta. Farm and Home Science 22:17. 1961.

Oganesian, A. P. On salt resistance of perennial grasses and legumes.Sovet. Agron. 11(5):75-80. 1953. (In Russian. )

Oganesian, A. P. On the salt resistance of some fruit crops. Bat.Zhur. (Moskva) 38:744-751. 1953. (In Russian. )

Oganesian, A. P. Salt resistance of some field crops. Pochvovedeniye10:32-41. 1954.

Palmer, A. E. Kind, position and toxicity of alkali salts in certainAlberta irrigated soils and tolerance of crops for these salts. Sci.Agr. 18:132-140. 1937.

Sakazaki, N. , Y. Ihara, Y. Tachibana, S. Nagai, and H. Takada.Physiology of Metasequoia glyptostroboides and related species ofconifers. II. Comparative studies of salt tolerance. Jour. Inst.Polytechnics, Osaka City Univ. D. Biol. 5:67-80. 1954.


3.11 Salt tolerance ratings (con.t i d.).

Scofield, C. S., and T. H. Kearny. Choice of cropsU. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 404, 24 pp. 1936.

Wadleigh, C. H., H. E. Hayward, and A. D. Ayers.of stone fruits on saline substrates. Amer. Soc.57:31-36. 1951.

for saline land.

First year growthHort. Sci. Proc.

3.2 General references on sodic tolerance.

Bernstein, L., and G. A. Pearson. The influence of exchangeablesodium on the yield and chemical composition of plants. I. Greenbeans, garden beets, clover and alfalfa. Soil Sci. 82:247-258. 1956.

Boawn, L. C., Fred Turner, Jr., C. D. Moodie, and C. A. Bower.Reclamation of a saline-alkali soil by leaching and gypsum treatmentsusing sugar beets as an indicator crop. Amer. Soc. Sugar BeetTechnol. Proc. 8:138-145. 1952.

Bower, C. A., and C. H. Wadleigh. Growth and cationic accumulationsby four species of plants as influenced by various levels of exchange-able sodium. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:218-223. 1948.

Carter, David L., and H. B. Peterson. Sodic tolerance of tall wheat-grass. Agron. 3. 54:382-384. 1962.

Hayward, H. E. and C. H. Wadleigh. Plant growth on saline and alkalisoils. Advances in Agronomy I:1-38. 1949.

Lehr, J. J. Exploratory pot experiments on sensitiveness of differentcrops to sodium: A. Spinach. Plant & Soil 2:37-48. 1949.

Lehr, J. J. Exploratory pot experiments on sensitiveness of differentcrops to sodium: B. Oats. Plant & Soil 4:289-297. 1953.

Lehr, 3. J., and J. M. Wybenga. Exploratory pot experiments onsensitiveness of different crops to sodium. C. Flax. Plant & Soil6:251-261. 1955.

Magistad, 0. C. Plant growth relations on saline and alkali soils.Bat. Rev. 11:181-230. 1945.

Martin, J. P., and F. T. Bingham. Effect of various exchangeablecation ratios in soils on growth and chemical composition of avocadoseedlings. Soil Sci. 78:349-360. 1954.

Martin, J. P., and F. T. Bingham. Effects of various soil exchangeablecation ratios on growth and chemical composition of citrus plants.Soil Sci. 76:285. 1953.

Overstreet, Roy, and R. K. Schulz. The effects of rice culture on anonsaline sodic soil of the Fresno Series. Hilgardia 12:319-332.1958.

Pearson, G. A., and L. Bernstein. Influence of exchangeable sodium onyield and chemical composition of plants: II. Wheat, barley, oats,rice, tall fescue and tall wheatgrass. Soil Sci. 86:254-261. 1958.

Thorne,/ D. W. Growth and nutrition of tomato plants as influenced byexchangeable sodium, calcium, and potassium. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc. 9:185-189. 1945.


3.2 General references on sodic tolerance (cont'd. ).

Thorne, D. W. Calcium carbonate and exchangeable sodium in relationto the growth and composition of plants. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.11:397-401. 1946.

Various Authors. Sodium symposium. Soil Sci. 76:1-96. 1953.Wadleigh, C. H., and J. W. Brown. The chemical status of bean plants

afflicted with bicarbonate-induced chlorosis. Bot. Gaz. 113:373-392.1952.

3.21 Sodic tolerance ratings.

Albrecht, Wm. A. Absorbed ions on the colloidal complex and plantnutrition. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 5:8-16. 1940.

Bernstein, Leon, and George A. Pearson. Influence of exchangeablesodium on the yield and chemical composition of plants: I. Greenbeans, garden beets, clover and alfalfa. Soil Sci. 82:247-258. 1956.

Botkin, C. W. A study of alkali and plant food under irrigation anddrainage. N. M. Agr. Expt. Sta Bul. 136. 1923.

Bower, C. A., and C. H. Wadleigh. Growth and cationic accumulation byfour species of plants as influenced by various levels of exchangeablesodium. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:218-223. 1949.

Breazeale, J. E. A study of toxicity of salines that occur in black alkalisoils. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 14. 1927.

Breazeale, J. E., and W. T. McGeorge. Sodium hydroxide rather thansodium carbonate the source of alkalinity in black alkali soils. Ariz.Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 13. 1926.

Breazeale, J. E., and W. T. McGeorge. Nutritional disorders in alkalisoils as caused by deficiency of carbon dioxide. Ariz. Agr. Expt.Sta. Tech. Bul. 41. 1932.

Chang, C. W., and. H. E. Dregne. Effect of exchangeable sodium on soilproperties and on growth and cation content of alfalfa and cotton.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:29-35. 1955.

Pearson, George A. Tolerance of crops to exchangeable sodium. U. S.Dept. Agr. Inform. Bul. 216. 1960.

Pearson, G. A., and L. Bernstein. Influence of exchangeable sodium onyield and chemical composition of plants: II. , Wheat, barley, oats,rice, tall fescue and tall wheatgrass. Soil Sci. 86:254-261. 1958.

3.3 Crop tolerance to saline- sodic soils.

Bower, C. A., C. D. Moodie, P. Orth, and F. B. Gschwend. Correla-tion of sugar beet yields with chemical properties of a saline-alkalisoil. Soil Sci. 77:443-450. 1954.

Butterfield, H. M. Ornamental plants tolerant of saline and alkali soils.Calif. U. Agr. Ext. County C. 40, 3 pp. 1955.


3.3 Crop tolerance to saline- sodic soils (cont i cl. ).

;erwerff, J. V. , and J. P. Holland. Growth and mineral content ofcarrots and beans as related to varying osmotic and ionic-composition effects in saline-sodic sand cultures. Agron. Jour.52:603-608. 1960.

)ertson., J. H. Penetration of roots of tall wheatgrass in wet saline-sodic soil. Ecology 36:755-757. 1955.

wencliman, J. L. Tall wheatgrass gains stature. Crops and soils12(5):12-13. 1960.

3.4 Crop tolerance to boron.

open, W. C. , and C. Edwards. Salt and boron tolerance of Shary Redgrapefruit and Valencia orange on sour orange and Cleopatra Man-darin rootstocks. Rio Grande Valley , Hort. Inst. Proc. 4:58-79. 1950.

roper, W. C. , A. Peynado, and E. O. Olsen. Response of grapefruiton two stocks to calcium additions to high-sodium, boron contami-nated, and saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 86:180-189. 1958.

►ton, F. M. , R. D. McCallum, and M. S. Mayhugh. Quality of irri-gation waters of Hollister area of California, with special referencesto boron content and its effect on apricots and prunes. U. S. Dept.Agr. Tech. Bul. 746. 1941.

