A little girl with great future

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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A little girl with great future

Анита и Камилла Шейх 6 «A» класс ГБОУ СОШ САО №1250

Rhythmic gymnastics is an activity, which is very popular in Russia. It is only for girls. In

this sport compete one sportsman or teams. They

appear with five apparatus: ball, ribbon, clubs, skipping-rope, hoop or free (without

apparatus). Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that

combines elements of ballet, gymnastic and dance. Russian national team is very strong.

Russian girls take part in international competitions and always win. The most popular Russian gymnasts are: Alina

Kabaeva, Irina Chazhina, Evgeniya Kanaeva, Dariya

Dmitrieva and others.

There is a future Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in our class. Her name is Ekaterina Malinovskaya. She is 12 years old. Looking at this fragile little girl you can hardly say

that she is a very hard worker.She has been doing gymnastics since she was five. At first Kate

attended dancing classes. One day she was watching TV and saw

rhythmic gymnastics competition. Kate was really excited. She wanted to be like them. Next day her mother

found a sport school and they invited Kate to the casting. She had been anxiously waiting for this day.

And then it came. She was absolutely happy when she was admitted. At the beginning they

stretched and learned to perform gymnastic elements. Her first

competition was on the 4th of April 2009 at Sport School number 74.

Today Kate attends training classes six days a week. Every

class lasts from two to four hours. She trains with Russian

national team. Kate admires the girls, their skills and talent. She works very hard and has already

achieved serious results.Kate took part in different

competitions, twice at Sport School number 74 where she was

the third. Also she went to Zvenigorod and took part in a

competition “ Zvenigorod star ”. She was the third and then the sixth. There was also a sport

event at Dynamo Sport Palace. Kate took a bronze medal. No

matter where she performs she is always in top ten! There are a lot of cups, medals and prizes at


She works with four apparatus: ball, hoop,

skipping-rope and clubs. She will perform with ribbon very soon. This year she will

go to a training camp for two weeks to another town. Also Kate will pass on her

CMS exam in the near future. CMS means

candidate for master of sport. After that she will

pass on her MS exam, which means master of sport. Her

idol is a famous Russian gymnast Leysan Utyasheva. But Kate doesn’t want to be

like her. She wants to be herself. And it is great.

Kate can combine sport and school. It

is very difficult, because we have a lot of homework to

do. Now her timetable is:

School Training classes Homework Sleep

We are very happy that we have such an

amazing friend like Kate. She is an

excellent example to follow. We are really proud of her and we

wish her a lot of success in everything. We are sure that in a

few years we will hear her name among the

best Russian gymnasts!