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BROUGHTON Newsletter - 1



As you may have already heard, the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council was pleased to announce this week

that Mr Don O’Connor has been appointed as the permanent Headmaster of Broughton Anglican College.

Prior to this week, Mr O’Connor had been working in an interim capacity, having been appointed during 2009.

Over the last year, the Council has been very thankful for Mr O’Connor’s wisdom, humility and godliness in leading

the College and its staff. He is well respected inside and outside the College community and is well known

throughout the Macarthur region.

Broughton Anglican College seeks to develop its community into Christ focussed lifelong learners who lead a

lifestyle that honours God and serves ot

great example of someone who seeks to do this personally.

As a Council, we are looking forward, under God, to continuing our

partnership with Mr O’Connor and the College community as we seek to

provide a solid Christian education for each one of our students.

Thank you for your partnership with us and please do pray for Mr O’Connor

and all our staff that they may continue to live Life through Christ.

Rev. Nigel Fortescue


Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council




As you may have already heard, the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council was pleased to announce this week

that Mr Don O’Connor has been appointed as the permanent Headmaster of Broughton Anglican College.

rior to this week, Mr O’Connor had been working in an interim capacity, having been appointed during 2009.

Over the last year, the Council has been very thankful for Mr O’Connor’s wisdom, humility and godliness in leading

well respected inside and outside the College community and is well known

Broughton Anglican College seeks to develop its community into Christ focussed lifelong learners who lead a

lifestyle that honours God and serves others. We believe Mr O’Connor is a

great example of someone who seeks to do this personally.

As a Council, we are looking forward, under God, to continuing our

partnership with Mr O’Connor and the College community as we seek to

ucation for each one of our students.

Thank you for your partnership with us and please do pray for Mr O’Connor

and all our staff that they may continue to live Life through Christ.

Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council

14 May 2010 Volume 2

Mr Don O’Connor and Rev Nigel Fortescue



As you may have already heard, the Campbelltown Anglican Schools Council was pleased to announce this week

that Mr Don O’Connor has been appointed as the permanent Headmaster of Broughton Anglican College.

rior to this week, Mr O’Connor had been working in an interim capacity, having been appointed during 2009.

Over the last year, the Council has been very thankful for Mr O’Connor’s wisdom, humility and godliness in leading

well respected inside and outside the College community and is well known

Broughton Anglican College seeks to develop its community into Christ focussed lifelong learners who lead a

Volume 25 No 14

Mr Don O’Connor and Rev Nigel Fortescue

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 2


I wish to thank the College community for the congratulations and best wishes that I have received

since the announcement of my permanent appointment as Headmaster of the College. I

appreciate and value the number of people who continually support the College and myself in

their prayers. I am confident that God will continue to watch over and guide the College and, that

by committing all things to him in prayer, together we will be able to achieve great things in His

name in the Macarthur region.

It is a privilege to lead a community such as Broughton. The College has been blessed with its rural

environment, the wonderful facilities, its committed and talented staff and a supportive and encouraging parent

body. However, it is the students of Broughton, past and present, who are a measure of the quality of the College

and how successful we are as an educational institution and in implementing our vision and mission.

As I commence this next stage of my leadership of the College, I feel it is appropriate and valuable for me to

reflect on the four aspects of leadership that I promised to follow, in my first speech as Interim Headmaster in July

2009. I would value feedback from the College community as to whether I have acted in a manner which reflected

the following characteristics of leadership in my first year as Head:

i) Seek to be a servant leader – seeking not to be served but to serve others

“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be slave to

all. For even the Son of Man, did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom to many.”

Jesus, Mark 10:43 - 45

ii) Seek to care for those that I lead

iii) Seek to lead by example, modeling Christ-like behaviour in my actions and my words

“Be shepherds of the flock that is under your care, serving as overseers – not because you must, but because you are

willing as God wants you to be; not greedy for money but willing to serve; not by lording over those entrusted to you

but by being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3

iv) Attempt to ensure that I aim to bring glory to God in all that I do

“Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” Corinthians 10:30

Last July, I asked all members of the College community, to make me accountable to these aspects of leadership in

my role as Headmaster. I would value feedback as to whether you believe I continue to remain focused in

displaying these aspects of Christian leadership or do you feel that I am straying from the model of Christian

leadership as outlined by Christ.

Please feel free to give feedback either by talking to me or by emailing d.oconnor@broughton.nsw.edu.au.


Deputy Head of College – Teaching and Professional Services

With my appointment as Headmaster, the College has advertised for applicants for my previous position of Deputy

Head of College - Teaching and Professional Services. Closing date for applications has been set at Tuesday 1 June


Schools Council and I wish to highly commend Mrs Carol Kennedy for her commitment and outstanding work as

Acting Deputy Head of College – Teaching and Professional Services over the past twelve months.

Information relating to the role description and application process is available from the College website.