3-ton, F. M. , and L. V. Wilcox. The behavior of boron in soils. U. S.Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 696. 1939.

elley, W. P. , and S. M. Brown. Boron in soils and irrigation watersof Southern California and its relation to citrus and walnut culture.Hilgardia 3:445-458. 1928.

Df ra nek , A. M. , 0. R. Lunt, and H. C. Kohl, Jr. Tolerance ofpoinsettias to saline conditions and high boron concentrations. Amer.Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 68:551-555. 1956.

Dfranek, A. M. 0. R. Lunt, and H. C. Kohl, Jr. Tolerance ofgladiola to salinity and boron. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 69:556-560. 1957.

Dhl, H. C. , Jr., A. M. Kofranek, and 0. R. Lunt. Response of Chinaasters to high salt and boron concentration. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 70:437-441, 1957,

ant, 0. R., H. C. Kohl, Jr. , and A. M. Kofranek. Tolerance ofcarnations to saline conditions and boron. Carnation Craft 35:5, 6.1956.

ant, 0. R., H. C. Kohl, Jr., and A. M. Kofranek. Tolerance ofazaleas and gardenias to salinity conditions and boron. Amer. Soc.Hort. Sci. Proc. 69:543-548. 1957.

agers, H. T. Boron response and tolerance of several legumes toborax. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 39:897-913. 1947.

ilcox, L. V. Boron injury to plants. U. S. Dept. Agr. Inform. Bul,No. 211, 7 pp. 1960.


4. Evaluating soils for crop production with reference to salinity and sodium.

4.1 References on general criteria.

Allen, P. F. Ecological bases for land use planning in Gulf coast marsh-lands. Jour. Soil & Water Conserv. 5(2):57-62, 85. 1950.

Bonnet, 3. A. Laboratory and field studies in an alkaline earth solonchakarea of Puerto Rico to be irrigated. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 11:480-483. 1946.

Bower, C. A. Diagnosing soil salinity. U. S. Dept. Agr. Inform. Bul.279. 1963.

Bower, C. A. and W. C. Cooper. The sodium-adsorption-ratio and itssignificance in irrigation agriculture. Jour. Rio Grande Valley Hort.Soc. 10:49-52. 1956.

Bower, C. A. , and J. T. Hatcher. Characterization of salt-affected soilswith respect to sodium. Soil Sci. 93:275-280. 1962.

Fireman, Milton, C. A. Mogen, and G. Baker. Characteristics ofsaline and alkali soils in the Emmett Valley area, Idaho. IdahoAgr. Expt. Sta. Res. Bul. 17. 1950.

Fireman, Milton, and R. C. Reeve. Some characteristics of saline andalkali soils in Gem County, Idaho. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.13:404-408. 1948.

Gardner, Robert. Some soil properties related to the sodium saltproblem in irrigated soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 902, 28 pp.1945.

Gaucher, G.- The evaluation of irrigated saline soils (Translated)Tunisie Agr. 51:16-32. 1950.

Hibbard, P. L. Alkali soils; origin, examination and management.Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 292, 14 pp. 1925.

Lawhon, L. F. A field method for analyzing the salinity problem onirrigated lands. Soil Sci. 67:299-304. 1949.

Richards, L. A. , C. A. Bower, and Milton Fireman. Tests for salinityand sodium status of soil and irrigation water. U. S. Dept. Agr.Cir. 982. 1956.

4.2 Chemical measurements.

Ayers, A. D. , and R. B. Campbell. Freezing point of water in a soil asrelated to salt and moisture contents of soil. Soil Sci. 72:201-206.1951.

Bower, C. A. Rapid tests for soluble and exchangeable sodium in salineand alkali soil. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 40:1100-1105. 1948.

Bower, C. A. Fixation of ammonium in difficulty exchangeable formunder moist condition by some soils of semi-arid regions. SoilSci. 70:375-383. 1950.


4.2 Chemical measurements (cont i d. ).

Bower, C. A. Determination of exchangeable magnesium in soils con-taining dolomite. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:40-42. 1955.

Bower, C. A. Determination of sodium in saline solutions with a glasselectrode. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 23:29-31. 1959.

Bower, C. A. , and W. C. Cooper. The sodium-adsorption-ratio and itssignificance in irrigation agriculture. Jour. Rio Grande ValleyHort. Soc. 10:49-52. 1956.

Bower, C. A. , R. F. Reitemeier, and M. Fireman. Exchangeable cationanalysis of saline and alkali soils. Soil Sci. 73:251-261. 1952.

Chang, C. W. , H. E. Dregne, and H. I. Nightingale. Relation of soilpH in salt solutions to exchangeable sodium percentages. N. M. Agr.Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. No. 5. 1955.

Cheng, K. L. , and R. H. Bray. Determination of calcium and magnesiumin soil and plant material. Soil Sci. 72:449-458. 1951.

Coleman, N. T. , D. E. Williams, T. R. Nielson, and H. Jenny. On thevalidity of interpretations of potentiometrically measured soil pH.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 15:106-114. 1950.

Das, S. A simple method of estimating carbonates in soils. Indian Jour.Agr. Sci. 14:377-381. 1944.

Davis, R. 0. E. , and H. Bryan. The electrical bridge for the determina-tion of soluble salt in soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Soils Bul. 61.1910.

Eaton, F. M. , R. B. Harding, and Tony J. Ganje. Soil solution extrac-tions at tenth-bar moisture percentages. Soil Sci. 90:253-258. 1959.

Ewart, G. Yuam, and L. D. Ba yer. Salinity effects on soil moistureelectrical resistance relationships. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.15:56-63. 1951.

Fireman, M., and C. H. Wadleigh. A statistical study of the relationbetween pH and the exchangeable-sodium-percentage of western soils.Soil Sci. 71:273-284. 1951.

Henderson, D. W. Effect of salinity on moisture content and freezingpoint depression of soil at permanent wilting of plants. Soil Sci.72:207-217. 1951.

Hoon, R. C., and A. C. Pathak. Conductometeric method of analysisas applied to soil survey work. III. The estimation of solublesulphate and chloride contents of soil. Indian Jour. of Agr. Sci.1:50-52. 1945.

Magistad, A. C. , R. F. Reitemeier, and L. V. Wilcox. Determinationof soluble salts in soils. Soil Sci. 59:65-75. 1945.

McGeorge, W. T. Absorption of gypsum by semi-arid soils. Ariz.Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 122. 1951.

Piper, C. S. Soil and plant analysis. Pp. 2 8 1 - 2 91. Inter sciencePublishers, Inc. , New York. 1947.

Puri, A. N. Estimation of replaceable Na l" and IC+exchange capacityand degree of alkalization in alkali soils by ammonium carbonateextraction. Soil Sci. 34:249. 1932.

Puri, A. N. A new method for estimating replaceable Na* and K4in soils. Soil Sci. 36:317. 1933.


4.2 Chemical measurements (cont i d. ).

Puri, A. N. Influence of salts and soil water ratio on pH values ofsoil. Soil Sci. 46:249-257. 1938.

Reitemeier, R. F. Semimicroanalysis of saline soil solutions. Indus.and Engin. Chem. Analyt. Ed. 15:393-402. 1943.

Reitemeier, R. F. , and L. A. Richards. Reliability of pressuremembrane methods for extraction of soil solution. Soil Sci. 57:119-135. 1944.

Richards, L. A. A pressure membrane extraction apparatus for soilsolution. Soil Sci. 51:377-386. 1941.

Richards, L. A., and R. B. Campbell. The freezing point of soilmoisture cores. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:70-74. 1948.

