A Closer look at Intimate Partner Violence: Understanding and Working with Perpetrators.

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A Closer look at Intimate Partner Violence: Understanding and Working with Perpetrators

Alan Rosenbaum, Ph.D.

Northern Illinois Universityand The Center for the Study of Family

Violence and Sexual Assault


In intimate adult relationships, who is more likely to hit:

a) the man

b) the woman

c) equally likely

If only one of the partners is aggressive, who is it most likely to be?

a) the man

b) the woman

c) equally likely

According to the findings of the National Family Violence Survey (1975, 1985) in approximately half of the families reporting violence, both partners were physically aggressive, and the remainder of the cases were about evenly divided between women and men as the sole perpetrator.

In addition, women and men reportedly engaged in equal amounts of verbal and emotional aggression

True or False: Men are more likely than women to use severe violence

When there is intimate partner aggression, who is most likely to be injured?

Should a woman who behaves aggressively toward her male partner be labeled a “batterer”?

When a woman hits a man it is _______ in self defense?

a) always

b) almost always

c) about half the time

c) rarely

Regarding who hits first, Straus & Gelles, 1990 reported that women struck first in 45% of the cases (according to the men) and in 42% of the cases according to the women themselves.

Straus (1993) reported that in representative community samples, at least 25% of the violence by women was not self-defensive in that the woman was the only perpetrator in the past twelve months.

Rosenbaum et al. (2003, Unpublished) Sample: Males n=

95, Females n=101 Individuals are

reporting on their own behavior and experiences.

Categories are mutually exclusive

Gen None

Perp Vict Both

Male 46% 4.2%

18% 32%

Fem 50% 5.0%

9% 37%

Intimate terrorism v. common couple violence

Intimate terrorism More severe Patterned Primarily male

perpetrated Function: control of the


Common couple violence Less severe Results from stress and

conflict within the relationship

Perpetrated equally by both genders

Function: conflict resolution

Importance of female perpetrated aggression Aggression perpetrated by either gender negatively

affects witnessing children (Jaffe, Wolfe & Wilson, 1990).

Women’s mild aggression towards their partners predicted future severe aggression by their partners towards the women. (Feld & Straus, 1989).

Women’s use of psychological aggression has been shown to predict future aggression by husbands who had not been previously aggressive (Murphy & O’Leary, 1989)

Characteristics of female perpetrators High rates of childhood victimization (physical and sexual) High rates of physical victimization as adults 1/3 to ½ witnessed inter-parental aggression. Past and current substance abuse 2/3 had a history of outpatient mental health treatment

(Leisring et al., 1999) 45% experiencing clinical levels of PTSD (Leisring, Dowd,

and Rosenbaum, 2000) 32% have made at least one suicide attempt (Leisring et

al., 1999)

True or False: All batterers are the same!


Batterers are now recognized to be a heterogeneous group.

Numerous typologies have been proposed. Holtzworth-Munroe and Stewart’s three group typology has received the most attention.Family onlyBorderline/dysphoricGenerally violent/Anti-social

Only Snyder & Fruchtman incorporated dyadic factors in their typology.

There is substantial evidence that dyadic factors are important determinants of aggression.Anxiously attached males paired with avoidant

womenTraditional males paired with non-traditional women

True or False: All intimate partner violence is caused by the male’s need for power and control.

Need for power and control

Picked on or bullied as a child

Inability to protect mother

Victim of physical or sexual abuse

Exposure to interparental aggression

Feelings ofpowerlessness

The need to be in control iscentral to a sense of masculinity

(Scher, 1990)

Men as sexualpursuers, women

as gatekeepers(Brooks)

Dependence on women

Paradox of malepower

(Kimmel, 1994)

Dependence on women

Many males brought upby women

Single parent homesespecially common

among poor and minority

According to Lambfathers spend, on average

only 12 minutes a day with young children

Male tendency to sexualizeintimacy restricts male-

male friendships

Women may cut men off frommale friends and activities

Woman becomes only sourceof intimacy and support and an emotional outlet which is

integral to mental health


What are your connections? Friends Partner Parents Children Job Religion Community

School Pets Organizations

The National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health N=12,118 interviews of adolescents in grades

7-12 Health risk behaviors:

emotional distress- depressionsuicidality- ideation or attemptsviolencecigarettes or substance usesexual activity and teen pregnancy

Conclusion: parent-family connectedness and perceived school connectedness was protective against every health risk behavior except history of pregnancy. Included closeness to a parent, perceived caring

by a parent, feeling loved and wanted.Engaged in activities with a parentFeel that teachers treat students fairly, closeness

to people at school, feel a part of the school.