Ms Rose Burrows (Teaching and Learning Support)

It was with sadness, that I have accepted the resignation of Ms Rose Burrows (Mrs Nockles) as from the end of this

term. Ms Burrows has been at Broughton since 1991, having held various roles including Mathematics teacher,

Head of Science, Year Coordinator and Numeracy Support. She played a major role in the revitalisation of the

teaching of Mathematics in the Junior School.

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Ms Burrows leaves the College for family reasons, including gaining flexibility to support her husband, Dr David

Nockles – Head of Macarthur Anglican School.

Mrs Lyn Ames (Cleaning Staff)

Mrs Lyn Ames has tendered her resignation from the Cleaning Staff of the College due to family reasons. Mrs

Ames has worked with the College from March 2005 until December 2006 and again from September 2008 to May

2010. We thank her for her hard work and dedication to the College.

The College has advertised for a replacement for Mrs Ames (6 hours a week). Please see the College website for


Mr Doug Nichols (I.T. Support)

The College welcomes Mr Doug Nichols as he commences as Information Technology Technician. Mr Nichols

brings into the College a wide range of experience and expertise having previously worked at Mount Annan

Christian School. He has a passion for Christ and attends Wollondilly Christian Community Church.

Mrs Kiersten Pitman – Secondary Learning Centre Support

Mrs Pitman has returned from Maternity Leave following the birth of her daughter, Alexis. Please pray for Mrs

Pitman and her family as she deals with the emotions and changes to family routines that are experienced as she

returns to full time work.


The Year 11 Legal Studies class is currently participating in the Mock Trial competition against schools from the

south-west region. This competition is coordinated by the Law Society of New South Wales.

The Mock Trial is a simulated court case competition for students of Years 10 and 11. The objective is to teach the

students about the law and judicial system in a simulated adversarial environment.

The Broughton Anglican College team consists of the following Year 11 students: Rebecca Blackburn, Rebecca

Dunshea, Grace Kilgour, Jarrad McCarthy, Zachary McLean, Pamela Ramirez, Victoria Tranby, Nathan Willard and

Isabella Zuzul. These students are very enthusiastic and passionate about applying what they have learnt in class in

a real life scenario.

We have competed against St. Patrick’s College (last year’s regional winners) and Mount Annan High School.

Round 1 was a practice run against St. Patrick’s. In Round 2 we won our court case against St. Patrick’s, but

unfortunately lost on the adjudication by the magistrate. The students were commended by the magistrate for

their excellent performance and their knowledge about the legal system.

In Round 3 we came up against Mount Annan High School. Our students were very nervous, because they

desperately wanted a win. Once again, our students were brilliant and determined to do their best. Our closing

statement was excellently written by our barristers and solicitor and well presented by one of the barristers. We felt

that there was no way that we could loose this case. We won the case as well as the Mock Trial against a very

competent Mount Annan High School team. Our first win! Once again the students were commended on their

excellent performance and they way they conducted themselves during the trial.

Now we await our next opponents in Round 4.


Earlier this term a number of Broughton students went on to represent the

College and the NASSA Association at the AICES Football Trials: Lucy

Chapman (Yr 9), Delfeayo Francis (Yr 10), Tayla Hallett (Yr 12), Alison

Milligan (Yr 11), Kelly Milligan (Yr 12), Chelsea Rix, (Yr 8) and Jesse Sapsed

(Yr 9).

Congratulations to these players for a fine effort.

Well done Tayla and Lucy for going on to represent the AICES Association

at the Combined Independent Schools trials.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 4


Interviews for students entering Prep, Kindergarten and Year 7 in 2011 are currently taking place. If you were

expecting your child to enroll in one of these grades next year and have not received a letter regarding an offer of

a place or an Interview please contact the Registrar as soon as possible.

The College is still accepting Enrolment Applications for Prep, Kindergarten and Year 7 2011. May I ask you to

encourage your family or friends who are considering Broughton for their children to submit their applications


Mr O’Connor




We are calling for more volunteers in the canteen especially the Junior School Mums, Dads

or any Grandparents who are willing to give a couple of hours to help us serve our students at

recess and lunch. Our canteen runs daily and needs support from our volunteers to make it a

success. We really need your support - the students love to see it when their mum or dad is

working in the canteen. Please consider giving it a go. You can contact Debbie on 4645 2054

(between 7.00 am and 1.30 pm) or 0417 432 607.



We are nearly half way through the PRC calendar so you are encouraged to keep reading. If you have already read

the allocated number of books for the Challenge keep reading and your total number of books will be recorded

for the Broughton Challenge. These extra books still need to be at your reading level.

If anyone has trouble entering the books already read onto the PRC website please phone the IRC or call in (after

having registered as a Visitor).

Next Monday we will have a display of new PRC books available for donation to our collection. Grandparents have

been invited to make a donation but if anyone else would like to call in to purchase new titles for the IRC we

would be grateful.


