A Note from Pastor Troy · 2015-11-24 · As the holiday season gets into full swing, please...

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Vol. 25, No. 19 Ph. 979-696-7000

Nov. 29-Dec. 12, 2015 Fax 979-693-4778

Happy Thanksgiving! We had a great time this past Sunday at the Harvest Banquet. As I said that night, the Harvest Banquet is one of my favorite events. I love to see our faith family come together, share a meal, and fellowship together. It's great to see our family gathered for this special time of sharing. The Harvest Banquet was a great time to thank God for all He has done for us and through us in the preceding year. We also culminated our Bridge the Gap giving emphasis. I am very proud of the sacrifices you made to help us move toward our goal of meeting our budget for this year. Even though we fell short of that goal, I am thankful for your sacrifice for

the sake of God's Kingdom work. As I mentioned Sunday, as we work together and with the Lord, nothing is impossible. Thank you for your faithfulness, generosity, and sacrifice.

Thanksgiving ushers in the Advent season. The first Sunday of Advent is November 29. As we have done over the past few years, we have produced an Advent Devotional Guide to help lead you in the celebration of Christmas. You can pick up a copy of this year's Advent Devotional in the church office or in designated areas throughout the building. I want to say thank you to each of our devotional writers. What makes this publication so great is that our members write it. It is encouraging to hear your stories and ponderings on Scripture. I also want to say a special thank you to Mary Jo Powell who compiled this year's guide. She did a fantastic job, as always. In addition, I want to thank Joy Cope who formatted and designed this year's guide. I hope that you will pick up a copy and use it to lead you in worship as we celebrate the coming of Christ.

As you have heard, we are taking nominations to create a University Pastor Search Team. Nomination forms are available in your bulletin each Sunday as well as in the church office. I would ask this of you as you make your nominations – please ask the person you are nominating if they would like to be considered to serve on the search team. This helps the Personnel Committee and Committee on Committees as they form the Search Team. Please return your completed forms to the drop box in the church office.

One final note… Thanks for being a church who loves so well. I spoke with a first-time guest recently who remarked to me how welcomed and loved they felt. Continue to allow the love and grace of Jesus flow through you and into others.

For God's Glory,

A Note from Pastor Troy

Statistically Speaking

Through November 24, 2015

Budget Needs .................... $1,440,637

Budget Receipts ................ $1,355,876

Over/Under .......................... ($84,761)

Bridge The Gap ...................... $41,000

Please PRAY for our members & relatives. Names in bold are new additions

Julie Bilberry, Frank Bumba, Iris

Burkett, B.J. Conrad, Nancy Coppock,

Duncan Covington, Grant Eiland,

Marylou Franklin, Lou Ann Gaulding,

Louise Hamilton, Dee Ann Harris,

Eddie Hernandez, Rosalie Hernandez,

Austin Hodge, Melinda Hyer, Edsel &

Donna Jones, Weston Jordan, Jerri

Kelly, Rosemarie & Richie Kotara,

Gary Kovar, Ciara Lard, David

Maddox, Dora Magee, Bill Lancaster,

Linda Lee, Eddie Lockett, LaNelle

McCulley, Jim & Sue Melton, Dianne

Miles, Ruth Newton, Delores Oppel,

Joy Pearce, Cookie Pears, James

Pears, Billye Pratt, Marilyn Radke, Lou

Ann Roquet, Nannette Rowan, Norma

Rowland, Reina Tirado, Frank

Sheppard, Marcell Smith, Bronwyn

Stanley, Karen Steele, Krista

Steubing, Larry Steubing, Todd

Stickney, Julian Watson, Daralyn

Wallace, Arthur Whittington, Hazel

Williams, Hung Chi & Jeanne Yu,

Ministers & their Families, Office &

Building Staff & their Families, church

missions, activities, & ministries

If you have updates or additions o the prayer list, please call the

church office at 696-7000.

Sarah Duewall, Business Administrator sarah@fbccollegestation.com

The proposed 2016 budget was passed by the church at the vote that took place on Nov. 15, 2015. Thank you to all of the Budget Committee members who worked so hard on the proposal and especially to the current chair of that committee, Susan Sassano. I also truly appreciate all those who attended the budget discussions on Nov. 8 and will use the suggestions I heard when the 2017 budget proposal discussions begin next summer.

