A Day In There Shoes

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Walk a day in these shoes

To carry this reality is so emotionally hard…..

In deciding who gets to come home….

And who we have to leave behind….

We are looked down on…The dogs we try so tirelessly to save….

Man, Media & Myth has made it so hard for them……to just be a dog.

because of two words…

Pit Bull

But has anyone ever stopped to think…

There is a never ending supply of needy, abused, fought & neglected pit bulls that

need our help .

Out of that never ending amount we can only save a handful

The rest…We are forced to leave behind because we

have no homes.

It isn’t difficult to become cold, hard or distant in rescue…..

To continue we learn to humbly see past the pain.

But REFUSE to ignore what these dogs have been put through

We give all that we can possibly give to make a small difference…

The decisions we sometimes have to make are NEVER easy

We have at times literally been brought to our knees..

We have begged & pleaded for a life to be spared….

And begged for a reprieve from the pain and guilt that we endure when we must be the

ones to choose a quiet end to a life rather than a life of suffering.

But nothing ever makes it easier

The pain returns

And the reality sets in again...


it shouldn’t be this way…

There are no “rare” Pit Bull Terriers

Einstein once said, “Madness” is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

From those of us whosehearts belong to the

American Pit Bull Terrier

Please , break the cycle.

Spay or Neuter your dog

Because we posses “HEART” like the Pit Bull terrier we remain strong & determined to

make a difference.

Like the dogs we love…we remain unwavering and will not falter from trying to change

what Man, Myth & Media has brought upon this breed.

It starts with ending the cycle of Back Yard Breeding

We Spay We Neuter We Care.

This is our pledge.

Can we count on yours?

American Staffordshire Terrier Rescue Organization