A parrot in the forest

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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A story by Soo Hyun.


A parrot in the forest

By Soo Hyun

In the depths of the forest there was a parrot with beautiful and colourful

feathers called Flory . All the other parrots were jealous of her. Birds from all over the forest would come just to

admire her feathers.

One day a little bird asked Flory for one tiny feather.

“NO WAY” squawked Flory. “I am too beautiful to give you

one of my feathers!”

The little bird sadly flew away. From that day on every bird

hated her for her vain talking.

After a while of being ignored by the other birds in the

forest, Flory was so lonely she asked a passing seagull “How can I make friends?”.

The seagull didn’t know what to say so he said to the parrot “Go to the wise peacock, she

will know what to do.”

So Flory went to the wise peacock. “How can I make

friends?”asked Flory. The wise peacock answered

“Share your feathers”. “Never!” squawked Flory. “Your choice” said the wise

peacock. “Share your feathers and make friends or be beautiful

and be lonely forever.”

“But….” Flory had more to ask but the wise peacock had

already disappeared. On the way back to Flory's nest the little bird flew down again beside Flory and asked, “Can I please have one tiny

feather of yours, please? They are so beautiful and mine are so

dark and plain”

Flory thought and thought and remembered the peacocks words. She

gave one tiny feather to the little bird. Suddenly a

bunch of birds came flying down wondering if they could have a feather too. Flory handed out her feathers until there was

only one left for her . Although she now wasn’t the prettiest bird in the

forest she was the happiest .



Being vain