A new place, bigger, more complete, more functional and ...

Post on 11-Feb-2022

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Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana

Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana Rruga Shahin Toci, Tirana

www.efit.edu.al ; info@efit.edu.al tel : +355 (0) 69 60 47 557

Dear Madam/Sir, The French International School of Tirana (EFIT) opens its doors! New school year starting in September 2015 is particularly significant as it marks the implementation of a new organization. The main aim being a double offer to our families: long term visibility on their child scholar curriculum and a superior quality/price ratio. On the base of an efficient overhead costs rationalization in order to secure our school future.. This new leads is marked with several new features: A new place, bigger, more complete, more functional and independent In order to create a solid basis for growth, to go as fast as possible towards the creation of a quality French high school, only guarantee of sustainability, we decided to move our school. The EFIT now has its own premises, formerly American School TIS located Rruga Shahin Toci. New name: French International School of Tirana One little word more, but an important meaning. The EFIT is an international French school. French because: - Is approved by the French Ministry of Education - The official French curriculum is taught - Our teachers are recognized (certified) and inspected

Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana

Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana Rruga Shahin Toci, Tirana

www.efit.edu.al ; info@efit.edu.al tel : +355 (0) 69 60 47 557

- Our aim is to produce "person with god mind rather than stuffed brain." International because: - Our motto is "2 cultures, 3 languages" - Each of our students must acquire an intimate knowledge of French and Albanian cultures - Everyone must be fluent in French, Albanian and ENGLISH - In short, our school is open to the world. New logo : This is a free adaptation of the flag of the Republic of Korca, including the tricolor necktie posed alongside the national emblem of Albania. New internet address: www.efit.edu.al New school canteen The premises of the EFIT have a kitchen and a dining room. We had an agreement with the company SOGITAL Catering who will be in charge of our restauration. Menus are provided monthly for the next month. New management team Headmaster: Mr. François Blondel Administrative department: Ms. Marsida Sula NB: Please find as attachment EFIT’s tuition and the school calendar for the year 2015/2016.

Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana

Ecole Française Internationale de Tirana Rruga Shahin Toci, Tirana

www.efit.edu.al ; info@efit.edu.al tel : +355 (0) 69 60 47 557

School Board: M. JF Le Roch, President M. B. Fitoussi, Ambassador of France, Administrator Mme. E. Gioni, Treasurer Mme V Sirbubalo, Secretary Mme B. Drinic, Administrator