Salagado, M. L. M. A critical examination of-analytical methods usedin determination of exchangeable K and Na of soils. Soil Sci,37:39. 1934.

Schofield, R. K. , and A. W. Taylor. The measurement of soil pH.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:164-167. 1955.

Schofield, R. K. , and A. W. Taylor. The measurement of activitiesof bases in soil. Jour. Soil Sci. 6:135-146. 1955.

Schollenberger, C. J., and R. H. Simon. Determination of cationexchange capacity and exchangeable bases in soil-ammonium acetatemethod. Soil Sci. 5 9 : 13-24. 1945.

Schoonover, Warren R., M. M. Elgabaly, and M. Naguib Hassan.The study of some Egyptian saline and alkali soils. Hilgardia 13:565-596. 1957.

Scofield, Carl S. Measuring the salinity of irrigation water and of soilsolution with the wheat stone bridge. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 232.1932.

Stol, Ph. Th. The electrical conductivity as an indication of chloridecontent in water samples from polders in Delta-Region. Geologieen Mijnbouw 39:631-637. 1960. (Dutch)

Wilcox, L. V. Electrical conductivity. Jour. Amer. Water WorksAssoc. 42:775-776. 1950.

Wilcox, L. V. A method for calculating the saturation percentage fromthe weight of a saturated soil paste. Soil Sci. 72:233-237. 1951.

Williams, R. Note on the determination of exchangeable Na in soils.Jour. Agr. Sci. 20:355-358. 1930.

4.3 Physical measurements.

Avers, H. D. Soil permeability as a factor in the translocation ofsalts on irrigated land. Sci. Agr. (Ottawa) 31(9):383-395. 1951.

Christiansen, J. E. Effect of entrapped air upon the permeability ofsoils. Soil Sci. 58:355-365. 1944.

Christiansen, J. E. Some permeability characteristics of saline andalkali soils. Agr. Eng. 28:147-150, 153. 1947.


4.3 Physical measurement (cont i d. ).

Eaton, F. M., R. B. Harding, and Tony J. Ganje. Soil solutionextractions at tenth-bar moisture percentages. Soil Sci. 90:253-258. 1959.

Fireman, M. Permeability measurements on disturbed soil samples.Soil Sci. 58:337-353. 1944.

Gardner, R. Some soil properties related to the sodium salt problemin irrigated soils. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Sul. 902. 1945.

Gardner, W. R. Calculations of capillary conductivity from pressureplate outflow data. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 20:317-320. 1956.

Gardner, W. R. Some steady-state solutions of the unsaturatedmoisture flow equation with application to evaporation from a watertable. Soil Sci. 85:228-232. 1957.

Gardner, W. R., and Milton Fireman. Laboratory studies of evapora-tion from soil columns in the presence of a water table. Soil Sci.85:244-249. 1958.

Harris, A. E. Effect of replaceable sodium on soil permeability.Soil Sci. 32:435-446. 1931.

Quirk, J. P., and R. K. Schofield. The effect of electrolyte concentra-tion on soil permeability. Jour. Soil Sci. 6:163-178. 1955.

Reeve, R. C. A method for determining the stability of soil structurebased upon air and water permeability measurements. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:324. 1953.

Reeve, R. C., and R. H. Brooks. Equipment for subsampling andpacking fragmented soil samples for air and water permeabilitytests. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:333. 1953.

Reeve, R. C. , and M. C. Jensen. Piezometers for ground-water flowstudies and measurement of subsoil permeability. Agr. Eng. 30:435-438. 1949.

Reid, R. R., P. J. Leyendecker, and D. S. Hubbell. Water stableaggregation in artificially saline and saline-alkali soils. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 14:164-168. 1950.

Reitemeier, R. F., and L. A. Richards. Reliability of pressure mem-brane methods for extraction of soil solution. Soil Sci. 57:119-135. 1944.

Richards, L. A. A pressure membrane extraction apparatus for soilsolution. Soil Sci. 51:377-386. 1941.

Richards, L. A. Pressure-membrane apparatus, construction and use.Agr. Eng. 28:451-460. 1947.

Richards, L. A. Methods for mounting porous plates used in soilmoisture measurements. Agron. Jour. 41:489-490. 1949.

Richards, L. A. Modulus of rupture as an index of surface crustingof soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 17:321. 1953.

Richards, L. A., and R. B. Campbell. The freezing point of soilmoisture cores. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:70-74. 1948.

Richards, L. A., and M. Fireman. Pressure plate apparatus formeasuring moisture sorption and transmission by soils. Soil Sci.56:395-404. 1943.


4.3 Physical measurements (cont'd. ).

Richards, L. A. , and L. R. Weaver. Fifteen-atmosphere percentageas related to the permanent wilting percentage. Soil Sci. 56:331-339. 1943.

Wilcox, L. V. Pressure control unit for use with the pressure plateapparatus. Soil Sci. 70:427-430. 1950.

5. Management practices for saline and sodic soils.

5.1 Management practices for saline soils.

Allison, L. E., and R. C. Reeve. Lysimeters for studying effects ofsalinity, leaching, and position of water table on plant growth. SoilSci. 79:81-91. 1955.

Basu, J. K. Soils of the Decan canals: alkali soils and their natureand management. Indian Jour. of Agr. Sci. 13:157-181. 1943.

Bernstein, Leon. Reducing salt injury to ornamental shrubs in theWest. U. S. Dept. Agr. Home and Garden Bul. 95. 1964.

Bernstein, L., and M. Fireman. Laboratory studies on salt distributionin furrow-irrigated soil with special reference to the preemergenceperiod. Soil Sci. 83:249-263. 1956.

Bernstein, L., M. Fireman, and R. C. Reeve. Control of salinity inthe Imperial Valley, California. U. S. Dept. Agr., ARS 41-4.1955.

Bernstein, L., A. J. MacKenzie, and B. A. Krantz. The interactionof salinity and planting practice on the germination of irrigated rowcrops. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 19:240-243. 1955.

Bordas, J. The culture of the saline soils of the Camargue area.(Translated). Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. 4(2):253-259. 1950.

Heald, W. R., C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. Leaching andpreemergence irrigation for sugar beets on saline soils. Wash.Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 519:1-16. 1950.

Heald, W. R., C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. The production ofsugar beets on a saline soil as affected by the type of leaching.Amer. Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. Proc. 6th Ann. meeting, pp.448-452. 1952.

Kelley, W. P., H. D. Chapman, and P. F. Pratt. Effect ofplant growth on salts of irrigated soil. Soil Sci. 91:103-112. 1961.

Kelley, W. P., B. M. Laurance, and H. D. Chapman. Soil salinityin relation to irrigation. Hilgardia 18:735-765. 1949.

Krimgold, D. B. Kostiakov on prevention of waterlogging and salinityof irrigated land.• Agr. Eng. 26:327. 1945.

Longenecker, D. E., and P. J. Lyerly. Effect of bed type on cottonyields and soil salinity using highly saline irrigation waters,El Paso Valley 1956-57. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Prog. Rpt. 2012.1958.


5.1 Management practices for saline soils (cont r d.).

Longenecker, D. E. , and P. J. Lyerly. Some relations amongirrigation water quality, soil characteristics and managementpractices in the Trans-Pecos area. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Misc.Pub. 373. 1959.

Lyerly, P. J. , and D. E. Longenecker. Salinity control in irrigationagriculture. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 876.,1959.

Magistad, 0. C. , and J. E. Christiansen. Saline soils, their natureand management. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 707, 32 pp. 1944.

Marsh, A. W., L. R. Swarner, F. M. Tileston, C. A. Bower, andE. M. Hoffman. Irrigation and management investigations onnonsaline soil Owyhee project. Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul.23. 1952.

