A Play in Three Acts

Post on 06-May-2015

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Closing keynote at GOVIS 2009 by Nat Torkington. First part: a Web 2.0 hypemerchant social media consultant. Second part: a bozo manager. Third part: honest truths.


A Play In Three Acts

Social Brand Mashworks

Kevin RyallSocial Media Guru


• @kevin1971 on Twitter

• kevin1971 on Skype

• kevin@socialmediaguru.co.nz

• http://socialmediaguru.co.nz

I have over 4000 followers on Twitter, including Stephen Fry and two basketball stars, a shoe company, forty-three startups, and John Key’s press release feed. Here’s my website, where you can sign up to my Social Media Blast newsletter.

this is the long tail. did they have long tails when you were young? no, you probably grew up with short tails, or maybe long heads, or whatever it was, it was NOWHERE as cool as the long tail. and social networks have long tails, man, they have them in spades. you’re probably way out there, with no followers and a bebo page or something lame like that. i’m up here, my page has followers up the wazoo and freakin GLITTER. anyway, the point of this slide is to show that i know business and maths and i’m hipper than you are in ways your senior citizen grey-power brains can’t begin to fathom.

Social Brand Mashwork

Who here knows what a social brand mashwork is? Right, I didn’t think so. That’s why you asked me here today.

Social Brand Mashwork


brand-building social mashup


It’s that simple, I wonder why nobody’s thought of it before. A web site where ordinary people can have meaningful interactions with brands.


• IT Projects : Massive FAIL!!!

• 18% Govt IT Projects Succeed (2004 Data)

• Was anything invented in 2004 that change this???

This is why they’re important.

The Answer

• Facebook and other social brand mashwork spaces

• Social Networks: capability to engage brand consumers in leveraged interactions

• Game changing for IT!!!

Social networks are like kryptonite for IT projects. NONE of that 2004 study’s failures were social network projects. THINK about it.

The World Is Changing

• Web 1.0 was Yahoo! : PUBLISHING

• Web 2.0 was Google : SEARCHING

• Web 3.0 is Twitter + Facebook : SOCIAL BRAND MASHWORK


in 1996 we put things online. in 2001 we tried to find them. in 2006, we took pictures of our cats, send them to our friends, and bragged about the things we found online. it’s the future and why aren’t you here? by now you’re probably slavering to learn more, so let’s dig into a social brand mashwork

Social Brand Mashworks

• Information exchange

• Personal contact

• Game play elements

• Profiles

• Friending/Following

• Ratings/Rankings

all this plus your brand and if your brand isn’t in, it’s out.

Do U Kno UR Cus2mrs???

They probably spell like this. It all comes down to this question: do you know your customers? And the flipside: do they know you? Social brand mashworks help.

Three Stages of Social Brand Mashworks


First step is to get a Twitter account. Then you listen to what people are saying about you. Then you engage with them and tell them where they’re wrong. THAT’S INTERACTION!

Everything Is Better With A

Social Network

So, to conclude with the first half of my presentation, everything is better with a social network.

Case Studies

Before I came, I set my mind to designing some solutions to your problems. You haven’t told me what you think your problems are, but it’s not necessary. The beauty of social brand mashworks is that you can just drop them in anywhere. Let’s take three examples.

Archives New Zealand

First, it’s Archives New Zealand. They look after papers and things. They’re like Flickr but for papers. And there’s no Creative Commons. And it’s not on the web yet. It’s so boring. I mean, they put things in boxes, write the box number down, and play Solitaire all day. No public engagement, no brand equity in the mashup world. Let’s fix that.


• “friend” memos

• RSS feeds from file boxes

• “email me when this is released”

Look how a social brand mashwork really makes this come alive! Johnny User in Tamuku signs up for an account on FaceBox and can friend memos, get feeds from the boxes, and be notified whenever the boxes are opened. (You could probably save on money and just not implement that last feature, but don’t tell the software vendors I said that!)

Internal Affairs

• Passports and visas and stuff

• BORing???

• No!!!

Next, IA. Same problem. SNORE.Passports are SO unsexy.Or are they?

