A Cloudy Future

Post on 08-May-2015

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There are as many definitions and descriptions of 'The Cloud' as people writing on the topic! What is it? How about the industrialization of computing – or Henry Ford gets into IT! For sure it is not a whim or a fashion – it is a serious step in the direction of connecting and networking all of humanity and all our artefacts to realize sustainable economies and eco systems.To do this will mean doing much more than the past far more efficiently with far fewer resources. And that means marshalling computing power, sensor systems, modelling, decision support backed up by artificial intelligences that complement our own. So here we have it:All our data on lineAll our applications on lineFreedom to use any screen on any device anywhereAccess to supercomputing powerAccess to intelligent searchWork and life agents that tune to, and understand usIndustrial and medical support at the point of needNew 'Guide @ The Side' education systemsTraining on demand+++Needless to say; none of this is viable with all the memory on our devices – in our hand, in our pocket and on our laps. And it demands bandwidth to connect. The Cloud starts to become really viable and interesting when we have bi-directional connectivity @ 100Mbit/s and above.


A Cloudy

FuturePiles Tulevik

Peter Cochrane COCHRANE a s s o c i a t e s


Thursday, 5 April 12

What is it and what does it mean...?

Mis see on ja mida see tähendab ...?

Thursday, 5 April 12

The simple answer =

Henry Ford got into computing...!

Lihtne vastus=

Henry Ford sattus arvuti ...!

Thursday, 5 April 12

The industrialisation of the information world...and a vital step toward green solutions...

Industrialiseerimise teavet maailmas ... ja oluline samm roheline lahendusi ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

BUT, it is not back to the mainframe....

Aga see ei ole tagasi mainframe ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

It is a vital move towards autonomy, beyond a few big networks....

See on oluline liikuda autonoomia üle mõned suured võrgud ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

P u b l i c , c o r p o r a t e , government, personal and machine clouds of all shapes and sizes connected at will...

Avalik, ettevõtete, valitsuse, isiklikud masin pilved kõik kuju ja suurusega seotud tahte ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Robot cloud - self aware and cooperating...

Robot pilv - ise teadlik ja koostööd ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Robot cloud - of formation flyers...

Robot pilv - ise teadlik ja koostööd ...

Thursday, 5 April 12





Patch Mgmt





Desk Top Support





Operating System


App Server

Web Server

Data Center

Disaster Recovery





Web Services







And organisations can stop doing all of this and focus their people on innovation and developing their future business...

Ja organisatsioonid saavad peatada tehes kõik see ja keskenduda oma rahva innovatsiooni ja arendada oma tulevase äri ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

IT and security dept’s can be repurposed... to focus on analysis, modelling, decision support, and generally being useful...

I T j a j u l g e o l e k u o s a k o n n a d s a a b r e p u r p o s e d . . . keskenduda analüüs, modelleerimine, otsuste toetamiseks ning üldjuhul on kasulik ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

People can choose the technology that meets their needs...

Inimesed saavad valida tehnoloogia, mis vastab nende vajadustele ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Self sufficiency is the the new norm...in a multi-screen world where we need to access everything everywhere...

Iseseisev toimetulek on uus no rm . . . mu l t i -ek raan maailmas, kus me peame juurdepääsu kõike kõikjal ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

It does not degrade security it improves it....

See ei halvenda turvalisuse paranemisel on see ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

Mult-layer dynamic defence with multiple:- Devices- Applications- Access points- Networks- Locations- Servers- Data types- Data caches- Service providers- Operating systems- Storage locations- Encryption

Mult-layer dünaamiline kaitse mitme:

- Seadmed- Rakendused- Pöörduspunkt- võrgustikud- asukohad- Serverid- Andmetüübid- Teenuse osutajad- - Mälupesi

Thursday, 5 April 12

T h i s g o e s w a y b e y o n d t o d a y ’ s simple firewalls and malware detection...

See läheb palju kaugemale tänapäeva lihtne tulemüüri ja pahavara ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

It is not a nightmare control scenario, but a n e w l e v e l o f freedom we never enjoyed before....

See ei ole õudusunenägu kontrolli stsenaarium, kuid uus tase vabadus me kunagi olnud, enne ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

It engenders the move from passive attention to active participation....

Ta tekib Passiivse tähelepanu aktiivse osalemise ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

I t prov ides new degrees of freedom for creativity....

See annab uue vabadusastmete loovust ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

It offers new ways and mechanisms to address complex problems...

See pakub uusi võimalusi ja mehhanisme, et lahendada keerulisi probleeme ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

I t a l l o w s n e w models for science, discovery, industry and education...

