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Ola Friman, Magnus Borga, Peter Lundberg† and Hans Knutsson

Department of Biomedical EngineeringDepts. of Radiation Physics and Diagnostic Radiology†

Linkoping UniversitySweden



A correlation framework for detecting brain activity in func-tional MRI data is presented. In this framework, a novelmethod based on canonical correlation analysis follows asa natural extension of established analysis methods. Thenew method shows very good detection performance. Thisis demonstrated by localizing brain areas which control fin-ger movements and areas which are involved in numericalmental calculation.


The functional processes of the human brain are still poorlyunderstood although much effort has been focussed on re-vealing its secrets. A relatively new and promising toolfor this purpose is functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI). The purpose of fMRI is to map sensor, motor andcognitive functions to specific areas in the brain. For exam-ple, one might be interested in which brain areas that are ac-tivated by a simple motor task such as flexing the fingers, orin higher cognitive functions such as areas for language pro-cessing or mental mathematical calculations. The physicalbasis of the method is that oxygenated and deoxygenatedblood have different magnetic properties, a difference thatcan be measured in an MR-scanner. More specifically, thesignal intensity in a T2∗-weighted MR image of the braindepends slightly on the local oxygenation level of the blood.This is called the blood oxygenation level dependent signal,commonly referred to as the BOLD signal. When neuronsin the brain are active they consume oxygen. Blood witha higher level of oxygenation is supplied to the neurons tocompensate for the increased oxygen consumption. How-ever, the neurons can not utilize all supplied oxygen whichresults in an excess of oxygen in the venous vessels. SinceT2∗-weighted MR images partially reflect the blood oxy-genation it is possible to analyze such images to detect areasof brain activity indirectly by localizing areas of elevatedoxygen levels. To determine where elevations in oxygena-tion level occur during task performance baseline imagesacquired at a resting state are also required. For this reason

activity activity activity


Fig. 1. A typical reference timecourse used in fMRI.

a reference timecourse is specified, where rest and task per-formance are alternated, see Fig. 1. A volunteer performsa task, such as flexing a finger, inside the MR-scanner ac-cording to the reference timecourse and brain images areacquired simultaneously. The resulting data is a number ofimage slices of the brain where a timecourse of intensityvalues is obtained in each pixel, see Fig. 2. In active brainregions the intensity timecourses have a component that fol-lows the reference timecourse due to the BOLD effect. Theproblem is to detect such pixels in the MR images. It is es-sential to capture the state of the brain at a certain timepoint,and therefore a very fast imaging sequence called echo pla-nar imaging (EPI) is used. Unfortunately the EPI imagessuffer from low signal to noise ratio which makes the detec-tion of active brain areas difficult. In order to obtain usefulimages it is not possible to have a sampling period less than2 s. With a typical number of acquisitions 200, the effectivetime for an experiment becomes about 7 minutes.

In this paper a correlation analysis framework for thisparticular detection problem is described. As a starting pointwe use anordinary correlationmethod in order to detect ac-tive pixels. Then a method based onmultiple correlationisintroduced, and finally a newly developedcanonical corre-lation method [4] is presented.


2.1. Ordinary correlation analysis

We begin by describing an ordinary correlation analysis ap-proach. At present time this is the most widely used methodto detect active pixels in fMRI images. Assume thatN ac-quisitions of each image slice are taken at subsequent time-


. . .

. .


Fig. 2. Upper left:A number of image slices of a human brain.Upper right: An example of an EPI image.Lower: Repeatedacquisitions of an image slice over time. The intensity in an activated pixel follows the reference timecourse due to the BOLDeffect while a nonactivated pixel is not affected of the task performance.

points. First we define a model timecoursey(t) which isbelieved to represent the true BOLD response well, i.e. theoxygenation changes in the blood due to the task perfor-mance. One possible choice ofy(t) is simply the square-wave used as reference timecourse, Fig. 2. In each pixel atimecourse of intensity valuesx(t) is obtained and we calcu-late the sample correlationρ between our model timecoursey(t) andx(t), Fig. 3. For zero mean random variablesx andy, Pearson’s correlation coefficient is defined as

ρ =E [xy]√

E [x2]E [y2], (1)

and the sample correlation is calculated by

ρ =







. (2)






Fig. 3. An ordinary correlation analysis between an exper-imental pixel timecoursex(t) and a model timecoursey(t)for the BOLD response.

