A memorable conference T - PHANZA · 11/3/2000  · Newsletter ot the Profess•onal H1stonans...

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Newsletter ot the Profess•onal H1stonans Assoc•at•on of New Zeatand/Aotearoa

Vol 6 No 3 November 2000, ISSN 1173-4142

www.nzhostory.net n?/pha nza/phanza.htm

A memorable conference

Th<· hun·, <lmre of thi< i<sue i< ck'\"Ote <l to looling hacl at our imougui"AI conferc·nr•·- h "~~<. b1

popular •"<:rdict. an a lmost unqualified surccM. Great ~pcalcr.~ with good top1a ccnainh pla~·ed 1hcir pan, as .-lod a'upcri.J 1-.:nuc and C'<cdlem 10.:"1. " "" Zc;ola11d'3 fir:,t puhlic histon conleu~nc,.

""-" longon:rdm:in thcmimhuf man)' b lll"""-<"'cll"·unh thc"ooil

O croher m ;u ·l .:.-d tht· ~-'>"' ~nnii"<:ISI<) of the \\';~.1t.angi Tribuoul. The•·e·~ no getting aw:n lromlhc fan 1h:u T ro.:at} n ·l:ucd n.: ... :ardo " '"' pro•·ed a boon for hi~lmiau~. nu: Tribun;ol noigln l>c umlt:r more pr<_ • .._,ure than (:lcr at prc<cn t but"'" ~hould all be grateful to :m organiS"ation that g:>•c historian~ a chance to "Titc hi5ton out;,idc !he acadcnn . And it g<II'C hi~Lon a central role in New Lealand"~public hfe lor perhaps the fil.,.ttione

Thi~ •~ o ur l;hl i~uc· f01 the •·car and the ed itorial co m miltee hop•e you h;m: cr~m-ed this V(."ar·~ crup of I'Jrnnult4 Bun"t forget tho: r\G~I on 7 lk-cemhcr at tho· lll'ad ooflice o f the lli<tnric J'lan"'lTnt,l. Antnon llouw. 63 1\o ulcon Sm·o·t. \\'elling•on. \\'1.' look fon."ard 10 <ecing as m~m· of~·Oto :o< po!-<ible.

Allthebt:~t for20011


Keynote speech: Dwisht T Pttcaithley New booh Chief Historian, Notior'IOI Pork Service 2 What history on TV?

Conference leedl:xxk 7 Conference in the block

12 13 14


Canterbury H1slory F~ndotion 11 Soviet-watchins in Trcns·A~ontic holdings 14 11 Websites on ice 16

PHA~ZA . PO Box I 904 , Ti iOR'lDOT', vVELLI~ GTO .'l



Keynote speech: Dwight T Pitcaithley Chief Historian, National Park Service If your task is the commemoration of historic sites using public money, then be sure you a re fully owore of whose hi~tory it is !hot yoo ore commemorating. This was the message of keynote speaker at the PHANZA Public History Conference.

fh••gllt f'itMmthlry "rh.,fh~>lomm oftkr Umtrrl :Main Xa/Kmall'arl! Xrour. 1/tgmv up in ,\"r.v Mociroand hu firu 11U1Jorr<Hixm mu.<iral F.J:ulnn Ni!tv ,\ ftxirtl l 'tm...,..iry. /!~"""'an a~ti>li' """''rrza II" Vtdnnm Llflrwhln'N!L""'

"'"""dLd. rtaiuing a !'urpli flw.rt. This wa.s a lif~·dwnK'nf!txpcnnla ll'hi£h a~a gar>~' Mm thrOf'IJM'.unuyjor furrM

JJUdJ. talung a l'hD in hUIQI) at T=IJ T«h UnioTrSil). :\ /tlw"g/1 hfhill!Nm .,nth IM l 'a•k Snviufor mmt ufhi.J rmvrr. "•hvh !Ngnn 111 1976 m San111 F~. lm appmntlfU'JII 1u C.hiif H rMorimr !L'il.' rmd conltn""' WIN'"" as lnmgmg

n.frt$11. hold and dn/lmging nrutnpproorh /othradnoinistrmMn. In 19981" "'"-' P"<idnu "fthr .\11/Mnill r.mmnl "" l 'uh/lr HL<lhry.

History and memory in the United States: some thoughts on the art of structures amn~sia

Pnor to !')70. "' the L uih:d Stat•·•. d u.-re were

~~::.~ ~-,~.:t'~~·r;.~:~.'t",~;~~~~:.~." h ~!:~.:~:;0~: thm commrmor:u~ dw rot~ of,OIII<'Il. a n•l t""·· 'eo fe,..that honoured"1itenand ani>l> Ofthe A.meriean paM. l11~ 1\atiunal Par~ Servk<· <olkniun of hisw ric sitestendedto,.-ardpoliticalandmilital"") them~

The Unhcrl Slate< ha~ not al"":l.)"S been con..::io~ <>fit.IJ'3'1; nc-.·nati<>m don"t tend t<> think in th<>foe term<. \\"hilr nw n., mrm h"ildi ng hcgan <honh afterthe Ro. ... ·olutiuna"\\";or.it\o..Snutuntilacentu" later.during the lanerdeo;ades<>fthe iY"'centun:.that Amcricansbcb'Anlonnmghistoricalandprcsco-ation .soxietiesand .ina colleo;ti'c>en<e.5takingtheirdaim. takmgO\\·ner.lupof public memo" .. \hchad 1-..:lmmcn

h;t< ut•;ul• chron i<::k rlthi< r;,,.. in •llcmuo cuu-.ciu u ...

""" "' hise"l'"'"" " M)"<ti.-Ciuml.<ifMf"IM'I"'j: TMTmm· _/iJmutlum ofTmdiliLm '" Amm~n~ Cullu•~. 1\111 memo') !> dtffen:nt frumhl>tO"·"'dargomu:t>l>o•·er theJ)."ISI t~ll<\ 10 locus o n o"·nership IS-"11<".< of who. or what ,;:mnp. i, e mitlec! toslwakfc,rthe ll.'l>t .llte,..,ll·~u·

menlS a.bol ha•-.: much more oo<lo wnh the pre!>Cnt than,.·ith tiw-J):" t

E•·cr>mcc hnt<.>Oh.J>bcen md udedin thcpublic "'huul cun·icula. tl,.,,.,.. h;e hct:n tllll~ic dcbat~ uw·r "hat kmdof ht!IOI"\ shouldbctaug ht.AftcrlhcCt•i l War Soulhcrncr"S "ere concerned that hi"oo texlS "-.::rcnot scnsnh~cnoughto thcSomh andit>mmtu­

tionsand bunched a highl:<>rganizedand unrelent· mg campa•gn tocorrcctwhatlhcv mterpretcd a.1

mi>J>"Reptiun~ abou t the,..,.,. ami ib '""""''· So suc­ce.-ful ,..as th1, re\i>lotll>t effon th~t c-;onhcmen voic<"<l tlw opinion thar hi<tOI"\ t<"~rs. "<l:uutcn-•1 tlw

~onh and tit~ c.m:;c uf the Umon .... d e pn:c:iated the \":liU<•ofouou·nnl>< . amlr<"flf<"SCOie<\thatliH'~IIIh

"~'son thc ngh t •• md llo.•t the anm winch "'""tithe \"nion,..-... ~a ,.irtrdagf;R"'-'iOf."

Foltuwtn): \\"uo ld \\'ar I, w ute tcxli)UO~ f"'"uured th 1~ ~<>untl"\'s t.ngl"h r<xm murc th:m some tho ught th<""' ,Jtuuld In re' IJU" "' 1<\ tc~tll(ouk. th,,t ~il);)(olcd

th,u ;\mnkan ~on<tillltion;•lt•mr.oin•< ha<lthetr~•rc"

mFugh>h tll•titnii(HhOnenitircharged that"Sm:his notAmcric,ot htstn" ""Su ch d tSpill;l!,'l:mcntm tevt..:d ...::hOo.lllnno" "notmCI"etllllntCntional cnor .... thc-.c .uu.lollt~rg•o.,;altci<>Uuii>U:<.cut.l) madcmt .. u ofvtu M:hoollmto ric.,. a•-.:: a dtrec:t rc:!tdt of ddinnc design .utd uqpmu:d prvpag:md,t cundu't"'d b>• "prop~· gand1 3MOCiations p1L\S}footing among t!.'; ••• IO rlcarlcn <>ur re~pcct for o uo· o,...n birthright. mocubte U> ""ilh comem prforourfrccin<titulionsand lltu<forcocr­cion ofre<olonimtion."

Wilhin thb ead' ~'«" centul"\ deb;ite.lhe ~e .. · York t.'tnlingGI.tNotfcrcd tltiscalmingandinstructi•·ccor·

TI1c COIItH;>\ei"W O\"el .chooJ hi~!OI"iCS i$\argel\· bcr..·ccn dcfcnrlersof docuincanddcfcnders offr~c iOI)lli" ·· bt-ow<"<'n 1hMe "'ho rlo nnt ht-.

l ie•'Cth~r rh il<h"<"•lr~nl,...tnL«•"'Iwhh•hemnh

and thOM· " ho hrlic'<' thai thcvc~n ... .A ,,,.. American hislOr) 1\Ced not oohu>ofliw """ o(f'aul ReH:re or the rc•·ercncc for George \\a•hingtoll. htll 11 "'' ill teach t11~1 per<onal .mn:do•~·~ .ore not the hfe uf~ n~tiun.th~t gre,,. m e n .1> well.1o m c.111 me n flouri>h uo c•·eo gcncrauon ....

TJ,at~rvationi>no lc.stn.letoda,thanit .. -asin

Another major •hrca<lthat run• through p uhh c ln>tun di"'"""'""'" the.llmo•tinh"rcntt"n"un be· t"ccn hlSt<>oandhc ritagc. U:mrl l..o..enthalhasdonc ntuth tu dard\ ou•· Jhinl:.inJI>inthisrcprdinhi., Tlu­p~,, U n Fmrign Coun1ry· :mrl OlO.!t rccc:nll~· in /'t.l!.hW llJllvl'a:w Tiii'Hmta!,"Ctu.Wdeand WSpoibtJjHi>iory. lne<<t'n rc. l .o,.,·emhal"•rlisoin<:tinni<thls:ht>tol"\" "esplurc•:~ndcspl:oiohpastsgn.>wnc•-e•· murcup;«]IIC

m-er urn~. hf' ri<agc c brifiro p;>$15 so :>5 to inhtsc them wnh t>•·~-cnt IHII'J>U>C'" Hi;1oo~· 111\vlw~ the open .md con<tant inl)llll)' nl :omaw\ ,,lla.<pt.-ctsoflheJM<l Hn­II;~K"' • 01• the other h:uul. "pa,.,....:son e~doL<IIe m•1h• oforigin .tnd contmu.mcc.cnduwing.• >elnlgroup

"ioh [>rNOig<: an <I common I"'~·· Its, hcri•ag-:. ~ larl!!ch lefl une~ammed, unques1ioncd.

h is prob.~bt~ mono uw:ful 10 thinl:. n f all his10n un..:>t.·mga bu of h enlage amlallhernal'""" ""..:>l•' m~:ahilmon:of lli>IOI"\'. 1'\r•<:lthd~. ~nurulcf>.l,uul­

mg of 1hc "l.o.o·emhal llr~lerttc" t~nnil> ·~ mtdlec­toal en tn ultomau•.ifn<I\,,USI.ofthcpubhch~ton

clcb;u esoflhc p.1st decade in the United S!a1e<.

