A new world Ch 1 Who were the earliest inhabitants of America?

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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A new worldCh 1

Who were the earliest inhabitants of America?

Who were the most advanced? How so?

• S of US border– Maize, cities, architecture– Math, astronomy, calendar– Government, division of labor

• N of MX– Primitive: about 10 million– Ltd agriculture– Hunter/gatherers

• Exceptions:– Powhatans – VA– Creeks- Gulf region– SW cave dwellers

Did they have a values system?

• Dignity

• Self reliance

• Self control

• Individualistic– No cooperation or division of labor

Who were the 1st explorers?

• 11th c. Norsemen -> Iceland, Newfoundland– Sm. Settlement

• 1492 Columbus for Spain

• 1400s Portuguese (Henry The Navigator)– Around Africa -> India for spices

American on eve of exploration

• Natives of the Americas 1491

Developments in Europe that lead to exploration

• Rise of Merchant Class– Seeking 4n trade

• Rise of kings & larger units of society– Nationhood– Wealth, power– Pursuit of 4n trade, riches, land

How did Columbus wind up working for Spanish?

• Genoese– Theory: reaching east by sailing west– Turned down by Italy, Portugal– Spain allows, to compete with P

Success or Failure?

• Found Carib Isles Oct. 1492– Letter from Columbus on first voyage

• 4 trips looking for Asia

• Found some gold

Can you go E by heading W?

• Magellan sailed around S America 1519-22– To Asia

• Search for NW passage– Non-existant

Significance of the Treaty of Tordesillas

• Divided world 1494– 46-47th meridians– P gets all parts east; Sp gets west

– Who got better deal at the time? Why?

Why didn’t Natives defeat invaders?

• Spanish are armed

• Unscrupulous

• Kill and enslave Indians

• Had horses & firearms

How did Spain plan to make money from Americas?

• Gold -> sugar -> cheap labor

• Encomiendas: slaves on plantations

• Encomenderos (owners) demand labor as tribute

• Indians used on sugar plantations, silver mines from Mexico thru Peru

Why did Spanish empire decline by 17th century?

• Overwork, despair, disease wiped out labor

• 25 million down to 1 million

• Lost competition to England– Armada sank

Results of early Spanish exploration of N. America?

• Ponce de Leon -> Fl coast

• Narvaez & De Soto -> SW Fl & Gulf plains

• Coronado -> AZ, NM, TX, OK, KS 1540-42no gold, silver

– Few people

What Spanish settlement was there in the US?

• 1565 St. Augustine, Fl- fort

• Missions north to SC & Chesapeake Bay– Farming & crafts

• West to AZ, NM

• Presidios built to hold back hostiles thru CA

Who were the first Europeans to explore NW US?

• 1497 John Cabot, Genoese, sailed for England… NE coast

• 1524 Verrazano, Florentine, for France… NC -> Nova Scotia, looking for NW Pass

• 1534 Jacques Cartier, St. Lawrence River -> 1st rapids

• 1541 Cartier’s settlement– No gold, riches… – Fr, Eng, Sp, Port Grand Banks: Cod fishing

• Sp & Fall docks, drying stations on shore; international communities

How did Europeans begin new settlements in N. America?

• Gradually– Fur trapping began

• Trade w/ Indians (Furs for metals)

• 1608- Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec• 1609- Henry Hudson -> Hudson River for Dutch• 1623- Dutch trading posts along Delaware River

– 1624 Hudson River– 1633 Connecticut River

• 1638- Swedes – outposts on Delaware R– 1655 pushed out by Dutch

What was the purpose of French and Dutch trade in the New World?• Trade with the Indians

What was the effect of French and Dutch trade on the Indians?

• Disease• Alcohol• Christianity• Progress• Guns• Hatchets• Weakened tribal customs• Tribal warfare/ rivalry

How was England’s exploration so diff. from the French, Dutch and

Spanish?• Protestants (Henry VIII) – 1539

– Divorced from Catherine, married Anne– Got monastic lands, wealth

• Impt: launched religious rivalry– 100 yrs warfare w/ Spain

• Selling off monastic land starts price rev– $$$ shifts– Rise of Merchant class

• They will finance exploration

How will the rise of a merchant class shape English settlement &

exploration?• 1576: Cathay (China) Co – to trade w/ China via

Americas– Martin Frobisher NW passage– 2nd trip, ret. w/ fools gold Co folds

• 1578 Humphrey Gilbert colony– Codfish– Exploit natives– Raid Spanish

• 2nd try: 83: financed by noblemen, merchants• 260 settlers, 5 ships Newfoundland lost @ Sea

– Hakluyt’s sales pitch

And then the unexpected

• 1584 Sir W. Raleigh- – 85: Roanoke Isle (VA/NC)… home by 86– 87: 120 people– 88: Spanish Armada – 90: re-supply Roanoke gone

• Problem: no profits here?