From Monday 17 May the IRC will no longer be open during Recess. All secondary printing needs to be done

before school or at lunch time.

All other times remain the same.

Mrs A Sheerman

Head of Information Services


Celebrating the links between making music and feeling good, this week of music is an initiative of the Australian

Music Therapy Association and The Music Council of Australia’s Music: Play for Life. Broughton is joining in with a

number of music events:

Friday 14 May: Andrew Oh (Saxophones & Flute) inscursion performance for Year 8, Year 10 Elective Music, and

Woodwind Students across the College.

Monday 17 May: Grandparents Day performances by our Intermediate Concert Band and Year 10 Elective Music

Jazz solos and class item.

Tuesday 18 May: Secondary Ensembles Concert (Advanced Concert Band with Secondary String Ensemble, Stage

Band, Middle School Choir, and Senior Vocal Group) from 11.30 am to 12.10 pm for the Junior School. Parents

are also welcome to attend.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 5

Thursday 20 May: Middle School Choir performance for Campbelltown Senior Citizens.

Friday 21 May: Bach To The Future inscursion performance for Year 7 and Year 9 Elective Music.


This is a reminder to check details of school photos issued in newsletters on 23 April and 7 May.

School photo dates are:

Secondary: Wednesday 26 May

Junior: Thursday 27 May


Each student should have received an envelope for ordering individual photos and their class/grade photos plus

an envelope to order Group photos that are on the day. If envelopes have not been received by your child they will

need to collect them from the respective school office.

The group photos to be taken on the above photo dates were listed in last week’s newsletter and are on the

envelope to tick which ones you are ordering.(no sports photos taken at this stage).

Details in past newsletters have been given for ordering. All orders are made on the photography day and must

have correct money to give to the photographer. If ordering a group photo the separate envelope for these must

also be handed in with correct payment. There is also an on-line ordering option. Any late orders incur a late fee of

$10.00 and are to be handled directly by Advance Photography not by the College.

A reminder that sports photos will be taken on 12 October and family photos on 17 June. Family photo details will

be coming soon.



Mrs Debra Noakes is a member of the Mathematics Faculty. She has also taught Science and

worked with Numeracy support in the College. She and Chris (Property Department) have been

married for 30 years and have two children: Peter (Year 12, 2002) and Melissa (Year 12, 2005),

who is married to Anthony (‘Chucky’ from Anglican Youthworks at Port Hacking). She came to

Broughton after many years teaching in Public schools.

She and Chris are members of the congregation at St Lukes, The Oaks. In any free time, she

enjoys playing the piano (when no one else is listening!) and spending time with family and

friends. Mrs Noakes decided on teaching as a career when she was in Kindergarten and has never

really thought of any other vocation. Although she thrives on the excitement and challenges of teaching

Mathematics, her greatest joy in teaching at Broughton has been the privilege of sharing her love of Jesus with her

students and colleagues.

The Sound of Music is upon us and we are at the stage where we would love specific help with smaller areas. The

performance dates are Wednesday 23 – Saturday 26 June 7.30 pm and Matinee Sing-A-Long Saturday 26 June

2.30 pm. With over 80 students involved, it’s a wonderful time to join together as a community and have some fun

on a big event! Included in this newsletter is a flyer for tickets to our Secondary Musical for 2010.

Please contact Mr Jon Bines (j.bines@broughton.nsw.edu.au) if you may be able to assist with any of the following


BROUGHTON Newsletter - 6

1. Makeup before each performance

2. Set construction with Mr Steve Margin & Mr Stuart Carmody

3. Costume management at each performance

4. Costume adjustments before the performance

5. Costume washing before and or after the performances are all finished

6. Stage floor painting (matt black)

7. Setting up railed area/makeshift pit for the orchestra in the corner

8. Packing up the set and cleaning on Monday 28 June

9. Picking up and Dropping back costumes

10. Picking up and dropping back audio/lighting gear


• Praise for the appointment of Mr O’Connor to Headmaster of our College. Pray for wisdom and humility

for Mr O’Connor as he continues to lead the College and its staff in a Godly manner.

• Pray for all those involved in our College musical preparations.

• Pray for families in the College who have experienced bereavement or illness recently and continue to

support them through these difficult times.

Mrs C Kennedy




The Broughton Stage 3 Debating Team has an exciting start to the IPSHA debating

competition. On Friday 7 May, Broughton hosted its first debate against Danebank Anglican

School. The topic considered the benefits of 2010 compare to 1960. The students considered

the impact of technology, medical advancements, communication and environmental changes

on the world today. The first debate was close, with Danebank winning the debate only by a

few points and 1960 being declared better than 2010. The second debate, where Broughton

argued the negative side, was declared in Broughton’s favour and 1960’s once again winning

over 2010.