Marshall, J. B. , and A. E. Palmer. Changes in the nature andpositions of soluble salts in certain Alberta soils after twenty yearsof irrigation. Agr. Sc. 19:271-278. 1939.

McGeorge, W. T. , and M. F. Wharton. The movement of salt (alkali)in lettuce and other truckbeds under cultivation. Ariz. Agr. Expt.Sta. Bul. No. 152:391-437. 1936.

McKenzie, R. E. , and J. L. Bolton. Crap production on irrigatedheavy textured saline soils with particular reference to the ValMarie Irrigation Project. Sci. Agr. 27:193-219. 1947.

Powers, W. L. Improvement of alkali lands. Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta.Cir. 387, 3 pp. 1946.

Reeve, R. C. The relation of salinity to irrigation and drainagerequirements. Third Cong. of Internat. Comm. on Irrig. andDrain. Trans. 5:10. 175-10. 187. 1957.

Teakle, L. 3. H. Saline soils of Western Australia and their utilizationJour. Dept. Agr. W. Australia, 14:313-324. 1937.

Thorne, D. W. , and W. H. Bennett. Soil management for grasslandson irrigated salted soils. Sixth Internat. Grassland Cong. Proc.1:805-812. 1952.

Ussery, L. Roy. Salinity control through tile drains in Hidalgo clayloam. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Soc. Proc. 14:200-204. 1960.

Wadleigh, C. H., and M. Fireman. Salt distribution under furrow andbasin irrigated cotton and its effect on water removal. Soil Sci.Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:527-530. 1948.

Wadleigh, C. H. , H. G. Gauch, and 0. C. Magistad. Growth andrubber accumulation in guayule as conditioned by soil salinity andirrigation regime. U. S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 925, 34 pp.1946.

5. 2 Management practices for sodic soils.

Allison, L. E. Effect of synthetic polyelectrolytes on the structure ofsaline and alkali soils. Soil Sci. 73:443-454. 1952.


5.2 Management practices for sodic soils 4cont'd. ).

Bower, C. A. , L. R. Swarner, A. W. Marsh, and F. M. Tileston.The improvement of an alkali soil by treatment with manure andchemical amendments. Oreg. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 22. 1952.

Cooper, W. C. , A. Peynado, and E. 0. Olsen. Response of grapefruiton two stocks to calcium additions to high-sodium, boron contami-nated, and saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 86:180-189. 1958.

Dona Dalle Rose, A. Obtaining and preserving structure in heavyalkaline soils. Intal. Agr. 86:369-372. 1949.

Fireman, M. , 0. C. Magistad, and L. V. Wilcox. Effects ofsodium nitrate and ammonium fertilizers on the permeability ofwestern soils. Jour. Amer. Soc. Agron. 37:888-901. 1945.

Fitts, J. W. , H. F. Rhoades, and E. S. Lyons. "Slick Spots" inNebraska. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour. 31:822-831. 1939.

Fitts, J. W. , H. F. Rhoades, and E. S. Lyons. "Slick Spots. " SoilSci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 8:432-436. 1943.

Gardner, Robert, R. S. Whitney and A. Kezer. Slick spots in westernColorado soils. Colo. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 20. 1937.

Greene, K., and 0. W. Snow. Soil improvement in the Sudan. Jour.Agr. Sci. 29:1-34. 1939.

Hibbard, P. L. Alkali soils; origin, examination and management.Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 292:1-14. 1925.

Magistad, 0. C. , M. Fireman, and L. V. Wilcox. Effect of sodiumnitrate on permeability of western soils. Calif. Citrog. 29:196-197. 1944.

Martin, M. P. , and W. W. Jones. Greenhouse plant response tovinyl-acetate-maleic acid copolymer in natural soils and in pre,pared soils containing high percentages of sodium or potassium.Soil Sci. 78:317-324. 1954.

Overstreet, Roy, and R. K. Schultz. The effects of rice culture on anonsaline sodic soil of the Fresno Series. Hilgardia 12:319-332.1958.

Thorne, D. W. , and W. H. Bennett. Soil management for grasslandson irrigated salted soils. Sixth Internat. Grassland Congress Proc.1:805-812. 1952.

Williamson, R. E. The management of soil salinity in lysimeters.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27:580-583. 1963.

6. Reclamation of salt-affected soils.

6. 1 Reclamation of saline soils.

Balba,A. M Model experiments for the study of salt accumulation andleaching. Agrokem. Talajt. 13:25-38. 1964. (In Hungarian;Russian and English summaries.)


6. 1 Reclamation of saline soils (cont'd. ).

Boumans, J. H. , and W. C. Hulsbos. The alkali aspects of thereclamation of saline soils in Iraq. Netherlands Jour. Agr. Sci.8:225-235. 1960.

Carter, David L. , and Carl D. Fanning. Combining surface mulchesand periodic water applications for reclaiming saline soils. SoilSci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 28:564-567. 1964.

Carter, D. L. , and C. D. Fanning. Mulches help remove salts. Cropsand Soils, p. 26. June-July, 1964.

Day, Paul R. Dispersion of a moving salt-water boundary advancingthrough saturated sand. Amer. Geophys. Union Trans. 37:364.1956.

Du-Plat-Taylor, M. Coast protection and the reclamation of land fromthe sea. Jour. Royal Soc. Arts. 98:768-785. 1950.

Fanning, Carl D. , and David L. Carter. The effectiveness of a cottonbur mulch and a ridge-furrow system in reclaiming saline soils byrainfall. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 27:703-706. 1963.

Ferris, J. G. A quantitative method for determining ground-watercharacteristics for drainage design. Agr. Engr. 31:285-291. 1940.

Heald, W. R. , C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. Leaching andpreemergence irrigation for sugar beets on saline soils. Wash. Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. 519. 1950.

Hester, J. B. Study of some salt-water flooded soils on the easternshore of Virginia. Soil Sci. 36:427-434. 1933.

Hissink, H. J. The reclamation of the Dutch saline soils and theirfurther weathering under the humid climate conditions of Holland.Soil Sci. 45:83. 1938.

Hoon, R. C., and R. Dewan. The\ physiochemical changes indeteriorated soils as the result of soil reclamation operations. Cent.Ed. Irrig. Jour. 6:265-272. 1949.

Jennings, D. S. , and J. D. Peterson. Drainage and Irrigation, soiland social conditions, Delta area, Utah. Division: Soil Conditions.Utah Expt. Sta. Bul. 256. 1935.

Longenecker, D. E. , and P. J. Lyerly. Effect of soil amendments oncotton yields and chemical and physical conditions of heavy salinesoils. El Paso Valley. 1956-57. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Prog.Rpt. 2013. 1958.

Lyerly, P. J. , and D. E. Longenecker. Salinity control in irrigationagriculture. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 876. 1959.

Minashina, N. G. Salinization and required melioration of ancientirrigated soils in the Kara-Kum Canal Zone. PochvovedeniyeNo. 2:9-20. 1964. (In Russian; English translation as Soviet SoilScience No. 2:111-120. 1964. )

Palati, R. P. Field experiments on reclamation of salt lands.Badrarntic of Bombay Deccon. Indian Jour. Agr. Sci. 17(3):153-174. 1947.

Pearson, G. A. Factor influencing salinity of submerged soils andgrowth of Caloro rice. Soil Sci. 87:198-206. 1959.


6. 1 Reclamation of saline soils (cont i d.).

Perkins, A. J. Treatment of salt patches of land. Agricultural Viewsand Comments. Dept. of Agr. Jour. of South Australia. Vol. 34,Oct. 15, 1930.