O n.: ..,pcct ufpubhc htolon "the effunto rc­mem bcr 1he p:!$1 1hroug h 1he c rcc•ion o f monu· me n u. the de•·clopment of museums. and the au­thoriz:uion.,nd ime rpretationofhistoric <ile< All of thei!<: 1mvh-= 1he negonauon of th e past bet,.«n inlcrc<~cd pu blic• ~ncl his1ori~n• and othn xhol­ars.. Thrrrsuh.!iof•hesenegouati-on•ran hrrnligh•­enin):.asin lhecaso:· ofllwSmilh<oni;m ln<tinnion'~ ded~1on lo us-e 1h c Japanese intern men! during World W;rr II as ol< contribouion 10 the Bicenu~nnml of the lSCon>lllUIIOII

Pubhrmonunwnlsr•·en morelh:mm•w:ums anrl hisUJn c sUe>, n:llert pn::scn t d.ll so:n~obihues OH·r

ln•loncal re;olu"'"- l'h<' l .mroln l>lt·mon~l m \\',,, h. 111):1011. foo· c~""'l'le. "'"~ much mt11·e .obm ol 1\lll<."d·

(Jn "''"non· m l!r!O 1han 11 clocs ahn111 Abraham l~n·

~oln m 1860. lkc .. us.: mo nllnlclll.> and meononals go L1rgclvun-ime rprelcd. !hc\·arc arguedOI'('tc•cn UIQfe.The.,ationa! Park Scr-...:e is pn:!l<:llllvin>'Oh-.:d in 1"·o comrow.-..ial memorial propos;tl< in W~hing­ton. Onr acldrencs the a ppropriate l<Xa­tion . <i7e. :mel cle<1gn of a tllOIIUIUCfll tO Worlrl \l'ar II. The

othrrin•ul•-csamon­"mem wj:•pane~e American •.,·hertohe Jap:me<e Am erir an communoH iue lf os dl\10led o•·cr 1he ~p­pmpriai<: IC::<tfortlte ~ile. :.1<-mnn•l' run !he ~rldt<l ri•k of hc­commg oh.Qlclc. of lo..m gtlleemulwnal po..er ofthr momenl <>l'oflx:co><mng~c­

Uooable :u cultural anrt <OCiCL11 $0':nSibililic• e•'Ol•·e. Thr emotional J>O"'<:T that 1he public ili\"Uicd in Gen­eral Uh"<SK <; C.rant's 10mb in ~.,,.. York Cit\• during the earh· •-=an of this cemul"\' h :u "':111«1 as the 0\il \\"3r g<'ncr:uion P.1>>rd on and their ch ildrrn an d gr.mclchildrtn anached I<:Handle .. <pcnnn:o.lmran­ing 10 •he mo numcm. 11 will be ime re$ting to oi>­St:l"\'<: how rhr pass.1ge of1im~ affcCI.' lh<' public's ]lercepuon of Ill<' \ 'icm :m• \ 'elcoom<' l> lcmori~l in W~hington Sc<: Soonfunt I..C'\11l>(ll\·s ll'rlllnl rn Slf>fV:

l"t<bftf Mon~......U.. rn Uumpng~vs. II ;.hL<toric,.n c•. lu:w.-.,,..,,._,h.n hold 1he 11100\1 111·

letc'l for me and fMh""$ f:\Sfin:uing l'lll'lhms a nd


<l•n:omw:s oha•hnk•hepubhr and !hl'irp.,_.,,..;,hsJ'l'· c ific pix~ m:m~ged bv ~~:ou·o·nmental ~Rene...-< II<"' 1he pa~• ts mo ulded ;ond pachli;NI :11 1he<c place< bo.-.:ome<thc snhtcclofJmbltc<lchalcas•h<·mean­IIIJ.l of hi>lol'' •""l he rot.'ll",. .u-gucd T he f;oc!oh.tt pnhlic fund_< ;ort' m \'O[,..,.[mo:•·<':o><:•lhruuetl>li\' Of !he en!('J.Kelllcllt.lh stor ic siu:s become rrpr~-so:ma­m't' of collecm ·e memon a1 '""' le•cb. Firs•. the "'" u1es •elected for mdu!ton "f a nallon:tl "'Mcm o t pu bli.: parks i~ in~m1rti\e on hO"' ~ \OCiet• thin)..,. of it.sclf. l'rior to l9iO. mthet:nned~te<. lhcrc"·erc

fe" <i1e• 1h~1 commemotall'ol th~ role of Afr ican Amrricans in American histon. none tha1 commcmo­ta!edtherol<: of..,·omen,andfc...•'t'n fc... tha!hon·

ourcd "'"'""' ~nd artl<ts o{ rhc American pal''- Thl' 'l;'a1ional f>:o ,·k &nic.- collectio n of hi"oric 1ites tended to,.'ard polioical and mili1ar.· rhemC$_ 'kc­Olldh•, tlw public'~ memo" ofthr ]"'->I ISaffccll·d 1>1• lh<· stun<:$1hal are 1olrl "' e~isring h llotork sttcs. I f

!hose &lorie< ma1rl1 exo•llll): preconcel\cd notion• about th~ Jl'M'. COlliiU\'l'I'S\ is :0\'0Uifil. Jf " "" -cholao·· ,Jup 01' mrreascd cullut~t l "'"s1111111n le;oclm ;o n:,.l• ~1011 in the ~101'' thai " dofferem from th l' domin;onl aml puhlick:.rcepledn;m<H"-.;,Ih ms-(.angt\llllcl'· estin g. O•·cr the course ol 1hc l~s• 10 •·ea r&. lh'-' 1'\ationalPark~niccha.<hoe<:n affec•ellhl iiOih lh<'.,..

demen t.;. T he Sen-ICc liM:lf h:L' n:cogoured thai prc­;.cnin!l special pl:.(e> i., a i.>e)(in ning not an end. th~t

the meanings embod­ieUincultur.olpropco·­tiesshouldt:~keccnlrc

na~e. that at:cncies thai manaKc the•e places ha\·e educa­t ional re•ponsibilitil"s IOtheuxi.,li<'sthl'•

C •. ongr.·..., h~• encour­a):..,d .e•<'nmand:ned, 1h., cxp:toNOn of]nn· ]X>IC:throughlhearldi­

•ion of l'" ' k' who>c hi:Mon foCI...,.. o n 1110· routrddinion~ of 0 11 1 dem<><:r~•i~ and t·gali­

Mri.~nmaunuofg<)l-.-rllmrnt. \l,llll<llt..r'-:ationall l l,.. loricSite forccsus•orcmcmberthcfC<'krall' i"'~d

abr<ojtation ofci,~llibertie<ofjap:~ne5<>.-'.meri<:am during World War II. The pre~n-ation of :.!on~

•:tementarv School i.n TopeL.. K:msa. conunemoo<un the S11pr,.mor Co un d<'ri~ion e nding puhli<' <ehool o;egref(:uion in 1he l "niled Sl~l<.~. 1'\icodt' mu•. K:on,;u " an<b :u a 1rihlu~ oo hl:..::k AmcricanJo ,.·ho forg:C<'l n"" coonmunit""' in 1he 1\'<"'l foll0\\111g r,w,i~l •iolenc., th:u "·'~ \l>it<."d upon tlwm •luring the failed :m~mpt a1 lkcconslnoclion fotluwin;; o ur Chil War. And 1h~ cn:a­uon o{Liulc R<><:l:. (:Cnn':ll Ho)(h ~hool i< <>mholir of

the connl l<.'8> cunf•·ont:nion• hcl"'~en "hll<" Amt·ri· c;rn< and hbck ''"""ican<a.< th<: I rnl~-d ~-"'"'<!IIIII· blc<l lo,.-Md thejdf.,r-._,.,.,., go;tl ofcqtLl lil•· fo1 ~u

Thr>>hih Lll JILLhltc. oratlcasr fe<lct"tl senllm<:tll .. ,...enl>toh:m•o~>..ourt:f" inlhe l9':-llrl'"-lle>-ignattOtlof

cu.~tcr a~ukficld :-.~uonal .. \ lunumo:nt Ill ,\\olllan;o. Tius. rhe )ilo: of tho: ~nn oh>larion ofl~orge Ann>trong C.U>tcr .. ud hl>Scvcnth Ca•·o~l"· b> 0\'Co-...·hdrmng num­bco of l-1kou. Ar:lpaho .. :ond Chc•'Cnne -..;uriors had. •incc 19~6.0..-.:nu ·ut~d.ud•hrinctOC~~>to:r.A.,.,.·itlo

mo<t<hrinf"<. lhc go~l"":l!'notto preocnt a balmc~ prelCn\allonofthec<'Cntfor theo:difiC"ationofthc•U­iting pu blic , l:nn 10 immnnali>c {~rgc Ann<trong Cu'j(t:r. ;>.,inc '""'""ago .. Congt't""l-Sclllu l)ol<"<l the uamc of1hc parL from Cu""' 1\alllcticld :\ational .\io nu­rncnt to l.Jttlc Bigham lbttlcftckl'l:ation~l Monument. d ire(led thc'\i;ninnal l'ari.: Sr:nicctoin"ututo:amo.-c balanced m rcq>r.,t:uiun ufthc l~1ttk in arconlance witltcutTcntscholarship and.through anOJ>t:ncom­pct iiLun. er'<.'<-1 ~ monurncm 10 the lnd~ous who.,. . .,, ., k.tllt:d thatd.L\ in l8'i6.Tircmunumcnt,.~lloccul"a )\)Uidtre<:lh' OJ>])("'itf"lhcumrrn.o<lfromlhe 19"'ccn· 1111"\ IIIOIHIIIIO:nl tu tho: Se··~mh Ca<;o[ry. Th() Ill;'" d tn'<:tion inthcnwanmg.mrtpurp<""ofht>tonc .... tc' t>t:gan.t r~x..tmmdll\Ntwnhmtlto:;\auonali'ark.St:r-.•

k c of;.., mterprctall<-e phtlowph)"· 1hc result ofwhkh l> ;o nc"''CUIIUIItUII~III tupul.>lk .,du(ation that e ncour­ages p;~r~ managers to deal forthright!< "i thcontro­•"Crsial or contcntiom h i;torical i<>ue<. p rc"<:m bal­art(<:dalldit\lcllecru:lll) pro\"O<:atil·c inrcrpn:tati<~pro­

grammn.and . ingeneml .. treathhtol"\~ ;m explom­

llon, not:t.<adcstination It <hou.ld be nutt-d that in 1996. Coll)~n·!-$t~b­

li<h~\\""ashitA!iattlclicldl\"auonal lhstoric~otc.apar~

UJ;o\rc:cuunuthe li:l68m~crc:ofaChc•~nncand Arnp;oho•ilL1gt•l.J< r heSn-.,n thG~valr-.un<krtlwcom­


hb<icron ly,do"""IU'O\iUJtrnon•than l,OOOhuiT.tloroh~""­

!r()O p<>11nd5 of lead. !>00 J><>LIIulsofpowd.er, -1,000 arro,.""<.all tll("]Od)l.("'.anrtl.:illirlj(700capmrcd horses. Hti'IO" h:t.'.t"~"ufcumurg full cu"ele. •:iglu }'t:'"llttcr, on th~ l1.~nks of \lnru .. m.o"< Lmlc !l tghonr Ril'cr. SIOitX dn.;:b ~Lllln): !lull and Cr:tA Hol)oe ~.,..,,..,., ro:mhu­

uon for ohc .tU..oc l ~· \\".tSiuta IJ)' d~trO)ing Col>tcr ~ml h L> ~""'""'" C.:n.olt~·. \\'a,hita an<! Little lloghorn are booLcnrbofsun•ut thchistot"\oflnd t.tn/ Anglocon­noLI in thcAmc l'iC:Oil \\"~~!.

Tit<: :\;uional l'ar~ Sc"icc i• al><> Lll'"Oh'Cd in pub­lic di;...o,;o,ron anrl dch.1!~ O<~r the int.;,rpr.;,uuon of cr.il\\'arbattleflcldlitc:s.Atthecondusionofhisan.UV.. •bvfthc Confe<:kt<lC\":llld tlte de•elopn~nt (>(the'\:~ South .. Gamn Fonc:r oblir:n-ed. that. "The r.J]lld heal­ing of national di•-i<io"' and damaged <Oouhern ~elf-image.hO\<o"C\~r.camcatth" costofdcri•inglittk itl'iglu o r ,.·is<tumfromrhcp:o.". R:ulrnrh~n look.ing at the.,.·.tr :r>:.r. U"agrcfatlureandtl'in~~:toum[.,rst;ond

it .. .....- even cvndcmn it. Arucrican< .. 'l:onh .uul South .

cho"" '""""'" u as" glut·iou o umc to be cdcht":l.tt:d

to~ blooth'<:l\il .,..,.,.. Jn;.~t:;od. theycddlr.u~ tht: .,.,.,.·~ uiwnph~nt oationali~m and marna! !!lorv. •

Fo.tt:r"J .l»<'Aillt:nt abo tksc:nbe~ th" appro~ch mwtitionallvtlkenb)thtl\:il.tK>rtall'ari:.::,Cnicc:mt~

uuc:rpreuUon of the Ci\"il War. (her the 6() yc:a~ dur­ing.,.·hichth<:Sc:ni<:c:hasmanagcdCi,;JW:arOO.ttk­foelds. the agc:"ncy has adopted a highl~· dc:"<eripthe appro:w:h to explaining a> Cr.,J W:arp;~rb.l\.auon:a! J'-..trl Sen-k"1(ellet">lted liter~ture. film~ atu.l exhibi~ ofthc:CiliiWararc:fillc:dwi th dc<erip t.ionsoftroop rnO\·entcn!> anrlflanking:K"tionsatHIC".l."L~Ir\"nnmhcr<

hut '"l)" littlc;mah:sisoftheme:mingofthcbattle.:o com•·~tforunrlcr<tanrlingtlu, haulcinthclargerpur­

f>O'<'Ofthcwar.orofth<"Cau,._.._ofth<"Conflictn""lf. Oue-.."oll:sa""''""'kr.;~:mdi n)!rnuchahoou-..·hathap-

1"'"<.-dmapartkulat·pbc" , bUin'nlntk-abrn.u"J"· n I" ' I'JlCil<.-d . .'>uchanapproaeh ... tulenm inappropn­a to: m .tnd uf tt._.,Jf. dut:• not. hOwt"•·o:r.J>tUmOtt: ,on under>~ .. mdmgufthc ....... '"'CdtJ.><:>.;oJtdt!>pl...:e m Amt:ricuohi,.to"··