I would like to thank Danebank Anglican School for such a well argued debate and the wonderful experience it was

to meet students from another school. The students and I would also like to thank Mr Bryant who gave up his

Friday to help adjudicate the debate and who was amazed by the strong team that we have put together this year.

He gave special mention to Mikaela Zagari for her well developed arguments and the use of examples that were

incorporated into her speech.

I would also like to thank the Junior School debating team for the time that they put into preparing the debate.

They met two recesses each week for two weeks and also spent time preparing their speeches and arguments

during their own time. Their enthusiasm for debating and representing Broughton was evident on the day with the

quality in which their speeches were delivered.

Mrs K Bradley

Facilitator of Gifted Education - Junior School

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 7


We are all looking forward to this special event. Grandparents will be treated to a range of activities between

9am and 12.30pm, culminating in a picnic lunch with their grandchildren. We look forward to this day with great

excitement. Grandparents will need to bring their own picnic lunch and possibly a picnic chair, limited seating will

be available. There will be an opportunity for grandparents to purchase a book for the library that will be

dedicated to their grandchild.

Any grandparent wishing to take their grandchild home after lunch will require a signed permission note

from the parents.


The teachers in the Junior School would like to trial a designated fruit break each

morning. Good eating habits formed during childhood help children grow well and

protect them against disease in later life. We are keen for feedback from parents on

what they think of such a proposal.

The teachers have proposed that each morning close to 10am all students and teachers

will eat a piece of fruit or vegetable, to recharge and get them through until recess. On

Monday 17 May there will be a launch of the concept at the Parents and Friends

Association. We would appreciate the thoughts and opinions of parents before we commence this trial.


Statewide Eyesight Preschoolers Screening will be held on 24 and 28 May. Preparatory children will have the

opportunity to have their vision checked. As part of the South –Western Area Health Services, Denise Holtz, a

school nurse, will visit Broughton and conduct the screening.

Mrs R Robson

Deputy Head of College – Junior School



Planning is a great motivator for many students and helps overcome many of the fears and

anxieties that children and adolescents may have.

By learning to plan their time, their actions, their budget, their social life and their activities,

they get a sense of control instead of feeling overpowered by external sources.

Planning is another form of “chunking”. It is supposed to ease the feeling of being

overwhelmed. Many students want to do or have things but have no idea how to get them.

They do

not even know the right questions to ask. Simple things, like preparing for a test, something our students

experience over and over again during their school years, present time management and technical challenges to

them. Being unable to plan their homework makes it seem hard and may discourage them from even starting.


Encourage your children to use a calendar.

When they are young, buy them a themed calendar that they like and teach them to use it every day. Here are

some things your children can write in their calendars that will teach them planning.

1. Homework

Write homework due dates, but also teach them the importance of finishing their homework as soon as possible,

when information is still fresh in their mind.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 8

2. Assignments

Write assignment due dates and plan backwards from them. Help them estimate how long it will take them to

complete each assignment and teach them to always have a "time buffer", just in case they need some more time.

One idea is setting a “family due date” for assignments a week before the official due date.

3. Special events

Birthdays, parties, trips, family gatherings

4. To do list

Bring sports gear to school, return library book, due dates of library books

5. Time table for out of school activities

Basketball practice 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm on Mondays, music lesson 6.00 pm – 6.30 pm on Wednesdays

6. Fun ideas for spare time


The most important thing about using a calendar is not having it but using it. If you have a great calendar but

never use it, it has no value. Every day, make sure you help your child use their calendar. Go over their day and

teach them to write down all the things they can think of and clear some space in their mind. Every day, make sure

they look at the following day, week and month and plan what they need. The calendar can double up as a

monitoring and confidence boosting tool by checking completed assignments and even writing down impressions

and lessons learned.

Keep doing this until you are confident your child will use their calendar without your help.


Use a family calendar to be a role model and encourage family planning. A simple white board on a centrally

located door and some whiteboard markers will do the trick. Write down anything the family needs to take into

consideration when planning something new.

Encourage your children to add their activities in the family calendar to give them a sense of belonging and to

show their input is valued.

Encourage them to ask "who, what, when and where". Once they get into the habit of asking these questions, they

will be able to plan ahead better, because each question covers a different angle. For example, if they need to go

to music lesson, they would ask "Who will take me there?" or "How will I get there?", "What do I need to take with

me?", "When does it start?", "When should I practice?" and "Where are my notes?"


1. Planning is a motivation technique that helps young people deal with their fear of the unknown

2. Use a calendar to teach planning

3. Use a family calendar to encourage collaboration and consideration between family members

4. Use the what, where, when, who and how question to practice planning ahead

Source: Andrew Mullins Parenting No. 76 May 2010 www.ronitbaras.com



The Sydney Morning Herald HSC and Careers Expo is on the weekend June 4 – 6. Year 12 students will be going to

this event on June 4.

However, other students at the College may feel that this is suitable for them as well.

