A Deep Dive into the Liberty Buildpack on IBM BlueMix

Post on 11-May-2015

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This talk goes into the details and mechanics of how the Liberty buildpack deploys an application into the IBM BlueMix Cloud Foundry. It also explores how the Cloud Foundry runtime drives the Liberty buildpack code and what the Liberty buildpack code in Cloud Foundry does to run an application in the cloud environment. This talk touches on the restrictions that Cloud Foundry and the Liberty runtime imposes on applications running in Cloud Foundry. Developers attending this talk get deep insight into the why, what, how, and when of the Liberty buildpack ruby code, enabling them to write applications faster and optimized for the Liberty runtime in IBM BlueMix.


© 2014 IBM Corporation

1713 Deep Dive into the Liberty

Buildpack on IBM BlueMixRohit Kelapure

IBM Senior Software Engineer

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Cloud Foundry (20,000 ft view)

BlueMix & Cloud Foundry Concepts

Applications: Artifact that the end developer is building

Services: Code that BlueMix hosts that offers functionality for apps

ranging from utility functions to very complex business logic

Buildpack: A collection of code that is responsible for transforming

pushed application artifacts into a ready to run droplet, in a process

referred to as ‘staging’.

Admin Buildpack: A mechanism to allow a buildpack to be packaged,

along with its associated binaries, to allow a cloud foundry

administrator to install it via the cf command line tool.

Droplet: A package containing everything that is needed in order to

successfully run your application, e.g. JVM, Liberty core libraries, the

application itself, short of the operating system.

Warden: The mechanism used to achieve application isolation in the

cloud foundry environment.


WebSphere Liberty Profile Buildpack provides Java EE

Web Profile runtime environment for cloud

Buildpack for running applications on IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile.

Open Source and Internal repositories differ only in the service plugins

Lightweight composable Liberty runtime to rapidly build and deploy next generation dynamic java web applications and services.

Cloud Foundry Buildpack architecture, allows WebSphere Liberty applications to easily run in the Cloud.

Auto-service wiring and auto configuration generation for easy service integration with no changes to application code for IBM created services in Bluemix

Industry leading small footprint, high performing IBM JDK

Enhanced serviceability, debugging, monitoring, auto-scaling and troubleshooting of web applications in the cloud

Ability to push server packages as well as web applications enabling a smooth transition from bare metal to the cloud

Leverage the Liberty composability to dynamically provision the liberty runtime based on the pushed application

Supports JavaEE6 out of the box for pushed war and ear applications

Allows for customization of the Liberty and JRE runtime in the cloud


Components of a Buildpack

• How an application is runContainers :

• Additional Application transformationsFrameworks:

• Select a java runtimeJREs:

• Server transformations for services

Service Plugins:


Where is the Buildpack ?

Liberty buildpack is open source on github

Open for Pull Requests and Enhancements



Developer workflow documented


Architecture – Cloud Foundry Build Pack

Each container, framework, and JRE provider is declared in

Build back iterates over each component in three phases

• Construct and initialize each component with the build pack context

• Drive detect against JREs, frameworks, and then containers

– Construct list of components that provided responses from detect

– Verify that only one JRE responded

– Verify that only one container responded

• Drive compile against JRE, frameworks, and container

– Provision the necessary binaries

– Put assets in appropriate locations

– Generate appropriate configuration

• Drive release against the JRE, frameworks, and container

– The container generates the start command for the droplet

Buildpack API

• Only one JRE can respond

• Only one container can respond

• Multiple frameworks can respond

• Provision necessary binaries - Obtain and install Liberty

runtime, JRE, additional features and client libraries

• Put assets in appropriate location and generate appropriate


• Multiple tiers of caches in place that host the application &

runtime binaries (Application, Admin, Buildpack, Repository)

• Container generates the app start command for the droplet


Liberty Buildpack components


Droplet – Fundamental unit of execution & scaling

• Staging results in creation of the Droplet

• The droplet contains:

• Pushed application artefacts

• Liberty binaries + (optional) additional installed features

• Fully configured Liberty server including runtime environment variables from CF

• IBM ‘headless’ JRE binary

• (optional) Libraries needed for service interaction

• (optional) Service client features needed for service interaction

• Scripts


Liberty Buildpack caching

Staging employs a network of hierarchical caches

Application bits resource cache - located in the Cloud Controller

blob store

Application Staging Cache - located on the Cloud Controller

blob store & DEA

Admin Cache - located on the DEA -Contains Liberty and IBM

JRE binaries, populated by the admin buildpack

Buildpack Cache - located on the DEA - Contains openJDK,

Spring auto configuration binaries populated by BOSH

Repository - Configured HTTP File repository for binaries –

location specified in ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack / config


How applications are staged



Packaging Buildpacks

IBM and Pivotal have introduced the concept of an admin


CF provider can install a 3rd party build pack and select its

precedence or position in the list of buildpacks that can


The CF provider can select the default processing build pack for

any of the runtime environments of their choosing.

