A fulfilling and successful married life is more of preparing for it than a chance in choosing the...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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A fulfilling and successful married life is more of preparing for it than a chance in choosing the partner. Marriage being a lifelong contract, its success has the biggest impact on the success and happiness of your personal life.




VISION Men have tunnel vision Women have lateral


Sound Men hear far off


Women are attentive to nearby sounds

Know the emotional needs of men and women are different.

A man’s sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results

a woman’s sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her relationships.

Many a times a woman just wants to share her feelings about her day

her husband thinking that he is helping interrupts her by offering a steady flow of solutions to her problems which she doesn’t want.

women give advice and directions to men thinking that they are helping

men take it as an insult to their capability and feel controlled.

Women engage in indirect speech

Women use words like “every time”, and “always” and other exaggerations but don’t mean them

men (who do direct speech) find it difficult to understand.

men should not take it literally.

Men are more focused and do one thing at a time

women are multi task oriented and as such tend to blame men for not listening.

To get a man to listen to you, make a time, give him an agenda, announce a time limit and tell that you don’t need solutions.

Men listen like statues without much variation in expressions. ( they wear this mask to show they are in control);don’t blame them for this

Ask “will you” or “would you” questions to men to get yes or no answers and actions rather than can or could questions.

When faced with problems men withdraw the husband should do

exactly the opposite i.e. when the woman is tensed or worried talk to her without offering solutions.

women prefer to talk it out

a woman should not try to help her husband who is tense by asking questions

If a woman is talking to you a lot, it is a sign that she likes you but if she doesn’t talk remember you are in trouble!

If a woman is unhappy in her relationship she can’t concentrate on her work

If a man is unhappy at work he can’t focus on his relationship.

Women give unconditional love and don’t keep a score board and assume that men will do the same and so insist on unconditional love.

men would like to keep a scoreboard and wants to equalize points.

Men assign more points to big things and less point to small things

women give equal points even for small acts of love. ( IN A RELATIONSHIP SMALL THINGS ARE BIG THINGS).

Men feel self sufficient and will not help unless asked for

women instinctively do not ask for support but expects men to do it.

Men give penalty points when they feel unloved or unsupported or unappreciated.

Women should know that men give penalty points so give him the t love and appreciation he deserves.

A woman leaves a man not because she is unhappy with what he can provide, but because she is emotionally unfulfilled

LOVE For some people love means

Quality Time Gifts Help Appreciation

God’s Purpose of family

To have companionship To procreate

To have a happy married life Let love be your goal and so let love be your

decision than a feeling Have a deep trust in God Good communication Periodical sexual relationships Be freed from the past painful memories,

attachments in relationships Be freed from CE4 (parents) Submission