Peterson, D. F., Jr. , R. C. Reeve, and L. E. Allison. Removal ofsalts by leaching found feasible and economical at Delta. Utah Agr.Expt. Farm and Home Sci. 10:1011. 1949.

Puri, A. N. Reclamation of alkali soils by electro-dialysis. Soil Sci.42:23-27. 1936.

Rabocheu, I. The influence of Gypsaous interlayers in soils ofColodnaya Steppe on the effectiveness of leaching solonchak.Pochvovedenic (Pedology), pp. 377-386. 1949.

Raychaudhuri, S. P. Reclamation of waste lands and land gone out ofcultivation. Indian Farming 2:390-395. -1950.

Sandoval, Fred M. , C. W. Carlson, R. W. Mickelson, and Leo Benz.Effects of runoff prevention and leaching water on a saline soil.Canad. Jour. Soil Sci. 41:207-217. 1961.

Srivastava, P. B. L. , C. L. Mehrotra, and R. R. Agarwal. The effectof leaching saline-alkali soils with irrigation waters of differentkinds on the permeability and the composition of the soils and thecomposition of the leachates. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 10:93-98.1962.

Sultanov, Yu. G. Alteration of the salt profile of soils of the Sal'yansteppe under the influence of irrigation-reclamation processes.Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzhan. SSR 19:59-62. 1963. (InRussian. )

Svinarev, V. I. , and Ye. S. Burtseva. Secondary salinization of KyzylKum Desert soils under irrigation with artesian waters and methodsof eliminating it. Pochvovedeniye No. 1:28-31. 1964. (InRussian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No. 1:19-21.1964. )

Thomas, E. E. Reclamation of white alkali-soils in the ImperialValley. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 601:1-15. 1936.

Ussery, L. Roy. Salinity control through tile drains in Hidalgo clayloam. Rio Grande Val. Hort. Soc. Jour. 14:200-204. 1960.

van Beekom, C. H. C., C. van den Berg, W. H. van der Molen, andothers. Reclaiming land flooded with salt water. NetherlandsJour. Agr. Sci. 1:1-31. 1953.

van der Molen, W. H. Desalinization of saline soils as a columnprocess. Soil Sci. 81:19-27. 1956.

Volobuyev, V. R. General pattern of changes in the salt content ofirrigated and meliorated soils. Pochvovedeniye No. 5:47-56. 1964.(In Russian; English translation as Soviet Soil Science No. 5:483-489.1964.)

Wilcox, L. V., and W. F. Resch. Salt balance and leaching require-ment of irrigated lands. USDA. Tech. Bul. 1290, 23 pp. 1963.


6. 2 Reclamation of sodic soils.

Allison, L. E. Effect of synthetic polyelectrolytes on the structure ofsaline and alkali soils. Soil Sci. 73:443-454. 1952.

Bodman, Goeffery G. , and A. P. Mazurak. Infiltration of low sodiumirrigation water into soil with dense layer, in relation to treatmentwith gypsum and other materials. Amer. Soc. Agron. Jour.40:621-644. 1948.

Bower, C. A. Chemical amendments for improving sodium soils.U. S. Dept. Agr. Inform. Bul. 195. 1959.

Bower, C. A., and J. 0. Goertzen. Replacement of adsorbed sodiumin soils by hydrolysis of calcium carbonate. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer.Proc. 22:33-35.•, 1958.

Bower, C. A., L. R.' Swarner, A. W. Marsh, and F. M. Tileston.The improvement of an alkali soil by treatment with manure andchemical treatments. Owyhee Irrigation Project. Oreg. Agr.Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 22. 1952.

Burd, J. S. Alkali and the treatment of alkali lands. Idaho Agr. Expt,Sta. Bul. 51. 1905.

Burgess, P. S. Alkali soil studies and methods of reclamation.Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Sul. 123, pp. 157-181. 1928.

Catlin, C. N. , and A. E. Vinson. Treatment of black alkali withgypsum. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 102. 1925.

Dimo, N. A. The effectiveness of the first year of leaching loam soils.Dokl. Akad. S-Kh Nauk 14:73-77. 1949.

Dunnewald, T. J. Removal of alkali by drainage and leachings. Wyo.Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 276, 28 pp. 1946.

Eaton, F. M. Formulas for estimating leachings and gypsum require-ments of irrigation waters. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Misc. Pub. 111.1954.

Fitts, J. W. , E. S. Lyons, and H. F. Rhoades. Chemical treatmentof "slick spots." Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc, 8:432-436, 1943.

Harper, H. J., and M. 3. Plice. Suggestions for improving slickspot soils. Okla. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. B-329. 1949.

Heald, W. R. , C. D. Moodie, and R. W. Learner. The production ofsugar beets on a saline soil as affected by the type of leaching; withspecial reference to the value of preemergence irrigation. Amer.Soc. Sugar Beet Technol. Proc. 6:448-452. 1950.

Hibbard, P. C. Experiments on the reclamation of alkali soils byleaching with water and gypsum. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech.Paper 9:1-14. 1923.

Hoon, R. C. , and R. Dewan. The physiochemical changes indeteriorated soils as the result of soil reclamation operation.Cent. Bd. Irrig. Jour. 6:265-272. 1949.

Kelley, W. P. The formation, evaluation, reclamation, and theabsorbed bases of alkali soils. Jour. Agr. Sci. 24:72-92. 1934.

Kelley, W. P. The reclamation of alkali soils. Calif. Agr. Expt.Sta. Bul. 617:1-40. 1937.


6.2 Reclamation of sodic soils (cont i d.).

Kelley, W. P. , and A. Alexander. The chemical effect of gypsum,sulfur, iron sulfate, and alum on alkali soils. Hilgardia. 3(14):393-420. 1928.

Kelley, W. P., and S. M. Brown. Principles governing the reclamationof alkali soils. Hilgardia 8(5):149-178. 1934.

Kelley, W. P. , and E. E. Thomas. The removal of sodium carbonatefrom soils. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Paper. 1923.

Kelley, W. P. , and E. E. Thomas. Reclamation of the Fresno type ofblack-alkali soils. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 455. 1928.

Larsen, C. A. Reclamation of saline (alkali) soils in the Yakima Valley,Washington. Wash. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 376. 1939.

Longenecker, D. E., and P. J. Lyerly. Effect of soil amendments oncotton yields and chemical and physical conditions of heavy salinesoils. El Paso Valley 1956-57. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Frog. Rpt.2013. 1958.

Makie, W. W. Reclamation of white-ash lands affected with alkali atFresno, California. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Soils. Bul. 42. 1907.

McGeorge, W. T. Gypsum. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 200. 1945.Mozheiko, A. M. , and T. K. Vorotnils. Irrigation by mineralized

water and prevention of soil alkalization. Zbyrn.. Dopovid. VII.Mizhnarod. Kongr. Gruntoznay. , 125-140. 1960. (In Ukrainian;Russian and English summaries. )

Overstreet, Roy. Gypsum, sulfur and sulfuric acid for reclaiming analkali soil of the Fresno series. Hilgardia 21, No. 5. 1951.

Overstreet, Roy, J. C. Martin, R. K. Schulz, and O. D. McCutcheon.Reclamation of an alkali soil of the Hacenda series. Hilgardia24:53-68. 1955.

Overstreet, Roy, and R. K. Schulz. The effects of rice culture on anonsaline sodic soil of the Fresno Series. Hilgardia 12:319-332.1958.

Reeve, R. C. The relation of salinity to irrigation and drainage require-ments. Third Cong. of Internat. Comm. on Irrig. and Drain.Trans. 5:10. 175-10. 187. 1957.

Reeve, R. C. , and C. A. Bower. Use of high-salt waters as aflocculant and source of divalent cations for reclaiming sodic soils.Soil Sci. 90:139-144. 1960.

