A New Kind of Revolution - Mr. Raineyraineyworldhistory.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/6/3/... ·...

Post on 21-Sep-2020

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• Industrial Revolution- 1700s- started in Great Britain-power-driven machinery was developed

• Factors- Exploration, colonialism, sea power, government support, private investment

• Enclosure movement- wealthy landowners combined small farms to create large farms and fenced them in

A New Kind of Revolution

•more efficient farming methods•food supply increased•many farmers thrown off land, went to cities for jobs•formed workforce for growing industries

Factors of Production in

Great Britain

Station #2

Government Parliament passed laws that favored business, helping

the country compete successfully against other nations

Agriculture Seed drill; improved livestock breeding; better varieties of

food crops; enclosure movement

Land Natural resources: WATER!! (waterwheels to generate

power, transportation);

Coal (burn as fuel); Iron (make steel for machines)

Labor Growing population (due to increased food supply);

Thousands of people lost farmland (enclosure mvmt) and

went to work in industry

Capital Funds for investment in business; people had money to


“human capital” – people with abilities and skills

Station #3

Invention/ Claim to Fame

4.1 Jethro Tull- seed drill

4.2 1793- Eli Whitney invented cotton gin- clean seeds out of cotton- one worker could clean 50 pounds a day versus one pound

4.3: James Hargreaves: Spinning jenny- spun several threads at once

4.4: Richard Arkwright: Spinning Frame- spun stronger, thinner thread

4.5: John Kay: Flying shuttle – doubled speed of weaving

4.6 Steam engine- 1712- James Watt- locomotives-steamships

4.7 Robert Fulton-growth of coal mining industry- dangers of mining

Station #4

4.8 Samuel Slater: “Father of American Industry”

• Because of British restrictions, Samuel Slater memorized plans for Arkwright machinery- built the first mills in US

•Weaving was a cottage industry- labor performed at home•Industrialization transformed this- wool or cotton fiber-slave labor- cotton gin- spinning jenny- flying shuttle•Factory invented- water power

Station #6

Station # 7

Factories and Workers• Working in a factory-dangerous- long workdays- poor factory


• Life in factory towns- towns around factories- near coal mines- poor sanitation- “black country”- smog

Station #99.1

Station #99.2

Station #99.3

• Labor Union: organization representing worker’s interests

• Strikes: work stoppages to urge employers to raise wages and improve working conditions

•Mass production: manufacturing large numbers of identical items

•Interchangeable parts: identical machine made parts; made production and repair of goods more efficient

•Assembly line: product moves from worker to worker as each one performs a step. DIVISION OF LABOR; many items made quickly.

Station #11

Advantages Disadvantages

Increased production

Decreased prices

Availability of goods

Harsh working conditions


Child mortality

Ended cottage industry

Industrial Production