How did colonizing become profitable for England?

• 1606- Jamestown Joint Stock Co– Merchant groups invest- less loss/profit– 2 B gov’d by Cpt John Smith

• 1609- VA Co- new charter:– Est Governing council

• Co members chose Governor• Gov chose council of advisors• Sold stock to public

– Got 9 ships, 600 emigrants» 400 arrived» Smith injured; left

• ’09-11: Starving time• ’12: new crop: tobacco- $$$ by ‘17

How did slavery become pt of VA economy?

• 1618: VA Co reforms to ^ investors, planters– For fare to VA, get: Head right (50 acres)

• Must pay Quit rent– Col gov’d by English law, Rights– Planters elect assembly, help Gov’s council legislate– Variety of craftsmen to be sent to diversify

• Hard life: diseases, starvation, raids, labor shortages• VA Co bankrupt, King dissolved, controlled• 1619: 1st slaves arrive via Dutch

– More $$ than 7 yr indentured servants• 60s: ^ pop ^ labor ^ tobacco v prices

– Bands of indigent freedmen make trouble– ^^ slaves imported

How do Puritans come to New World?

• Enclosure, ^^$$$, dislocation, ^^taxes large scale emigration

• Plymouth Group of VA Co- chartered: ‘Council 4 New E’

• 1630s Gt Migration N.E. & W.I.– Calvinists: Church of E= corrupt/papist

• 1620- Congregationalists (Separatists) -> Plymouth via Holland

How does N.E.’s est. set precedent 4 self gov in America?

• Mayflower Compact: Cape Cod 12/1620– B4 disembarking, agreed: est Gov & follow

laws (outside VA)– Aboard the Mayflower

Puritan Migration

• 1628 Puritans took over N.E. Col MA Bay Col

• 29: re-org’d controlled by Puritan stockholders

• 30: 1st thousand under Winthrop1640s 15k- 20k settled Boston, etc

How did Democracy begin in N.E.?

• 1631- Transformed from trading company to Commonwealth– Admitted 100 adult men to company to vote– Freemenship open to all Church members-

• 2 elect council 2 assist law making• General Ct: Gov, deputy Gov, Exec council, body

of deputies elected annually– Legislature & Supreme Ct

Character of Puritan N.E.

• Congregational churches

• No Bishops or Church Courts

• Sep of Church & State

Who were the troublemakers and their significance?

• Roger Williams: said – King had no rt to grant land w/o purchase– Gov had no authority in religious matters

• Represents ‘liberty principle’ to Winthrop’s ‘authority principle’• Banished to R.I. as threat to unity

• Anne Hutchinson- meetings to improve upon Puritan sermons– Denied ‘good conduct’ is a sign of Grace (rule of law)– Claimed ‘Holy Spirit’ in hearts of true believers gives automatic

Grace• Followers split colony (threaten peace)

– Told authorities she had a revelation from God (blasphemy!)• Banished to R.I.

How did R.I. become legitimized?

• Roger Williams applied to Parliament

• 1640- gets it

• 1663 Royal Charter confirms & guarantees religious freedom

How was CT founded, why?

• Puritans want more space took land from weak Dutch trading posts

• Form gov w/ agreement: “Fundamental Orders”

• 1662” Royal Charter granted– Adds in New Haven

How does Puritan control foster Capitalism?

• Policy: no virtue in Poverty

• Hard work & frugal conduct: sign of grace– And coincidentally: success

What was Puritan economy based on?

• Fishing

• Corn

• Wheat

• Cattle

• Lumber

• Ship building

Colonies established for family fortune:

• George Calvert Lord Baltimore: MD– Charter 1632, died son: Cecilius

• Calverts: Catholic- MD becomes refuge• Gov’d from England granted small estates

– Rent collected– Lets in Puritans (tobacco farmers)

– 1649: MD Toleration Act: freedom of worship• For all Christians who accept Trinity