A Global Perspective on Social and Search

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Instructed by Aaron Kahlow.


A Global Perspective on Social & Search - Human Behavior

Aaron KahlowCEO, Online Marketing Institute

#OMInstitute; @AaronKahlowFacebook & LinkedIn “Aaron Kahlow”

What I will CoverTrends: Global Research on Social and Search

Money: Where the action is

Behavior: what are users/customers doing

Take Action: What to do and How to Prioritize


Your Peers Internationally

A Good Place to Start

Basics: You Must Consider first

• Digital Trends and Research

• Local Nuances

• Device & Infrastructure

• Culture and Gov’t (laws)

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

It’s Shifting

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

Experiment Stage

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

Get Beyond Experimenting


Lack of Understanding

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

Example: Lack of Understanding


Twitter does not drive traffic unless tweeting on content

Facebook Useless for SEO but OK for Traffic

Youtube traffic to site is not normal, more about Youtube Channel

Delicious does not do much beyond SEO

Stumble/ Tumbler Upon Great for Traffic

APAC Findings

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Behavior for All Same

• Search as a starting point

• Social as a verifying point and recommender

• Digital as Main Research tool

*Must take note of how that changes locally.

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

Social Groups Double Everywhere

* Why do so many still spend so little in comparison(Tradeshows)?

APAC SEARCHNot Just Google, Yahoo!, Baidu…

APAC Social: Age Irrelevant

• 18-24 year old demographic is now a main activity in the digital lives of users across all age groups.

• In Singapore and Hong Kong for instance, more than half of social networkers are age 35 and older

• It’s about message and Network: LinkedIn v. Twitter

World Wide: Searching NOT Surfing

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Aligning Motivations to Outlet

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Your Customers want to give Feedback NOT be your Friends

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Useful Content, Apps & Insight

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Facebook over LI; No on Twitter

Building Trust the hardest part

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Search + Recommend


Found in Search

Trusted Recommendation

Chance at Big Market share gains

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Friends, Family & Reviews

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Reviews: Locally Managing Expectations

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Go Deep on Local

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Get it Right Localization

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Tips Locally

© 2009 Online Marketing Connect© 2009 Online Marketing Connect Institute

Big Part of Life time Value

User Boom

Global Audience

Internet Penetration Makes Market

But, Local Infrastructure & Laws are the Hurdle

Leap Frogging Thru Mobile

Get on Right Channels by Market

Role different in Each: Brazil Bigger on Social & Asia Bigger on Mobile

Ad Spend

India FB Pop bigger than All Australia; But is Revenue Opportunity ?

Where’s Growth (S. Am) & Plateau (EU)

Global Social Must Have’s to Compete

Local Strategy FB Example: Starbucks sends folks to local pages v. one page

Search as Global as Local Buying

Local Content & Corporate Strategy

Do Research Using Search Google Footprint

Use KWPs Research to help in social and overall market decisions..

Key Takeaways


Research Means Nothing if Don’t Understand Human Behavior

Start: Change by BehaviorMarketing

Human Behavior

• What is Preferred/Most Used communication?

• Where do most First Meeting and Impressions Happen?

• How do you conduct business primarily?

• Where do you go when looking for product to buy first?

Time Spent in Week

The Buy Cycle: Think Touch Points

Source: Forrester

Advice from colleague or friend

Web, Blog,& Media

Web, Blog,Media, & industry pros

Web, social, & email


Changed the World, not just Business..

• Human Behavior Shift

• Communication Expectations Change

• Research & Buying Preferences

• Company Prioritization of Resources to Match Customer Pre & Post Sale Needs

Who is the Social Customer

• Active & Passive

• Loyal vs. Advocate

• Consumer or Contributor

Who’s The Social CustomerWhat do they Say?• I want to have a say

• I want to know when something is wrong

• I want to help shape things I find useful

• Don’t want to talk to salesperson

• Want to buy things on my schedule

• I want to tell you when you are screwing up

• I want to do business with Transparent Companies

* Chris Carfi Blog

Maslow Who?

How does it apply to my Business?

Why does it Matter?

• The conversation is happening; either you are a part of it or not (raising children)

• 30% who read blog/post more likely to purchase

• 80% who contribute more likely to purchase**

**CoreMetrics, Web 2.0 Study

Ask Yourself

• Who is my audience?

• What do they want?

• Do we want to be part of the conversation?

• What is the objective of the Blog?

Thank You


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For Future Reference

• Twitter: #OMInstitute @AaronKahlow• Facebook/LinkedIn: Aaron Kahlow• Aaron@OnlineMarketingInstitute.org

More Education Online at:



• Asia Pacific Social Media Trends: Global Perspectives and Local Realities, NM Incite, State of the Internet

• Asia Pacific, ComScore,

• Wharton Interactive Media Initiative

• Credit Suisse

• IAB & TrendStream