Reeve, R. C. , A. F. Pillsbury, and L. V. Wilcox. Reclamation of asaline and high boron soil in the Coachella Valley of California.Hilgardia 24:69-91. 1955.

Samules, C. D. The oxidation of sulfur in alkali soil and its effect onthe replaceable bases. Hilgardia 3(I):1-26. 1927.

Sigmond, A. A. J. de. The alkali soils of Hungary and their reclama-tion. Soil Sci, 18:379-381. 1924.

Sigmond, A. A. J. de. Hungarian alkali soils and their reclamation.Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Spec. Pub. 1927.

Sigmond, A. A. J. de. The reclamation of alkali soils in Hungary.Imper. Bur. Soil Sci. Tech. Comm. 23. 1932.


6. 2 Reclamation of sodic soils (cont'd. ).

Singh, Depip. Study of the physiochemical changes accompanying theprocess of reclamation of alkali soils. Indian Jour, of Agr. Sci,2:1-18. 1946.

Snyder, R. S. , M. R. Kulp, G. 0. Baker, and J. Marr. Alkali reclama-tion investigations. Idaho Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 233, 34 pp. 1940.

Thomas, E. E. Reclamation of Black-alkali soils with various kinds ofsulfur. Hilgardia, 10(5):127- 142. 1936.

Wursten, J. L. , and W. J. Bowers. Reclamation of virgin black alkalisoils. Jour. Amer, Soc. Ag'ron. 26:752-761. 1934.

6.3 Reclamation of saline-sodic soils.

Boawn, L. C. , Fred Turner, Jr. , C. D. Moodie, and C. A. Bower.Reclamation of a saline-alkali soil by leaching and gypsum treatmentsusing sugar beets as an indicator crop. Amer. Soc. Sugar BeetTechnol. Proc. 8:138-145. 1952.

Buehrer, T. F. , and J. A. Williams. The hydrolysis of calcium carbon-ate and its relation to the alkalinity of calcareous soils. Ariz. Agr.Expt. Sta. Tech. Bul. 64. 1936.

Chang, C. W. , and H. E. Dregne. Reclamation of salt- and sodium-affected soils in the Mesilla Valley. N.M. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 401.1955.

Cu-Plat-Taylor, M. Coast protection and the reclamation of land fromthe sea. Jour. Royal Soc. Arts. 98:768-785. 1950.

Hester, J. B. Study of some salt-water flooded soils on the easternshore of Virginia. Soil Sci, 36:427-434. 1933.

Martin, 3. P. , and W. W. Jones. Greenhouse plant response to vinylacetate-maleic acid copolymer in natural soils and in prepared soilscontaining high percentages of sodium and potassium. Soil Sci,78:317-324. 1954.

Millar, H. W., 0. K. Hoglund and A. L. Hafenrichter. Grasses,legumes, and cultural methods for improving pasture production andaiding conservation on saline-alkali land. Calif. Dept. Nat.Resources, Div. Soil Conserv. B. 1, 24 pp. 1959.

Reeve, R. C., A. F. Pillsbury, and L. V. Wilcox. Reclamation of asaline and high boron soil in Coachella Valley of California.Hilgardia 24:69-91. 1955.

Reeve, R. D., L. E. Allison, and D. F. Peterson, Jr. Reclamation ofsaline-alkali soils by leaching. Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 335. 52 pp.1948,

6.4 Reclamation of boron-affected soils.

Reeve, R. C., A. F. Pillsbury; and L. V. Wilcox. Reclamation of asaline and high boron soil in the Coachella Valley of California.Hilgardia 24:69-91. 1955.


6.4 Reclamation of boron-affected soils (cont'd. ).

Wilcox, L. V. Boron injury to plants. U. S. Dept. Agr. Inform. Bul.No. 211. 1960.

7. Water quality.

7.1 Quality of water for irrigation.

Afan.asiev, T. P. Ground waters of the middle Volga region and theirclassification according to their mineral composition. Doklady,Akad, Nauk U. S. S. R. V. 58, pp. 1701-1704. 1947. Also Chem.Zentr. , V. 1949, p. 51 (Abstr. in Chem. Abstr. , V. 46, No. 157259b Aug. 10, 1952).

Agarwal, R. R. , C. L. Mehrotra and B. R. Gangwar. Quality ofirrigation waters in Uttar Pradesh. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 26:361-371. 1956.

Asghar, A. G. Use of saline water for irrigation with special referenceto saline soils. Salin. Prob. Arid Zone Proc. Teheran Symp.pp. 259-266. 1961.

Axtell, J. D. , and L. D. Doneen. The use of gypsum in irrigationwater. Better Crops. 33:16-18, 42-45. 1949.

Baker, R. C. An occurrence of saline ground water in Guadalcanal.Amer. Geophys. Union Trans. Vol. 31. No. 1, Feb. 1950.

Banerjee, A. K. Quality of irrigation waters of the alkali infestedareas in Allahabad, India. Agric. Biol. Chem. Tokyo 27:210-214.1963.

Barnes, W. C. , and T. C. Peele. The effect of various levels of saltin irrigation water on vegetable crops. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort.Sci. 72:339-342. 1958.

Bower, C. A. , and M. Maasland. Sodium hazard of Punjab groundwaters. West Pakistan Eng. Cong. Proc. pp. 49-61. 1963.

Bryssine, G. Experiments in irrigation with brackish water carriedout in Morocco. Salim. Prob. Arid Zones Proc. Teheran Symp.pp. 245-249. 1961. (In French; English summary.)

Carter, David. Water quality and availability. In Guide for citrusproduction in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta.and Ext. Serv. Bul. 1002, pp. 6-7, 1963.

Christensen, P. D. , and P. J. Lyerly. Water quality - as it influencesirrigation practices and crop production - El Paso and Pecos areas.Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. No. 132. 1952.

Doneen, L. D. The quality of irrigation water and soil permeability.Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 13:523-526. 1949.

Doneen, L. D. , and J. D. Axtel. Quality of Nern County irrigationwater. Frog. Rpt. 1946. Calif. Ext. Serv. 1947.

Dregne, H. E. , and H. J. Maker. Irrigation well waters of NewMexico, chemical characteristics, quality and use. N. M. Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. 386. 1954.


7.1 Quality of water for irrigation (cont r d. ).

Drouhin, G. Algerian experience of the utilization of brackish waterfor irrigation, with special reference to saline soils. Salin. Prob.Arid Zones Proc. Teheran Sytnp. 239-244. 1961. (In French;English summary.)

Kelley, W. P. Use of saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 95:385-391.1963.

Kelley, W. P. , and S. M. Brown. Boron in soils and irrigation watersof Southern California and its relation to citrus and walnut culture.Hilgardia 3:445-458. 1928.

Lewis, G. C. Water quality study in the Boise Valley. Idaho Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. No. 316. 1959.

Longenecker, D. E. , and P. J. Lyerly. Some relations among irriga-tion water quality, soil characteristics and management practices inthe Trans-Pecos area. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Misc. Pub. 373.1959.

Lunin, J. , and M. H. Gallatin. Brackish water for irrigation in humidregions. USDA ARS 41-29, 12 pp. 1960.

Magistad, 0. C. The use of softened Colorado River water for hosegardens. Jour. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 33:883-893. 1941.

Miller, M. R. The quality of water of the Humboldt River. Nev. Agr.Expt. Sta. Bul. 186. 1950.

Myhr, E. Can seawater be used for farm irrigation? Tidsskr. NorskeLandbr. 68:149-158. 1961.

