A Content Strategy Roadmap to Website Redesign

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Over 20 Content Strategy "Must-Haves" for your web redesign, to help you increase web traffic and convert leads.


Created by Joey Barker

Inbound Links On-Page SEOTitle Tag & Meta TagsXML Sitemaps301 Redirects

Aim for high-quality, educational and/or entertaining content.

◦ If people like your message and its delivery, they will naturally want to link to it.

Submit the website and blog to online directories .

◦ A cost-efficient, easy way to start getting inbound links to the website

Title: Seen at the top of a web browser, also the main headline displayed in search engine results.

<title> FSA, HSA, HRA Software for Employee Benefits Plans –

(Company Name) </title>

Description: A concise subhead descriptor of the page.

<meta name="Description" content=“Employee benefits software, administration services, and automated workflow assistance for Plan

Service Providers...">

XML Site Map Redirects

First impressionsConsistencyImageryNavigationAccessibility

Is everything to the user…1. Is the site credible?

2. Is it trustworthy?

3. Is this a professional company?

4. Is this company stable?

5. Does the site make me feel welcome?

6. Am I in the right place?

Ask yourself ALL of these questions when redesigning a website


◦ Try to make nothing jump out

◦ 2-4 colors max

Use animation, gadgets or media only if you need them to support content or information


◦ Clear navigation structure, organize page elements in grid fashion (not randomly scattered)

◦ White space – avoid clutter

Easy-to-Read typography

I am a Happy Customer!

Photos of Real People outperform stock photos by 95%

Impact of Imagery1. Relevance

2. Reality

3. Relative Weight

1. Keep structure simple, near the top of page

2. Include navigation in the footer

3. Use breadcrumbs > on > every > page

4. Keep the search box where it is

5. Links within page copy – keeper as well

6. Avoid JavaScript or flash in navigation◦ Consider HTML 5 instead

TABLETS◦ The #1 reason we need to use viewport meta


◦ Helps with mobile device browsing as well

1. Will the user know what we do in seconds?

2. Do they know where they are & what it’s about?

3. Do they know what to do next?

4. Why should they do anything next? Why not someone else?

5. Do they know plans & pricing options?

Offer more than just product content

◦ Demos, free consultation, whitepapers, ebooks, videos, etc.

Write product-specific content to one person

◦ Sound human – speak the language

Help them solve their problems

◦ Avoid “we are the best” speak

Get to the point

Don’t make the user think

◦ Or guess…

Make transitions and conversions VERY easy

Add social share buttons to key areas◦ Bottom of home page with footer navigation

◦ Near call-to-action prompts on product & landing pages

Your Site already does this well – just mix it up

◦ Imagery (including infographics)

◦ Video

◦ Audio (podcasts)

◦ Online utility tools

(Change of Status, demos, etc.)

Customer testimonials are key to credibility

Place real, short, and power ones of your site

◦ Real names, titles, pictures, logos, etc. when you can

◦ Rather than random placement on your page, consider placing them on pages relevant to use

The more the better

◦ Make it part of your strategy to collect case studies & testimonials

Leverage other Channels

◦ Sites like Yelp are helpful in this venue

Make them bigger and bolder than page elements

Offer CTAs that provide value

◦ Demos

◦ eBooks, Whitepapers, etc.

◦ Webinars

◦ Free Consultation

Make it Look clickable (hover element

Less is More

◦ Keep it as simple as possible

1. Place CTAs above AND below the fold

2. Studies suggest that, often, CTAs to the

Right of the page work better

3. Use “Thank You” pages for additional CTAs

Recommended Template

1. Headline and (optional) Subhead

2. Brief description of the offer/CTA

3. At least one supporting image

4. (Optional) supporting elements such as testimonials

and/or security badges

5. Most importantly, form to capture leads / information

Limit to elements of previous slide + only what’s


NEVER use the Home Page

Remove main site navigation from landing page

◦ So visitors focus on message

◦ Only collect the information you need

Offer a newsletter subscription on your website.

Not all CTAs need to be big offers. Newsletters or mailing lists are the perfect way to collect email addresses so you can nurture prospects over time to become leads.

Just make sure it’s easy for people to find your subscription form.