Thank you to everyone who has given their time, talents, and finances this year! As the holiday season gets into full swing, please remember that we have a convenient, online way to give a one-time gift or set up a monthly gift to the church. Just go to the church website and click on the ‘give’ tab (www.fbccollegestation.com).

Many blessings to all of you this holiday season!


You are invited to help decorate our Worship Center for Christmas by donating one or more poinsettia plants. Plants will remain in the Sanctuary until December 24, when you may pick them up after our Christmas eve service.

The cost of each plant is $16.00.

Donor Name: _____________________

Day Phone: ______________________

In Memory or Honor of: (circle one)





Please use a separate form for EACH poinsettia order. Payment must

accompany your order.

Meet Our


Jennifer E. Sibold

joined 11/15/15

by Statement

Hannah Horne

joined 11/22/15

by Transfer of Letter


Dorian & Michael Campbell

& sister, Camille

on the birth of their son & brother,

Oliver Michael

born November 18 * 7lbs 5oz 19.5in

Jon & Christin Wilson

joined 11/22/15

by Transfer of Letter

“…when you place your faith in Jesus, it does not matter who you are or where you’ve been. What is most important is your faith eXpressing itself in

love.” – Galatians 5:6


1. College & GAP Free Lunch: Sunday, December 6 at 12:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.

2. Small Groups: Throughout the Week - Be a part of authentic Christian community where the Bible is taught, prayers are lifted high, fellowship is real and FUN! Check out our small groups page: http://www.expressionministry.com/#/small-groups

3. Sunday Morning Bible Study: Every Sunday at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall - Our next series is over 1st John.

4. Seattle Mission Trip, January 8-14: Start praying now about your part in this mission. We will be helping our church plant partner, Ekklesia Seattle, reach its community for Christ with prayer walks, engaging people in spiritual conversations, leading worship, and through community service. Contact Meagan for more information, meaganelise@txun.net.

Meagan Poland, College Ministry Intern www.expressionministry.com

Cary Todd, Minister to Youth www.focusedstudents.com


Sunday morning Bible study, 9:45am – 10:50am.

Disciples in Growth (DIG), 6:00pm in the youth building.

Refuge: Wednesdays, 6:00pm – 7:45pm; Begins with a meal @ 6:00pm in the main worship center.


December 5th – Our students will visit homebound folks to decorate for Christmas. We’ll leave FBC College Station at 9:00am & return around noon.

December 9th – We will deliver gifts to a family in need during Refuge. We will publish a list of the needs soon, which can be picked up in the church office. It will also be on our Focus Student Ministry website.

December 12th – Focus Student Ministries Christmas Party from 6:00pm – 10:00pm. Meet at FBC College Station to leave for Messiah’s Ranch. This Christian retreat center is 35 minutes north of Bryan. We will have a meal and dessert, plus play a few games and exchange white elephant gifts. Please bring a gag gift for the exchange and spend as little as possible on your gift. If possible, spend nothing on your gift and get creative. We will return to FBC College Station by 10:00pm.

January 15 -17, 2016 – D-Now 2016 is just around the corner! Beginning December 1st, students can go to www.focusedstudents.com to find out details and register.

Once again, thanks to the Deacons & the Sunday school classes who have graciously cooked and provided meals for our students and adult leaders

for Refuge on Wednesday nights at 6:00pm. We are truly blessed by and appreciative of your efforts!

In His Service,


Bronwyn Stanley, Minister to Children www.fbcfirstkids.com

December 13 - Preschool Birthday for Jesus * During Sunday School the preschoolers will celebrate Jesus’ birth with special treats and games.

December 20 - Family Caroling to Homebound 5:00pm * Meet at the church at 5:00pm to carpool to our destinations. We will have refreshments at the church afterwards.

The children who attended camp last summer prepared treat bags to encourage campers who attend the Special Friends Retreat. This retreat is a fun time for adults with special needs to get together in a “camp” environment for a weekend. The campers were very excited to receive the treats and notes of encouragement. The director of the retreat, Diane Lane, sent this note:

Dear FBC College Station Mission Group,

Words of thank you seem so simple for the joy and excitement you gave our campers of our Special Friends retreat. They were so excited to receive gifts from you. They sensed the love you gave them through these simple goodie bags. Most of all, you shared Christ’s love with them. Thank you! I am grateful for you and the time you gave to make these gifts. God, thank you for these mission minded children and for a church that teaches them to love others.


