A presentation by luna, julie, ivet, cristina and míriam

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Made by Luna, Julie, Ivet, Cristina & Miriam

Catalonia België

Our impression of Manlleu was very good. We were very welcome in our hosts houses. The village is quite calm and old but very lovely. The first day we were all tired and hungry but after we’ve got food, we were full because they eat a lot here. Dinner time is also different here in Catalonia. Our host houses were very clean and beautiful. The parents and brothers or / and sisters were also lovely people. WE HAD AVERY GREAT TIME!

First Day

We went shopping in vic and having a good time at Lidia’s place.

Having dinner with all the lovely people in a italian restaurant.

The day in barcelona was really nice, we did a lot of fun things.

Yesterday we had a chill day in Manllleu, we did some sideseeing and stuff.