The: IIUIIdl!"'"!o of the -'>cnict: "• Cilil \\:tr b.:utJc:. fiekh. tulu.ing tltat de.cription~ of battle• alone do nOl lead to undcrst:utdongof.,.·.tr .. met in August of 199S anddecidcdtoaddtotlte nulita,...,C"\"ntsanas­~"'eutoJ'the-...,.f!catue!andcon~equencn.lntcr·

pr·eti ng h i!toric site~ in the contcsr of thc time~ in "'hkh the~ gainOO national prom incnce n fundamen­t<ol toKati<>nal l'"rl St·rvicecducationalprogrnmmt.~

l're,..,ntingthatcontextocntfllal ..;tnasdtwrwll> \\"omcn"s Rl,~r:ht~ 1\"ational Hi>to.-ic P:uk, sue of the IM8 \\"omcn ""• KightsCAom·enuon;Mar1-h. IStllmgs. Rockcfclk-r 1\"auonal H11'!011C"oil l';uk ,.·htCh comrncmo­nuo"""ltht·c<>n..-n"lltinnmm..-mcnr inrhel:nitf"riSL•u.,;; andthcLSSAruona:>.le rnori;o[,.·htch remc mbt-Ntlte Jap:mc~ au;ocl on J>e;orl H . .rhou r on lkccmh"r 7 .. 1941_ But mterprclll>l; thec:ou..:.""ll ofth.,Cr.·il \\';oral u.~nkftckl sitr:sturnsnm tubehr)!hhcolltn."·e~l.. ,\

I>OnionoftltcAmetirnnpubhc;,:ulonr:ontl•uppo..cd mit.~nncbdic•T.;ondhdlt:\l.">trunl!k.\h,rtvullrnrli­

t:u)" "\'elll$ Ohoulrlhedt>CtLS;.cdarbanleftddsirc'.oth­c~bdrt:•"-'tltdtadi.cu .. iun dl>oU! the C:tt,.,;ofthe C11il War might lead to a dt~u;.<oon about sl:t•~r..-. Thr~

group .. 111 spitcufsdrol.u·lve•·itk ncetotltecuul/.u''·

Mos.t tgnored th<.- fac t rh.n till"" n~tiun h.rd f,ulcd to deni<.-< thar s~"'C" "'""~au.'<': of the C.l11l War. lu ~hon .. ,.,.,._,)\..:: tho: do:b:11e 0\"t:r th" n .. uurc uf the Union ;md th~...,. :trguc, IILLhL11)' hist<n~ is good; am .LitcrnJH IU Cl<· to d iuunatc the conrr:odicwllls bct~<<...:n us <."lt~olitar- pbn1 "'Itt• th~ ,mmo:~; """'" ,,. t:arh othe~· tluuat.:-; l> i.111 ide _.[, .utd the ill>tllliiiUII Of•J~\Ct~ withOUI ,-.,....,,1 l.<ld. TitC t:dLIOI't:O[, :on<\J.•tl"l":< :lll;~.t:ktng the ....:atkm:OJ

l';uk Sen·ice for it~ e><pandcd inte•·prclatin.• pro­gr.ommesarcus.e.fulinunderSiandingho...· emotion· . 1lh Amcric;ans feel ;,how llwir hi>~ol'.jlanicu~ldv!he h1>tOn ofLheCi,~IWar.

011c ednon.aJ cncot>r.'lgcrl rcadcn 10 ·wmc •·our ~nate and Home :\!embers ... and tdl them 1.ha1 b<ot· tlcficldmierp...,laliOn•hnuldhcabolllhanloandnol dl><.>ut <ubjecu•·c jud~o;cmcnt< on S<.>cio· cnhural trends "'hich happen to be poli•ic;o.ll\' COrTeCI31a p.uucularpmntintimc ... · ,\la"""-'rfrvm Am-ido .. Tote. " l wsj~e<:l that this dt.-.:ision ha< bc<:n marleaud!hatiti<adccrsounprunmlg:ncdmthc in tcr<,:<tofpoluiG>lcorrecmcss_Political r.on·ertn~i<

h•--pocris••atbcs!;at "''Orstitisblschuod.lam n otim· p-r~b\·1-'itcaHillev'sctt:ltion fromareiX>nh\:">II'S

f"'Tksu....-rintenrlenu. ThevMe a> infetl<-"<1 "'"h po­liticalcorr«Ulc .. asan yolherf..denlemplow:c.Uke the S.:...letl'n ion in !he 1930s,thc Vmted ~t.nbg<r.• c mment.,U'\ingtochangcpasth"'tor}:A\'irginian "'rote. -n,csc Great llattlcficldi are the on I• m~.on> bo· whoch we 1me lo<'l':n o f Amcnc:ln I hStOI'}' c:u1 gel a full under .. umding ;o.nd complcu:· account or .. -hat acn~llh took p lace in n::gard to the ba•tk and the men "'ho fough1 i1. \\lt, and huo-· tlt.- t"'O an nics got to 1hat hattlcticld i• irrelc\'ilnt at 1he point of the b:>ule. Th., oool• thong thai uoaucn~t th:ot point i>! WHAT h~p­pcncd and no l ,.·hr . Allow the NI'S to rleal o n ly "ilh faeto;about dJcba n kandlea•-clhe,.·h•· tulh ceduca­ton .... And finalh. a shon e mail "''-''1&18'-' from Ma.wo­cln&'ltsutlt'ti"Suctcll' lies.··st:"-es"-..sNOTthccursc ofthe"-;u~tw~·nthe<Gites! )"all don'tknO\O.\'OUI

h iSion.\-cn.good'Sadms.l\'-As th<'W letter< attC"t, pa>.>oons nm high on ~ub­

jcctsdcalmg,.·ioh ohc Ci•il \\'ar_ Fo r its I"'"· the "a-­t !On.oll~ut S..o~-..:c,. bem~:,;:uirled 11\' lhe phi!O<Oplw tha1 org~niJ.ed L.illi11g n :<]Uift:S an C~jll,mation. and or· !-':llltLcdkilhngonthcloCalcof thcAmcncanC"il\\'ar tl<:ntall<h ll.\\llal theS<:•vt<:el!o:;unfron tingto; thc<"f· fc.:l~ofO<·cr 100 •ear<ofSowhcmcr• '""'8 tu find nu;:;,uHng. \11ldKatton . .o11d pcrh~tl> !'ctlcmption m ,,

" ·ar that dealt them a crush ing defeat. not onh miln;mh, but al50s.ocial~·andeconomicall)'· Atlhc opcningofdoewarin 186l ,!la,<:I"\",WllC$. ngh t.,ll.nd Cnn•tiuuional r:.-.n~cm<joine<l together ~ the rc:awn~ fvr ~ce-.sion.FollowingtJ>e"-;tr,S<.>utht•mpolitici:ms

anrl fonncr C:..-.nf~rlel"::rc ollicet"' '«>ught loel<plain th~ "':tronthl'IOfticrcauscofst:nes'nghtsaloncand cn· gago:<lina .. ·itlt:<Jucadand organi>crl andhighl•<uc­ce<Sful effon to re-.-isc 1he mc:ming of t11e "~tr The thornic<;l issuethe L'nitt-d<;!atcsconfrontsiO<I:wistlw kg:onof . .J:n-,n. Rac~ol ine<Jualit•·cooltin>l<.-stopcrs.i:<t inmuchofthe L'nitedStalc•'?l[••ea•-safle~Thomas

J dfctliOn'•doqllenr aMertion of human e<Jn:Oiit>. h ;, thehop•::ofohc:\ation:ol l':o.rk~;ni~c!h:oth\ Ojl<'ning .1 tMUOnal <lr.cu"<.i(»' on lhcc:ou"'-"'Of th~ "~tr:oml con­

fronungthc:"..r';on~;u~> on theSouth's•j..-xUit.Irtn• >titution."doe p ubiK will nvl vnh'l!"'"'" dea.rer un· dcr-sundingofthe ""',. and h.ottletif'ld ~ites. hut :oOO fmd .o ""' ofc><piOI"ing, a»<:;.,ing. and dddrc;.,ing t11~

jii'CSSIIIj.;CO!IIf' llljlOf'li'\IS>Ul'Ofo";t<:e Robm\\'inks,thcnote<\Yaleln!-ton;,.n,oncrwoute .

"Thctmere<rc,frhcn.otureofn:mon~trh;oracrcrl> m

,.·hat~ledooo.c.l,.,acon-.:tous:oct. in thcfaccuf

contcllrlmgchoiccs.totiN'<.('n·e. ·n,e~n,blc~•lnlx.l,

Of thO: va>t, ~UI'\.i\>:)1) of d fict~t CUOTtf><'IJIJOII f01 II ... tioll:ol ~rtcntion, m;okc tangible lh<" p:<!-1 that "ould othe""~SC remain ol»cured." Thi• nation·, hiuonc placM hke,.iw arc indi,idnalh· and colk cti>eh "~n­bol.tc of how 1-'e,.· 7.ealand chooses to rcmcrn~r i~ll. Th~ an·. in a •·en.· n:31 and pl"'ical "'<" . \'OUr<;()('kn '<

l'arb awplaccs tote"ch aLoou t n3nu;ol3ndcul· tur:ol herit:oge. Ami teachen. t11e best teachers, ha'" al .. -a\< oul<lcrs:too.-1 till' po .. -.,. of ol~cCI<, inoagc<, ltll<l p~oce to cnh;mcc unrlrrn;mdm!(. \lmeonns are oboi­""-" l'l:oce<whercl<:arningncrur!lwnh oc:oloi~C<"b.Ruo

..,~nHng ,,bvoccu.-..m ,-,at pl:w:e$.1hc plt<:e,.herc

C\'CllbaCrt!alh n<:cu ned.lhc t•l.occ~.,het't'J>eOplrm· lct...,.,t<-"<l ,.,·itllolherf""'ple a ndother>pc<:ie$ofl"• ongthonw-anrl.,itholwl':n•oronmenr T h:otrealil\,thc t .. ngibditvofpldc<: a nd the .tuthenllcil\ ufpld<:e.

dcfinathc printai)'TeOJ.<On< p.lrUarc ... -unrlerful pix~ for k~rning. T ha1 is ~~ true for lcarmng about · nature· a~ about human Cl<per;cncc. about the en,;. ronm.,nt.and tlleCon\'-'Xtofhum:ln Cndc~•"OUr

It is mybcliefthat managersof his•orie~ile$,elpe­

r:ia.lh· pu blicly owned hi.,oric < ite~. h:o'" a l'e!'pon<ibil­il\ ootcach (anrltoleam ) in thc<;cplact"<l...-.:ausc•ht~ ha•·c '!Omething ornponan1 10 sa• to all of us. Thc$C are not onlvaut11enti£ places. but Jign ific-.mt pl:llccs. nu,-. ha\·, - h.,en.o;elt-cl~-do·••·rtimcbt.><:au~th<"arc

m'<ln octi\c:ofu-utJosht'\'Ondtheirsingularexistence TIWJII't"<Cnce ofthc<;c brmdcr st()rio;'<i< "'hat do~

un~:u"heeducauon from infmmation_ The L~at ""'" torirsite-<isnm limitedwodennfoC<IIKlnandde<enp­IIOn. a. UIIJIOI'Lmt as the-«: arc. Afte r doe quetooll, ""hati" logicallramtnan .. -:~ll•• eomeslhequ<:!>lKJn. ·,.hy(" II "' .1 que>-~ ion~ relc•·~rll at C..-11\~,burg;., at :\lanun:tr. ~ rdc•:<rlt a t the \\'ait.tngi Trcaw l lou!IC as a t 1\.emp Uou><.'; it a.n>C> "h~n >tand.mg bdore Jl.u. apcl:.apd: .. o or the l'ancake Jl.oc~ :ot Dulomnc ]'oinr. :\lo.thistoricpa.rl.do uol >f><::lkfortltcmscl"."S. dtt'\ ~Uif'('. e>-cn demand. <nme !.On of interpretation or explanatiOn. Thcvrcquti"Cde3<:riplion. butde3<:ripuon i~ onh• the beginning It pro• ide' the platrorm for rcaching ~-ond!hetangtblcandc:xplainingtl.!isig· niftc:mcc:·,.hy did thi•c•t:nt h appcn' .. '"wl,..did it hat•rcn herei" an.-1 ~h•• i• it imponant 10 ~ll ofm;·

It §Crm< 10 nw th:u th i~ interncuon t..:l .. -t"en th<· publte:md h istorian•an •l imerpro:ten, io thisdis<:us­<,jon,.·rha\'t'ahotu thcpast.i-<,.hatrn:oke<theplac~

,...., 1nanagcand uHcrprel puu"'if,.lplm-"-. jlml-elful in thatthr• r onW) IO:If('CC]lll\c:pubhefarmOI·('Ih;m

mere des<:npuon II" the ~hili!\ ofthoc f>b<:t$10 rdkn imangihlc•'llnc,.\';l]ut.-..oflmn~uut>',\~tlut.'<lhat

toud1 .om! nom-c 11>. th.tt wme h~,·e wnncd the "pow.·.,r of place."