DO YOU NEED TO UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS? PHONE NUMBER? EMAIL? Please contact lisa@fbccollegestation.com

2300 Welsh Avenue College Station, TX 77845

POSTMASTER: Please forward address changes.

Our Regular Weekly Events Schedule

Sundays Early Worship ..................................................... 8:30am Sunday School for all Ages ..................................... 9:45 Brown Memorial Library Open ................... 9:45 & 10:40 Late Worship ......................................................... 11:00 Youth Bible Drill ................................................. 4:30pm Brown Memorial Library Open ................................ 5:00 Children’s Chimes of Praise .................................. 5:00 Adult Discipleship Classes ...................................... 6:00 Preschool Bible Adventures (babies-3yrs).............. 6:00 W.A.M. (4yrs-6th gr.)............................................... 6:00 D.I.G. (Youth) .......................................................... 6:00 Mondays Deacon-led Prayer Time (open to all) ................ 6:30am Moms in Prayer for CSHS....................................... 8:30 E-News Deadline ............................................... 5:00pm First Touch Church Outreach ................................. 6:30 Community Bible Study........................................... 7:00 Tender Warriors A (men’s Bible study) ................... 8:00

Tuesdays Fitness Class (all ladies ..................................... 9:00am Food Pantry (volunteers @ 9am) .......................... 10:00 Quilt-n-Peace ........................................................ 10:00 Youth Praise Band rehearsal ............................. 5:00pm Praise Team Rehearsal .......................................... 6:00 Evening Quilters (1st & 3rd Tues) ........................... 6:30 Instrumental Ensemble Rehearsal .......................... 7:00 Women’s Prayer Meeting ........................................ 7:00 Evening Women’s Bible Study ................................ 7:30 Wednesdays Morning Ladies Bible Study ............................... 9:00am Discovery International Program ............................. 9:00 Brown Memorial Library Opens ......................... 5:00pm Sanctuary Bells (adults) .......................................... 5:30 Adult Teachers Meeting .......................................... 5:45 Sanctuary Choir (adults) ......................................... 6:30 Mission Friends (babies-K) ..................................... 6:30 Bible Buddies (1st-3rd grd) ..................................... 6:30

Wednesdays continued Bible Drill (4th-6th grd) ............................................ 6:30 Youth Refuge Worship (Free Meal @ 6:00) ........... 6:30 Adult Bible Study .................................................... 6:30 Thursdays Fitness Class ..................................................... 9:00am Tender Warriors B (men’s Bible study) ................. Noon Tender Warriors C (@ Blue Baker on Univ.) ..... 8:00pm

Next Newsletter Deadline: Monday, December 13 @ Noon

E-news Deadline:

Every MONDAY @ 5:00pm

Please bring information to the office or email daralyn.fbc@gmail.com.

Coming to First Baptist Church ~ November 29 - December 12, 2015


1st Sunday of Advent ..................... both services

Regular Sunday Evening Activities ........ 4:30pm


First Touch Church Outreach .................. 6:30pm Community Bible Study ................................ 7:00 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1

Track Mates Dinner & Interest Meeting ... 6:30pm


Homebound Ministry Team ..................... 5:30pm


Parents’ Night Out ................................... 6:00pm


Youth Christmas Outreach ...................... 9:00am

Seekers Class Party ................................ 6:30pm


2nd Sunday of Advent .................... both services

Round Rock Gift Presentations ...... both services

College & GAP Lunch (free) .................. 12:30pm

Parade of Choirs ..................................... 6:00pm


South Texas Missions Team ................... 5:30pm

First Touch Church Outreach .................. 6:30pm Community Bible Study ................................ 7:00 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 Youth Christmas Party ............................ 5:00pm

COMING SOON Sanctuary Choir Christmas Concert ......... Dec 13 ELC Christmas Program .......................... Dec 17 Deacons’ Meeting .................................... Dec 20 Church-wide Christmas Caroling ............. Dec 20 Christmas Eve Service ............................. Dec 24 Family Pancake Breakfast & Sunday School @ 9:30 am ................. Dec 27


Building Closed ... Dec. 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30

Building Open until Noon ......................... Dec 31

Building Closed .......................................... Jan 1

No Evening Activities ................................. Jan 3