The administrator can manipulate the position of various

versions of the build pack for maintenance purposes.

The build pack processing order is predictable, understandable

and visible to the CF consumer


Contents of a buldpack


Deploying Liberty applications to BlueMix

Server centric paradigm

• Focus on runtime infrastructure available in the cloud

• server.xml provided along with the application

• User understands how to configure Liberty for their application

• User wants that configuration reflected in the cloud deployment

Cloud centric paradigm

• Focus on the application, not on the runtime infrastructure

• server.xml is generated by the buildpack

• User does not have to configure the Liberty server instance

• User expects the environment to just do the right thing in order for their

application to run

Supported Application Types

cf push - Push a single app (with or without a manifest):

Standalone jar files (*.jar)

Web Applications (*.war)

Enterprise Applications (*.ear)

Liberty profile server package (*.zip)

Liberty profile server directory (dir.)



Server configuration when pushing war/ear apps


Responsibility of the Liberty Buildpack

The buildpack will convert VCAP_SERVICES and VCAP_APPLICATION environment variables provided by CF into configuration variables for the Liberty server.

The variables end up in runtime-vars.xml, and are therefore referenceable from a pushed server.xml

• For example ${vcap_app_port}: The port where the app server is listening (usually the same as ${port})

The buildpack will auto generate configuration for the bound services

The buildpack will auto wire multiple resources references to the appropriate cloud service resource

The buildpack will be responsible for starting and stopping the Liberty server and controlling the process environment

Generate the Liberty server configuration when war/ear files are pushed

Pull in additional Liberty runtime packages when the pushed applications need them


Service Integration with the Liberty buildpack

Bluemix IBM Created services• Configuration service


• Monitoring service

• Auto Scaling service

• Security Service

• Data Cache

• Session Cache

• Log Analytics

• Elastic MQ

• Cloudant

Bluemix IBM Community Services• MySQL

• PostgreSQL

• MongDB

• Twillio


Information about bound services is

available in the VCAP_SERVICES env var.

Some services are container managed only

(SessionCache) Require xml.

Some services can be either container

managed or application managed. (RDB)

Some services contain multiple features which can be separately enabled. (LogAnalysis)

Some services have local analogs (RDB, mongo) and some do not (LogAnalysis)

Services may require client driver jars, extension features (wxs esa), Liberty features, bootstrapping.properties.

Service Plugins

Service plugins can be written to handle automatic configuration of a bound service during application staging. This is also known as auto-configuration.

• One Service Plug-in for each service type (mongo, DataCache, SQLDB, etc.,)

Each service Plug-in implements the plugin API. A service plug-in requires :• Service.yml -Configuration for the service

• Service.rb - Impl. class for the service

ServiceManager.rb in the liberty buildpack orchestrates the creation of service plugin instances

• Parse VCAP_SERVICES to determine bound services

• Map each bound services to a plug-in instance type.

• Create instances and drive life-cycle

The same set of service plug-ins can be used to support service binding either at application deployment time, or at post deployment time (late binding).

• This is due to re-stage being required for any service binding update

A default service plugin generates the runtime variables that are included in the server.xml for every bound service


Auto configuration of Liberty server

When an application is staged, the buildpack service plugin examines the

bound service information (VCAP_SERVICES) & generates the

corresponding server.xml snippets for the bound services
















securityEnabled=“${cloud…}" />


Before After

Auto Configuration & Auto-Wiring of services

Option to opt-out of auto-configuration when the generated configuration is not correct or if the service plugin cannot discern intent correctly

Additional Liberty features are provisioned from the Liberty runtime-extended package if needed by the service

In depth treatment of services and how to write a service provider covered in session