lu the Z\ationall'al'k Sc"~cc. ,..., :ore U.:ginnintt tu

expand upon the lr.uhnonal narrdti\-e•of hL«~on :md in•roducl'ollwr. pamll<·l storic<.alt<·rna•i,·c imcq>re­""'"'"·'"'he J>rO<'ess"eh:"·emowd :n•a,fromlhe idea t.ha1 h " 1oric pL1c~c.m •~ intcrpr~ted "' onh one "o": ,..,,, ·e ~xplonnJ.: 1hc useofmu hiple :ilona. •;u·· icd \OI(e!l, •<moo~ flCIOfX."<.th'<:S. To t'<:IUrn IOlheAmt:n­Can(:ivi!Wal·fora m<>mem. i1 bclearthattheNorth dKinut•iL-...thcwarmthc ... nt<: m:onncr a,;dt<l thc ~uth:offtc.-o-,., l ilewisr.ttXtkadiffo;:rCnt\·ic.,.· from

cnll>ted men. In t.he .-\n>e>ican SuntJ>.,-<.~1. "'" ha' -e lcamrrl th~tr"pandingupon thctt:lditionalnarr.nn..­

brin:rs clarit• to the HOI'" and enriches rather than confnsc<thcpuhlic. Dn•-oodeChe lh , forc>rnmplc in the nonhe;osl comer of Alirona, is 111 mar•• "'"''"!' thc spi•·in.ul ho mt:oftlw Na•njo lnd ian peo ple. in a >CnesofC"..ul\uns.,.1tlt.dr .. matic\-.:tUC" .. I!i:lnd>lonewall• h tu,.lredsoffecthigh. tlrf'l\m"!in:tnd thf'il- pret!crc-.­.._,,,._,h .. An:l.l::.UJ,btuh the u· homcs, l·.t.,.,d sh<.><:p, and li~crl an lll>l;ned ""istence tOt· J.:Cll<:r:wons. Tlu•ir cx­i>tcnce "'"'one wu h tlw l:nubcape. Tl;l<lllion.<l ~ul­nn;tl l<IOt.ie<.creauon anti

The """'JOCreation ston ·L! 10ldalon!;S!de th..-t.radi­tion~l Anglo narratin• nf lrtdi~n c~pan<inn th rnngh­outthe Atnenca'$a~-ros:s the lknng r:ught.

ll•adoptin~; an!Or<'tnclnsi•cphilosoph\l""'ard

tit~ ~lor~ pr~m<:<l, the Nation.tl t>-...-k S.:r~1ce he­hC\'<:snwiUm:Li;e itssit.,;rnorerue.tningfultu abrger IXlni.on of the ~isiting pubhc. 10 a brger ponH:m ot Am<:ncarr i.axpa)'t:rll. lu man•· pl:tcu. "" ,..,!] .uk rnure <]Ut$1i.on< than we an~wcr for an untlrrh1ng l<':n<'l of th1> .,.,.... appruach tu the public cduca1ion.ol pnx= is that p..rb shou ld nm neces>.arilv be fin~l intdle<:­tua! destinations. !'arks, natural as ""II ;u cuhural. should sen-ensmcomlpro-ucateurs. Th.-..•<houldpro­•idc: informaOOn and interpretation and anak~h. bo.tt lhc•·<hould al<.< > pront .,. tlw •i>itor to un<lcnakt· a personaljoum evofin<JUIIYand explor .. uon.(\\'h•· elsoe do"r sr-11 hnol <ao p.:orb, hut I01L'<>.iso •hem on thi• pttt1le\·?l n oev>houkl abo, and"'"' m tl1c :-.lauon:d Park~nirearejus1 h<:gitmingtOI;I'apple .,.ith th is. e xplore the con)tru~ttOt t ofhi>toJvam l mcmo" II'-"' islheJM'rceh-cd l :..:-n'R•'\\"ash inglon d tftCrerufm•nlhe ht~tonc"l t..:vrg<: \ I :L!Inngtvni l lo.,.· h~•e ,.·e co n­SU1>CI<:dlloe mcnro" of the Rc,·o luuou?\\lwu;lkt:i' li.OS$. " ho had nu connection w11h se ... ·.ng (""or~:e Wa.hington·~ n .. g.., f..r.LSv.-c kuo,._thc rnO>t "'1dc to. rec.ogni7.edfemalc figureof theRe\"10huion:u"pcriod: Whv do " '<: rc•·ere the memorv of George Annwong Cu;ter bc~"Ond all reawn' Ho" " "'"''""'as a socict~ come to sep;~ratc ~lavery lrom the cawe• of tlu: Cil1l war:

Jlu!51.·:mdothcrqnNUOilSarele:ldingustocng-Jgc theAmo:ric;mpa.twithaheightc:-ncdi!Cm<:ofexpiol·,.. tiooandexcitcmcnt,aod,ycs.on thcpart of.!OI'I"Ic, Jbil of u-epKbUou. lftlu: managersofhtstonc!ille~are to pb•· a meaninghol mlr in thl" nrhuml lifl" nf a nation and not •implv be pa.ssn., panicopants m tho: ,-ec..,,..

1inn"l/wo.ui>rn indtr>t"·'h~"<e:>r~r~:osonahlt••l•"·"'in'" to asl. ·n "·"' J>et'lnil tiS, L"\O:U re<l"'' " til>. to tlunl lx.~ )"OIIdthcbotnul,u·i~.,;ofnurtXtrlts.m<loUlcro toun:tg·

meafulurcwhcr~puhhc t);lrl.:,arclortmbf(lrlhccml

d&t~Motou .•nd <kbi<tc of hi>.tonutl toptc.,; t.h~t ,Jl".,.;:t \lon«~er SLwet' and 1\.orn for Wale t anchon:d 11ener:a· comctupor:uv conditi<:ln<. l'ubli~ p:at•l; are dillctem uon <<ftergenerdtion ofNa"!JO to the bnd and its o;~nk· fmm pn•·~t<: pa:rks 111 tl.at their r~.,;ponsibdtt\ ISlu'l!er. ing IICO!tr.ll'hi~al kau tn·•- In Jii(J4, tlu: Uniu.;<l Slate< moreexp:on~i•-e. moredauntmg. \\ltelher ... -elikcnnot. Ann•. under tl1e leader.sh ipof Kn Ca""->n. tm-.o.ded the .,-hcthcr "" acknowledge 11 or no<.. fcd<:r.lll•· ma<wogcd stronghokl o f Can•un de Chell<· anacked the Ind~'ln< public parb arc ao integral pan of the puhlic cduca­hurned tho;:n croP', dotro•·ed their li•-.,rock.. Th....,. tivn proce». In tJ,., Unit«< So.~t<.-.. th<: '""t m~l\' of who resisted .,·ere ktlled . the remainrlcr, ..,,.e,'al thmo- the •i~iting public 11<'•-.:r 1:1kc a hi$torv CQui'SIC' be•und sand in numbt:r ... ·ne routH!C'd up and forced to lea,., high Khool. TIIC\"n:.:ei-1-.: their histon·from mO\R"i:tnd thcor :t.m:otnl homd:..-td an.-1 manlo 300 mik"S in 1he tck•~ anrl historical no-"Ck. Yc1 a rccc ot 511n'r.\ o f dead of winte•· to 1he Pef V> R"·e·· in New Mcxtcu. Four the Americ-.m publk I'C\-.:al! lhal the sout-cn of histori­\"Canlater. tllcv\o·crc allowed to return to lh<:tr homes cal inform:nion the• rcspen m'\.:r all rnlreo'S are mnS<:· wher<' 1heir desrendam$ remain toda\". What~ the umsand historic sues. Tht> respect for,.hat we tlo. for dominantnarram·ehere:\\'hosc\"IOiccspciliforthc thr timr mut r nng1· wr hwc<t in our Jml>lic p ro-, ;,.,; I-lOR' does the federal •·oice accommodate doc !,."'"""""" ]Howl<·' a11 :11l<lcd mn·mt.., for II> 10 •·on· :\a\':1)'> •v•ce: Is li.it <.::trson hem or \1llam? l"heS<" and dun ourwh.,;,l<t:du~~'"'' not men·l\ as th~ pul'\"<:'1'01"' o tht:r IJUC•tions lr.:t": >h :tp<:d :ou itllerpreti\"e pro- uf mfo n n,otkon. h 1> thi> :..:;knowkdgmenl uf 1he JIUI.>-gr.unmt: at C:ul\"Oll de Chell" that a.lrlrc~• 1hc park lie's trust 1h:n "111 dtreCI 1he t:n<:T)Itt:< of 1he "~uonal h-.nn nmluple. "" m utu:oll\ rc<po:Cll\'t:, pcr~pt:Cti\'CS I'J;rk~l\i<:einthe cotmng dcca•le.


Conference feedback Attendees' thoughts on our first public history conference

J ~-::~~~,o~~:~~01i~~~~<:~ ~~~~:.~~: mhcrron .. nnmen!$. Thi<"~"' '"'

bad li,K\.:be('llusethere"'""asih cnoughotimulaLionand fuuolfur rh, nghton da• o ne tomak.c me rcgn."tmis•ingd1yt"o

Wh" "'as the conference oo cnjo•':lhle: Foranart, ita•-oidcd the common pi!f:rll~. O rganisa­tio n .. ~efficiemwithoute\'cr bc­

comingimpersonal.Tin,,..,,me, !lw Arrl\..., /.r·alandSnilt·allhc \\'dlilljttOII Tm,·n Hall, "'a.S ~uit· abl•• "elcoming. True. t.h.-, chai•·~