Internal Affairs

• How cool would it be to chat with other people waiting for their passports or visas?

• MyIAspace.govt.nz

find partners, dates, marriages onlinesolve migrants problems : CUSTOMER FOCUSEDyou build your brand as they build their family. talk about positive brand connotation: “your government department got me laid/found me my wife”

MyIAspace: your passport ... to love!kevin1971: Citizen : Europeanhet : male : 1971 : harleys : romcoms

thaitofield: i got a new job roofing in sth akland for a friend! on my way up, baby!tawny: new star trek movie sux!!! msg me if u hated it 2!!!chas: anyone know where i can work before my permit comes through?user chas retiredsimong: looking for young classy lady to be my soulmate. no smokers. msg me!

Latest Activity

this is totally a Long Tail business, putting Affairs back into Internal Affairs ... possibly Internal too, if we do it right.

The Queuemeets

The Game

The Power Play

• Migrant investors

• Partner with NZ Post

• Direct Marketing lists

Here’s how you pay for it: compile a list of migrant investors with over a million to invest and rent the list to direct marketers. NZ Post, an SOE, has plenty of experience here. Synergies, baby, it’s all about the synergies.

Ministry of Social Development

• Serves millions of New Zealanders

• Large software shop, with hundreds (thousands?) of developers

• Where is the game play?

Ministry of Social Development

• Register for a benefit, create an avatar online

• Job applications are monsters to be fought

• points for every CV submitted and interview attended

Ministry of Social Development

• Educational courses are quests

• exams the Big Boss battle at the end

• certificate? Power up!

Letʼs go down the jobs office

and submit some CVs!

Dude ur so gay! Im off 2

plunket 4 kidʼs shotz.

25 gold, fool!


World of Welfare

Social Brand Mashaction

I’m still saving pocket money to get an iPhone but when I do, I’m happy to come back and show you iPhone app ideas.Anyway, in short, you need my form of Social Brand Mashaction and if you hire me I’ll friend you on Twitter. Thank you.

e-gov 2.0 UpdateSimon English

e-government Office

Hello, team. Thanks for joining me for this exciting update on our amazing transformative projects. You’ve all been just fabulous and I know you’ll be happy with how it’s going.

e-gov 2.0 Update

• Budget

• User engagement

• Twitter

• Facebook

• CE Blog

• Creative Commons

Here’s our agenda for the day.


• Line-by-line review complete

• Sustainability

• Focus on front-line

• On-time and under-budget

• Support and engage the productive sector

• Transform and magnify

So, the line by line review of our department has concluded. You’ll notice the empty seats around you. Karen, that corner office you were asking about has come open. See me later.It has come to my attention that some of you still have “sustainability” in your project descriptions. Just a reminder that you need to remove that before we get to the capital allocation cycle. Use “core business” instead.Here are our goals, straight from Himself at the top. I know we’re totally on track to transform government and magnify our service delivery pro-actively in this new millennium. e-wise.

User Engagement

• Comprehensive, multi-stakeholder plan for full-course engagement

• Tweaks

• James

• Initial engagement: Thursday

• Transformative

Loved the plan for user engagement. I buy into it completely. Can’t do a project without it: multstakeholder, full-term engagement, the whole thing. Just a few tweaks. Because of the budget cutbacks, we can’t get in the mixture of demographics you wanted (state housing resident, DPB recipient, etc.), but I think you’ll like the solution we’ve come up with. James from mid-term asset planning will come over and he can pretend to be your users. He’s up for it. Though as the Mid-Term Asset Planning Strategic Review’s entering its critical middle year, I don’t think we can spare him across the whole project. You’ve got him for an hour on Thursday, though, and if you give him the questions beforehand I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how he does.It’ll be totally transformative and absolutely check that box on our performance criteria about being agile.


• Department’s Twitter account set up

• @MinSocCulEcAff

• Revolution in listening to citizens

• Janet

• 9-9.30 Thursdays, 1-1.15 Fridays

• Comms

retyping press releases


• Simon running our Facebook page

• Up to 121 Friends

• Posted photos from our Brains Trust morning tea

• Comments

• Changing the game

121 is 10 more than DPMC, ha!wry comment on the photo from Tony’s Mum, nice one Tony!

