A brighter future kenya article and o.r.

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Kenya Argument Open Response

This open response will be a bit different than the ones that you are typically used to writing. Here, I am going to give you a topic that people generally disagree on, and you will have to choose a side, and argue why you have chosen the side of the argument that you have. You must give examples and details to backup your decision in this 2 paragraph open-response. Having just read an article about poverty in Kenya, we understand that Kenya has chronic food shortages that affect 2-3 million people each year. Within the past few years, the United States has provided food valued at $150 million to the people of Kenya, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars to other countries around the world as well. Take a side: Do you feel that the United States should be giving money to other countries or should they use that money for things within our own country? Convince me people!




























