Peele, T. C. , H. J. Webb, and J. F. Bullock. Chemical compositionof irrigation waters in the South Carolina coastal plarin and effectsof chlorides in irrigation water on the quality of flue-cured tobacco.Agron. J. 52:464-467. 1960.

Puffles, M. Effect of saline water on Mediterranean loam soils. SoilSci. 47:447-453. 1939.

Reeve, R. C., and C. A. Bower. Use of high-salt waters as aflocculant and source of divalent cations for reclaiming sodic soils.Soil Sci. 90:139-144. 1960.

Reifenberg, A. , and R. Rosovsky. Saline irrigation water and itseffects on the intake of ions by barley seedlings. Palestine Jour.Sot. 4:1-13. 1947.

Richards, L. A. , C. A. Bower, and Milton Fireman. Tests for salinityand sodium status of soil and irrigation water. U. S. Dept. Agr.Cir. 982. 1956.

Scofield, Carl S. Measuring the salinity of irrigation water and of soilsolution with the wheatstone bridge. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 232.1932.

Scofield, C. S., and L. V. Wilcox. Boron in irrigation water. U. S.Dept. Agr. Tech. Bul. 264:1-65. 1931.

Simonneau, P. , and G. Aubert. Utilization of saline waters in theSahara. Ann. Agron. Paris 14:859-872. 1963. (In French;English summary.)


7.1 Quality of water for irrigation (cont i d.).

Simsiman, G. V., and N. L. Galvez. Chemical composition of someirrigation waters in Luzon Provinces. Phillipp. Agricst 46:451-462.1962.

Singh, S. S. , and J. S. Kanwar. Boron and some other characteristicsof well waters and their effect on the boron content of the soils inPatti (Amritsar). J. Indian Soc. Soil. Sci. 11:283-286. 1963.

Smith, H. V. , A. B. Fuller, W. H. Caster, E. L. Breazeale, andG. Draper. The chemical composition of representative Arizonawaters. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 225. 1949.

Smith, S. T. Hints on irrigating citrus with saline water. J. Agric. W.Aust. 4:41-47. 1963.

Stol, Ph. Th. The electrical conductivity as an indication of chloridecontent in water samples from polders in Delta-Region. Geologieen Mijnbouw 39:631-637. 1960. (Dutch).

Thorne, D. W. , and J. P. Thorne. Changes in compositionsoils as related to the quality of irrigation waters. SoilAmer. Proc. 18:92-98. 1954.

Thorne, J. P. , and D. W. Thorne. Irrigation waters of Utah, theirquality and use. Utah Agr. Expt. Sta. Bul. 346. 1951.

Waisel, Y. , and R. Bernstein. The effect of irrigation with saline wateron the yield and sugar content of forage and sugar beet. Bul. Res.Coun. Israel 7D 90-92. 1959.

Wilcox, J. C., and J. L. Mason. Suitability for irrigation water fromlakes and streams in the interior of British Columbia. Canada Dept.Agric. Pub. 1179, 27 pp. 1963.

Wilcox, L. V. Water quality requirements for agriculture. Proc.Internatl. Seminar, Soil and Water Utilization, Brookings, S. Dakota,pp. 197-198. 1963.

Wilcox, L. V. Quality of water for irrigation use. U. S. Dept. Agr.Tech. Bul. 962. 40 pp. 1948.

Wilcox, L. V. Explanation and interpretation of analyses of irrigationwaters. U. S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 784, 8 pp. 1948.

Wilcox, L. V. Classification and use of irrigation waters. U. S. Dept.Agr. Cir. No. 969. 1955.

Wilcox, L. V. , George Y. Blair and C. A. Bower. Effect of bicarbonateon suitability of water for irrigation. Soil Sci. 77:266. 1954.

Zakharina, G. V. A contribution to the classification of natural watersand solutions according to chemical composition. PochvovedeniyeNo. 4:60-75. 1961. (Russian.)

7.2 Quality of water for leaching.

Antipov-Karataev, I. N. , and G. M. Kader. The value of alkalineirrigation water for reclamation purposes. Pochvovedeniye No.2:60-65. 1961. (In Russian; English summary. )

of irrigatedSci.. Soc.


7. 2 Quality of water for leaching (cont i d. ).

Axte11, J. D. , and L. D. Doneen. The use of gypsum in irrigationwater. Better Crops 33:16-18, 42-45. 1949.

Bodman, G. B. , and A. P. Mazurak. Infiltration of low sodium irriga-tion water in relation to soil treatments in the San Juaquin Valley,California. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 12:502. 1949.

Eaton, F. M. Formulas for estimating leaching and gypsum require-ments of irrigation waters. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Misc. Pub. 111.1954.

Israelson, 0. W. Irrigation principles and practices. Ed. 2. JohnWiley and Sons, Inc. , New York, 405 pp. 1950.

Srivastava, P. B. L. , C. L. Mehrotra and R. R. Agarwal. Theeffect of leaching saline-alkali soils with irrigation waters of differentkinds on the permeability and the composition of the soils and thecomposition of the leachates. 3. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 10:93-98.1962.

Wilcox, L. V. , and W. F. Resch. Salt balance and leaching require-ment of irrigated lands. USDA. Tech. Bul. 1290, 23 pp. 1963.

7.3 Effects of irrigation water quality on soil properties and crop production.

Arany, S. The soil and irrigation water. Nemzetk. Mezogazd. Szemle1:76-85. 1959. (In Hungarian. )

Asghar, A. G. Use of saline water for irrigation with special referenceto saline soils. Salin. Prob. Arid Zone Proc. Teheran Symp. pp.259-266. 1961.

Babcock, K. L. , R. M. Overstreet, R. K. Schulz, and R. Overstreet.A study of the effect of irrigation water composition on soilproperties. Hilgardia 29:155-164. 1959.

Balba, A. M. Effect of waters with different sodium and carbonateconcentrations on the soil chemical properties and the growth andcomposition of plants. J. Soil Sci. UAR 1:85-98. 1963.

Bodman, G. B. , and M. Fireman. Changes in soil permeability andexchangeable cation status during flow of different irrigationwaters. Fourth Internat. Cong. Soil Sci. Trans. Amsterdam1:397-400. 1950.

Bower, C. A. Effect of water quality on seepage through soil. U. S.Water Conservation Laboratory Seepage Symposium Proc. pp. 76-77.1964.

Brooks, R. H. , 3. 0. Goertzen, and C. A. Bower. Prediction ofchanges in the composition of the dissolved and exchangeable cationsin soils upon irrigation with high-sodium waters. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 22:122-124. 1958.

Chang, C. W. Effects of saline irrigation water and exchangeablesodium on soil properties and growth of alfalfa. Soil Sci. 91:29-37.1961.


7.3 Effects of irrigation water quality on soil properties and crop production (cont i d. ).

Christensen, P. D. , and P. J. Lyerly. Water quality - as it influencesirrigation practices and crop production - El Paso and Pecos areas.Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta. Cir. 132. 1952.

Cointepas, J. P. , and P. Roederer. Preliminary results on theevolution of soil salinity due to irrigation with saline waters inTunisia. Ann. Agron. Paris 12:121-126. 1961. (In French.)

Cooper, W. C. , A. Peynado, and E. 0. Olsen. Response of grapefruiton two stocks to calcium additions to high-sodium, boron contami-nated, and saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 86:180-189. 1958.

