A Learning Curve: Lessons Learned Driving Along the PDA Path

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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COMO2013: PowerPoint presentation to accompany the video found here: https://valdosta.sharestream.net/ssdcms/i.do?u=ba21530b62dc4fc


A Learning Curve: Lessons Learned Driving Along the PDA

Path Panelists:Lynn Futch Ogeechee Technical CollegeGuy Leach Georgia Tech Library & Information CenterChris Palazzolo Emory UniversityOlga Russov Kennesaw State UniversityAmy Bursi Georgia Perimeter CollegeSofia Slutskaya Georgia Perimeter College

What is PDA?

PDAPatron Driven acquisition

Do you have books that are never checked out? PDA helps with this problem.

• Definition: Library user find and identify documents/books prior to the library’s purchase of them; the library pays only for what its patrons actually use.

• E-books purchased by the patron at time of use

• Immediate access to content

• Books found through library catalog

• Paid through an institutional account

• User is not aware if the book is owned or not

Possible Approaches

• Single preferred vendor/platform • Options: • EBSCO• EBRARY• JSTOR• Project Muse

• Multiple platforms through YBP• E-books from multiple platforms are available with the ability to select a

preferred platform• Duplicate checking is possible against e-book and print collection• Same acquisitions workflow as for print books

Vendor Selection Considerations

• Vendors vary significantly in terms of use, content/titles inventory, format, etc.

• Multiple vendors vs. single vendor

Vendor Selection (cont)

• Vendor’s reputation and existing relationships with vendors

• Terms of use/license agreement with publishers

• Platform/interface/tools provided by vendors (how easy to select a book, program management, payments, vendor’s response and turnaround time)

Vendor Selection (cont)

• Purchasing models and acquisition options (ownership vs. subscription, one time fee, annual access fee, annual subscription cost, purchase, STL, lease, SUPO vs. MUPO, threshold for triggering an acquisition)

• Vendor’s response and turnaround time

Budget Considerations

• Shrinking budgets

• Increasing prices

• Shifting from “just-in-case” acquisitions model to “just-in-time”

• Control spending by limiting number of books offered for PDA

Working with various e-book platforms through YBP

• eBrary



Emory: PDA/DDA Workflow/Process Issues

• Are discovery records uploaded automatically? How often? How does notification of new loads work?

• Any additional technical specifications added to records?

• Are the records held in the catalog itself or are they piped into a discovery service, e.g., Primo or Summon?

• Are liaisons able to choose records to add to DDA pool?

• Changes to records once title is triggered for purchase?

• Are records ever removed? How are they identified?

• How is invoicing handled?


May 2010 Create YBP Slip Plan (move from Blackwell)

Jan. 2012 Sent ISBNs to YBP & Create Retrospective (Not Used)April 2012 Received first Discovery

RecordsAugust 2013 Manual DDA made available to Subject Librarians

October 2013 Tiered DDA with ebrary, EBL and EBSCOhost

Chose ebrary via YBP--Easy set up based on Slip Profile

$25,000 Deposit account--$200 price cap for eBooks

GA Tech: PDA/DDA Workflow

• Collection Development reviews each weekly batch of titles• Compare against ebook subscriptions where the holdings are not in YBP• Identify standing orders, non-monographic series, publishers/imprints, etc. to remove from DDA

• Collection Management adds and maintains catalog records• Add 970 field “ebrary DDA - discovery - loaded 2012” (now 2013)--date added for easy

retrieval, review and potential removal of records • Replace discovery records with purchased records—change 970 field to “ebrary DDA-

purchased”• Communicate internally and with subject librarians when DDA titles are purchased via

firm order

• Collection Development monitors usage and maintains statistics• Review plan and make adjustments• Review coverage and usage by subject areas/fund codes for impact on future funding• Examine coverage and usage by Publishers to determine best source for acquisition

GA Tech: PDA/DDA Assessment

Review and Analyze Loans & Purchases

Review Titles Used and NOT Triggered for

loan or purchase

Review Turnaways (default is single user—upgrade if possible

if usage is high)

Review Usage of Books Purchased

• 11,265 Discovery Titles--average of 662 Titles a month

• 910 Total loans--$11,896.51 in loans, $13.07 average loan cost• 582=1 loan, 215=2 Loans, 113= 3 loans

• Value of books loaned=$59,170.39

• 95 Title Purchased--$8,720.52• 65 with Short Term Loan--$6,543.12

• 30 Purchased upon first use (no STL)--$2,177.40

• 859 Titles used but not triggered for loan or purchase

• Total Spent $20,616.17 in a 17 month period

GPC PDA WorkflowPDA/DDA considerati

on pool

• Consideration pool created and activated in EBSCO Collection manager• Deposit account ($5000 increments)


• MARC records for consideration pool titles are not added • Discovery through EDS



• Weekly notifications of purchased titles from EBSCO• MARC records are added only for purchased titles


• Trigger report • Usage after purchase• Consideration pool evaluation

GPC Results

12/10/12 – 02/07/13 (9 weeks)

Selected for consideration 4000

Total spent: $4823.96

Titles purchased 49

Cost per title: $100

Selections parameters:

• Unlimited simultaneous use

• Price per titles - $200 or below

05/30/13 – 08/07/13 (10 week)

Selected for consideration 4000

Total spent: $4925.69

Titles purchased 88

Cost per title: $56

Selections parameters:

• One user

• Price per titles - $100 or below

Technical Colleges are using EBSCO’s PDA program


• Cost per title


• Circulation statistics

• Counter usage reports and turnaways

• Fit

• User behavior and satisfaction

• Others?

GPC Assessment: Trigger Reasons


Download; 11.7%

Page Turns; 67.2%

Printing; 6.6%

Time in Book; 14.6%

GPC Assessment: Use after Purchase (Jan.– Jul. 2013)

10 and more

5 -9 times

3 - 4 times

2 times

1 time


0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00%








• Lynn Futch lfutch@ogeecheetech.edu (Ogeechee Technical College)

• Guy Leach guy.leach@library.gatech.edu (Georgia Tech Library)

• Chris Palazzolo Cpalazz@emory.edu  (Emory University)

• Olga Russov orussov@kennesaw.edu (Kennesaw State University)

• Amy Bursi amy.bursi@gmail.com (Georgia Perimeter College)

• Sofia Slutskaya sofia.slutskaya@gpc.edu (Georgia Perimeter College)