A Poem About Repurposing Website Content

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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An amusing poem; an insightful rhyme With some useful info, and pictures too. I create content all of the time So thought I would share some techniques with you.


A poem about repurposing website content By Matt Jackson BrandingMedia.co.uk

You’ve spent hours creating

a top notch blog post

You’re proud, you’re impressed,

you may even boast

Quite frankly it’s ace; the bee’s knees, the mutt’s nuts

It’s generated views, some hits,

and thumbs ups

But time has passed on and you’re feeling deflated

Your immeasurable pride and smug face have abated

It must have more life; offer greater reward

Over that one piece of content,

hours you pored

Take heart, fear not, it’s not over yet

There are ways to repurpose you’ve not thought of yet

There’s no need to research, brainstorm, or ponder

You can start by converting it to an autoresponder

A series of emails, in exchange for addresses

Multiple contacts will sign up as yesses

Another fine trick That you’ll struggle to beat

Is to turn a list post into a series of Tweets

Combine your best content that’s topically related

Create an ebook that’s branded and rated

Break it all down, as small as you dare

Create a presentation and upload to Slideshare

Hire an actor or read it out clearly

Create a podcast that will convert

Yes, really!!

Research some data, statistics, and quotes

Use reliable sources and cite them in footnotes

Add background pictures,

turn numbers to charts

Your infographic will please number tarts

Once you’ve repurposed and basked in acclaim

Don’t just give up - do it again and again

Success may not come on your very first time

But if all else fails, turn it into a rhyme

Matt Jackson BrandingMedia.co.uk Professional content creation