Year 10 students will be going to the Macarthur Area Careers Expo on June 10.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 9


Any student who would like to participate in the OHS Course for Construction (green/white) card, please see Mrs

Wiseman in the IRC to register your interest for this course.

This course will allow students to go on construction sites during work experience and help with applications for

apprenticeships in the electrical and building area.

Students and parents are reminded that the yellow work experience book is due back to Mrs Wiseman by the end

of Term 2.


Our Writer of the Week is Alexandra Lovelock, of Year 8, for her imaginative poem on a leaf.


Thin and fragile,

Long and torn.

The leaf lies withered

On the bent branch.

Twisting, writhing, pulling free

From the glue that holds its feet

Down to the silky ground.

Smelling fresh air,

Feeling the wind,

Seeing the offering grass

The taste of freedom is in the air.

Floating down like a silky feather

Graceful as a bird in flight

Sighing as it hits the ground

It’s time for sleep

His dreams are calling for him.


On Tuesday 25 May 2010 at 7.30pm in the College Hall Year 10 (2010) and their parents are invited to attend an

information evening as we begin to plan for their subject choices for the 2012 Higher School Certificate. Year 10

are asked to attend in their formal uniform including blazers.

Mrs Murdoch

Deputy Head of College – Secondary and Pastoral Service


Over the past few weeks, the students of Broughton have been gearing up for BAC Factor auditions, which were

held Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes this week in the Worship Centre. We saw a vast array of talent in

performing arts, with some colourful acts and requests.

BAC Factor is, as the name suggests, a talent quest in the tradition of X-Factor with three judges (Mr Main, Mrs

Margin and Ali Ormrod) which will showcase the talents of Broughtonians. Some of the acts include drama,

singing, musical instruments, dance routines, juggling, stand-up comedy, and some combinations of any or all of

the above.

Date: Tuesday 18 May 2010

Time: 7.00 pm

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 10

Location: Broughton Anglican College Hall

Cost: Gold coin donation

Please come along to support your friends and peers, it is going to be a great night with some very entertaining

acts. All funds raised go to African AIDS Foundation, which is a great cause that the Broughton community has

made great contributions to in the past, and we hope to continue this generosity.

See you there!

Your Prefect Team



If you are interested in coming along to meetings, our next General Meeting will be held on Monday 17 May

2010. The meeting will start promptly at 7.30 pm with a tour of the new computer lab. Come along and hear

about what the College is doing with the Digital Education Revolution grant as well as a broader update on IT

within the College. Following the tour, we will return to the IRC for a light supper and then finish up with any

general business.


As outlined in last week’s newsletter, we are very excited to have been selected as one of thirty schools

participating in the 2010 My Macarthur Schools Challenge.

My Macarthur Schools Challenge 2010 is a program designed to encourage parents, students, teachers and friends

to shop at Macarthur Square in order to obtain dollars for our school for every dollar spent in centre. Every $1

spent at Macarthur Square will equal one school dollar during the challenge. At the end of the challenge, the ten

schools with the highest number of dollars per student will win a share in a prize pool of $40,000.


Parents, students, teachers and friends are rewarded for what they would normally do each week – shop at

Macarthur Square. To support our school, simply present your receipts to the Customer Service Desk on Level 1.

An interactive, instant tally screen will be on display so you know how our school is tracking throughout the entire

challenge. If you cannot always get down to the Customer Service Desk, make sure you keep your receipts and

drop them off in one of the boxes located in either the IRC, Junior School Office or Secondary Learning Centre.

We will then collate receipts and on a regular basis present them to the Customer Service Desk. Remember, to get

into the habit of asking for a receipt and keep them all (regardless of the quantum). Every dollar can make a



My Macarthur Schools Challenge Start Date: Tuesday 11 May 2010, 9.00 am

My Macarthur Schools Challenge End Date: Sunday 20 June 2010, 5.00 pm

Bonus Double Up Days: Thursday 21 May, Saturday 5 June and Thursday 17 June.

On the above three bonus days, every $1 spent at Macarthur Square will be worth two school dollars. Bonus

double up day receipts will only be valid on the actual bonus day, so you need to make time to go to the

Customer Service Desk on these dates. Please note that if presented on a day outside the bonus day period, only

one point per dollar will be allocated

When you are shopping at Macarthur Square, don’t forget that a benefit of the being part of the P&F is that you

can also get discounts as well as further our fundraising by shopping at:


Use your MPV card or quote Broughton Anglican College (or our number which is 2470) if you don’t yet have a

card. You will receive a 5% discount on our purchases and the College in turn earns points that are used to

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 11

purchase sporting equipment for all students.

worthwhile if you shop at the Macarthur Square store between 11 May and 20 June 2010.