The result is an image or a map of sample correlationcoefficients, see Fig. 4. A large sample correlation coef-ficient indicates that the pixel timecoursex(t) is similar tothe modelled timecoursey(t), thus this pixel can be declaredactive.

To define a correlation threshold above which we con-sider a pixel as being active we turn to statistical theory.

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 10







N = 200

N = 20


Fig. 4. Left: A map of sample correlation coefficients resulting from an ordinary correlation analysis. Bright areas correspondto activity. Right: The distribution of a sample correlation coefficient between two uncorrelated random variables. Note thatthe distribution only depends on the number of observationsN. A threshold for the correlation map to the left is found bydetermining the correlation value for which the right tail area equals some predefined small probability.

Suppose that a pixel is not activated by the task, i.e. for thispixel x(t) andy(t) are uncorrelated. What is the probabilitythat these two timecourses still by pure chance give a samplecorrelation above a chosen threshold and the pixel therebyfalsely is declared as active? Of course we would like thisprobability to be small, e.g. 10−3. If the noise in the pixeltimecoursex(t) is considered to be white and Gaussian dis-tributed, Fig. 4 shows the probability density function forthe sample correlation coefficient for a nonactivated pixel.From this distribution function it is possible to determine acorrelation threshold for which the right tail area is equal toe.g. 10−3.

A simple way to find such a threshold is to transform thesample correlation coefficient to a t-value [1], which followsStudent’s t-distribution withN−2 degrees of freedom,


ρ√1− ρ2

∈ t(N−2). (3)

Tables of t-values are found in most elementary books instatistics and we can easily find a threshold which fulfils thedesired low probability for declaring a pixel as active whenin fact it is not.

2.2. Multiple correlation analysis

There are some deficiencies in the ordinary correlation anal-ysis method described above. One drawback is that wemodel the BOLD response by a single timecoursey(t). TheBOLD response has been shown to vary both between per-sons and between brain regions. For example, there is adelay in the BOLD response which varies between 3 to 8seconds. Clearly, a single timecourse cannot model suchvariations. Therefore we try to find a set of basis functions

y(t) = [y1(t),y2(t), . . . ,yn(t)]T (4)

wρ y





. . .MCA


Fig. 5. A multiple correlation analysis between an experi-mental fMRI timecourse and a set of basis functions.

which are able to represent the possible variations believedto occur. For each pixel a specific model timecourse can beconstructed by a linear combination of these basis functions

y(t) = wTy y(t) = wy1y1(t)+ . . .+wynyn(t). (5)

An example of a set of basis functions is pairs of sine andcosine functions. The frequencies are chosen to the funda-mental frequency of the specified reference timecourse anda few harmonics, i.e.

y(t) =



ω =


, t = 1. . .N, (6)

whereT is the period of the reference timecourse. In Fig. 6four such sine/cosine pairs are shown. An advantage of thisset of basis functions is that we can construct a signal with

Reference timecourse

k =


= 2

k =


= 4

Fig. 6. Sine/cosine pairs which are used as basis functionsinstead of the reference timecourse in the top panel.

arbitrary phase, i.e. it is able to model a BOLD responsewith any delay. For each pixel, the problem is to find thecoefficientswy1, . . . ,wyn in Eq. (5) so that the constructedtimecoursey(t) correlates the most with the experimentalpixel timecoursex(t). This is achieved by a multiple corre-lation analysis, Fig. 5.

Consider a zero mean random variablexand a zero meanrandom vectory = [y1, . . . ,yn]

T . The multiple correlationcoefficient is defined as

ρ =maxwy


y yx]

√E [x2]E


y y)2

] =


wTy cyx



y Cyywy


wherecyx is a vector containing the covariances between thepixel timecourse and the basis functions.Cyy is the covari-ance matrix between the basis functions. It is not difficultto solve this maximization problem [1]. However, we cansimplify further by observing that our basis functions in Eq.(6) are uncorrelated for a whole number of periods of thereference timecourse and that they all have the same vari-anceσ2

y = 12. Thus, for this case the covariance matrix is

diagonal,Cyy = 12I . Introducing this simplification and set-

ting the derivative of Eq. (7) with respect towy to zero givesthe following equation,

ρ wy =1

σxσycyx =


σxcyx. (8)

x xx xx








x 9



1 3






. . .