Attachment: One aspect of Connectedness Defective relationships with parents leads to defects

in attachment. Individuals who are anxiously attached are acutely

sensitive to abandonment. When sensing abandonment, anxiously attached

individuals engage in hyperactivating strategies intended to restore closeness to the attachment figure.

Hyperactivating strategies may be associated with stalking.

Mikulincer (1998)- Anxiously attached individuals held negative expectations of their partners in response to hypothetical situations and made overly negative appraisals of the partner’s intent.

They also reacted with hostility and anger to ambiguous cues, as opposed to clear hostile cues.

Dutton et al. (1994) DV males higher on attachment anxiety than community controls

Relationship acceleration

Getting in too deep too quickly. Reduces opportunities to exit the relationship. Exit points refer to unresolvable differences

that would normally result in termination of the relationship.Examples: different ideas regarding children,

religious differences, lack of common interests, sexual incompatibility.

May be associated with attachment problems.

Relationship Acceleration- Rosenbaum et al. (2003, unpublished) Utilized the dating behaviors questionnaire. Asked participants to report how soon after

the first date with someone, various behaviors occurred.

DBQa factored into three distinct and non-overlapping factors: DBQsex, DBQrel, and DBQown

DBQsex- Sample items

How soon after the first date:Engage in kissing and huggingTouched by partner on chest/breasts on top of

clothingTouched by partner on chest/breasts skin to skinTouch partner on chest/breasts on top of clothingTouch partner on chest/breasts skin to skinTouch partner on genitals on top of clothingEngage in sexual intercourse

DBQrel- Sample items

How soon after the first date:Go out on a second dateCall partner on phoneCalled by partner on phoneConsider partner to be your boy/girlfriendAgree to date exclusivelyReceive a gift/give a gift (separate items)Spend an entire day together

DBQown- Actual Items

How soon after the first date:Feel you have a right to know where your

partner is and who he/she is with.Feel you have a right to be angry if he/she

dates someone else.Feel guilty about not seeing your partner on a

weekend night.Feel guilty about flirting with someone else.

Preliminary findings- Males only

DBQsex Mean S.DNonviolent 52.02 18.84 F=5.53Violent 42.53 17.00 p=.02

DBQrel No significant diffs.

DBQownNonviolent 24.60 6.81 F=1.97Violent 22.70 4.89 p=.164 ns.

Relationship acceleration additional findings of interest No significant differences for women on any of the DBQ

scales. Regarding number of dating partners over lifetime,

violent individuals of both genders have significantly more suggesting that these relationships don’t last and perhaps further sensitizing aggressive individuals to signs of disinterest

Comparing real and ideal ratings on the DBQ items, females would like everything to go slower, males would like everything to go faster, irrespective of aggressiveness (Are you surprised?)

Future Orientation

Where do you see yourself five years from nowVocationallyRelationshipsHousingChildren and family

What are the immediate results of aggression? You get your way. Tension reduction Feelings of power or superiority Feelings of control Affirmation of masculinity Stop the nagging

What are the long term consequences? Feelings of shame Loss of intimacy Damage to, or loss of relationship Legal consequences Financial consequences Social consequences Effects on children Degraded relationship with children

Immediate consequences of aggression are mostly positive

Reinforcement of aggression

Long term consequences of aggression are mostly negative

Reduction of aggression

Foreshortened future

Poor self-esteemPicked on or

bullied as childExposure to

violence in FOODysfunctionalrelationships




Behaviors of high habit strength

Head injuryAlc or substuse/abusePers traits.

Biological Factors

Head Injury Neuropsychological functioning

Executive functioningPoor impulse control

Serotonin Deficits Limbic System Brain Morphology

Head Injury in Partner Abusive MenRosenbaum et al. (1994)

Purpose- To assess the prevalence of a hx of significant head injury in a sample of batterers as compared to two samples of non-aggressive men.

Subjects N=130 [53 Batterers, 32 Discord, 45 Satisfied] Predominantly Caucasian Average age of groups between 31 and 40

Measures Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) Locke-Wallace SMAT (SMAT) SCL-90-R (SCL-90) Medical Hx Interview

Criteria for Significant Head Injury

Mild LOC< 1 hr duration, head injury w/o LOC but with subsequent

objective sequelae, or no fewer than 2 subjective sequelae of moderate intensity

Moderate LOC> 1 hr but < 24 hrs

Severe LOC > 24 hrs

Sub-clinical Reported minor head trauma that did not meet criteria for mild,

moderate or severe, as described above

Results and Conclusions

Significant head injury in 53% of Batterers Compared to 25% of Discord and 16% of Satisfied

Head injury a significant predictor of being a Batterer Odds ratio=5.82

In 93.1% of cases, head injury preceded the first instance of marital aggression

Mean age at time of head injury=12.5 years >50% injured prior to age 11, 75% prior to age 16

Almost 79% of men with a moderate or severe head injury were in the Batterers group

No association between subclinical head injury and battering.