In addition to auto-configuration Liberty exposes auto-wiring of data sources at



Constraints on applications running on Liberty in BlueMix

Special BlueMix packaging of WebSphere Liberty profile server for the cloud

• A subset of liberty features will “not” work in the cloud

Special packaging of the IBM JRE for BlueMix

• Removal of APIs not applicable in a cloud server environment

Applications should not write files to the local file system

• Local file system storage is ephemeral

• Instances of the same application do not share a local file system

HTTP and HTTPS Port Limitations

• Only one inbound HTTP port into the Warden container

All Persistent state needs to be stored in services

• HTTP Sessions Not Persisted or Replicated

SSL is terminated at the load balancer

• will NOT work in


Two phase commit transactions will not work


WebSphere Application Migration Toolkit Rules for assist

migration of Liberty apps to the cloud

Avoid writing to the local file system

Transport security is terminated at the


Client certificate authentication is not


Headless JRE vs JDK on BlueMix

Advise on porting persistence data to


• HTTPSessions, WXS, JMS, legacy

data, MongoDB, DB2 etc.,

Advise on Transaction Recovery and

flagging for 2 phase commits


Zero application downtime for java apps in BlueMix


URL: https://myapp.bluemix.net/

AppVersion N

URL: https://myapp.bluemix.net/

AppVersion N+1

URL: https://myapp.bluemix.net/

AppVersion N App

Version N

URL: https://myapp.bluemix.net/

AppVersion N App

Version N

1. App Version N is running. 2. Deploy Version N+1 using another name, but bind to the same URL.

AppVersion N

3. Decrease instance number of Version N, while increasing the instance number of Version N+1. Can be done “gracefully” without stopping existing request processing in old instances.

4. Stop Version N; May delete it later and optionally rename Version N+1 to the old app name.

Administering Buildpacks


Support Statement for Java apps deployed to BlueMIX

We will keep two Liberty buildpacks in bluemix

• Latest and one back

Buildpacks can be explicitly targeted with the –b option

Default Liberty Buildpack will always be the latest valid service


Cumulative service will only be provided on the latest Buildpack


We will retire any level of the buildpack as we see fit

Provide scripts & documentation to perform the “blue-green”

application update at eGA

IBM reserves the right to restart and in very rare situations

restage applications due to operational processes or maintenance



Buildpack Performance

Memory 512m

CF v 166

Ubuntu 64 bit




Individual VM


• 7 GB RAM

• 4 Virtual


• 60 GB disk


PushTime Comparison -Tomcat and Liberty















Tradelite Application Total Push Time


Acme Air Application Total Push Time

(seconds T







M10 Liberty Tomcat

Average Memory Comparison - Tomcat and Liberty













Tradelite Average Memory WithoutCache


Acme AirAverage Memory WithoutCache






M10 Liberty Tomcat

Debugging and Troubleshooting apps pushed with Liberty


cf push with the latest production client explicitly specifying location with the –p

If you see timeouts during push increase environment variable values• 5 Max wait time for buildpack staging, in minutes

• Max wait time for app instance startup, in inutes

Check to see if you are inadvertently pushing with a manifest file

Liberty logs can be viewed and downloaded •

Logs and Files can also be looked at from ACE• Liberty logs: messages.log, stderr.log, stdout.log, FFDCs

• env.log: environment variables of the application process

• staging_task.log: staging logs from the app staging process

Set CF_TRACE=true and then use application guid to drive cf curl commands

Bind to the Configuration service to dynamically enable trace

Set trace specification in server.xml and push the server package again

Buildpack logging enabled if you push after setting the JBP_LOG_LEVEL environment variable in manifest.yml or using the cf set-env command – logs available in the diagnostics directory

Explicitly set the liberty buildpack start command with –command

Inspect the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and connect directly to the service from the service console


WebSphere Liberty Runtime Surpasses Tomcat in the


Liberty reduces deployment time by deploying server packages• Server packages eliminate need for manual configuration after

application has started

Liberty buildpack automatically binds applications to database, elastic cache, session persistence, and configuration services

• Developers don’t write binding code

• Easier to move applications to the cloud, reducing time to value

Users can choose what Liberty runtime features to include with their applications

• Reducing storage footprint and deployment time

Liberty runtime (buildpack + binaries) supports JEE Web Profile out of the box

• Tomcat requires user to provide additional libraries

Liberty runtime provides better serviceability• Users can dynamically enable tracing of Liberty apps

• Logs contain more information and are collected into a single directory for easier access

Liberty buildpack supports pushing of ear and jar files allowing existing applications to be ported to the cloud


Liberty Buildpack Value Statement

Designed for extensibility instead of forking

Supports push of server packages and ear files

Integrated with BlueMix service eco-system

Service Provider and Framework model allows for new services to be plugged in easily

Ability to right size the server and the droplet based on the features required by the application in the cloud

Increased serviceability through the BlueMix Runtime via ACE and services like the configuration, monitoring & loganalysis

Performs better than the open source java buildpack

Application can leverage JavaEE6 features which are tested and certified rather than include libraries in the app

Service configuration generation and Java EE resource auto-wiring




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