Each time you purchase a pair of shoes from The Athlete’s Foot Campbelltown, they will contribute 5% of the

purchase back to the school. This offer is available

need to do is register for the Club Fit Loyalty Card program and let them know that you want to be linked to

Broughton Anglican College. If you are already part of the Club Fit program, just l

be linked to Broughton Anglican College.


Order forms and information sheets for the entertainment books are i

family, friends and neighbours ordering

with $11 from each book sale ($13 for each Sydney book) going straight towards this year's fundraising.

benefit each time you use your book.

How to order

1. Complete the form providing all details plus your child's name and class (we need this information for delivery


2. You can pay by cheque or credit card.

3. Drop your order form into either the Junior School or

Please note that orders should not be sent vi

4. Orders will be collected on a weekly basis, with booklets bei


Remember: orders must be received by no later than Friday 30 May 20

Lisa Hunt

P & F President 2010



We are starting to collect items to help get our stalls ready for the Spring Fair.

just sitting around at home, and no longer want or need them.

would be greatly appreciated:

Old books or old cooking magazin

� Children’s and Adults books

� Good quality old cooking & recipe magazines, fishing & golf magazines

or 4 magazines. (eg. Donna Hay, Good Food magazines etc)

Old records/albums and CDs

� The old, round, vinyl things that

� The more modern discs

� Please make sure they aren’t scratched or damaged

Old DVDs

� Suitable titles for the Spring Fair, especially chil

Lucky Dip Items

� Do you have any small NEW

dips? eg. Mini footballs & soccer balls, yo


purchase sporting equipment for all students. This offer is available at all Rebel Stores, but is obviously even more

e if you shop at the Macarthur Square store between 11 May and 20 June 2010.

Each time you purchase a pair of shoes from The Athlete’s Foot Campbelltown, they will contribute 5% of the

This offer is available at anytime during the year. To be part of the program all you

need to do is register for the Club Fit Loyalty Card program and let them know that you want to be linked to

Broughton Anglican College. If you are already part of the Club Fit program, just let them know that you want to

be linked to Broughton Anglican College.


Order forms and information sheets for the entertainment books are included with this newsletter.

neighbours ordering as well to help us increase our fundraising.

with $11 from each book sale ($13 for each Sydney book) going straight towards this year's fundraising.

benefit each time you use your book.

form providing all details plus your child's name and class (we need this information for delivery

ay by cheque or credit card. Please note that we cannot accept cash orders.

Drop your order form into either the Junior School or Secondary Learning Centre

Please note that orders should not be sent via your child's class teacher.

Orders will be collected on a weekly basis, with booklets being distributed (via your child) as soon as

rders must be received by no later than Friday 30 May 2010, so get in quick.

help get our stalls ready for the Spring Fair. You may have some of these items

just sitting around at home, and no longer want or need them. If you can donate any of the following items they

Old books or old cooking magazines

Good quality old cooking & recipe magazines, fishing & golf magazines that can be sold in bundles of 3

magazines. (eg. Donna Hay, Good Food magazines etc)

The old, round, vinyl things that our kids have never seen

Please make sure they aren’t scratched or damaged

Suitable titles for the Spring Fair, especially children’s DVDs.

(not used) novelty items that can be used to make up boys and girls lucky

& soccer balls, yo-yo’s, slinkys, girls notepads & pens etc.

This offer is available at all Rebel Stores, but is obviously even more

e if you shop at the Macarthur Square store between 11 May and 20 June 2010.

Each time you purchase a pair of shoes from The Athlete’s Foot Campbelltown, they will contribute 5% of the

To be part of the program all you

need to do is register for the Club Fit Loyalty Card program and let them know that you want to be linked to

et them know that you want to

ncluded with this newsletter. Get your

as well to help us increase our fundraising. Books are priced from $55

with $11 from each book sale ($13 for each Sydney book) going straight towards this year's fundraising. You also

form providing all details plus your child's name and class (we need this information for delivery

Please note that we cannot accept cash orders.

(whichever is easier for you).

ng distributed (via your child) as soon as

10, so get in quick.

You may have some of these items

If you can donate any of the following items they

that can be sold in bundles of 3

(not used) novelty items that can be used to make up boys and girls lucky

s, girls notepads & pens etc.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 12

� You may have some Lucky Dip items at home or even know a company that could donate some small toy

items that we could use (eg. sponsor branded mini footballs etc). but please NO McDonalds toys.

Baskets or gift boxes (medium to large size)

� These will be used to make up gift baskets and boxes for our Gift Basket Stall.

There will be a collection box for each of these items outside of the Junior School Office.

Please place your donations in the appropriate box each morning.

Many thanks for your kind donations.