Neuropsychological Assessment of Batterers

Purpose: To assess whether it was possible to identify cognitive impairments in abusive men using a battery of neuropsychological tests, and whether any impairments might explain the association between head injury and battering.

Subjects- Neuropsychological assessments were conducted as part of Rosenbaum et al., 1994, thus the subject pool is the same. Adequate data was only available for 102 of the 130 subjects.

Results and Conclusions

No differences between Discord and Satisfied subjects on any neuropsych measure, consequently these groups were pooled as a generic non-aggressive group

Batterers differed from non-batterers on ARCPT, WCST, Digit symbol, RMT (Faces and Words), NSRT with Batterers showing weaker performance.

Head injured subjects could also be reliably discriminated from non-head injured subjects an many measures, however among Batterers, neuropsych performance did not vary as a function of head injury status.

Batterers had weaker verbal intellectual performance, greater difficulty with verbal and non-verbal learning, focusing attention, cognitive flexibility, and information processing


On the basis of performance on 5 neuropsych measures it was possible to correctly classify Batterers more than 80% of the time

Failure to find differences between head injured and non-head injured batterers suggests that head injury, itself, was not the source of cognitive dysfunction among batterers.

Prior head injury, however, was among the variables most strongly correlated with neuropsychological dysfunction

Greatest discriminatory power was attained when neuropsychological measures, hx of head injury were considered along with ETOH abuse hx, childhood discipline problems, and curent level of emot. distress, as referenced by the General Severity Index of the SCL-90.

Head InjuryReduced



Poor impulse controlAlixithymia

Emotional recognition


MaltreatmentParental neglect

MVASports related

Emotional negativity

Limbic system

Plays a pivotal role in the regulation of emotion and memory

Includes the amygdala and the hippocampus These areas are often implicated in emotionality

and especially aggression Research using MRI supports a relationship

between childhood abuse and the size of the hippocampus and amygdala in adults

These areas especially sensitive to cortisol.

Stein (1997) found left hippocampal abnormalities in adult women who had been sexually abused as children and suffered from PTSD.

Bremner (1997) found left hippocampus of adult survivors of physical or sexual abuse (with PTSD) to be 12% smaller than healthy controls

PTSD and emotional dysregulation commonamong women referredfor anger management

and treatment of IPV

And possibly men, as well

Child maltreatment

Stress cortisol

Affects brain developmentAlteration of GABA


Increased limbicirritability



Serotonergic Functioning

Screening Criteria

Males 18-65 Years of Age Not currently taking any medication No history of cardiac disease, hypertension, pituitary disease,

visual field defect, or hypogonadism No history of psychosis, arrhythmia, cardiac ischemia or

adverse reaction to fenfluramine No history of drug or alcohol abuse in past six months. Ability and willingness to forego smoking during protocol Currently involved in some level of heterosexual relationship

(though not necessarily cohabitating with partner)

Characteristics of Participants N=74

Partner Abusive: N=36 Non-abusive controls: N=38

Mean age=35.2 Mean Income=$20,520 ($US)

Partner’s Mean Income=$13,900 ($US) Marital Satisfaction (Locke-Wallace SMAT)=96

Partner Abusive: Mean=88 Non-abusive controls: Mean=103

Race: 89.6% Caucasian Education: Mean=13.5 years

Results Main Effects

No significant differences between head-injured and non head-injured subjects on prolactin response over hours 4, 5, & 6.

No significant differences between partner abusers and controls on prolactin response over hours 4, 5, & 6. Wilks’ lambda=.98, F (2,69)=.80, ns. Wilks’ lambda=.96, F (2,69)=1.41, ns.