intheconfo·r·cnn·roomwcr.-:rhit highforthc•·enic-•ll••challcngcd - apologi« to an• one annoy~ b) m"conm111t ~lmffiing to get com­fon;~ble · but the annchairs;md ~fru dotte-d abom the foyc"r "'<'I"<'

~~~~•~tentmke.Titt.1' enticetlpar­

ucrp;mL~tositarunnd tall:.ingw each o ther. Earll' in the day I ~pent w mo:: time working at the rcgi•tmlion tabk. This wru great for punin~t face-s 10 names and helped me '"aid tho:: n ightman· <ct·nario of -ome conft-rcnce•. "'herealltho::panicip;ontsseemto kn o"' each other and ~tudiou•h• l!:non· out<idc·t~. Thr fti•·mllincss o f th e I'HA-.:/..A conference at·

mo~phcrc "1h remark . .-1blc. Cipt.~ ci.olh con~tdering the diH"r$c haclgrourHh :ond in tcre~t• of thoso::anending.

Sadh me· stint on the des~ rnt"ant t hat I nli~W:d [).,·ig iH Pitcait.hk•"• presentation. "Hi!­ton· &: Mcmon in the L'SA". By all .. cco\lnl.'! itwas o·xn·lh·m

Tiu:ol.lu;:rpapen lheardwere ne•·crle,sthanintcrc!ling «nd '>Omt:werernuchrnore than that For tnc tlw tno-1 enjO\-..bJ(•were thosegi•·cnb)• Robin Mclachlan aml.inajouu.s<..,Won.hyllron•wn Labrum and Fiona \f<:Kcrgo" Mo:Lood tlan";acwuntofdtclid!­~itudc• iton}]n:d in pn:~<:ning tlw mO<fr-<t llmhun.t houwofoncof


i~t<:rs. Ben Chin<"\. pro•·ec:lho" a jndietonsl>lcndofpr.ocucahwand xholarship. Jea•cned "ith a spice o f humom·. i~ the be-.t recipe for a~llC<:t.'$5f\tl<:onferl.'ru::;rprc.erna

tion Noone "·ho heard the pa· perislild• toforgetMcl.achlan·s eng-.. ging rnle on C:hifln "s pas­<ion for powerful car< or h is dt~ .ctiption of the rrimc Minister"s fan)llnte fom• of relaxation: em~ cring e1·er-. so;rapofsparesll."lct· aroundhiscottagc.,ithooncrcte.

~lcKergowam\ J.abrurnL""llled

abo ut <pt·ciflc cxhihtuon< each had curate-d. In the pnx:ess th~') ga•eafa;cinatingimigh t imothe hai"CS a n•\ han~nu~ of the mu­seum ""Otld. Mcl\ergo..-'5 exhibi­tion of 20th centurydre~s at tlte .\bnawatu Sci<:nce Cemr<: :mel Mnscum had been ingcniou<J.· de-iscd and moumed at a total cost of$"2000. l..ahn•m"s exhihi· tio n about the Dutch in ~e .. Zealand. currently 1ho11·ing at TeP:Ipa. coo;tanun•pecifkd sllm ""h ich she admiued .. -as \'aul) more. The common conlidera· ti<m•"""' "a.fa.cinatiuga. thedif· f~:n:nccs and I suspect I "-as not th~· onh une surpti~d to find tha.Lwhilcgreatcrfundinglcad, to a more sophistinted e nd

product. it doc> not ne~c,.ariJ.· produc<: .tmore <:ttiU\"..Ihlcurcf· fcCti•·•: onc

Were there ;upccb of the conf<:rence tha t could lu: impro•~·d' fwo po ints occur 10

me. Fir<t. I don't bclie•·e ''co n­ference run b• an as.wci:u.ionuf professional hi<toria ns 1< the pl:.ce for papers b) postgr.•duatc student.'>. Second. a high plOp­onion of the rape~ "ere on 1liii$Cllm/hcrit:~ge/con-en-:niun

topic• vet lho~e who belong to I'IIA:\7.A rc pn:~cnt a f.tr "ider t""dng~· of pu blic histon•. Where "ere the papers on $p<.~rting .

busin;:~,. political. oodal and .. clfat·e. economic, )M:'rfon mng aru. hi~totic:r l biogrnphy<utdall the llluhitude vf other ~ubjeCI.o hcingt:ocklcdll\· mcmheni-1\:cxt conference. an<l herc·s hoping there ..-ill be a next conference ,tlthough not. perhaps. for ~ couple ofyc>~.rs {to a1uid commit· tt·ebunt-outand kcepthe5Cn!C nf<:XJX:CHuion altn·) - howahoou clelibcr"lllcl)· •etling o11110 sho" thcl-arictv of .. -orkcn comp;!S\Cd bl"thetcnn ·publichistor-."i-

Aiin,.,..,.,f;."'f!!tm, \\ illmgto"

M ,· ]i.t ofhighlighl.'> fromthe I' HA~/.A confercnC(' m·

elude• the •<tr i<-d prosramnu:. ofrein•igoratinJl" local imcrestin •uperb o•·ganiS.11iv n. rel;n:t"fl at• t h e hou•e of Arn C u rti n . an mo<phcn.·.(.>njo•'m<:nl ofnw<:drl!( All«ic !'rime :\l mi$t<:r who l iked "·id1 colkague~. and the <timulm to come home at the wcekend5 to of huring .<bou t the imprh>i": la1· ccu1crcte patlu and drhe ;m;t• uf pmjcct' 1hrough wh1ch arou nd /la thunt in g•-:.nd o ld hi<tori:on<arcap pl•ing tlwir<kill< (ar<. lbc hael ~.gcnon who!e in the publk ~ctor. Our mldcnt.<; !U~rb pf('Kntation and C\idcnt an- comtom th asking about em- pa,..jon to gin' bbto•·icalmeaning [llO\"IIl<:nl j>IU'J>Co::l> :uuJ it i> 1101 IU SllC! Ill Southlan d "'"" a r.,a]

al""'~·s caw to t hin k of specific highlighl.;md the joint pres<:n !ll­e:-;ampl~ ;u a m(nncm·s notice t ion Thinking \ 'isually b}' 1hc

A. a con<<:<Juence of attending m useum curators. lh onwyn the conferem:c, I'\'<: heen ahle to Lahnun and Fiona .\ lcM•-g:ow. de•ise ~me new departmental Asforthepeople. it"'aJagT<~at

di~pla\s wh ich clear!) demon- mixturefromdi<en,o,plan••·otca­strdte the <UC"dt.iOn:tl rd c,.,.nce of denoics, go•ernment ,er.-ant~. our<uhjcct and I no"' know more con<el""~lloni<ts, fredancrr< and fellow hi•toriam to whom I ran a nict add ition of a few AuMi<'< l'l:fer .j.lmlcnu for rukice who had folto .. ed their inter<:>'->

ft:muru Gmhm11, 1/a,ulum :tcro<s the T:o<m:m. T he remark-able th ing W35 that out of t his

T::e;~::::~·;~~ ~~rt~fent~:~~~- dner<it) CJme a >trortg~n-eofa thought pro.,.oking p:tpe l"-. <tirnu· ~!!.~~~~ laung people and com·cnatio n. '-and "'Onderful food (probabl~ in rn·e.-.e order). Since I "'" nut able to make it to the dinner. I

the •eSlliOn• a nd ·It n:uurall)' o u t histol}' "'Ork. This· the in•piringheginningfmmt>-..ight l'itcaithley. " h o!il· rnodt..~l\ did not di•guioe Ito " m uch he lm• transformed 1he t;S ).;a tio nal l'arlScl'ice. That hi> "''Ork is a model for u• here bec:a.m~ o lwi· ous when we hea rd o f Janelle \\'arrcn-Fin rllef• t:tle.fromKt.•w 7..calaml'i hcritagesit('$Wherethe

on!) hiuoric-.U char.u:ten on in­tcrprct"-e panclsappcarcdtohc sheep. Other ohsel'·er/ panici­fi<UlL•"ho he ldmegripl>cll wen: Robin ~lcl . .achlan with h isstorie•

com munitv • fJCOJJie who reallr cared about lhe past and "'anted to bti ng lhe e tUo<·ment o f histOI't' tu other New /..cala nders. The cr"alionofthatcommunity i<rhe long term legacvof this confer­ence and it needs to be kept IOio]ether. Knllon the nextone.

)«41'hillif!J, \\tilin,t:tc"

R~·;;~:~~::::~~r~ :~~~,~~~ theopJX)rtunit) tobettl'runder­•tand th<' :-<ew lcal:md hi.tOt'\'

':~ecne"·andto mcetup"ith•i'"


J-1 } 0"'11 research ha• hccn mo•ingin the direction ofcriri­q uing "hi.tOI' in the museum' "'"hich moght ~dexnbeda• p."l.rt

of the 'public history' p roject !'art of thi~ h~ been :m in tere<t in h i>wric;,ingplaceandmaling scnseofmemorie,:ohom place... h\Oo·a•uscfult hen tubcarpapcu a hom the ChifiC)" Hou~ J.l useum in 1.\Mhtu·,t. :-.;,.,.SOuth \\"aJ,., , from Rubin McLachlan. and.,,.. hibitinghi<tory inmu~um<from

1\ron..,·•n Labrum and Fiona ,\l<:K~rguw. Fiona l"lli•ed .ome uwful <jU{"<tiou<about hi<mrian< in terpreting nlatc:ria l c•iclcnce. andthcirnJIOr"t::anccofpro•-Kiing con texw :tl d l'tail- ami stoggr·!l•·d thatthc•c'"'·mcaningsofobjcclli change~-o·hen theyarerelocatcd.

1\ot h Fiona and Rron .. ~'Tl i hO""<."<I t lrepotemial fon isua l rendering• ofthcpastin mu~umM:ttings

,\1.-bni~ Loveii.Smith"• paver 011 tlrl' hi<LOT} o f the \\"aitangi I"rt·at) House drC"'· aucnuon to an imponantth emewhichrnigh t ha•·e heen emphasi~ more '" otbcrpankipams:thel-el"}creat­ed nc .. ofhiMorir snes.the " ':\'5 tlre}are(onstnrctetl inthepopu· br ima!,;ut:mon a~ ha•mg real or natur:ol,qgm fic:anct.an<I)'Ctha•·e (Omplexhi<toric,.

O ut·ofth" mostuscful•ev ~ion! from m•· point of \' tck (lcarning:oho utl\"r, /.calaml h i'" 1<!1"\ iiiH[ l'C!OU I ~l'5) iti\Ohcd J.talcolm ~!d\tnnon (talktng 3holll the Te Waimano "cbsite wh ich showca<es htstoric~ l

sour ce• from th e Alexandl'o Tu r nbu ll l ib rary) . and Jock l'h il l i p> ancl J amre \l:tcKa~

(._..Hi•tOI)': theOI) and pr.Jcticl'). l:unsun:thatdl~'kdcwlopm<"nlil

willenhancc teachingandlcarn­ing in h ist<)l"}'! the potential of technolog>mu<tbo:hames,edb\ historians ("c should IIC\"er be accuscdufli•ing m the past!). I "~h m~pu·ed tO thrn k about the rebtionshiv:s bl'tw.,entt...;hnolog}

' I

;unl dbpla)ing,,.·ritingand und<:r­st:mdinghistorie>.

[ 3111 I\OtCOIII1nCI'II hOW("\"I'T that tim• far. e<Hi,•or' has di'"" turbo:d our conception of "hat con.titute~ the Muff of "hiswr,·. "~I think it o ugln to. 1\ fumH· chalkngr for hiltorians e•·e" "· ... h .. rci-


A.:::1~:~~:~~~ :\~~~ ton to attend th .. PHA.'\:ZA con­ference "-as"·eU "nnhit. The pa­P"n pr .. M•nted ca..·ered a "'ide r.mge oftopicl!and o n the "hole the <tandard "'"s''CI'}"good. Abo, the standlrd of coffee and food (induding \egetari:m o ption.) .. -~•cxcellentandhelpt:dto l:ccp

qclids open and brain cc\I.J in :letion.llu:Soncb.y nK>mingl'l-all: to t.he l'limmer"sArl:sitewas:> grcatidc:;o.andw:uuotonlyinter­c)ting but aOOhdpo:dtobreal:up the nwH· r.o·dcntal'}' acti•iti~.., of the reu uf the "eekcnd. Full mMk.\ to Ute urg-.mi>el-. on a >UC• ~e-sfnl ,..·cel<.>nd. I look fo,..,-ard to att<·nding thl' nc~t I'HA:\"ZA ronfcrcncc!

1,:~~~::, i:t.:~~~~:·~~~~.h.:;~ ,:~ f -c'>ionson Stmtl1\ in order to do J univl'n~ity\O>Vtk . .\la nyofth•• p;•· ll<.'P' ,.·en: intcrC>ting ;o,nd otinHJ· laung.ll•c,·enuc,.,-... •goo..-lf<.n the large !lessions (not :w gvod ,.·hen parallel K~ion~ ,.,·ere held, bcc01u:;o: of technical problc1m) and the conference dinner re< laxcdand pleasant.

I think it would h;:m~ been ~ood if the progr.unme could ha,·c been made a\•ailable in atkance. "ith more information :tll(>lll speaker. and their topio, andl)(:rhapswtncofth"•"could h:.l.le been 'screened" more oiO'>('"h 1\"'"'ldal.obcuscful if thc confcrencc could lw madt· more interdisciplinary in tutur<:", inH>hinf: more pruft':i<ional\

other than historian• "ho dc·al ""ithpublic histon•i$Sues(egpbn­ncn . arclmcologi<u. musrum profes.ionab etc). Thcl'l: .,·,·rca fcw!uch ~plethcll!'.butifthcrc

.,·,• re tnor<' thnt could he ..amc u•cful and thuugh<-pro\"o~ing t'J<change5