CE Blog

• Unqualified success

• Unmediated, unfiltered

• Straight from the CE

• Karen in Comms

• Fifth post goes up this week

thanks to Karen in Comms for her stellar work writing thisi don’t think i will ruin the surprise when I hint that in the next one the CE makes some very hilarious observations on the strategic plan.

Creative Commons

• Enables reuse

• Cornerstone of openness and transparency

• Legal quibbles

• Commercial pushback

• Our first CC release will be our CC policy

• References

winnow down the list of things that CC applies to

Thank You(Thomas, stay behind)

I know you’re getting a bit nervous with this open source and agile talk.

Don’t worry, mate. Look, if the vendors who wine and dine the Minister in their box seats don’t kill it, the IT guys will never let it fly. They got two trips to Las Vegas for “professional development” last year. No way they’ll let those hippies derail the gravy train! And even if it does, we can always nail it in the budget round. The vendor’s slipped us a few white papers that show that the cost of “free” is even greater than the cost of their product! Yes, I know, the one we pay tens of millions for! It’s genius!

Agile’s not a problem, anyway. I’ve had a word with the Treasury boys and they’ll demand a copy of the detailed requirements and specification before they’ll authorise it. Yeah, not a hope. Nah nah, you’re welcome. Catch you later!

The TruthNat TorkingtonCitizen, Geek

Why Am I Here?

outsiderWeb 2.0 fairy dustI’m not the social media consultant, the hype master.And I’m not a pointy-haired boss, uncomprehendingly or callously grinfucking every good idea.Yeah, I think GOVIS bit off more than they can chew when they asked me to give the closing keynote.

New technology will transform

government and its interaction with


I think ....It already has. Look at how the telephone changed things. The fax machine. Email. Anyone who thinks it stops there and we don’t have to deliver services through the web is mistaken. And it doesn’t stop at the web: mobile phones will be critical, and who knows what next.

You don’t have a technology

problem, you have a people problem.

This sentence is always true, but it’s very true now. The technology your customers want you to use, the technology that will let you implement transparency and the rest of it is all here. The technology isn’t the hard part. People are the hard part. Actually, you have several people problems.


Politicians are not leading. They’ve gutted the SSC. There’s been no articulated vision around IT from the top, just “broadband”, “jobs”, and “cut costs”. They’ve gutted budgets like Jack the Ripper with a Ginsu knife kit. They haven’t just cut fat, they’ve cut sinew, spinal columns, and in some cases brain. While they set and slash the budgets, you’ll find it bloody hard to do things that they don’t understand.

I want to see signs that we have political leaders that understand bits as well as atoms, RAM as well as lamb. Like Fox Mulder, I want to believe. Right now I need a sign and I’m not getting one from the political leadership. That’s a people problem.

Shared Direction

We’ve seen a squillion idealistic visionary aspirational challenges in talks this week. Open! Transform! Devolve! Involve! Do it like the Brits! The Americans! The Canadians! Even the Aussies are ahead of us for fuck’s sake! You’re pulled in different directions because everyone has a different idea of what the future should be. Some of them even want it to be more like the past.You need that shared vision, whether provided by the Government CIO or a committee of yourselves, or someone else entirely. You don’t have one now, and that’s a people problem.


The political nature of your environment is a huge barrier to success. Infighting, squabbling, treachery, backstabbing, deceit, and the rest of it. Most of you operate in an incredibly dysfunctional workplace (I’m not picking on Government here--most large companies have identical problems). This takes up your time, creates a lot of stress, and makes it harder for you to do anything that might possibly be criticised. This is a people problem.


You know John Donne, 1600s poet who wrote among other things the immortal words “No man is an Island”? You’re all islands. You work away by yourself for most of the year, and you count yourself lucky if you know what’s going on in your own department. At GOVIS and a few other events you might run into people and learn something that happens elsewhere, but it’s casual and haphazard. Talk more, learn more, share more. It’s hard being an island, because you have to learn everything by experience. When I was a kid, the school issued me a diary with words I’ve never forgotten: “experience is a hard master, but fools will have no other”. People problem: the people don’t talk enough.