ρ wy

Fig. 7. A canonical correlation analysis between a set offMRI timecourses and a set of basis functions.

Hence, the unit vectorwy andρ are found as the directionand length respectively of the vector at the right hand sidein Eq. (8). The sample multiple correlation coefficientρ isthen given by the length of an estimate of this vector,

ρ wy =√





. (9)

As in the ordinary correlation case, for each image slice amap of sample multiple correlation coefficients is obtainedand we apply a transformation in order to find a thresholdin a simple manner,



1− ρ2 ∈ F(n,N−n−1) (10)

As above,N is the number of observations i.e. the length ofthe timecourses andn is the number of basis functions. Fora nonactivated voxel the statistic in Eq. (10) follows anF-distribution withn andN−n−1 degrees of freedom, underthe assumption of Gaussian white noise in the timecourses.

2.3. Canonical correlation analysis

The previous section described how the ordinary correlationanalysis method can be generalized into a multiple correla-tion method by increasing the dimensionality of the righthand side in Fig. 5. A question that naturally arises is howto generalize further by introducing multidimensional vari-ables on both sides. In 1936 H. Hotelling developed a gen-eral solution to this problem which is called canonical cor-relation analysis [5]. Figure 7 shows how it can be appliedin the context of functional MRI. Instead of analyzing sin-gle pixels separately at the left hand side, a region of pixelsis considered. Here we choose a 3×3 region. Analogous tothe multiple correlation approach we now wish to constructtwo timecourses as linear combinations of pixel timecoursesand basis functions respectively,

x(t) = wTx x(t) = wx1x1(t)+ . . .+wxmxm(t), (11)

y(t) = wTy y(t) = wy1y1(t)+ . . .+wynyn(t). (12)

Just as in the previous section,y(t) is a timecourse con-structed using the basis functions. The timecoursex(t) canbe viewed as the output from a linear filter applied to the3×3 region chosen in the image. The canonical correlationanalysis finds the linear combination coefficientswx1, . . . ,wxm

and wy1, . . . ,wyn so thatx(t) and y(t) correlates the most.Thus the canonical correlation analysis will for each regionadaptively find a filter which reduces the noise and extractsa signal in the region to obtain good correlation.

To find the sample canonical correlation, first considertwo zero mean random vectorsx = [x1, . . . ,xm]T and y =[y1, . . . ,yn]

T . The canonical correlation is defined by

ρ = maxwx,wy


x xyTwy]



x x)2]


wTy y

)2] =


wTx Cxywy√

wTx Cxxwx wT

y Cyywy


whereCxx, Cyy andCxy are the within and between sets co-variance matrices. It can be shown [1, 2], that the solutioncan be obtained from the following eigenvalue problems{

C−1xx CxyC−1

yy Cyxwx = ρ2wx

C−1yy CyxC−1

xx Cxywy = ρ2wy(14)

The eigenvalues ofC−1xx CxyC−1

yy Cyx andC−1yy CyxC−1

xx Cxy co-incide and are called (squared) canonical correlations. Thesquare root of the largest eigenvalueρ1, referred to as thelargest canonical correlation, is the solution to the maxi-mization problem in Eq. (13). In practice, the sample canon-ical correlations are found by substitutingCxx, Cxy andCyx

with the estimates

Sxx =1N



x(t)xT(t) (15)

Sxy =1N



x(t)yT(t) (16)

Syx = STxy (17)

and due to our choice of basis functions,Cyy = σ2yI = 1

2I .The sample canonical correlation coefficient is assigned tothe center pixel and the 3×3 region is slided over the imageto produce a map of sample canonical correlations.

The distribution of the sample canonical correlations fortwo independent sets of data is given in [3], but this dis-tribution is very complex. An approximation based on asum of incomplete beta functions [6], offers a possible wayto find a sample canonical correlation threshold. However,the adaptive filtering procedure enlarges the detected activeareas and more sophisticated methods for finding a properthreshold are required. Such methods are currently underinvestigation.


We use two different fMRI experiments to demonstrate theperformance of the three correlation methods. In the firstexperiment the task was simply to flex the index finger ofthe right hand. A volunteer flexed his finger inside the MR-scanner while image slices of the brain were acquired. Thereference timecourse was: 20 s rest, 20 s flexing, 20 s rest,etc. Totally 200 acquisitions of each slice were obtained.In the second experiment we attempted to locate areas acti-vated in mental calculation. The task was to sum two digitnumbers which were projected onto a screen in the scannerroom. In this experiment 180 acquisitions of each slice wereobtained.