Ntwgs .... ~k. \\tlli>~gt•m

I fchtheconfercnccw:«:t gre~l

success. The spc:akc:r:s all d1d

rcall• well. A,,on hi~torian l'I"Ork· ing a• a h t•ritagc mana~:~er fot p:tri:J and other comeT''lltion ar­e;a.o,inl'iZit .. ~arcallrc:>l tOget

10 hear and mn·t [)wight l'itc-.. ithley of the t.:S:>:PS. I was alwintercstcd tohcarabout the e~ciling"'."l'li inwhichlhe HisiU"

Group 3TC presenting their re­:><:archinfom•ationinfo•m• that are reall} acce,;,;ible 10 the pub-­lic. :ond in $0 doinj;l. 101ising the profile of ~c,.,· Zcaland histol)·.

TI1e two (b,., rna<k me r.::alisc jn'l in the nicl:oftime that ltntl'l ha•·e bccn lidnappcd 0.. tht· ar· chaeologi>t.o and hase been going through a cnhsdi..<o·iplinalv mel<~·

m<..orpt10si~. t:uu~e<Ju('mlr i1 .,,., an e.pecia\1• cnjo•-ahle f~ d.1•"' fmnl<·tolwimmer<cdtnthchi"" to.ni:mcommunil\ onccagain

1 felt it ""sagr~at opponunil\ 10 m,,l;c and r<'ne,.•cont.1CI "ith ;o wi<le muge of histuri;om worl;­ing inthcpublicaren3andllool: fOr'l'l'arrl to the ne)(l conferenct. Man)•thanhto tlu.-orga.ni,ct-.!

Unrllrul f.grrton. Tr Annu

1:,:-a. "~ g:~;; c~~::~~;,';~~~ I'Ji,\,'\:ZA Conferen<:l' in Juh to c;o,((h up ,.,·ith 1\co. Zealand hi>to­rian• I'd rnet:>t A~tr..!i:m confer· enn-s and tomecto.:olleagucs"i th who,;c names I"d b..><:omc f:>miliar frorn their publi•hed work or from th t• H-AN7..AC di"Cus•ion list.butnc•-crmetfacc•ofact.

I found it us.:ful to OOtnp;lH" issncs inhoth countrie-..aswd l." ha•i nga ehance to hcar~boml'~ rlc•e\opmento. Tire 1\Z/ Aotearoa c<>n1pariwn' an• imponam fot m.,bcc:IU'<: hcingg~-ogmphic;olh

dose !li•·<-s us the pNential for , ha,·ing idl·a, and ~lll)poning

cachorhcr.Whilc.,.·ecleitl'h fJ.cc wmcdiff .. reru i•su•·• rhcn: ,.,-.., man• cornmon :u·ca1 for '"

Thc scniom ! ... ·em to cmpha­>i><:d fur me our common <:X peri· cncc< 111 puhlrc <cnor htstor\· "Ork. a~ heriragc r<:<eatch~·r$ or managcr..Wcucallenmcsh<:d rnthcwnto·<uahout"n:monmak· ing" natTa ti•·c,, and arthc s;mrc time U}ing to do n:~carch <tnd dc\"clop ~ccc .. ihlc and dralleng· ingint<:rpo·ct;•tion•forpublic di>­cu~siou. The "Sl/ Aotearoo situa­tion;, different in detail fmrn r\u<tral i:.. bur we ;tn· each in­voh·ed in WQrlting out th~ rcho· tiomhipsbct\H"encolonisedand co\oni><:r and rt:<;ent immigr:uu JX:Ople~. ;.;z public hi~rorians. bc.lthl~.!k.ehaandMaori.arcright

in d1e ccnu·c of thi> proccs.. a.. :orehistonansinAusu-..lr:o.\\"t·arc fintlrng it hard ~nd perplexing ou :oll 5idc"lini\um·.Ui~. bntilllhino­ri~"•· we arc being incr<:ll.lm~ly iii\"Oh"t"{\SIHICtut"aJI)'ill. fOI"<:XO\Jil· pic. inquiries like that into the

Stolen G<:ll<:i"llliQoU ~nd i11 tlrc Kalin• Title rc<c:~rch and dt~tr·r­mtmuion proce.,, So h~•·ing ~

chance to talk abom )'Ourcxperi· encr,.amingfromworkinthe \\"auangi Trihumol :md •nur dt.~ •·dopmf:" collaOOrntivn~ tJ.et.,.·ecn l'~kdt;o ami Ma<:lri hi.torian~ ...-ao

The area oftc:oching pttOlic histon•,.--.u also~~~ imponant o ne for rn<: 10 h:,.·c a chance to talk ou~r. llo:arned :1 g rc:u deal from the range or ... -a)'S rou ar-c ~pproacbing th<: interaction tx:r .. ·ecn profl"->Siorml.academic ~nd community practi<:Cll of hi,.. tory. TI1ercareurvngpressures on u• in Amtr.liia to rlt-.-clop pro­grJnnnc• "'hich CQnccrurare on professional practice. And in tlu.: clim.rlcofslninltingrt:Mlurc<:sfor rcniaryeduc:auon;u; .. -diMpnb· lit-<cctor"'-ork.""i' are forced to mo unt fcc p;t}ing cour"Ks lO do this,whit:hlimillthc ]><:Qplc.,.·ho canutke thecO\Jnt.'S. This poses us "ith challenges in bal~ncing

profl"<-•ional <kill training with comtnnnit•~riented "orl.. in ... ·hich profe-sional,kilh ar<" e•· ~cntial hut so ""-' uc ,, "hole •~mgt" of other t•--pcs of ~kill< and <"Xpericnce.Sor.e<"ingho"' •·otoin NZ an: exploring the mam di­•·cr<e rok"5oftlwhistorianinpnh­lic"'"Jsju<tfa>(inating.

I'm looling fono"1lrd to con tirm ing tn panicip;tt<: in the dr~­logu<: tw.-twcen puUiit hi•torian• acro>.>theTa:~man.TI•e•trengths

Hill hJ\'e in digiral histon doer<: in :"\7/ Aorl·aroa ,.-ill m~Le thar much ~asicr. Your:-.:Z/ Aorcaro.1 ffi,ton ~itt: i•ju>t,..onderful a nd ll"-a~ai(H"atl"\"1"-<lPt·n,.rW'<:<"<I


~uch an effccti•·" ""'to mount andcirculatcdu: ~en:ntwork of:\Z hi<torinn<inrnus.curn•~nrlmlu-r

public areou. So thanU for •·o ur generuu• hmpitalit•• and ,.-~nn welcome. l"rn looking fono-ard lo mtchingup:tgainattht·Or":lll-li-.. ton·confercnct·next•·car.


History in the Making The lot~! on whot hi~torions ore doing oround the cot~nlry

Dmid Yoomg is completing the .'ig-.1ti T:umt( 'ig-... ti ~laniopoto customary righ u: project for the Office ofTrcan· Sculo:mc:m~ :ond is :~hout to emh:ork on a • lwrt historyoft.hc Reoourcc ,\langcmem Act.

Trocy Tuf/odt ill doingcontr.lct research for the W..it.angiTribunal.

FrrmJt: Rogwrh:u complctl-d an C'l.loa\ 0 11 Mu rr.w Beresford Robcru.. the King of Con ~len. for the 1'\ZDB. ml5. He ha.. al;o been wo rking on gctung a p.~pc:r he prescmt-d ro rlw Puhlic Hi•IOr\ Confer· cncc read\ for publication on tlw imemcr. The papl"r is en tilled 'The ;..;.,,.. Zealand<'!'!: Th<· decline ofimmigram do min:uu;e in l'\ew Zcabnd: \llten d iet

" l"" lealan<lcrs ll.ecomc Nc" Zo::tlandcn' Tony Nightingale is curn: n tll' cmplo)Cd a• a

repon ,.·rircr for the Wai~.angi T ribunaL lib role ;. to fadlit"lt• thc r"port writing proc<-~. The mu mo<t r.,ccnt rcp .... ns twh <~> wor·kt-donarc

The ''11all8".mui Ril-er Rep::tt1 and the :\g:ui A"-a R.:pott.Hei>cum:nth•WOt"J..ingoct a nwnbcrof pn~j<-'Ctli th:u induo:lc: the O~:IdJ:IIn Islands, the Trum••em F01-e~~, the l'cuuk-tun :ul<.l tl~<: H:.ur.W


AmH" EJ.<t ha" been lcuuring for t lu• .\b~tcr of :\e .. · 7..calanc\ Studies. the ncwcoui"5C' offered thi•

Uilda MrDmmd/ lm• completed two eM>~\" for the DrVZB ,·o l 5. o n the in•·cntor K..1.rll':lllo and ~la,·cr Annie Hngg-.111 . She h:" :.bo complctL-d GllllCQ> of t'arh \\"d lingtonian• ;ond a n artick on Rohnt Southey;md:"e-< Zcab nd.

M alcolm M cKimum i•cnncntlj'..-ork.ingon a com­mi~Lnnt•d histon. ofTiw Trca~un..

john Mitrlo~tl is ..-or\:.ing o n "Thi• Om in Ne-.. Zca· land Histot)··. "hich iJ scarch;~bk lw da•/ momh/ \c:tr/ tcxt ina computerdaw.h:L5t"".

Kallo/tTJt l.Amt-ar i<<tilltr:tnsl:u in!': l..annmedic•<•l texts to assi.t 1'.5wciatc !Tofn.wr St(•phanic !Iollis <•f t\uoJ.bnd Univc t")it). She ha.~.ol•o complcto·d {out biogr.ophit-<. of c:orlv Anglo Saxon ..-omen <ainl< of the e ighth to t loe dt·•nllh c.-mutic a nd h <l.l t·m­barl:.cdon thcfifth

M ll'l,'<>I Ff\ ha:.l><:cn doiugsomcrcgul..rlcclur· ing at Ma>"-"' L'n ivcr<it• and i< cun cnth crnpkl\ed on asho n tenucollt.Iactatthe\\"aitangiTribuual. "or\:.ing on tht" Chatham hbrub Report.

Canterbury History Foundation comes up trumps Canterbury Community Hislorion

T:::~:,:·.:";;~~:·:~~~;~';·~:~~~:: nit,· mitiativc is well undcn.·a, T h l" Cantcrhu n Conununin H iJtori:.m annu .. t ~ .. -..nl i<a gmnt for a 'hi~torian·in-rcsidcncc" at the Departmen t of Hi~ton·

CamerbuJ'\' Uni•-enit\' Fundedb)·a gr.r.ntof$11 .800

from the CommunLI\" Trust. the conrrihtuion will allow t hc successfu l applicant I:! •~eel:.<

full-time rcM:arch and "Ti ti n~~:

IO"~rd< :r p;milular projert. The

;~ppointcc d ()(:S not han· to lx· a profc~ional htstorian or lmtory grnduate hmfull-tunc a.cadcrnio arl' not elcgiblc. The ap!KJinl­mcuti•duclObcmade•honlv.

T he Foundation. a chanublc "~'" n m rn •-olunteer><. ha~ had ,u·ongacad.-mieandconmrunil\" backi ng since iH inception Fo unded h) rh.- Cantc rhur>· HistOiirnlAssocationan<lhead<..:l ]), p resident a nd chai rman of tlrccxccutin,. lanl .cggatt. formcr C:hanccn .. .- ofCantcrhun Uni•~


~ r-,.u•. the Foundation "''~ C! t:ol>· lishcd to promote histon·and hi~ toticalrestarchm tht"C:lnterhuf\ region. lt haJ :.tread • hdd the inaugur.ol jim (::.rrluer l.ecoure. namc1t after the acclaimed C..anrerbtm:hbtorian.and.-eu•ral morel.-ctu,.._-.,;nccthen

Thea .. -:ud:.nd ll'cm rc•"illhc annual ,., ... .,,,and ohl' Tno~l

hopt."l-10 r:-ti>C murcmout·•· next •·c\lr tocxp;tndttsaCti\1Ul"S.

New books f'liAXlJ.V£ has a fi<'licy of nlll rruin.~n~ our m~'publicoliotU. Tlrn r orr r:ood rrAAms for lhU. Two that !prinJ!. /IJrnmdurr~~~tdlln'tw(Jriii<JIJf!mdbJommm.mollliU'I'd<"''t hm~IMti,.,_Piuw:intJNnuto~moujt/l ojachallmrf'

/() pt m.t ~mtlmut nddmg n•wrJvr tf,"'ll"nJWl. Hmvrorr, .,., ",.,.WI)' moorr of the n«d to j!IJM~ our """"' amf to mrouro!?! mrm/lt'TJ, hl'tlfl 1/" dh::isitm IQ nm 'Nrw IJ<Jol4' t1.1 11 "F;Uiar jtaturl'.

Micha<:l Basu:rt ha.- compli:red "Tumvmn•· U>Mt> tM • 'lou~o(:A l .oftof/'rtl!rFnrll'r. W1lh ,\ \ich"d Nn~-:. which ;, to be published by Penguin ill ~larch 2(X)J

/an Douglterf)• hasju•t 1><~<1 publi.twd ~ rC\Hcd edi­tion of hi~ JWti bio..,-aphy Armoola H1U, (William O ' i.Kan).

Anrr.: Else's ·up the C:mk n Pmh:janet and j ohn Rc•i>i ted' is part of a colkction ofp;~p<:l~ fro m the Histn" ·of tl1c Hook C<mf.,n:nu:, A IJooJt"' tlv Hand.

~oo·hich "ill Vt• p nhlishcd b1 ALII' in 2000.

An,.; .. ,,... s;mp14" ha• n···~ mlyr••mpl<'u·d ;I comrni<­•iOn("d history of the Wellington l' rofcssional Opera C.Omp.1ny. U1fJ11al OJ•t:m: \\£U111gton'• Opm• 1Am/JI1ll) /982-1999. It l<.'as bunched hy the :O.h.)'ur o fWcllington . .\h rl.: Ulumsky. attt.cCouncil Cham-1)0"~ on 'i 'iow•rnbt-r 2()()(). Here os an excerpt from tht·flyer.

T he oornp:ony'• first major p roduction was \'t'rrli', L"' Tr.wiara . 'l.aTr:l.\iata"':l.Smountt"rl nn tlw prnn.>rhial >hrw ,, u·iu!:. It• t'rHirc bud~et "':Is $15.000. most of,,·h id l "':U spent on theorche~traand on theatre rent. Elabo­mu:<cl!;amlcmtumc,were outuftlw<Jue.­tion . l'uuing tlw pror\urrio ll o n required ;o tre mendous co-opcr;'lti,·c elTon from a small ,u1m of•·oluntceo·~