Interactions Head Injury x Abuse x Time- Partner abusers show blunted prolactin response

as compared to non abusers only in the absence of a history of head injury. Wilks’ lambda=.91, F (2,69)=3.52, p<.04 Linear univariate t (1)=-.90, ns. Quadratic univariate t (1)=2.43, p<.02

Fig.1- Mean Prolactin Levels (ng/ml) Following d,l-Fenfluramine (60mg) Administration at Hour 1










Hour 3 Hour 4 Hour 5 Hour 6



Follow-up Repeated Measures MANOVA comparing partner abusers and controls in non head-injured groups- Partner abusers showed significant blunting of prolactin response over time as compared to controls. Wilks’ lambda=.85, F (2,41)=3.49 p=.04

Linear univariate: t (1)=-.80, ns. Quadratic univariate: t (1)=2.48, p<.02


Gearan and Rosenbaum (In Preparation)

SUBJECT CHARACTERISTICS 65 Men who were married or in a heterosexual, monogamous relationship of at

least 6 months in duration Abusive (n = 25)

CTS > 11 Discordant (n = 21)

CTS < 10 SMAT < 95

Satisfied (n = 19) CTS < 10 SMAT > 95

Mean age = 36.75 Mean income = $ 24,580

COGNITION CATEGORIES Positive attributions about self (“I am a good husband”) Negative attributions about self ( “I’m a failure at my job”) Positive attributions about others (“She works hard”) Negative attributions about others (“She’s always nagging”) Empathy (“I know she has a lot to do”) Problem Solving - Self (“I could help out more”) Problem Solving - Other (“She needs to be more

understanding”) Problem Solving - Cooperative (“We could take turns watching

the children”)

Non-Batterers vs. BatterersVariable Non-batterers Batterers F (1,63)

PA - Self 1.65 1.78 .01

NA - Self .40 .82 3.10*

PA - Other 1.91 .86 10.26***

NA - Other 1.88 3.80 4.22**

Empathy 1.38 .64 1.64

PS - Self 1.84 1.52 .33

PS - Other 1.85 1.78 .10

PS - Cooperative 2.36 1.84 .24

*p < .09; **p < .05; ***p < .01.

Low vs. High Frequency BatterersVariable Low Violence High Violence F (1,21)

Partner-Verb. Ab. 20.64 51.57 3.84*

Partner-Minor Vio 2.93 9.13 3.60*

Partner-Reason 17.67 17.88 .00 n.s.

Self-Reason 22.92 24.50 .04 n.s.

Self-Verb abuse 19.50 50.38 12.54***

SMAT 93.50 63.50 6.60**

*p < .08; ** p < .02; p < .01.

Satisfied, Discordant, Low Violence, and High ViolenceVariable Satisfied Discordant Low Viol. High Viol F (3,59)

PA - Self 1.58 1.71 2.21 1.28 .49

NA - Self .18a .60ab .21a 1.67b 4.15*

PA- Other 2.42a 1.45a 1.50ab .06b 4.35*

NA- Other 1.53 2.19 5.21 2.11 2.09

Empathy 1.55 1.21 .75 .45 1.01

PS - Self 1.95 1.74 1.50 1.50 .21

PS- Other 1.74 1.95 2.11 1.11 .50

PS- Coop 3.05 1.74 1.71 1.78 .73

*p < .01.Groups with the same letters are not significantly different at .05 level.

Summary Batterers, as compared with non-batterers, produce more

negative cognitions only in the female provocative condition. High frequency, as compared to low frequency, batterers

are more verbally abusive, have lower relationship satisfaction, and make more negative statements about themselves.

Low frequency batterers do not significantly differ from satisfied or discordant men, but high frequency batterers do show some differences in cognitive productions from the other groups.


Follow-up Repeated Measures MANOVA comparing partner abusers and controls in non head-injured groups- Partner abusers showed significant blunting of prolactin response over time as compared to controls. Wilks’ lambda=.85, F (2,41)=3.49 p=.04

Linear univariate: t (1)=-.80, ns. Quadratic univariate: t (1)=2.48, p<.02

Developmental Factors

How we raise our sons and daughters and the acceptability of aggression

Developmental Psychopathology

ODD, ADHD, PTSD, and negative childhood experiences

From: Rosenbaum & Leisring (2003)


Batterers N=118 Mean age= 30.06 71% Caucasian 14.3% African

American 11.6% Hispanic

General Public N=149 Mean age= 33.01 73.6% Caucasian 11.8% African

American 8.3% Hispanic


Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (Bernstein et al., 1994) Self Ratings of ADHD/ODD (Murphy & Barkley, 1996) PTSD Checklist- Civilian version (Weathers et al., 1991) SCL-90-R (Derogatis, 1986) SMAST (Selzer, Vinokur & van Rooijen, 1975) Conflict Tactics Scale (Straus, 1979) Life History of Aggression Scale (Coccaro Berman &

Kavoussi, 1997) Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (Barratt, 1994) Childhood Experiences Questionnaire (Rosenbaum &

Gearan, 1999)