Dr Nat Prescribes

So what the hell are you to do? I’m not going to sugar coat, it’s going to be bloody miserable for a few months. As Ros said, America and UK politicians are welcoming the openness because it’s rebuilding bridges burned in the last eight years. NZ politicians are still spending goodwill, they don’t need to earn it again.So to do the Right Thing (whatever that might be, you don’t have a shared direction, remember?) will mean going outside traditional methods. I’m going to give you five easy tasks. If everyone who came to GOVIS does these, we’ll all be better off.

Do the small things and do them right

You can’t make big changes. Accept that. Government is typically pretty crap at big changes whether you like to admit it or not. Lots of failures, particularly when IT enters the picture. So grieve for what you thought you had, and move on. Those aspirational futures we heard about won’t be yours this year.But you can do small things. Small things that, regardless of the details of the overall vision, will be helpful and correct.What am I talked about? Let’s get specific, here.


Put your hand up if you believe that you make decisions based on reality and not on fantasy.Ok, now say it: “I make informed decisions.”Come on.

Visit something social

Spend a week learning about something interactive. Twitter, for example. You can decide it’s not for you, that’s cool. But make an *informed* choice. Do it like this: find someone who already uses it a lot, ask them to show you how it works and how they decide what to say and who to follow, and spend a week experimenting. Use your own name, not the department’s. See how companies, organizations, and departments are using it. THEN decide whether there’s a role for it in your department. You might decide “wow, we need to know what people are saying about us, even if we don’t join in”. You might even decide that it’s not important. Fine! I’m all for informed choices, but just as you shouldn’t make a decision on something because you’ve bought into a social brand mashwork buffoon’s hype, you shouldn’t make a decision because there people who overhype things. Go into it with an open mind, try it, and then make a balanced assessment.This is good because you’ll be making decisions based on reality and not rumour.

Use a cloud app

Cloud is a very real option today, not a hypothetical fantasy. You should investigate.Try Google Docs. Get two willing coworkers, sign up for Google accounts, and together build the presentation on Google Docs that you’ll give to the rest of your group. Take notes in the word processor, build the presentation, use the spreadsheet to estimate savings if you switched. Yes, the free version has an “all your base are belong to us” clause in the signup, but the government version doesn’t.Again, make an INFORMED choice about possible cost savings.

Learn about open source

Open source gives you freedom and agility. Freedom to make the software exactly what you need it to be. Agility to try things quickly and cheaply because you don’t need to go through an RFP process.Talk to Don Christie from New Zealand Open Source Society. Talk to the Electoral Enrolment Centre who are all open source. Talk to any of the many great open source vendors. I’m not saying you should rush out and do everything open source--that’s your decision. But again, spend a short amount of time learning about it so you can make a reality-based decision.

TryCreative Commons

Release something under a Creative Commons license. I don’t care what, it could be your media releases. Tell Digital New Zealand at the National Library and they’ll add it to their list of goodies. Talk to each other about what you’re doing and use each other as examples (“hey, if those clowns in FISHERIES can do it, surely we can!”). Don’t stop at one thing, keep doing it. Build momentum until you get the Alice’s Restaurant effect. You know, if one person does it then they’re a freak. If two people do it, they’re queer. But if fifteen people do it, you’ve got a movement. This is universally good because you’ll be putting information into citizens’ hands in a way that they can determine how they use it.

Talk with three fellow GOVIS


I’ve spoken with enough of you this week to know that you’re not fools, you’re smart, passionate, intelligent people. You’ve met plenty of people. Hopefully shared business cards or email addresses. Pick three and keep them posted on your CC, open source, cloud, etc. work. Ask questions: how did you sneak this past IT? How did you get the lawyers happy with that? How did you run that project so well? Who built that for you so cheaply? How many people did you need to staff that?

We must all hang together

or, most assuredly, we shall all hang