Broughton Spring Fair Committee


Canteen Telephone Number: 02 4645 2054 Hours 7.00 am – 1.30 pm

Monday 17 May Sue Powers, Kelli-Anne Kimber

Tuesday 18 May Sue Cartledge, HELP

Wednesday 19 May Christina Flocco, Lynda Walsh

Thursday 20 May Sharon Clements, HELP

Friday 21 May Lyn Nonnenmacher, Trish Robinson

Monday 24 May Vesna Johnson, HELP

Tuesday 25 May Sue Powers, HELP

Wednesday 26 May HELP, HELP

Thursday 27 May Sandra Lanz, Antje Taylor

Friday 28 May Jane Little, Sandra Hooper


BAC Shop Telephone Number: 02 4633 8221 (trading hours only)

Mondays 8.00 am – 11.00 am Tuesdays 8.00 am – 11.00 am Thursdays 12.30 pm – 4.00 pm

Pre-paid orders of grey blazers are now ready to be collected from the Uniform Shop during normal shop hours.


Secondary Telephone: 02 4633 8365 Secondary Fax: 02 4633 8358

Junior Telephone: 02 4633 8366 Junior Fax: 02 4634 8424

After School Care: 02 4645 2088 (after 4.00 pm only)

Email: reception@broughton.nsw.edu.au Website: www.broughton.nsw.edu.au




BROUGHTON Newsletter - 13



• JS Grandparents’ Day 9.20 am – 12.30 pm

• P & F General Meeting 7.30 pm

• HICES Debating Round 3


� Preparatory STEPS sight testing

� JS NASSA Cross Country Championships

� Primary Chapel 2.05 pm College Hall


• NSWCIS 15 & Under Netball Trials

• Yr 12 Seminar and Study Hall

• Yr 4 Camden Park Dairy Excursion

• Primary Assembly 2.15 pm College Hall

• BAC Factor 7.00 pm Worship Centre

• Secondary School Band Concert and

Ensembles for Junior School

• Maths Olympiad


� JS ICAS Computer Skills Tests

� Yr 9 & 10 Da Vinci Decathlon

� Yr 12 Seminar and Study Hall

� Primary Assembly 2.15 pm College Hall

� Yr 11 2011 Subject Information Evening

� 7.30 pm College Hall


• Yr 10 Pyrmont Through Time

• Yr 11 Leadership Camp (Prefects elect)

• JS Active After School Communities –

In - school Gala Day

• JS IPSSO Sport at Wollondilly

• Inschool Gala Day 9.00 am – 1.00 pm


� Duke of Edinburgh Bronze prep session

� Yr 5 & 6 Da Vinci Decathlon

� Secondary School Photo Day

� JS IPSSO Sport at BAC


• Student Leadership Camp (Year 11 Prefects)


• MISA Debating Yr 8

• Preparatory and Infants Assembly 2.15 pm

College Hall


� Whole College Photo Day


� Preparatory and Infants Assembly 2.15 pm

College Hall


• NSW All Schools 15 & Under Netball Trials

• JS IPSHA Debating - St. Euphemia Bankstown


• Student Leadership Camp (Prefects elect)

• NSW Junior Chess League Championships

• Yr 2, 4, 6 Gymnastics

• Yr 7 & 9 Elective Music inscursion

• Yr 12 Advanced English inscursion


� Yr 2, 4 & 6 Gymnastics

� Preparatory STEPS sight testing

� NSW Junior Chess League Championships


� Proposed Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Hike


� Proposed Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Hike

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 14


The Spring Fair will be held on

Saturday 28 August 2010 so we need to get organised as soon as possible.

With YOUR HELP we are hoping to make this year’s Spring Fair at Broughton the biggest and best one ever!


* would you like to volunteer to help at the Spring Fair?

* are you interested in having a stall at the Fair?

* is your community group (eg. Dance school, gymnastics group, scouts, girl guides, bush fire

brigade etc) interested in having a display at the Fair?

* do you have a business, or know of a business, that could donate an item to our Silent


Please remember to return your Expression of Interest and Volunteer note

sent home last week if you can help at the Spring Fair in any way.

(purple note for Junior School, white note for High School)

Or contact the following Spring Fair Coordinators for more information:

Contact Number

Broughton parents interested in having own

stall at the Fair

Maria Sapienza 0414 784 784

Corporate stalls for outside businesses Maria Sapienza 0414 784 784

Silent Auction Donations Anna Bova 0410 488 891

Community Group Displays & General Enquiries Audrey Nable 0401 227 377

Volunteers/Helpers Lisa Sims (or contact your Year Co-ordinator)