L..!Dh TDylur has completed a h iog,..pl" '- Lnlu

Bounuman Nro~: A Mall uj l'allh and \ 'i$JQ11, whu.:h .. ;n he puhiUhed this n:ar. The hiogr~ph)· "-as eom· rni<.«imwdb\' IJmwc!rn .\l r·thodist Mr<<oonandu"~''

Wl'illcll :md p uhJi,ht'<! with the help of the Nc,.·Zca·

l:tnd llistorv Research Tmst Fund and the Method­'''(;hurd> of:'\t'wZt'3tmd, !'Tin~<' Albert C'.oll<'ge's Tru~ts .\kdi<o a nd Com n>lltlication School

Brou.-r~71 Lobrurn ami Brorru,.,., Da/k)· 'teditcd collec­tio n of II papen. Fm~lfwas published thi> r-ear

b• Al'r.A;.they ~rofit: This is not the w'Or!d of election'. f;unuu• men .

Act.• and 1\ilh . bm [the book] olio·.-.. newtor­ics. n~· histories and new id<>as abom the or· dinat)!il'esofnintoteenthand twentieth ccn· tmy:'\'o:w7-c31andt•,.._ Sonw nf thc e"a''< ~d dresslessfamiliar subjec~such asgardcninll.

clothe~ or building>. Other> ~urh a, that b> (;luis 1-lillianl orh\ .\13ori lnstori:m Danm

1\eenan . explore the""~"' in "'hich "'e h~''C de,cribed the past. Uron"~'ll Daile>· wrilin~ griJipingh ahout tin: "'Y'I<:riou~ <lf:<llh of :1

>'Oung wom~n in 19:!R :m d Gio;c!lrii)Tiwqli¥ cussinp; th e <>arh sun'C)'Ors,look at ho,.· ,.·e haw• inttrpreted and defmed t'en t.o and pl.oce!.. Thcwc!fare s t.uc in the l!.l::.OS" tht• wbjcct of Urom·~·n Labrum '< e"3'' while :O.Iargaret McClure dt...Us "ith " 'Ork and the bod•·inthcbtcr l <lthrcmun

Dtn~d Gm nl't ~ommtssiurtet! hi"uf} uf the TAB wa>

launchNl in a multinwdia t'\'Cnt ~t f"..r.rli:tmt·nt on

~N October, Ill Annette Kirtg .. \lini~tcr for Racing. Da•·i•l h>~.<iJ>"" ' 1Rmonth•re•e:.~rd>ing3ndwtiting

thi<hi<tOI'\, p.1r1 of th•• timca.•thf' .Stout Rt"..-arrh Fdlow. TwQ OrJrr 'l'hrtron Good Timt' .'>ugm (\l.:l') ;, a tit!fod,·rivt•dfromal9filhnc"'SJ>aJ>o:rarticlcon a

polire raic1on a pril'a\C hOUie.AiiCe5<JUaddNCC• tivc "'" $ittinf: in tl1e loung~ of ~ smpc<.terl hook· maker. The pho ne •••ug. ~nrl the detccli>'C grabbed tt. As pri•we hnobnal.:ing "-a-~ illcg-.d. diem~ 11<11:>lh used code worrls forjust ~uth a Situation. Thi< time howf.:ver.thcclientforgot aud .aid 'twoO\·erthree on ('.nod Time Sugar·. Sap 03>1d. ' I duu'tl.:now if l.ood Time Sugar won. hut the hool.:ic "~nicked·

D:llid is also ahout to puhhsh a ,-o]uuu: of r..r.~ing cartoon~. that he collect(.'(! during the course of hi• researd1 hwillapj>t:arcarh next year.


. I

What history on TV? Michael Kelly~~~ o history of our history on TV

Hi~torvon'IV?Thcrci,n't cnoughofiL \\'dl. that's the lamenr. and ofcour~ there c.,n;n nl•• :.rer!"t enough pro~;r:umn~..., o n

New Zealand hi•tor:o. but th<:'rc'< p lcnt•· o f hisron if •·ou look hard enough.

'{M ,'\'ro,o lroland mm. which •crc .... ned in 1998. "oufrom <-·d hya brolhe<:'drr:'ing.an n.,.-.n ingjamic Belich. augmented .,.;th K>mc niftY computcr-gcn­.,r.ued images. and it d irt a great de:;~ Ito chang ... per­ceptions of th e appo:a.l of hi,torical ~ew Zealand progmmmcs. t\nrl ir"'""-<prrnncati\"c-aho.,.,.a,.in ningconccpt.

;-.;.,...Zealand hi>IOI'. on o ur I\' scre-ens in all prol>.~hilit• qan cd "ith a d o.unatiSt'<i docn mrntal"\ on \~ron de Thie m · sometime in the 1960<. ho<tcd b• lanjohn•tone. For thooe ~-.·hocan't recall d1at. the •t.rrung point "u uld pmbabh• ht· .,., r.ot'fnwr. which ..:,-.,ent.-d :?.~ ,.,.~,. :tgo :u tht· lmmeh of the ~cond channel :rnd th~ separation o f South P:ldlk Tde>1~1on. While it didn't ~~acth . lwd tha t much meaningful ligh t o n one of t hi' cuumn·"< l>t ... t knmo·n political leaden. "/'It, {.o........,or. K riptt""d b' Kt""ith Aberrlcen.dicl introflncc thenotionof"'I'WZI'alanrl hi5ton• to local audience•. "ho et~on.-d il. !Jut th" l:O::wemment"s anxiel)" at the sh...:r cmt of TM (""""" ,.,.,.or and the critical drubbing the p rogramme took. meam it "-ou ld br mo,.., than 1"-o <leC"ddes bcftn e ano1her grand hi>toriatl drama. Cffl'll.lttl'lf. ""'

embar~<.'"d o n. It didn't lool like much had been learned.

lmmcxh:otd)· fnllo,.,·ing Thf (".(ff!'nWr there w;n a •plurge o f acti>it~ in local~· made telC\.~!ion. and hi.1on U..ndited. In gl'<n' <":ll though the,e .. ere dr::a· m .... anr\ although often about real hi~tori(:~l fig· urt...,thC\ ,.·en• 1101 r\r:.un:Hi<t:r\ ciOCun\CII!Ol.lie<. ("~Ill an,"OnerC"mcmber HuOitrr"sGold(bovh;u ad,·C"ntUTC"5 "'t iu heautiful Cemral Otago su•n.-'"' during gold · rn•h dan). or Hm!lo01 (re:ll 19"' cc nturv llmwdin barri<tC"r .!<~'"" clicn~ from th l' ~llo,.,·•). or c•·C"n Snfdqn (Ton1· Currie not quitl' managing to boom ami blu•terin imagiHed King Dicl;_,.t,[ej;< /Iiston found its,.,<~y imo a ""'P: r.cmnlf) /XKrorhad an his­torical•ening. ti.,A,.~Iat My T(lbk. which abo had acinemareleaseand"-a'awi)Comincingportr.J.>-al of Janet Frame's earh· life. fonn< [hlrl nftlw lu•tori­cal Ooeli\Te on 1hl' ~m~ll -c,-.,.:-n. In thC" earh•90< ""l' had the dramali.cd docum.:-nt:ln· r.erin ftmnttyJ on th•· e~plor:nion of Thomas llnmner. mi.-•onan \\"illi:un Colcn"J amlJolt~nllDtetTcnhach ·a rare C"xccplion.

A> f:tra• tclli11g str.:•ight swne• f1um o ut p."l>l. [1(1Wel·cr. theo·e o·eal~· h:t<lM.'t!ll prcciuu<httleufit.

Documentaries. e•·cn in the da•·• before "Real n ~. ha•l' b.'en mostl>':lbolll curren t affiti~. In moo·,_.,.._.. cenltimc< the\ h:wehernme 1ncreasinlo:h tn,·i;ll ami <)r ~n<.~tionali~d

S nc ltaltwdm fll 11'0• is ~ibh the best (or should that t.e tlu: wot~ti-1 ex,11npl" of lhi•. A mar· ,-eJlonsoppt>nunity"'" pre•cnwd to the ponduccr< - Communicado ~nd the 1~1.:- "'cil Rolx·ns- toac­atc a oonJmcnJor.ttin~ cn:nt "ith a dcc .. ut hudget. and'""' blew it.. .,peCI.J.Cularh . :"ot onh rlid the v-riN <m~ckofthr\\"Or<t<:"XCC"''t""'Of "90«"•np<"rfici­

alit\", it d isplayl'd prt'cions little S<:holar$hip. Histo­riaot>"""nton tht'Otllacl.soto<peak.

Fromlht"s:mw•llthlt·of•·plu:nwr;•'·""'"17"11n;· l\ i-\1;..., ... ·hich m~~ ha•·e been a gOO<I ,;c,.ingifi'OU wert· into no;.talgia. but lh(' .. hole thinR ""s lillie morc titan a t:thleaux of,.J.t:ud• connn:wd image' of:-,,.,.. Zilri in the go•)<! old dal ... oourte'l"of the old,...alionaiFHm Cnit"oarch i>·t'. And it"":lsfronted m l':•ul Holnw~. "hich '"'""'"d t« en"n·<.'"a lasting impre...,ion of 'halluwn<..,.~.

\too-.;, rcc.:-ntly h"C" ha,·c had th(' \C"I' popul~r Epi­

tll.ph. which t<'"ll• good .~torie< ""11 although thc jnn· i• ~till out on th e dram .. tic mu!ic dnd dim lighting Kci•h Quinn "s riocum('nt."\rvon the hi$ton· of n•gl>r in :-,:.,,., :r...,abnd .. -... ;Um.-d a l the bro ... tll.xmd of :'lie .. l.A:abnd :md earned i1 off,.ciL Along "~•h .Vn~ /.N>.­

IImd \\iln. perhaps tho:- mo~t inno•-ati•t'and ~tnho•i­

tatin• aucmpt at puuing our hbtor> on T \' ,.,.. Our PNJPlr. OurCLntury. "hich ..:reened [:l)t •ear. It fu J.­Iowerl a tho·m~· •hro11gh g~·ncmtion~of"'"'"l.<-':tlanO..

er:>. Some found it m~ture and tho ughtful documen­tal"\ making. although o the.-s. like Melanie S olan critici,l'(\tts :m~·nlt<tal f•ocu~ .ond bd, of cult .. tenc ..

T l1cr•.· h:wc hceno•hcrc:<."lmplc' huc tlw •Wl'f· •··hdming imprt""s~ion is that as a nation "'<' ha..:• gcnct-:tlh f:.iled to u-an.Lote our und,.n1tandinguf o ur p;ut onto the small «erccn. lhn ;11l is not lo~t Tht"" Go•cm m('nt"< draft broadca.ting chan.:-r a~kl; n "XZ to place more empha>i> on hi• tO•~· in its pro­grdmming. \\1lilc it ;,<till h:mlco<ee ho,.·thi•i• goin~; to~ imposed on T\'1\",1;, " hich "ill n·main commcrciallv dri•-en and ha' a culture implacabh op[>O..e<ltost;ueillle<fercncc.ddirrtti.-.nh:t!> bcen

~· Tht""rt"";. anotht""r r.:-awn for opumi<m. Choic.:-. Prime Television currcn th occupi"' the more high· hnm e11d of the tek,·i.;un >JWctnnn and among'' i1s offeting~ of conlt.'(l~ rept::us and lYI\"7 rli<canl< are ~me real g('m>. There arc u~u.alh· atlea,t on.:- if not twu h isturico•l dvo.:tu11~·mari~~ .,,·en ........ ~. if•-ou (OIIIll ~he li kes of Grml .Hmntmt#1 of IM 1fr ("......,1111)


.ond tlw lhllo') nJ Ht;:,hl.unong them. Tlw t·nrl of the millcnnnun ha~ thro"'' up a gu:atn>:om ·,.~.._;, • ..,.,.·

ofthl" past I (HIM IOOOy.-:~r< and Prime ha~ btchcrl onto man• ofth.-..-.w.-,hou\dn 'tfo rgctthegreat 1\riti•h C<»UIIIIC dr~una. which h:b lx:.:n pMt ancl parcel of ~<'"' Zealand TVvicwmg for •10 •cat·• t\mong them have been .\Omc ouutanding ponr.aiu of•<gmfiC'.unlmtonc.tl figure~.

lfvou ha\c 3LCc"' w them, and arc];~..," and ..,·.-aid" enough. it is po~iblt• to subscrib-e to a p lethora of cable or s:uelhtc channeb. On the Di.co•cn and, more panicularl)', :\,niunal (.cographic Channel.•. hidden among5t programme< on sharks or migrating wilctehcc~t.

there are man) high qua/it) hi~tOI)' prug•~unnte>.

f1't:quenth·rcJ><:ate<l lfvuumi.sst-"<lthcmthefiotmne Yon can finrl documcntalic• o n polar cxp/Qration.

,.~,. (cxrrctncl) popular in """tern countrie>).trea .... tn·ehuntCt'li.au:hacuiq."> ant\<flforth. Rcceutpra. gr.mtmCJ h:wc had unre;r.liJtia.lh exotic title~ such a •. Yrtrt.sfl{tMIJrodSm~ln!,mrcltfi{Lall:rnouof Arabi(!, JWt<m to tM \ilik)· of Kwp- TwnNI!hmnot, Emf!•"~ oflndta, Tht Story· of tilt ~tnt•" of J.ii:Jffly. Jlrndmbu7Xand T«nl\\'or.

Clcarlv ll ,.;n "'""'"be hart\ for "''" /,ral;mrl hi!tm'\' tu ma~c it imu primetime hut then' art• e nCOur;tging <igm. •:arl~· nc~r rear Ca(!lami l -og. a h~IOI'}'ofNc"·Zcalanrl·• maririmc p:ut wm..-:n round t.oo~·~ linu •·o•<~gr around i'\e" Zealand. ,..ill ncach o ur •crecn•- And. JUS\ to h2nd, T\'\:'l_ h><s announccct th2r a m2jor nc"' hiuory series ~<~ill go into productio n ne~t "'a1. It is cxpecu"l to be the nuostc"l""'si,·eprogramnwt·•c•· matlein~e~<~·7..c-.t­

lanct. Thcrc'< <urc to bot more. Keep"<~tchmg

Conference in the black

T::~:~:n:~~:~~::~lt~·~: .. :o~~: on/. ,.-a, Lhc conference a lutuf funaudaf:~>cin;•tingin~iglutnw

