A nglo - S axon R eligion By: Alyssa Lloyd Danny Ford Courtney Holliday.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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By:Alyssa LloydDanny Ford

Courtney Holliday




• The Pagans were referred to as “Heathens” in their time.

• The Pagans worshipped gods and goddesses.

• Their gods and goddesses were part of, and ruled every aspect of their lives.

Conversion to Christianity

• The fall of Anglo-Saxon Paganism began around 597 C.E.

• Pope Gregory sent Roman missionaries to convert the “Heathens” to Christianity.

“These heathen temples should not be destroyed but be converted into

Christian places of worship” –Pope Gregory the Great

Christianity brought many new changes to the Anglo-Saxonsthough they maintained their brutality. The brought the witchcraft, polytheism, and rituals to a definite hiatus.

• http://englishheathenism.homestead.com/heathenheritage.html

Anglo-Saxon Heathenism• http://www.britainexpress.com/History/Early_Christian_Britain.htm

Early Christianity in Britain

•http://history.wisc.edu/sommerville/123/123%206%20Anglo-Saxons%20III.htm Anglo-Saxon England III- The Spread of Christianity

• http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/saxons/religion.htm

Anglo-Saxon Religion