In the ordinary correlation method a delayed (4 s) ref-erence timecourse was used as a model timecoursey(t) inorder to account for the delay in the BOLD response. In themultiple and canonical correlation methods the sine/cosinefunctions in Fig. 6 were used to model the response. Fig-ure 8 shows two adjacent image slices from each experi-ment where the detected activation is overlayed on anatom-ical background images. Reversed right/left orientation isa well established convention in Radiology, and thereforealso adopted here. In order to detect activation, thresholdsfor the ordinary and multiple correlation maps were selectedat a significance level of 10−3. For the maps of canoni-cal correlations, thresholds which approximately detect thesame area of activation were selected. The legends in Fig.8 show the ranges of correlation coefficients which indicateactive pixels in each method. The lower bound of this rangeis given by the threshold and the upper bound of the mostactivated pixel.

In the finger flexing experiment, strong activation is de-tected in the left hemisphere in areas known to control mo-tor tasks. The mental calculation experiment results in anumber of activated areas, which is expected due to thehigher complexity of the task. The next step in the analysisis to identify these areas.

In these experiments, the multiple correlation methoddoes not perform significantly better than the ordinary cor-relation method. However, note that the multiple correlationfor the most activated pixel has increased compared to theordinary correlation. This indicates that the square-wavereference timecourse is not optimal for detecting activation.Another advantage of the multiple correlation method is thatno delay in the BOLD response needs to be specified. Acharacteristic for both these methods is the large numberof spurious activated pixels, which is clearly seen in Fig.8. In contrast, the canonical correlation method detects ho-mogeneous areas of activity and few spurious activations.The lower panels of Fig. 8 show timecourses for an acti-vated pixel using the ordinary correlation method and thecanonical correlation method respectively. For the ordinarycorrelation analysis, the blue timecourse shows the experi-mental intensity values and the red is the square-wave modelof the BOLD response. The correlation coefficient between

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180








Correlation method:


tal c




0.2 0.36 0.36 0.56 0.58 0.74

0.23 0.48 0.37 0.7 0.61 0.81


er f



= 0.38

ρ = 0.80






Fig. 8. The result of the three correlation methods applied to the finger flexing and mental calculation experiments. See thetext for details.

these timecourses is 0.38. The lower timecourses were ob-tained using the canonical correlation method. The bluetimecourse shows the signal that is extracted from the 3×3region, i.e. a linear combination of the 9 timecourses consti-tuting the region. The red timecourse shows the combina-tion of the sine/cosine functions which is found to model theBOLD response most adequately in this region. The cor-relation coefficient between these two timecourses is 0.8,a significant increase compared to 0.38 from the ordinarycorrelation method. The price we have to pay for the in-creased sensitivity and robustness of the canonical correla-tion method is spatial resolution due to the filtering of thedata.

It should be stressed that the ordinary correlation methodand the multiple correlation method are established meth-ods for fMRI analysis, though they are generally presentedas a t-test and an F-test. The canonical correlation methodis novel and a natural extension of the established meth-ods when they are presented in a correlation analysis frame-work.


The authors thank Jonny Cedefamn for assistance. The fi-nancial support from the Swedish Natural Science ResearchCouncil is gratefully acknowledged.


[1] T. W. Anderson. An Introduction to Multivariate Sta-tistical Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, second edition,1984.

[2] M. Borga. Learning Multidimensional SignalProcessing. PhD thesis, Linkoping Univer-sity, Sweden, SE-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden,1998. Dissertation No 531, ISBN 91-7219-202-X, http://people.imt.liu.se/∼magnus/.

[3] A.G. Constantine. Some non-central distribution prob-lems in multivariate analysis.Ann. Math. Stat., pages1270–1285, 1963.

[4] O Friman, J Carlsson, P Lundberg, M. Borga, andH. Knutsson. Detection of neural activity in functionalMRI using canonical correlation analysis.Magn. Re-son. Med., 45(2):323–330, February 2001.

[5] H. Hotelling. Relations between two sets of variates.Biometrika, 28:321–377, 1936.

[6] S. Pillai. On the distribution of the largest characteristicroot of a matrix in multivariate analysis.Biometrika,(52):405–414, 1965.