A Nkiwane- Character in Curriculum.pptx

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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PowerPoint Presentation

A reflection on development of cognitive character in the Grade 6 Social Sciences Class By

Adlet Nkiwane

Developing Character Through CurriculumDr. C. Holliday

Concordia University07.11.2014

1Developing a cognitive side of characterWhat is character?Right conduct in relation to others and in relation to oneself.a compatible mix of all those virtues identified by religious traditions, literary stories, the sages and persons of common sense down through history.

What Moral Knowing involvesMoral awareness.

Knowing moral values.

Perspective taking.

Moral reasoning.

Decision making.


Moral awareness

I can ask learners to choose from the web a value that that best describes them without a name.Then learners take turns to read and guess who is being described.If they guess right the person comes and tell the class about the value.Then the learner writes the value in his or her journal

3Explanation of qualities of moral knowing

Conscience has two sides

Moral knowing- knowing what is right.

2.Understanding how to apply values in appropriate situations.3.Group discussion of Bills situation.4.Group presentation

4Moral reasoning & Decision makingBill is not employed. He really needs money to provide for his family. Is it all-right for him to illegally poach rhinos?Why?


Perspective taking


Learners write a list of traits about themselves like one above.8ReferencesBlackfords (2012).knowing me, Knowing you. Retrieve from www.biosciencecarreer.org/2012//09knowing_me_knowing-you.htmlLickona, T. (1992). Educating for Character: How Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. New York, NY: Bantam Books.Brent, S. ,Gwin, P. (2012) National Geographic: Rhino Wars. Retrieved fromwww.ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2012/03/rhino-wars/gwin-textPeterson, Seligman, (2004). VIA Character Strengths and Virtues. Retrieved from www.jonathandunnemann.blogspot.com/2014/08/fergusonSelf Awareness. Retrieved from www.lifeskillshandbooks.com/2012/11/activity-1-self-awareness-special-me-htmlWeatherly, J. (n.d). Perspective Taking with R Chi. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.comwatch?v=cxTv5FeUaf.O

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