Czeratzki, W. The influence of sodium-containing sprinkling water onthe structure of loamy soil (loess). Z. Kulturtechnik 2:217-228.1961. (In German; English summary. )

Damagnez, J. , and 0. de. Villele. The actual water requirements ofcrops and the possibility of using soil-water reserves in Tunisia.The effect of salinity. Ann. Agron. Paris 12:109-119. 1961.(In French. )'

Darab, K. Cation exchange in soils under the effect of irrigation watersof different qualities. Agrokim. Talajt. 11:29-40. 1962. (InHungarian; Russian and English summaries. )

Darab, K. The application of soil-genetic principles to irrigation inthe Great Hungarian Plain. Orsz. Mezogazd. Minosegv. Int.Kiadv. 1 Ser. , No. 4, 111 pp. 1962. (In Hungarian; Russian,English, Greek and French summaries. )

Darab, K. , and I. Szabolos. Effect of soda-containing irrigation waterson the soil. Agrokem. Talajt. 12:209-226. 1963. (In Hungarian;Russian and English summaries. )

Doneen, L. D. , and D. W. Henderson. Quality of irrigation water andchemical and physical properties of soil. Trans. 7th Int. Congr.Soil Sci. 1:516-522. (In English; French and German summaries. )

Dzubay, M. The effect of irrigation waters of different qualities onexchangeable cations in soils of the irrigation canals in the regionbeyond the Tisza River. Agrokem. Talajt. 10:41-52. 1961.(In Hungarian; Russian and German summaries. )

Fine, L. 0. , E. J. Williamson, F. Wiersma, and C. R. Umback. Astudy of the sodium adsorption ratio and residual sodium carbonateconcepts of irrigation waters as they affect exchangeable sodium ofsoil under semi-arid conditions. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc.23:263-266. 1959.

Fireman, Milton, and G. B. Bodman. The effect of saline irrigationwater upon the permeability and base status of soils. Soil Sci. Soc.Amer. Proc. 4:71-77. 1940.

Gallatin, M. H. , 3. Lunin, and A. R. Batchelder. Brackish waterirrigation of several vegetable crops in humid regions. Agron. J.55:383-386. 1963.


7.3 Effects of irrigation water quality on soil properties and crop production (cont'd. ).

Gerard, C. J. , C. A. Burleson, M. E. Bloodworth, and others.Effect of irrigation water quality and soil amendments on crop yieldsand physicochemical properties of the soil. Tex. Agr. Expt. Sta.Misc. Pub. 441. 1960.

Gorton, G. S., W. C. Cooper, and A. Peynado. Relation of calcium andpotassium accumulation in citrus as influenced by rootstock andsalinity of irrigation water. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 63:49-52.1954.

Hausenbueller, R. L., M. A. Hague, and A. Wahhob. Some effects ofirrigation waters of differing quality on soil properties. Soil Sci.90:357-364. 1960.

Heimann, H. The irrigation with saline water and the balance of theionic environment. Potash Rev. 10:17; 11:11. 1959.

Heimann, H. , and R. Ratner. The changes in the composition of the soiladsorption complex by irrigation with saline water. Bul. Res. Coun.Israel 11A:126-131. 1962.

Jacobs, H. S. , B. I. Naddih, and R. M. Dixon. Correlations betweenconstituents in irrigation waters and irrigated soils in Kansas. SoilSci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 25:404-407. 1961.

Kulkarni, D. G. Use of brackish waters for irrigation and its effects onsoils and crops. Salin. Probl. Arid Zones Proc. Teheran Symp.233-247. 1961.

Jones, W. W., H. E. Pearson, E. R. Parker, and M. R. Huberty.Effect of sodium in fertilizer and in irrigation water on concentrationin leaf and root tissues of citrus trees. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.Proc. 60:65-70. 1952.

Kelley, W. P. , S. Brown, and J. E. Leibig. Chemical effects of salineirrigation water on soils. Soil Sci. 49:95-107. 1940.

Kelley, W. P. Use of saline irrigation water. Soil Sci. 95:385-391.1963.

Lunin, J. , M. H. Gallatin, and A. R. Batchelder. Effects of supple-mental irrigation with saline water on soil composition and on yieldsand cation content of forage crops. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 28:551-554. 1964.

Longenecker, D. E. , and P. J. Lyerly. Chemical characteristics ofsoils of West Texas as affected by irrigation water quality. SoilSci. 87:207-216. 1959.

Molodtsov, V. A. Salt content in soils and change in ground water levelupon irrigation of new lands in the Golodnaya Steppe. Pochvove-deniye No. 1:12-18. 1964. (In Russian; English translation asSoviet Soil Science No. 1:7-11. 1964. )

Mozheika, A. M. , and T. K. Vorotnils. Irrigation by mineralizedwater and prevention of soil alkalization. Zbyrn. Dopovid. VIIMizhnarod, Kongr. Gruntozna y . , 125-140. 1960. (In Ukrainian;Russian and English summaries. )


7.3 Effects of irrigation water quality on soil properties and crop production (cont i d. ).

Peele, T. C., H. J. Webb, and J. F. Bullock. Chemical compositionof irrigation waters in the South Carolina coastal plain and effects ofchlorides in irrigation water on the quality of flue- cured tobacco.Agron. J. 52:464-467. 1960.

Popov, A. A. Salt regime of soils of the Volga-Akhtuba Floodplain inrelation to regulated flow of Volga River by the Volgograd Reservoir.Pochvovedeniye No. 5:57-68. 1964. (In Russian; English transla-tion as Soviet Soil Science No. 5:490-501. 1964. )

Quirk, J. P. Effect of electrolyte concentration on soil permeabilityand water entry in irrigated soils. Int. Comm. Irrig. DrainageThird Congr. Q8:115- 123. 1957.

Quirk, J. P., and 3. L. Davidson. Effect of electrolyte level of theirrigation water on the establishment of pasture on Riverina Clay.Aust. J. Sci. 21:191-192. 1959.

Ramakrishna Kurup, C. K. , and A. S. Sastry. Influence of soil andirrigation water on the chemical composition and quality of cigartobacco. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 10:99-108. 1962.

Ravikovitch, S. , and E. Mura ysky. Irrigation with waters of varyingdegrees of salinity and its influence on soils and crops. Ktavim8:221-254. 1958.

Smith, R. The relationship between water quality and drainagecharacteristics of some Iraq soils. Int. Comm. Irrig. DrainageThird Congr. Q10:1-26. 1957.

Sultanov, Yu. G. Alteration of the salt profile of soils of the Sal l yansteppe under the influence of irrigation-reclamation processes.Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzhan. SSR 19:59-62. 1963. (InRussian. )

Wahhob, A. Effect of saline irrigation waters on some soil properties.Salin. Probl. Arid Zones Proc. Teheran Symp. 233-237. 1961.

Yaalon, D. H. Studies of the effect of saline irrigation water oncalcareous soils. II. The behaviour of calcium carbonate. Bul,Res. Coun. Israel 70:115-122. 1958.

8. Books covering most subject matter in the field of saline and sodicsoils.

8.1 Texts.

Harris, F. S. Soil alkali, "its origin, nature and treatment. John Wileyand Sons, New York. 1920.

Hilgard, E. W. Soils. MacMillan Co. 1906.Israelsen, Orson W. , and Vaughn E. Hansen. Irrigation principles and

practices. 3rd Ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 447 pp. 1962.


8.1 Texts (cont l d.).

Joffe, 3. S. Pedology, pp. 419-480. 1936.Kelley, W. P. Alkali soils; their formation, properties and reclamation.

Reinhold Publishing Corp. , New York. 1951.Thorne, D. W., and H. B. Peterson. Irrigated soils, their fertility and

management. 2nd Ed. The Blackiston Company, Philadelphia.1954.

8.2 Handbooks.

U. S. Dept. of Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture. Water. 1955.U. S. Salinity Lab. Staff Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline Soils.

USDA Agr. Handbook 60. 1954.