Prep – Brooke Carrigg Ph 0432 616 041

Kindergarten –Beata Gowing Ph 0423 658


Year 1 – Heidi Mead Ph 0414 926 537

Year 2 – Lisa Cibilic Ph 0412 672 391

Year 3 – Vesna Johnson Ph 0410 455 616

Year 4 – Lisa Sims Ph 0408 208 521

Year 5 – Jacqi Foster Ph 0417 227 042

Year 6 – Kylie North Ph 0403 469 983

0408 208 521

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 15

Fine Dining Restaurants

Enzo Italian Restaurant

Jarrah Restaurant NEW Hoffy’s Bella Vita NEW

Olives Restaurant l Punto NEW

Trattoria la Vigna NEW The Gardens Restaurant

Menangle House Lexie’s Restaurant NEW

Vinnie's Ristorante Chilli Bambu NEW

Infusion Restaurant (Rydges) The Art House New

Café & Family Dining Restaurants

Barenz NEW Rashays

Euro Bar & Grill Bohemian Euro Restaurant

Hog’s Breath Café Vaby’s Mediterranean Grill

Isabelle's Woodfired Pizzeria Lone Star Steakhouse

Davo’s Trattoria Ricky’s Woodfired Pizza

Pancakes On The Rocks

Informal Dining & Takeaway

Krispy Kreme Entertainment Gold Award winner

McDonald’s McCafe

Hungry Jacks Pizza Hut

Gloria Jean’s Coffee Oporto

Red Rooster Subway

Arts, Sports & Attractions

Taronga Zoo Entertainment Gold Award winner

Parramatta Eels Sydney Swans NEW

AMF Bowling Campbelltown Golf Club NEW

Hoyts & Greater Union Cinemas Featherdale Wildlife Park

Harbour Jet Jenolan Caves

Retail & Local Services

Coles Supermarkets NEW Vintage Cellars

And Many, Many More…….

The 2010/2011 Entertainment Book is filled with lots of NEW and Existing Restaurants & Attractions in the

Macarthur, Liverpool & Surrounding Areas.

BROUGHTON Newsletter - 16

Helping to raise important funds for Broughton Anglican College

Fine and

Contemporary Dining

• Darley’s • El Phoenician

• Il Punto

• Barnaby’s Riverside

• Inside Out

• 42 Bannerman Trattoria e Bar

• Pent Thai

• Sevardi Cucina Italiana

• Trellini’s Bar and Restaurant

• La Tratt

• Glenella

• Iron Chef Chinese Seafood

• Cucina 105

• Lexie’s Restaurant

• Cibo e Vino

• Enzo Italian Restaurant

• Sage at Glenbrook

• Red Rum Restaurant

• RAZZ Restaurant

• Terrace Restaurant Bar & Grill

• Sittano’s Bar and Restaurant

• Il Lago

and many more...

Casual Restaurant

and Family Dining

• PJ Gallagher’s • Epping Hotel

• Castle Hill Tavern

• The Ettamogah

• The Ranch

• Vaby’s Mediterranean Grill

• Temasek

• Sushi Bay

• Sicilian

• Rashay’s

• Barenz Espresso.Pizza.Wine

• Bamboodle

• Lapstone Hotel Bistro

• Vault 146

• Arjuna Indian Restaurant

• City Extra

• Summerland

• Nadia’s Café

• Pancakes on the Rocks

• Red Cow

• The Original Montezuma’s

• The Hatters Cafe

and many more...

Informal Dining

and Takeaway • McDonald’s

• Gloria Jean’s Coffees

• Hungry Jack’s

• Krispy Kreme

• Subway

• The Coffee Club

• New Zealand Natural

• Domino’s Pizza

• Pie Face

• Donut King

• Nando’s

• Oporto

• Brumby’s

• Michel’s Patisserie

and many more....

Arts, Sports

and Attractions

• Taronga Zoo • Sydney Aquarium

• Luna Park

• The Penrith Panthers

• Sydney Swans

• Hoyts

• Greater Union (Event


• AMF Bowling

• Sydney Wildlife World

• The Edge Cinema

• Riverside Theatre


• Regional Cinemas in


The Hawkesbury and

The Blue Mountains

and many more...

Retail, Travel, Leisure and Accommodation

• Avis/Budget/Europcar/Hertz/Thrifty • Mantra/BreakFree Hotels


• Hamilton Island & Apartments

• QBE Travel Insurance • ACP/News/Pacific Magazines

• Fantasea Cruises • Warner Village Theme Parks

• Conrad Jupiters and many more...


To order your copy, fill out this order form.

If you have any questions please contact: Lisa Hunt Ph: 0414 735 502 Email: p&f@broughton.nsw.edu.au

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________State: _________________ P/Code: ___________________

I would like to order: _____ x Parramatta/Hills/Blue Mtns/Macarthur @ $60 each (GST incl.)=$_____________

_____ x Sydney North @ $65 each (GST incl.)=$_____________

_____ x Sydney @ $65 each (GST incl.)= $____________

� I will collect the Book OR � I have included $7 per Book for postage and handling Total amount enclosed: $______________

I would like to pay by: � Cheque (cheques must be payable to: Broughton Anglican College P&F Association)

Or please charge my: � Visa � MasterCard

Credit Card Number: ___ ___ ___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___/___ ___ ___ ___ Expiry Date: ___ ___/___ ___

Cardholder’s Name: ___________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________