Differences between batterers and the general population comparison group on the Childhood Experiences Questionnaire

Batterers were: more likely to report seeing their fathers drunk* more likely to have seen their fathers hit their mothers** more likely to report getting beaten up by their mothers* less likely to be told that they were loved by a parent** less likely to report that their fathers came to watch them perform in school

activities or sports* more likely to get into fights with other children* more likely to have beaten up another child* more likely to have cut school** more likely to get into legal trouble as children**

* p<.005 **p<.0001

Negative Emotionality

Negative reactions to stress

Experience emotions negatively

Negative expectations of others

Positive attitudes toward the use of aggression

I often get irritated at little annoyances

I don’t know why I feel angry all the time

People will take advantage of you if you let them

If someone hits me, I get them back


Abuse History

Head Injury

Defective rel. withparents

Poorly connected


Personality disorder




Men’s Educational Workshop

Program Structure and Topics

Psycho-educational Group format Average Group size 12-20 Males Only Ideally a male-female co-leadership format Twenty 90 minute sessions Must complete all 20 sessions

Two make-up sessions if necessary

Psychotherapeutic approach Non-confrontational and Non-abusive Protective of confidentiality

Usual exceptions as defined by TarasoffVictims warned only in cases of specific threatChild abuse reported (mandated)

Exposure of child to inter-parental aggression generally not reported

Philosophy of the program

Treaters not agents of the courts or police Treaters view selves as advocates for the

batterer but not the battering behavior. Acceptance of the batterer but not of the

aggression. Aggression by either partner is unacceptable

Everyone (males included) has the right to not be hit.

Sessions and Topics

How and when is anger a problem- disconnecting anger and aggression.

Anger Aggression

Automatic, no choices.Anger is a normal emotion. Repressing anger

can be a problem.Aggression is a behavior (action). Not

suppressing aggression is a problem.

Victim Contact Issues

Difficulty making victim contacts- highest rates reported in experimental designs where staff can be hired and reporters paid.

Risks associated with victim contact. Use of the material is questionable- how will you

use it constructively? Impact on willingness of batterers to divulge


Feelings associated with anger

Anger is often a proxy for other emotions. Relates to Brooks notion of the Anger

Funnel. When men convert other emotions into

anger, their chances of having their needs met are decreased.

Labeling it anger increases the anger.

Conclusions Stimulation of batterers’ negative cognitive sets

seems to be specific to conflictual situations with partners.

The ascription of responsibility and blame for relationship conflict may be quite different for low and high frequency batterers.

The ATSS procedure may be an effective methodology for assessing the cognitive productions of batterers.

Anger Cues and the Time Out

The anger trajectory





Anger Cues and the Time Out

Teach men to identify anger earlier in the behavioral sequence.

Anger Cues and the Time Out

The anger trajectory





Anger Cues and the Time Out

Teach men to identify anger earlier in the behavioral sequence.

Rules for the time-out Anticipate why the time out is resisted

Conflict confrontive and conflict avoidant stylesSolutions Possible solutions, anyway!

Time Out

Decision to leave

Know your exits

What to do during the time out

No bars-No cars

When to return

Drop a dime


Avoiding re-escalation

Stress Management

Sources of stress Problem solving approach to stress- stress

does not have to be accepted as a given- one can take steps to reduce stress.

Financial Stress example

Stress Management

Not enough coming In overtime second job change jobs raise spouse gets job get add’l training back to school (GED)

Too much going out ATM card budget coupons sales and closeouts cut down smoking and drinking bring lunch

Differences between male and female DV perpetrators Women’s groups more cohesive and supportive Women less resistant at start of treatment and

more willing to take responsibility Women require more referrals for treatment of

depression, PTSD, substance abuse, and parenting skills.

Women more disorganized, younger, have financial problems and likely to have child care reponsibilities.

Additions and modifications of men’s programs Increased emphasis of the safety of group members. Attention to women’s needs- housing, welfare, child

care, employment, legal and financial counseling, vocational counseling

Increased emphasis on PTSD Emphasis on PMS, menopause and other conditions

that can undermine mood stability Greater emphasis on parenting skills Less emphasis on power and control

Some final considerations for Treatment and Prevention

Conjoint counseling might be more effective than intervention with perpetrators alone

Aggression by women is deserving of greater empirical attention than it has been receiving

Female to male aggression in the media should be discouraged as male to female aggression has been

Factors contributing to the development of negative emotionality should become targets of preventive interventions

Models of intimate partner violence should be expanded to include dyadic factors as well as factors contributing to negative emotionality in either partner.