oth<.·r· pevple'sjob-<, it ~~~•s abo a finandal succe$$.l'nlcssUtcrcarc cn:ditor.lurling arouud comer>. andatthispnintit.s<;f'm<unlilt'IJ'. thcconfctC'tK<: notonll f"'id iU "'"·it made ;r hcalthv $303.12

profn. \lltcn "'' mitiath look<.-d atdiffcrcnt,cnut'li inthcdl\',tht• To~<~'ll l lall "-,u one of the more CXJ>C"'"·e option•. OrJCI' wt· ex

pl;oined tht• impon .. nn· of the confcrence~<~ith iuintemational ~J><:akc.-...hi•tul'i;o_mfrum.tll,"·ct

thecountr. .. tfon r< on hnit:~ge ;md >0 on. lltL"'' munediatd• di,. count~"<l thrr•tci.Jy 200.00ada1. So a thanls w tlw \\'ellington Cit' Cou ncil for th<'IT <uppon

The other majot cX]JCllS~ ,.-d, the dinn~r at th~ W~llc•lc1 Cluh. h co•t u~ 2.159.!'.0 to rlin._. in ;~n cnch><nting,oth._.,..,.orJdhchO<.-o­latc boxS<:tting. h ,.-ds wonh itjmt to look at thr ct•iling. rtw <.:om


pan• "'h grc;ot, the wine flowed frcch and l..,·cnvne had a gr~at

Our o ther expcns.,s "('IC

lllorc modc•t. And ;tg'dlll, "c had im·.du~hlc as.<i!l<lliC<!. Thr ~linis­

UI'ufCultureand l letitagckindl• dona1cd u• the conference fold· t'tl.wwconl} hadto pa) for the ~t;otional) that went "ithin.

;\ full.ct o(accunnl.\. ,.;n he J.>!'t.':.cnt~d atlht• AG~I aiKl •vu can r<.'qucstawprll'cmailing:

margot.fryeparadi .... net.nz

Soviet-watching in Trans-Atlantic holdings Tony Wilson provides a lonely plonet·like guide lo tvro major oversea~ research institutions

E xpcriencr:d PHANZA lmnds should not find diiTkult•• .. ·ith thoc ,,..o archin:s. n;uneh. the t.:S 1\ational Arch i•es and R«ord~ Admini ...

tmtion [www.nara.gov] otusidc w .. ~hin);tun. DC and the l'ublic Record Oflicc [www.pro.gov.uk l at Ke>.·. London. Initial incon•·cnicnce. including TC'-Orient:uing to new and bigger en•·iromnent~.

~hould not im po:rlc reM:an:h: I found lo;s,; th;on c:<· pcnedwhen i •"Uit«<thetwo in<limtion<inj uh•thi• year. " i th help from a \I FAT mwel gr.uu. to checL: out th..,ir holdings in reeranl to NZ·Su•·it·t rel;olions. 1950-91. Tho<e radcl"5 ,.·ho h ;oscn't •~sited them m:w appreci.:ue the follol.ing otucn:uiom tips.

lltc '"" ' modern, >J>-lciou~ ArchiH~~ huilding at Collo•gt• l'ar l:. ~bryland (otwrwd m thr nn•\'90<;md nm.·housingmosr Federal Go\'emmem re<ords} nn l~<t he r<!ach ed 171 :r free <huuk hns . Thi' d e part.> on w<"ekr\a,.,. u~u~u, c•·er" hour (on the half-hour). from n(';r.rtll<"Old :\r'dm·csbuildingunthe<'r.>l'ner o f ith Stand l'c rm>' h'llni;o A\'C, in downtu..,·n \\';uh­

ington.TI•edeparturepoim c;onb<:rcadu:d lntak· ing lhe MeU'Q (5\lb\.".1.)') to Al·chiw,..:\'a\') .\kmorial >tation. The trip to Colleg<! Park ihelf talc• alxnuj()minute:s.

AC<:CM to NARA requires mmputcri!ied n:·grstr.~­

tion am\ rhc ;,..,,e of" ReM:arch U.rd. n.lirl for 3 \l'ars: tal<." [[l \il.:<." a J>.-w;pon o r cn:rlit o::u d to ~ist this proce<s ;..;ARA has spacious locker$, regular pull' time> (Am e ric:uo fOI' ddi,·cring requ~~b) and ,uhsr;oun:rl. larxo:l•· nmH:kermnic.fmtling:ritl~De­

cla.s>iliconion, ar J.:a,r for tlr" ~r:n" [)('pt. Rec;on l Croup>i..,d>>ecling.ha;extendedto 19 i 3. under :r \il><:rorllr intcr-prt:tcd30)cJ.r' rule.

Two <urpd«.~: <>lie , tile pr.,domm.mce of rna\.,, in front·lin<." suiT (about :!0.30<::!: of ... hom. on a rough. \'i,u.ol c;ount .... ere Afric;an-Ameri, an): 1"0. thercli:mce<uld\onm:uru:.l (1 1 r ulti-~<11h0n ) r~tlhcl

than electronic methods for makmg rcquc<t5. Thc laHer and the !-Ometime• broad Southern a((ent> o f •" "'" .orchi•·e, st.tll'tcslt..-1 0 11c's patit·nce; Dl.1

~l:rry·l:rnrl arc.in ""''"""'"' ''· panof tlwSouth.OIT­.settingthis..,-asanArnctican <taplcin mostin•titu­tion .... afineplacl'"toeat. "ithagreat ,-arie l\ ofpi1· ~=rs. l>.1gds. coffer·ctc;plaillorfnogalculin:on '"' "'' cnuldlx-0\"erwhchned

l~odes arc.h"-al material. NARA has bound mJ.. ume" of p rintl"<l documem, on >h t"l\'t•) in th<' mai n reading room ohat should not II<' on:d uokt·d; in lit} OS<'. 1"'0 \'Q]UillCI in the !-Cries Fln'tlp/UW.Ir()flJ of rMU•ukdStnta (on rdation,..,·i•ll the U!o.':>R) prO\·ed useful

The Public Record Office carries the subtir.lc

'Tile :\arion:rl An:hiH~· (uf t.ngl.md :md \\'al<:!> :m<l of the L' l\); Scotl:md must h:ow it.s O\\'n. Further. ··ou are politeh•corre(t('([ if•ou sa• ' re,o rct...' in the plm;o\; ·record' -.ound> mule gr<ondh. ~amlc"h \u,loric-al. T hi• rnqinnoon ha~ al'l> tr:m•fenl.'.'d w a ncwcr. morc spa<:iou• 'lilc, thou,~;h the cxtcmal<!roc­ture i~ nglii.'r 1han 1h r. I.'S one. cn~n if ir ;, gra<:ed b• <ullle sort of >mall lake and fomrl;oins a rrdngemcm unenh~nc .. d ~·~ cold, o\'erc~~lstnnmer'• d<t\

The a r,hi• .. • r.anhereachedll} l)istrictUnemhe (Richnrund. not 1\'imbl<'don tenninus) to K.-" ( ,ar.

rlen• •llnion. (ThcdreaJ><:sr oplion.•arc 'nu lim i1cd trai"Cl' · 4-zoncp.a1.se,ofoncormorcdal-:sdur.uion: .o~k \.Qndo n l r.'"'IXIrl for "hiche\er one •lnts the lt:nglh of•"Onr· •l<t\': lt<."" i'a-1-wnc u·ip.)

l{('mcmlx:r :o.bo 10 '"'''on •he !lime ••rl~· of t.hc >lation thatnm arrt"· at . walkrng from tt.alt)llJ( 1\urlin!\IOn Kd and Ku<kirl A\C 10 ge1 10 1he PKO U m.:c then:. a K~·~dn'~ Tida;L is rcq uut"<l. nccc•si­tating !I) lil <: a P•'"'iJOtl <>I cr~"<lit ~•u d. Optiunal omlunron lOurs .m: offcn:d. Some ob6er•:uion• o n !he archiH~{opemtion

(i) TI1c I'RO i· <'C"' l>u>' and full of •i>itOl'l r~"

scan:her-.. much more su tlo:rn iu; US <.'<[ui1<Lit:nt. Tlwruain rr,;oding room, "irh 60ormon•mt•hi

dc>k "ork area>."'"' ao"rled. In par t. tlri> i> h<:catl.St." lhc ard•i•·•:s offr·n a •·en ~nl»lanti.ol

di<pla• area. " ith " 'idt:h a<hert.i,ed. changing di,pl;i\'>

(ii) A.lsu i1 i>so much mut·e acct:,~iblt:, "itlllargc c<~q>arh.fullvt '"hiclcsth:umight ha"eJU<t bt:endti•"Cn d0\'o1l the :.11 from the ;..;onh: much lurd.;r 10 d ri•e from California, w•. aero .. to \1.n)l.uu!. Fnnhcr. L'Sre•c:rrchet"m,t• " '<:II )to

tothcirslaT<":trchi•·e,, lir<l,wh<!rcasin 1\nt:.in a, ~ unital'\ $tate (~otland ex,cpted) •·ou ha•·e to go ro Lomk111 forotlicial :orchi\t·•.

(iii ) T ill' 1\rili<h ar•·al<Omore highh· gcarcrl.clec· tronical\l. •·inding aid< are <till focm<."d on ofltn un,.ic\(h regi!ter..cO!dering. howe•·er. i• 1>< compnlt:l aml•·ou:rrt:iMnedwithapcr""nal pager "~'han a~•igned de•k number. al .. ning •·ou "hen )'<">u r re<]nest ;, a•-ailablt. •·rom o f

houSt'>l:offare brisk.hclpfulaml (asai Colleg•' l'uk) mainh· m:olt:. Sonlt' of 1hrm- no rnnci<m - could read om agrocef\ list and make u all wun<l .o'ci•·ili>t'(\',worthloffullcrre•c.or(\l o r

(h ) Apart from th<' archi•'C$ "ith their 16i km of <hdl11ll(, lh<'re i•alibmqal lhe l'R0;1h<"'''and rn tlw Rcgisler~/!irJd ing ard• 10011". ohcful I'Q\um<:$ Qf pri nted ro:co r·tb can be (Quud .

1 ti

D~•·i• llou<e, 182~. H S• z•.:\\', \\';o~hmgton, DC. . . All mid the <i si! ";'Is qu ite p roducti•·e (more.w. 200)9, l'hont': 001·202·2~2·3196: in London. at ~n

for tO) p;lrticul;or l't"!>earch. in the t:S th:m the t:K) LSE hall <•freKience. l':t!;!;litld 1 t.~ll; checlom :t\;'lil-~·orn·~arch(""on a hmlg<·t, r<·<~S<•n:thle ;occmnmo- ~hili !\' for ca<ual gn~'l-< in th~ sumtm•r hn•01k •1:1: dation ( L'S4.'>, P"r nightoc<ingl<") can tx, had al: Pa~~fieldel!.e.oc.uk

Website Review Michoel Kelly finds that the world\ fascination with Antarctic exploren; extend~ Ia the web

T h.- rrn:nt ~·lc of th<: lin;t vohun<: of Sh.u-l.:kloll'> c)a,..,_jc :,.mlh, the sto•) of "the gre:.ne'l reso:ur ad\'enture ew:r" i• a ~emindcr of the l.:ind of pull polar <'~plor.uion ••i ll ha5 o n our imaginatiou< For tho~· o~s;ed wuh the 'heroic' era of polar explor:UIOo1 . csptc1allv to the Antar(.tic, thtre are"

m:nn >U<" tu ,,, te thrtwed. lf)'UU a r" ~"en on guud t:.uuo.~l accututi.:>v! Ant;ornic e~plorc~with eXIen'"'' hougr.lphical mform:u"'" tlwn trv http:/ /www.sovth-pole.com.

f.s>-.,miall\·allAnl.lTCtic phil:uch • il<:.itcon tain • Cilmprchcmiw.><.>uudh writtcuandwcll rc..:an.hcd biogr.~phic< of till' kc< explorer<. There arc stacl:.s of choic<:S. from dc l.o7icr to Weddell to K1nl. mam· o f "·hom ha•·e ~trong tics "ith :\'cw Zealand. Clicl.: o n the rckwnt lmk tv the left on th t- homepagc

http:/ /news.mpr.org/feotures/ 199905/Jl_robei_ wulking/index.html i> the site for •-ou if you can't get enough of Sir r_rn.._._r·, lliH:rl\' a~toni•hml< f~·aL hi< run lw. o<lrlh enough. the Mmn~t:l Publi.._ :\'~'"'' Scr'l'ict· and is an imcr.1ctin: exh ibition of a documcnur• the scnicc ran on the ill fated exp<""ditiun. It umtains many of Fr.m k Hurley's rcmarbhle photo< hut "mainlJ made up of de...:ripti•·e audio clip>. Among the mam· "cb-<itl'"' dc\otcd to Shacklewn is http:/ /iodigo.ie/ ~ishack/ernesthtml, "'·hkh dnc."< a fai r job o f ~tmmt<trising hi~ cumpli<:;ued life.

Captain Ruben &o11 ;, (tlllltnemoooucrl all mer tloe web. "'ith m;m\ ~ites dc•·oted to re1·ie\\ing book~ that en her eulogill' l1tm as a lwm nrdi•mt<S him ,o< a n hnm hhng idiot

rou coulrl c:he"(.l.: out http:/ /...........-v.who2.com/tOberrfolccnKeil.html. ~<•hich has some deccntlinl:.s to Scou m:uerial (mclnding the philarcl)' ~ite) or. for~ hule ,.cuncthm~ diffcn·m. a "li<lc ~lm" ofr.m: ~1 ..... m•g-.t­ti•·•·• (all_hough ~~~~,.are wnmgh caption<"d) :md a pa1chih wrino.•n text d c•'Qied to hi> 1"->t expedition :u http:/ /www.ort-milchell.fre-:5erve.eo.<Jk/$Celt/$lide3.hlm1.

Amlof (o ui'!\C,3U) dt:n •m .«·:trchcugincshoulrldothc!ricl;

f'lumz,ur i> pul_,l i,h~d du~.- rime. a y.,-~r h rh.- ['roi~iouallli~mri••" oi Nrw Zul•nd/Aotc~roa. Tile cditnri~l cornrniltc<' is Hiluy St::acr. l);,~id Yomt~. Marg01 Fry and Michael Kelly.

You 0111 comact lls'-'r •n~il: The l:.diror./'h.nunr. 1'0 Bu• l'Jo-i. Thurndon, Wdling~on

I'I«JIOS uc crcditt<l whcr.- applic>bk. D<.:•iJP' .,.d la)'OII! Jenn F~l(oner

C PH.o\N'Zi\2000