See võimaldab uusi mudeleid teadus, avastus-, tööstus-ja hariduskomisjon ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Just how does it do all that...

Kuidas see tegema kõik, et ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

By empower i ng Generation Y...who:

- Come fully equipped- Are digital natives- Expect to use their apps- Demand open access- Are not corporate minded- Instinctively network- Know more than IT Dept’s- Have more experience...

Andes Generation Y. .. kes:

Thursday, 5 April 12

By connecting like minded groups of creative people who:

- Embrace many disciplines- Challenge the old ways- Try out and test the new- Leverage distributed ability- Network their results- Communicate instantly- Share everything

Ü h e n d a d e s s a r n a s t e huvidega rühmi loomingulisi inimesi, kes:

Thursday, 5 April 12

With new levels of networking at an individual, company and country level......on a scale never seen before

Uut taset võrgust ikke üksikisik, ettevõte ja riigi tasandil ...... skaalal kunagi näinud

Thursday, 5 April 12

1318 transnational corporations form the core of the global economy...1318 rahvusvahe l i s te korporatsioonide keskmes maailmamajanduses ...

...supported by Ms of Small to Medium Enterprises ..... . . t o e t a v a d m i l j o n i d vä i kesed j a keskm ise suurusega ettevõtetele ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

. . .and bi l l ions of potential customers a n d e m p l o y e e s using more mobile devices than fixed...

. . . j a m i l j a r d e i d potentsiaalseid kliente ja töötajaid kasutavad rohkem mobiili kui fikseeritud ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

...offering new ways to become more efficient and effective...... pakub uusi võimalusi, kuidas muutunud tõhusamaks ja tulemuslikumaks ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Thursday, 5 April 12

The Cloud is quite probably the most powerful tool we have configured in our entire history...

Cloud on üsna tõenäoliselt kõige mõjusam vahend oleme konf igureeri tud kogu meie ajalugu ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

The wider horizon...

Laiema silmaringi ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Just like time...change is a one way process and there is no going back...

Just nagu aeg ... muutus on üks viis protsessi ja pole tagasi minnes ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Sustainability cannot be realised with old technologies and old industry models...

Change has become the new constant... the new stability...

Muutus on saanud uue pidev ... Uue stabiilsuse ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

M a n a g e r s a n d organisations are now stressed more than ever before...

Juhid ja organisatsioonid on nüüd rõhutada rohkem kui kunagi varem ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

We all do more and more work in less and less time, and it all feels...

Me kõik teeme rohkem tööd vähem aega ja see kõik tundub ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

. . .as though the t e c h n o l o g y i s driving us and not t h e o t h e r w a y around...

... nagu tehnoloogia sõidab meiega ja mitte teistpidi ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

But we cannot work any harder...

...and bigger and better computers won’t help - we are the limiting function...

Aga me ei saa töötada mis tahes raskem ...

... ja suuremaid ja paremaid arvuteid ei aita - oleme piiramise funktsioon ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

The Red Queen hypothesis, Alice in Wonderland: Lewis Carroll

“It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place”

"See võtab kõik töötab, mida saate teha, et hoida samas kohas"

Thursday, 5 April 12

As ever there is..

Nagu ikka on .., hea uudis ja halb uudis

Thursday, 5 April 12

It aint going to stop or slow down...it is going to speed up !

Ta ei kavatse peatada või aeglustada ... see saab kiirendada!

Thursday, 5 April 12

T h e r e a r e n e w technologies and new techniques to help us !

On uusi tehnoloogiaid ja tehnikaid, mis aitavad meid!

Thursday, 5 April 12

We have to look for new resources and capability... in more networking, and a deeper partnership with our machines

Me peame otsima uusi ressursse ja suutlikkust ... rohkem loomist ja sügavam koostöös meie masinad

Thursday, 5 April 12

As everything becomes networked...then new intelligences will also emerge...

Nagu kõik muutub võrku ... siis uus intellekti ka tekkima ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

AI for the professions and the masses via The Cloud...

AI kutsealade ja masside kaudu Cloud ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

For more on: AI, The Next Industrial Revolution, and The Cloud - GOTO: ....


Lisateavet: AI, Next tööstusrevolutsiooniga ja Cloud - GOTO: ....

Thursday, 5 April 12

What we know for sure....The next phase of technology and winning companies will have taken risks, and dared to be different...

Järgmine etapp tehnoloogia ja võitnud firmad on võtnud riske, ja julgenud olla erinev ...

Thursday, 5 April 12

Thank You



COCHRANE a s s o c i a t e s



Thursday, 5 April 12